Raise the draft age to 21 unless you are in the military.

The voting age was lowered to 18 in 1970. This was done because people were complaining about being eligible for the draft at 18, yet ineligible to vote after serving a tour.

You can volunteer for the military at 18 and should be able to vote if you do so, except you should not be able to be drafted until you are 21. Also, raise the voting age to 21 for non-military.
If Pelosi says 16yos are adult enough to vote, sign 'em up...

You can volunteer for the military at 18 and should be able to vote if you do so, except you should not be able to be drafted until you are 21. Also, raise the voting age to 21 for non-military.

How about we make all "adult" things happen at the same age?

Drinking, signing contracts, joining the military, being drafted, being tried as an adult, paying for a hooker, voting....

They should all be the same age, you are either an adult or you are not, this stupid piecemeal is for the birds.

Oh, and that age should be 18
I agree that the only solution is to choose an age of majority, and all that comes with it. What that age is; is debatable for me. But doling our the “privileges, and responsibilities” of adulthood piecemeal, over a protracted length of time is a recipient for disaster.
Why? What do you think would be achieved?

Less young people voting means that the repukes are more likely to win. Same reason they don't want the Darkies voting.
The only reason the Leftists want to lower the voting age is because the Leftists have a strangle hold on the education system. As such; often times the programmers spend more time with these impressionable kids than the parents do. Thus they can be easily swayed into voting the “correct” way. Through both indoctrination, and peer pressure...
Set the draft age to 35 and perhaps the politicians would think twice about the cost of war. As far as voting goes, states set the voting age. The 26th amendment just required that no state set it any higher than 18.
The only reason the Leftists want to lower the voting age is because the Leftists have a strangle hold on the education system. As such; often times the programmers spend more time with these impressionable kids than the parents do. Thus they can be easily swayed into voting the “correct” way. Through both indoctrination, and peer pressure...

Yes, the Adult Right Winger voting against his own economic interests after listening to Hate Radio all day... that person isn't indoctrinated at all.

The progressive commie mantra. Add a falsehood to the agenda.

Ignoring 100 years of conservatives suppressing black voting rights, you mean?
The voting age was lowered to 18 in 1970. This was done because people were complaining about being eligible for the draft at 18, yet ineligible to vote after serving a tour.

You can volunteer for the military at 18 and should be able to vote if you do so, except you should not be able to be drafted until you are 21. Also, raise the voting age to 21 for non-military.

I disagree.

If you are old enough to vote - you are old enough to be drafted (though I thinks drafts should be illegal unless an official, declaration-of-war against another country exists).
The voting age was lowered to 18 in 1970. This was done because people were complaining about being eligible for the draft at 18, yet ineligible to vote after serving a tour.

You can volunteer for the military at 18 and should be able to vote if you do so, except you should not be able to be drafted until you are 21. Also, raise the voting age to 21 for non-military.

I don't know about 21, but I do agree that if you aren't eligible to serve your country due to age, then you shouldn't be allowed to vote unless already in the military.

In other words-----------> no voting rights unless you have reached the age of consent.


Because you can NOT give people the right to vote, and then make someone else responsible (their parents) for what they choose to vote in. Drinking age voted on lowered to 16 by the youth, and yet the government holds the parents responsible if the 16 year old gets drunk and kills someone in an auto accident?

I don't think so!
You can volunteer for the military at 18 and should be able to vote if you do so, except you should not be able to be drafted until you are 21. Also, raise the voting age to 21 for non-military.

You do know why they want draftees and voluntary draftees to be as young as possible right?

They get you in there before you're old enough to know better.
Simple as that.

That's actually the reason they want voters to be as young as possible.
The only reason the Leftists want to lower the voting age is because the Leftists have a strangle hold on the education system. As such; often times the programmers spend more time with these impressionable kids than the parents do. Thus they can be easily swayed into voting the “correct” way. Through both indoctrination, and peer pressure...

Yes, the Adult Right Winger voting against his own economic interests after listening to Hate Radio all day... that person isn't indoctrinated at all.

The progressive commie mantra. Add a falsehood to the agenda.

Ignoring 100 years of conservatives suppressing black voting rights, you mean?
What an adult chooses to listen to is an expression of personal freedom; and is entirely voluntary. Attendance at school, with the exception of homeschoolers is compulsory. The two are in no way similar.
Yet your acquiescence to the truth that the motive to lower the voting age, is a direct response to the the popularity of voluntary adherence to right wing conservatism, is refreshing...
What an adult chooses to listen to is an expression of personal freedom; and is entirely voluntary. Attendance at school, with the exception of homeschoolers is compulsory. The two are in no way similar.
Yet your acquiescence to the truth that the motive to lower the voting age, is a direct response to the the popularity of voluntary adherence to right wing conservatism, is refreshing...

Is there some brain disease where you all forgot what you were like when you were sixteen? Most sixteen year olds would do the opposite of what a teacher told them to do. Just because.

I used to listen to Rush all the time. Then I realized he was a closeted homosexual taking the rubes for a ride. Sorry you are too dumb to realize you are being played.
The voting age was lowered to 18 in 1970. This was done because people were complaining about being eligible for the draft at 18, yet ineligible to vote after serving a tour.

You can volunteer for the military at 18 and should be able to vote if you do so, except you should not be able to be drafted until you are 21. Also, raise the voting age to 21 for non-military.

Or just get rid of the Selective Service altogether since conscription is not emblematic of a free society.
Dimocrats want the voting age lowered to 16, so let's lower the requirement to register for the selective service to age 16, and let's require both boys and girls to register.
The voting age was lowered to 18 in 1970. This was done because people were complaining about being eligible for the draft at 18, yet ineligible to vote after serving a tour.

You can volunteer for the military at 18 and should be able to vote if you do so, except you should not be able to be drafted until you are 21. Also, raise the voting age to 21 for non-military.
The draft should never be imposed.
There's really no way to come up with a formula that determines a person 18 years 0 days old is "qualified" to vote while another person 17 years 364 days old, is not. It ain't like the Vote Fairy descends with a magic wand of flooby dust on one's 18th birthday.

In truth some people are knowledgeable and qualified at 18 or much younger while others expend their entire life never attaining that state at all. Which is why the Duopoly party dumbs everything down to catchphrased pandering.

What should really happen is we develop a civics test that determines whether you know enough about how things work in order to vote. Regardless of age. I'll wager we'd lose a hell of a lot more voters than we'd gain.
I've talked to lots of people who can't tell you how many people are in the House of Representatives or why, or how many judges are on the Supreme Court or what kind of cases they hear, but they can tell you how they feel about immigration, abortion, gun rights, etc.
I don't agree with a civics test, although I teach the rudiments of it to our Hi-SET students. The more you know, the better. But the laws apply to all, so all should have a chance to voice their choice.
There's really no way to come up with a formula that determines a person 18 years 0 days old is "qualified" to vote while another person 17 years 364 days old, is not. It ain't like the Vote Fairy descends with a magic wand of flooby dust on one's 18th birthday.

In truth some people are knowledgeable and qualified at 18 or much younger while others expend their entire life never attaining that state at all. Which is why the Duopoly party dumbs everything down to catchphrased pandering.

What should really happen is we develop a civics test that determines whether you know enough about how things work in order to vote. Regardless of age. I'll wager we'd lose a hell of a lot more voters than we'd gain.
I've talked to lots of people who can't tell you how many people are in the House of Representatives or why, or how many judges are on the Supreme Court or what kind of cases they hear, but they can tell you how they feel about immigration, abortion, gun rights, etc.
I don't agree with a civics test, although I teach the rudiments of it to our Hi-SET students. The more you know, the better. But the laws apply to all, so all should have a chance to voice their choice.
No. They shouldn’t. Those on the take, and without property ownership should never be able to cast a vote that determines how the nations funds are allocated. Or vote for those who do.

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