Raise the draft age to 21 unless you are in the military.

Then tells stars and stripes that little excerpt is directly from them. I don't care if it's 25 or 50. Mr know it all go ahead and call stars and stripes and let them know they have fucked up. Every week you seem to work for another department, do you even know where you work?

The maximum age for Army enlisted recruits is 35, while the Navy and Marines cap recruit ages at 34 and 28, respectively. Under federal law, the oldest recruit any military branch can enlist is 42, although each service sets its own policy within that limit.Jun 25, 2014
Air Force raises enlistee age limit from 27 to 39 - Air Force - Stripes
View attachment 251937

Congratulations! If it on the internet it must be true. Stars and Stripes screwed the pooch on that one!

Run along little man.

I just posted proof that I am correct in post #97. I will await your retraction and apology.

I wasn't even responding to anything you said pop, go fuck yourself ;)

If you are not responding to me, then don't quote my post, moron!
Set the draft age to 35 and perhaps the politicians would think twice about the cost of war. As far as voting goes, states set the voting age. The 26th amendment just required that no state set it any higher than 18.

The current maximum age to join the Army is 34!

The maximum age for Army enlisted recruits is 35, while the Navy and Marines cap recruit ages at 34and 28, respectively. Under federal law, the oldest recruit any military branch can enlist is 42, although each service sets its own policy within that limit.

You are incorrect. I happen to be an expert on Army recruiting since that is where I work! I can quote the Army manual if you would like. The maximum age is 34. The day you turn 35, you are ineligible for enlistment. Have a nice day!

Then tells stars and stripes that little excerpt is directly from them. I don't care if it's 25 or 50. Mr know it all go ahead and call stars and stripes and let them know they have fucked up. Every week you seem to work for another department, do you even know where you work?

I am a team leader for the United States Army Recruiting Command (USAREC). I handle all cyber recruiting. If you call an Army toll free number, post on an Army recruiting Facebook page, or appear on a high school or college list, my people answer your questions and contact potential recruits.

If Stars and Stripes posted that, they are wrong.

I also cannot help it if your memory is poor.

You fucking liar they changed it to 42 years old in 2005...........

Army Raises War Time Age Requirement

Army Raises Maximum Enlistment Age
Dropped Back To Pre-War Standards (2011)


Updated June 14, 2017
In 2005, during the initial phases of the Global War On Terror (GWOT), the Army raised it's maximum age requirements to fill the needs of a highly deployed operational force. However, after six years, the need for more troops was decreased and in 2011 the age limit was dropped back to GWOT levels. Also the unemployment rate was higher after the Great Recession that led to a massive recruiting influx that further decreased the need to open the enlistment ranks for civilians in their forties.

Fiscal Year 2006 National Defense Authorization Act.

The Army raised the active-duty age limit to 40 in January as an interim step while it worked out the additional medical screening requirements for recruits ages 40 to 42. Before January, an applicant could not have reached his or her 35th birthday. The Army Reserve age limit was raised from 35 to 40 in March 2005.

The voting age was lowered to 18 in 1970. This was done because people were complaining about being eligible for the draft at 18, yet ineligible to vote after serving a tour.

You can volunteer for the military at 18 and should be able to vote if you do so, except you should not be able to be drafted until you are 21. Also, raise the voting age to 21 for non-military.
It is legal for those aged 15 to have sex in some states at 15....to marry at age 16. 18 to vote and join the military.

If the law recognizes someone as an adult at 15 or 16, why not LOWER the draft to age 15 or 16 . Yeah, TWO, not just ONE, of those are stupid ideas.

You can die for your country at age 18 but can't have a drink until you're 21? F*ing STUPID.
-- FYI: The year they raised the drinking age was a year in wbich DUI deaths had become so high politicians decided they had to DO SOMETHING ... Stats showed at the time YOUNG adult drinking was NOT the problem. The age group involved in the most DUI Deaths was aged 27 - 32!
The current maximum age to join the Army is 34!

The maximum age for Army enlisted recruits is 35, while the Navy and Marines cap recruit ages at 34and 28, respectively. Under federal law, the oldest recruit any military branch can enlist is 42, although each service sets its own policy within that limit.

You are incorrect. I happen to be an expert on Army recruiting since that is where I work! I can quote the Army manual if you would like. The maximum age is 34. The day you turn 35, you are ineligible for enlistment. Have a nice day!

Then tells stars and stripes that little excerpt is directly from them. I don't care if it's 25 or 50. Mr know it all go ahead and call stars and stripes and let them know they have fucked up. Every week you seem to work for another department, do you even know where you work?

I am a team leader for the United States Army Recruiting Command (USAREC). I handle all cyber recruiting. If you call an Army toll free number, post on an Army recruiting Facebook page, or appear on a high school or college list, my people answer your questions and contact potential recruits.

If Stars and Stripes posted that, they are wrong.

I also cannot help it if your memory is poor.

You fucking liar they changed it to 42 years old in 2005...........

Army Raises War Time Age Requirement

Army Raises Maximum Enlistment Age
Dropped Back To Pre-War Standards (2011)


Updated June 14, 2017
In 2005, during the initial phases of the Global War On Terror (GWOT), the Army raised it's maximum age requirements to fill the needs of a highly deployed operational force. However, after six years, the need for more troops was decreased and in 2011 the age limit was dropped back to GWOT levels. Also the unemployment rate was higher after the Great Recession that led to a massive recruiting influx that further decreased the need to open the enlistment ranks for civilians in their forties.

Fiscal Year 2006 National Defense Authorization Act.

The Army raised the active-duty age limit to 40 in January as an interim step while it worked out the additional medical screening requirements for recruits ages 40 to 42. Before January, an applicant could not have reached his or her 35th birthday. The Army Reserve age limit was raised from 35 to 40 in March 2005.


What year is it? I could have sworn that it is 2019!

I posted my proof from the current goarmy.com website. I am one of two people who work in our virtual recruiting center that can permanently disqualify applicants and terminate their records. I think I know the fucking rules!

Do you know the current rules for transgenders applying for enlistment? I do.

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