“Raise the Wage Act”, (H.R. 582) would have increased most USA’s wage-earning families’ incomes.

What is moral about forcing people to depend on government for their existence? Is that not the same as having the slave dependent on the plantation owner for their total existence?
Markle, the minimum wage rate forces people to depend on government? Minimum wage earners are slaves prohibited from leaving their employer? Your post is nonsense. Respectfully, Supposn
What is moral about forcing people to depend on government for their existence?

What is immoral about government helping those who need help?
/——/ Ahhh geeeze, there is a difference in helping people in need and confiscating others money to create a permanent underclass. Hurricane relief good- 7th generation welfare bad.
What is moral about forcing people to depend on government for their existence?

What is immoral about government helping those who need help?

Not a thing. It is immoral to make them DEPENDENT on the government for their existence.

Vs allowing them to starve?
/——/ Yeah, tell the poor they are incapable of fending for themselves, and Gubmint will provide.
What is moral about forcing people to depend on government for their existence?

What is immoral about government helping those who need help?
/——/ Ahhh geeeze, there is a difference in helping people in need and confiscating others money to create a permanent underclass. Hurricane relief good- 7th generation welfare bad.
It is not “other people’s money”
It is the money of We the People who decide to take care of the less fortunate.
I have no problem with individual states increasing their minimum wage. An increase in the Federal Minimum Wage makes no sense.
Markle, our federal minimum wage rate reduces the extent of any state’s deliberate or inadvertent undermining of another U.S. state’s economy.
Respectfully, Supposn
We need to face it
Some states are just pricks and want to maintain a low wage workforce to support the wealthy
I'll make anyone a deal. We end the Federal Reserve and I'll quit sticking up for the poor.

Why should we end the Federal Reserve?
How is making unskilled workers permanently unemployable "sticking up for the poor"?

Trump said we had full employment so I have no idea what you are talking about. The work still needs done whether it's $8 or $12.
/——/ If your landscaper said he’d do your lawn for $25, would you say that’s not a living wage and pay him $50?

No but if the workers did a good job I very well may tip them. We just had a piano moved. Three guys. I gave them $20 each because they did a great job.

And that was your choice, as it should be. The gov't didn't tell you you had to give them the $20 apiece whether they did a good job or not, did they? But you think that's a good idea, right?
Labor as the wealthy under our form of Capitalism also can't afford to hire lobbyists to get more corporate welfare.
From 1978 to 2018, inflation-adjusted compensation based on realized stock options of the top CEOs increased 940.3%. The increase was more than 25–33% greater than stock market growth (depending on which stock market index is used) and substantially greater than the painfully slow 11.9% growth in a typical worker’s annual compensation over the same period. Measured using the value of stock options granted, CEO compensation rose 1,007.5% from 1978 to 2018.
/----/ It's none of your business how much companies pay their CEOs. If you don't like it, then buy enough company stock so you can attend the meetings and vote down the pay raises.
Then, stop whining about the Poor, right wingers. You don't complain about bailouts for the Richest who are merely too rich to fail and get bailed out by the Nanny-State right wingers are hypocritical about but only for the Poor.
/---/ What bailouts for the richest? If you can't supply specifics then stop with the strawman arguments.
"Privatizing profits and socializing losses" refers to the idea that corporations want to reserve financial gains for themselves and pass along losses to the rest of society, potentially through lobbying the government for assistance. This practice was criticized in the Wall Street bailout of 2008--https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Corporate_welfare#%22Socialism_for_the_rich,_capitalism_for_the_poor%22

The "Wall Street Bailout" was repaid at a profit to the US Treasury. Moron.

No it wasn't.

No it wasn't.

View attachment 381484


Tarp was paid back with other government programs like Harp which were never paid back. To make it easy for you.......the government gives you $10. They then give you $15. You pay back the original $10 with $12 of the second $15 and everyone pretends the government made money.

Banks Paid Back Bailouts Instead of Lending More: Watchdog – eCreditDaily

Lenders Used Aid to Repay TARP

And for good measure to show that it wasn't just small banks.

Obama Program That Hurt Homeowners and Helped Big Banks Is Ending

Tarp was paid back with other government programs like Harp which were never paid back.

Cool story!
Now can you prove it?

Before you hurt yourself trying, the banks got $205 billion in capital injections in the first round and then Citigroup and Bank of America (Merrill Lynch) got another $40 billion, combined.

Making Home Affordable (HARP) only spent $21.2 billion on handouts for homeowners.

Now, I realize the weakness of liberal math, but it really is impossible to repay $245 billion in loans with only $21.2 billion.
I'll make anyone a deal. We end the Federal Reserve and I'll quit sticking up for the poor.

Why should we end the Federal Reserve?
How is making unskilled workers permanently unemployable "sticking up for the poor"?

Trump said we had full employment so I have no idea what you are talking about. The work still needs done whether it's $8 or $12.
/——/ If your landscaper said he’d do your lawn for $25, would you say that’s not a living wage and pay him $50?

No but if the workers did a good job I very well may tip them. We just had a piano moved. Three guys. I gave them $20 each because they did a great job.

And that was your choice, as it should be. The gov't didn't tell you you had to give them the $20 apiece whether they did a good job or not, did they? But you think that's a good idea, right?
Labor as the wealthy under our form of Capitalism also can't afford to hire lobbyists to get more corporate welfare.
From 1978 to 2018, inflation-adjusted compensation based on realized stock options of the top CEOs increased 940.3%. The increase was more than 25–33% greater than stock market growth (depending on which stock market index is used) and substantially greater than the painfully slow 11.9% growth in a typical worker’s annual compensation over the same period. Measured using the value of stock options granted, CEO compensation rose 1,007.5% from 1978 to 2018.
/----/ It's none of your business how much companies pay their CEOs. If you don't like it, then buy enough company stock so you can attend the meetings and vote down the pay raises.
Then, stop whining about the Poor, right wingers. You don't complain about bailouts for the Richest who are merely too rich to fail and get bailed out by the Nanny-State right wingers are hypocritical about but only for the Poor.
/---/ What bailouts for the richest? If you can't supply specifics then stop with the strawman arguments.
"Privatizing profits and socializing losses" refers to the idea that corporations want to reserve financial gains for themselves and pass along losses to the rest of society, potentially through lobbying the government for assistance. This practice was criticized in the Wall Street bailout of 2008--https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Corporate_welfare#%22Socialism_for_the_rich,_capitalism_for_the_poor%22

The "Wall Street Bailout" was repaid at a profit to the US Treasury. Moron.

No it wasn't.

No it wasn't.

View attachment 381484


Tarp was paid back with other government programs like Harp which were never paid back. To make it easy for you.......the government gives you $10. They then give you $15. You pay back the original $10 with $12 of the second $15 and everyone pretends the government made money.

Banks Paid Back Bailouts Instead of Lending More: Watchdog – eCreditDaily

Lenders Used Aid to Repay TARP

And for good measure to show that it wasn't just small banks.

Obama Program That Hurt Homeowners and Helped Big Banks Is Ending

Tarp was paid back with other government programs like Harp which were never paid back.

Cool story!

Links already posted.

Before you hurt yourself trying, the banks got $205 billion in capital injections in the first round and then Citigroup and Bank of America (Merrill Lynch) got another $40 billion, combined.

Making Home Affordable (HARP) only spent $21.2 billion on handouts for homeowners.

Now, I realize the weakness of liberal math, but it really is impossible to repay $245 billion in loans with only $21.2 billion.

There were multiple programs and just because some money was paid back most certainly does not mean it was and that there was a profit.
Seems to me if you want the govt to set minimum wage levels with an automatic elevator then to some extent govt is dictating wages.

Questions: doesn't anyone see the negatives to this? Namely that small businesses will not be ab;e to compete with the big corps. Do you not see how higher minimum wages results in higher prices to cover the increased costs of labor and/or incentivizes automation? Fewer hours worked? Reduced benefits? Forcing companies to close?

This isn't right-wing fantasy folks, this is economic reality.
Task0778, if within or about our planet there exists space within which there’s absolutely nothing, I suppose such space to be comparatively rare. Despite scientific contentions of others, I’m less than absolutely certain that absolute vacuum space exists anywhere?

I similarly suppose government regulation cannot exist without entailing some government intervention. But there are differences of degrees between “some intervention" and absolute control. Minimum wage is the minimum wage; it does not determine wage differentials; it does not regulate anything other than the minimum rate applicable to an employee or the employee’s job. Respectfully, Supposn
I'll make anyone a deal. We end the Federal Reserve and I'll quit sticking up for the poor.

Why should we end the Federal Reserve?
How is making unskilled workers permanently unemployable "sticking up for the poor"?

Trump said we had full employment so I have no idea what you are talking about. The work still needs done whether it's $8 or $12.
/——/ If your landscaper said he’d do your lawn for $25, would you say that’s not a living wage and pay him $50?

No but if the workers did a good job I very well may tip them. We just had a piano moved. Three guys. I gave them $20 each because they did a great job.

And that was your choice, as it should be. The gov't didn't tell you you had to give them the $20 apiece whether they did a good job or not, did they? But you think that's a good idea, right?
Labor as the wealthy under our form of Capitalism also can't afford to hire lobbyists to get more corporate welfare.
From 1978 to 2018, inflation-adjusted compensation based on realized stock options of the top CEOs increased 940.3%. The increase was more than 25–33% greater than stock market growth (depending on which stock market index is used) and substantially greater than the painfully slow 11.9% growth in a typical worker’s annual compensation over the same period. Measured using the value of stock options granted, CEO compensation rose 1,007.5% from 1978 to 2018.
/----/ It's none of your business how much companies pay their CEOs. If you don't like it, then buy enough company stock so you can attend the meetings and vote down the pay raises.
Then, stop whining about the Poor, right wingers. You don't complain about bailouts for the Richest who are merely too rich to fail and get bailed out by the Nanny-State right wingers are hypocritical about but only for the Poor.
/---/ What bailouts for the richest? If you can't supply specifics then stop with the strawman arguments.
"Privatizing profits and socializing losses" refers to the idea that corporations want to reserve financial gains for themselves and pass along losses to the rest of society, potentially through lobbying the government for assistance. This practice was criticized in the Wall Street bailout of 2008--https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Corporate_welfare#%22Socialism_for_the_rich,_capitalism_for_the_poor%22

The "Wall Street Bailout" was repaid at a profit to the US Treasury. Moron.

No it wasn't.

No it wasn't.

View attachment 381484


Tarp was paid back with other government programs like Harp which were never paid back. To make it easy for you.......the government gives you $10. They then give you $15. You pay back the original $10 with $12 of the second $15 and everyone pretends the government made money.

Banks Paid Back Bailouts Instead of Lending More: Watchdog – eCreditDaily

Lenders Used Aid to Repay TARP

And for good measure to show that it wasn't just small banks.

Obama Program That Hurt Homeowners and Helped Big Banks Is Ending

Tarp was paid back with other government programs like Harp which were never paid back.

Cool story!

Links already posted.

Before you hurt yourself trying, the banks got $205 billion in capital injections in the first round and then Citigroup and Bank of America (Merrill Lynch) got another $40 billion, combined.

Making Home Affordable (HARP) only spent $21.2 billion on handouts for homeowners.

Now, I realize the weakness of liberal math, but it really is impossible to repay $245 billion in loans with only $21.2 billion.

There were multiple programs and just because some money was paid back most certainly does not mean it was and that there was a profit.

Links already posted.

Yes, thanks for the links that didn't add up to your claim.

There were multiple programs

That added up to less than $30 billion. Nowhere close to the $245 billion lent to banks/Wall Street.

just because some money was paid back most certainly does not mean it was and that there was a profit.

ProPublica, by no means a conservative site........


What is moral about forcing people to depend on government for their existence?

What is immoral about government helping those who need help?

Not a thing. It is immoral to make them DEPENDENT on the government for their existence.

Vs allowing them to starve?

Typical far-left. Makes decisions based on how something makes them FEEL rather than what is the best solution.

What is moral about forcing people to depend on government for their existence?

What is immoral about government helping those who need help?

Not a thing. It is immoral to make them DEPENDENT on the government for their existence.

Vs allowing them to starve?

Typical far-left. Makes decisions based on how something makes them FEEL rather than what is the best solution.

18th century social more

They also endorsed slavery
The democrat party is SERIOUSLY devoted to killing small business.

They shut down small businesses while keeping big businesses open. They allow arsonists and looters to do whatever they want and then bail them out of jail if apprehended so they can do it again. The saddle small business with onerous payroll expenses so their operating expenses exceed their income.

A lot of very immature leftist cases of arrested development are still trying to stick it to the man, not realizing the man in many cases is that little Indian fellow running a small market or the Hispanic woman who scraped up enough to start a restaurant.

I get so tired of these fucking little children who just wag their tongues saying all the things they have been trained to say, but who are completely incapable of actual thought or ability to empathize with small business people.

Of course, in a forum filled with little wokesters who support the looting and burning of small businesses, what else would you expect, eh? .
The democrats were willing to pass stimulus packages which right wingers refuse to consider.

Pelosi said she told Meadows the Democrats would be willing to meet halfway — at $2.2 trillion — a slight reduction from her last proposal before talks collapsed earlier this month. The White House, which has stuck with its initial $1 trillion offer, had no immediate response.https://www.chicagotribune.com/coronavirus/ct-nw-second-stimulus-check-updates-20200827-x3p5nlcef5e4hpb2ovhkcuungi-story.html
Nobody takes right wingers seriously about economics, the law, or morals.

What is moral about forcing people to depend on government for their existence? Is that not the same as having the slave dependent on the plantation owner for their total existence?
lol. Raising the minimum wage means more free market capitalism. Only the right wing, never gets.
People find it easier to pay their rent and buy groceries with less nanny-state Government interference.

People find it easier to pay their rent and buy groceries when wages keep place with inflation. Since 1980, they have not.
That is when we need the Government to step in

View attachment 381702

Why should purchasing power increase if someone is not producing more to earn more?

As you know, under President Donald Trump's low and middle-income worker's wage increases have risen much more than previous decades. How is that a bad thing?
Because, inflations happens regardless. Wages should meet or beat inflation.
Even more personal for the right wing who object to raising our Standard of living through those higher wages. Why is that, right wingers? Even blacks may achieve a higher standard of living.

As you know, the wage increases for blacks, other minorities, and low-income workers under the policies of President Trump has been enjoyed the largest gains.
Is that why wages are not keeping up with inflation on an institutional basis?
The filthy ass government should never be in the business of dictating wages or salaries.

That should be between the employer and employee.
Flash, government does not determine wage differentials. The minimum rate is the minimum rate. Government does not determine wages and salaries, but an employer is prohibited from paying less than the minimum rate. Respectfully, Supposn

Seems to me if you want the govt to set minimum wage levels with an automatic elevator then to some extent govt is dictating wages.

Questions: doesn't anyone see the negatives to this? Namely that small businesses will not be ab;e to compete with the big corps. Do you not see how higher minimum wages results in higher prices to cover the increased costs of labor and/or incentivizes automation? Fewer hours worked? Reduced benefits? Forcing companies to close?

This isn't right-wing fantasy folks, this is economic reality.
Thousands of firms close regardless. They either become better Capitalists or fail. Capitalism at its finest.

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