“Raise the Wage Act”, (H.R. 582) would have increased most USA’s wage-earning families’ incomes.

What is moral about forcing people to depend on government for their existence?

What is immoral about government helping those who need help?
/——/ Ahhh geeeze, there is a difference in helping people in need and confiscating others money to create a permanent underclass. Hurricane relief good- 7th generation welfare bad.
Raise the minimum wage enough so the Poor also pay their share of the tax burden.
What is moral about forcing people to depend on government for their existence?

What is immoral about government helping those who need help?

Not a thing. It is immoral to make them DEPENDENT on the government for their existence.

Vs allowing them to starve?

Typical far-left. Makes decisions based on how something makes them FEEL rather than what is the best solution.

Raising the minimum wage can help lead the Poor out of poverty.
Proof the right wing doesn't care about the Poor, only the Rich. How moral is that?
What is moral about forcing people to depend on government for their existence?

What is immoral about government helping those who need help?
/——/ Ahhh geeeze, there is a difference in helping people in need and confiscating others money to create a permanent underclass. Hurricane relief good- 7th generation welfare bad.
Raise the minimum wage enough so the Poor also pay their share of the tax burden.
/—-/ So force companies to pay more so the Gubmint can grab more of the poor employees paychecks. Geee you’re a freaking genius. Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha
What is moral about forcing people to depend on government for their existence?

What is immoral about government helping those who need help?
/——/ Ahhh geeeze, there is a difference in helping people in need and confiscating others money to create a permanent underclass. Hurricane relief good- 7th generation welfare bad.
Raise the minimum wage enough so the Poor also pay their share of the tax burden.
/—-/ So force companies to pay more so the Gubmint can grab more of the poor employees paychecks. Geee you’re a freaking genius. Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha
lol. Massive deficits is all Right Wingers understand not potentially balancing the budget.
What is moral about forcing people to depend on government for their existence?

What is immoral about government helping those who need help?
/——/ Ahhh geeeze, there is a difference in helping people in need and confiscating others money to create a permanent underclass. Hurricane relief good- 7th generation welfare bad.
Raise the minimum wage enough so the Poor also pay their share of the tax burden.
/—-/ So force companies to pay more so the Gubmint can grab more of the poor employees paychecks. Geee you’re a freaking genius. Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha
Force companies to pay more because they will not do it on their own
What is moral about forcing people to depend on government for their existence?

What is immoral about government helping those who need help?
/——/ Ahhh geeeze, there is a difference in helping people in need and confiscating others money to create a permanent underclass. Hurricane relief good- 7th generation welfare bad.
Raise the minimum wage enough so the Poor also pay their share of the tax burden.
/—-/ So force companies to pay more so the Gubmint can grab more of the poor employees paychecks. Geee you’re a freaking genius. Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha
Force companies to pay more because they will not do it on their own
/——/ When I was in salaried sales, the companies gave me regular raises. No Gubmint agency forced them to. And in commission sales, I gave myself raises. You sound like a bitter loser.
What is moral about forcing people to depend on government for their existence?

What is immoral about government helping those who need help?
/——/ Ahhh geeeze, there is a difference in helping people in need and confiscating others money to create a permanent underclass. Hurricane relief good- 7th generation welfare bad.
Raise the minimum wage enough so the Poor also pay their share of the tax burden.
/—-/ So force companies to pay more so the Gubmint can grab more of the poor employees paychecks. Geee you’re a freaking genius. Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha
lol. Massive deficits is all Right Wingers understand not potentially balancing the budget.
/——/ Since democRATs run Congress, where is their balanced budget for 2020, or any other year for that matter?
What is moral about forcing people to depend on government for their existence?

What is immoral about government helping those who need help?
/——/ Ahhh geeeze, there is a difference in helping people in need and confiscating others money to create a permanent underclass. Hurricane relief good- 7th generation welfare bad.
Raise the minimum wage enough so the Poor also pay their share of the tax burden.
/—-/ So force companies to pay more so the Gubmint can grab more of the poor employees paychecks. Geee you’re a freaking genius. Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha
Force companies to pay more because they will not do it on their own
/——/ When I was in salaried sales, the companies gave me regular raises. No Gubmint agency forced them to. And in commission sales, I gave myself raises. You sound like a bitter loser.
Good for you
Low wage and low skilled workers lack the bargaining power.
Doesn’t excuse employers exploiting them.
What is moral about forcing people to depend on government for their existence?

What is immoral about government helping those who need help?
/——/ Ahhh geeeze, there is a difference in helping people in need and confiscating others money to create a permanent underclass. Hurricane relief good- 7th generation welfare bad.
Raise the minimum wage enough so the Poor also pay their share of the tax burden.
/—-/ So force companies to pay more so the Gubmint can grab more of the poor employees paychecks. Geee you’re a freaking genius. Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha
lol. Massive deficits is all Right Wingers understand not potentially balancing the budget.
/——/ Since democRATs run Congress, where is their balanced budget for 2020, or any other year for that matter?

Trump is running a $3 trillion deficit
Largest in history
Even more personal for the right wing who object to raising our Standard of living through those higher wages. Why is that, right wingers? Even blacks may achieve a higher standard of living.

As you know, the wage increases for blacks, other minorities, and low-income workers under the policies of President Trump has been enjoyed the largest gains.
Is that why wages are not keeping up with inflation on an institutional basis?

As you know, with the policies of President Trump, wages, especially for low-income and minorities increased more than in at least a decade. That was ahead of inflation. Why do you hate for that to happen?
“Raise the Wage Act”, (H.R. 582) would have increased most USA’s wage-earning families’ incomes.

It's none of the government's business what two free people decide is acceptable compensation for performing a task. All they need to do is come to an agreement or move on to other prospects. No bureaucrats necessary.
What happens when the minimum wage increases? All the wages above minimum wage increase, the cost of products increases so everyone is back to square one.
Markle, the federal minimum wage rate has never been among the primary drivers of U.S. dollar’s inflation which occurs when the minimum rate is or is not increased.

The minimum rate’s proportional effect upon a product’s price is dependent upon the proportion of the price attributable to direct or indirect labor, and the proportional differences between those labor costs that are attributable to higher or lower wage rates. (The minimum rate bolsters other wage rates, but it much more beneficial to lower rather than higher wage rate earners.)
Because a fraction multiplied by another fraction produces a consequential product lesser than the two multiplied factors, the minimum wage rate has never been among the primary drivers of U.S. dollar’s inflation. Any proportional increases of aggregate prices that could be attributable to increases of the federal minimum wage rate are proportionally extremely much less than the increase of aggregate wage incomes that could also be attributable to that rate increase. Respectfully, Supposn
“Raise the Wage Act”, (H.R. 582) would have increased most USA’s wage-earning families’ incomes.

The last minimum wage bill that was proposed and considered in congress, was H.R. 258, “Raise the Wage Act”. It was passed by the Democratic majority house, then passed on to the Republican majority senate, (where it now lies effectively dead).
Refer to the Congressional Budget office’s, (i.e. CBO’s) minimum wage rate report,
How Increasing the Federal Minimum Wage Could Affect Employment and Family Income | Congressional Budget Office, and follow the link’s instructions to obtain the HR 258 interactive graphs.

Referring to the graph entitled “Average Percentage Change in Real Family Income, by Income Group”: The graph indicates average incomes of families earning less than 3 times the poverty threshold increase. Average incomes of higher income families do not perceivably begin to decrease until those incomes achieve 6 more times the poverty threshold;

(i.e. CBO’s study confirms minimum wage rate’s beneficial effects upon job’s rates are inversely related. Employees within the lowest wage rate brackets most benefit in proportion to their incomes, and those benefits (proportional to incomes) are incrementally lesser as incomes increase. Thus, the wage incomes of most USA’s wage earners would have benefit or would not be detrimentally affected by passage of H.R. 582.

[Six, (6) times a family of three’s income equal or exceeding 6 times the poverty threshold would be $122,000 per year and for a family of four it would well exceed $125,00 per year expressed in 2018 U.S. dollars.]
Respectfully, Supposn

They should just change the value of the dollar to two dollars. So everyone makes twice as much. Duh.
Even more personal for the right wing who object to raising our Standard of living through those higher wages. Why is that, right wingers? Even blacks may achieve a higher standard of living.

As you know, the wage increases for blacks, other minorities, and low-income workers under the policies of President Trump has been enjoyed the largest gains.
Is that why wages are not keeping up with inflation on an institutional basis?

As you know, with the policies of President Trump, wages, especially for low-income and minorities increased more than in at least a decade. That was ahead of inflation. Why do you hate for that to happen?
We had 3.5 percent unemployment and wages barely budged
We gave employers a 40 percent tax cut and they just kept most of the money

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