“Raise the Wage Act”, (H.R. 582) would have increased most USA’s wage-earning families’ incomes.

Relevant reading...

Raising minimum wage hurts the poor


...Economic principles dictate that when government imposes a minimum wage rate above the market wage rate, it creates a surplus ''wedge'' between the supply of labor and the demand for labor, leading to an increase in unemployment.

Employers cannot simply begin paying more to workers whose marginal productivity does not meet or exceed the law-imposed wage. The only course of action available to the employer is to mechanize operations or employ a higher-skilled worker whose output meets or exceeds the ''minimum wage.'' This, of course, has the advantage of giving the skilled worker an additional (and government-enforced) advantage over the unskilled worker.

For example, where formerly an employer had the option of hiring three unskilled workers at $5 per hour or one skilled worker at $16 per hour, a minimum wage of $6 suddenly leaves the employer only the choice of the skilled worker at an additional cost of $1 per hour. I would ask my colleagues, if the minimum wage is the means to prosperity, why stop at $6.65--why not $50, $75, or $100 per hour?

Those who are denied employment opportunities as a result of the minimum wage are often young people at the lower end of the income scale who are seeking entry-level employment. Their inability to find an entry-level job will limit their employment prospects for years to come. Thus, raising the minimum wage actually lowers the employment opportunities and standard of living of the very people proponents of the minimum wage claim will benefit from government intervention in the economy!

Furthermore, interfering in the voluntary transactions of employers and employees in the name of making things better for low wage earners violates citizens' rights of association and freedom of contract as if to say to citizens ''you are incapable of making employment decisions for yourself in the marketplace.''..
What is moral about forcing people to depend on government for their existence?

What is immoral about government helping those who need help?
/——/ Ahhh geeeze, there is a difference in helping people in need and confiscating others money to create a permanent underclass. Hurricane relief good- 7th generation welfare bad.
Raise the minimum wage enough so the Poor also pay their share of the tax burden.
/—-/ So force companies to pay more so the Gubmint can grab more of the poor employees paychecks. Geee you’re a freaking genius. Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha
Force companies to pay more because they will not do it on their own
/——/ When I was in salaried sales, the companies gave me regular raises. No Gubmint agency forced them to. And in commission sales, I gave myself raises. You sound like a bitter loser.
Good for you
Low wage and low skilled workers lack the bargaining power.
Doesn’t excuse employers exploiting them.
/——/ My first three jobs were low wage because of my low skills, but I focused on improving myself and getting better paying jobs. It’s a simple concept.
You are still missing the point. If the minimum wage had kept up with inflation, it would be around eighteen dollars an hour. Minimum wage Workers should not need social services as much as they do now. Right wingers merely prefer to subsidize the Richest at the Expense of the Poor.
What is moral about forcing people to depend on government for their existence?

What is immoral about government helping those who need help?
/——/ Ahhh geeeze, there is a difference in helping people in need and confiscating others money to create a permanent underclass. Hurricane relief good- 7th generation welfare bad.
Raise the minimum wage enough so the Poor also pay their share of the tax burden.
/—-/ So force companies to pay more so the Gubmint can grab more of the poor employees paychecks. Geee you’re a freaking genius. Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha
Force companies to pay more because they will not do it on their own
/——/ When I was in salaried sales, the companies gave me regular raises. No Gubmint agency forced them to. And in commission sales, I gave myself raises. You sound like a bitter loser.
Good for you
Low wage and low skilled workers lack the bargaining power.
Doesn’t excuse employers exploiting them.
/——/ My first three jobs were low wage because of my low skills, but I focused on improving myself and getting better paying jobs. It’s a simple concept.
As with most workers in minimum wage jobs. They move on and someone else comes in to be exploited.

Doesn’t excuse the practice
/——/ Why don’t you open a business so we can see what you pay, no skills, entry level employees. Something easy like an ice cream franchise. Go ahead and keep us posted.
Knowing how to expense wages is what matters
“Raise the Wage Act”, (H.R. 582) would have increased most USA’s wage-earning families’ incomes.

The last minimum wage bill that was proposed and considered in congress, was H.R. 258, “Raise the Wage Act”. It was passed by the Democratic majority house, then passed on to the Republican majority senate, (where it now lies effectively dead).
Refer to the Congressional Budget office’s, (i.e. CBO’s) minimum wage rate report,
How Increasing the Federal Minimum Wage Could Affect Employment and Family Income | Congressional Budget Office, and follow the link’s instructions to obtain the HR 258 interactive graphs.

Referring to the graph entitled “Average Percentage Change in Real Family Income, by Income Group”: The graph indicates average incomes of families earning less than 3 times the poverty threshold increase. Average incomes of higher income families do not perceivably begin to decrease until those incomes achieve 6 more times the poverty threshold;

(i.e. CBO’s study confirms minimum wage rate’s beneficial effects upon job’s rates are inversely related. Employees within the lowest wage rate brackets most benefit in proportion to their incomes, and those benefits (proportional to incomes) are incrementally lesser as incomes increase. Thus, the wage incomes of most USA’s wage earners would have benefit or would not be detrimentally affected by passage of H.R. 582.

[Six, (6) times a family of three’s income equal or exceeding 6 times the poverty threshold would be $122,000 per year and for a family of four it would well exceed $125,00 per year expressed in 2018 U.S. dollars.]
Respectfully, Supposn
1. doesn't matter how much $$$$ you give stupid people, they will still be poor
2. higher wages = higher prices!!!! SO, they still can't afford things!! DUH
lol. Why abolish slavery then, right wingers. That is what you really want. DUH
Good for you
Low wage and low skilled workers lack the bargaining power.
Doesn’t excuse employers exploiting them.

You just love posting silly things, don't you?

Specifically, how are the poor decisions and lack of personal responsibility the fault of the employer?

lol. Right wingers are best at false witness bearing and practicing the Abomination of Hypocrisy (unto God).

More “Blame the victim” by conservatives.

Yes, any man can be king with a little hard work and gumption. Fact is, there will always be low wage and low skill workers. Business depends on them.
How dare you not graduate at the top of your class!
How dare you want to have a family!
How dare you not be a success!
Democrats need a working majority not, nothing but repeal from right wingers who love to crony up to the Rich and "hate on the Poor
Democrats need a working majority not, nothing but repeal from leftwingers who love to crony up to the Rich and "hate on the America/whites/cops/law-order/common sense
lol. Right wingers only know how to parrot, not think for themselves.
Democrats need a working majority not, nothing but repeal from right wingers who love to crony up to the Rich and "hate on the Poor
Democrats need a working majority not, nothing but repeal from leftwingers who love to crony up to the Rich and "hate on the America/whites/cops/law-order/common sense
lol. Right wingers only know how to parrot, not think for themselves.
you don't get it hahahahhahahahaha
all of your posts are just babble crap
Good for you
Low wage and low skilled workers lack the bargaining power.
Doesn’t excuse employers exploiting them.

You just love posting silly things, don't you?

Specifically, how are the poor decisions and lack of personal responsibility the fault of the employer?

lol. Right wingers are best at false witness bearing and practicing the Abomination of Hypocrisy (unto God).
lol. Left wingers are best at false witness bearing and practicing the Abomination of Hypocrisy (unto God).
The Best the Right Wing can do; bear false witness and practice the Abomination of Hypocrisy (unto God). Why should anyone take immoral right wingers seriously in Abortion threads?
“Raise the Wage Act”, (H.R. 582) would have increased most USA’s wage-earning families’ incomes.

The last minimum wage bill that was proposed and considered in congress, was H.R. 258, “Raise the Wage Act”. It was passed by the Democratic majority house, then passed on to the Republican majority senate, (where it now lies effectively dead).
Refer to the Congressional Budget office’s, (i.e. CBO’s) minimum wage rate report,
How Increasing the Federal Minimum Wage Could Affect Employment and Family Income | Congressional Budget Office, and follow the link’s instructions to obtain the HR 258 interactive graphs.

Referring to the graph entitled “Average Percentage Change in Real Family Income, by Income Group”: The graph indicates average incomes of families earning less than 3 times the poverty threshold increase. Average incomes of higher income families do not perceivably begin to decrease until those incomes achieve 6 more times the poverty threshold;

(i.e. CBO’s study confirms minimum wage rate’s beneficial effects upon job’s rates are inversely related. Employees within the lowest wage rate brackets most benefit in proportion to their incomes, and those benefits (proportional to incomes) are incrementally lesser as incomes increase. Thus, the wage incomes of most USA’s wage earners would have benefit or would not be detrimentally affected by passage of H.R. 582.

[Six, (6) times a family of three’s income equal or exceeding 6 times the poverty threshold would be $122,000 per year and for a family of four it would well exceed $125,00 per year expressed in 2018 U.S. dollars.]
Respectfully, Supposn
1. doesn't matter how much $$$$ you give stupid people, they will still be poor
2. higher wages = higher prices!!!! SO, they still can't afford things!! DUH
lol. Why abolish slavery then, right wingers. That is what you really want. DUH
slavery and minimum wage---????HAHAHHAHHAHAHA
Relevant reading...

Raising minimum wage hurts the poor


...Economic principles dictate that when government imposes a minimum wage rate above the market wage rate, it creates a surplus ''wedge'' between the supply of labor and the demand for labor, leading to an increase in unemployment.

Employers cannot simply begin paying more to workers whose marginal productivity does not meet or exceed the law-imposed wage. The only course of action available to the employer is to mechanize operations or employ a higher-skilled worker whose output meets or exceeds the ''minimum wage.'' This, of course, has the advantage of giving the skilled worker an additional (and government-enforced) advantage over the unskilled worker.

For example, where formerly an employer had the option of hiring three unskilled workers at $5 per hour or one skilled worker at $16 per hour, a minimum wage of $6 suddenly leaves the employer only the choice of the skilled worker at an additional cost of $1 per hour. I would ask my colleagues, if the minimum wage is the means to prosperity, why stop at $6.65--why not $50, $75, or $100 per hour?

Those who are denied employment opportunities as a result of the minimum wage are often young people at the lower end of the income scale who are seeking entry-level employment. Their inability to find an entry-level job will limit their employment prospects for years to come. Thus, raising the minimum wage actually lowers the employment opportunities and standard of living of the very people proponents of the minimum wage claim will benefit from government intervention in the economy!

Furthermore, interfering in the voluntary transactions of employers and employees in the name of making things better for low wage earners violates citizens' rights of association and freedom of contract as if to say to citizens ''you are incapable of making employment decisions for yourself in the marketplace.''..
Social services cost around fourteen dollars an hour by comparison. A fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage simply helps out with loss due to inflation that already happened. The social minimum wage is at least fourteen dollars an hour. There is no need to subsidize employers so they can whine about not making enough Profit in the Short Term. Thousands of business fail regardless, Capitalism in action and success for those who can meet the challenge. Don't be slackers, right wingers; Capitalism works!
“Raise the Wage Act”, (H.R. 582) would have increased most USA’s wage-earning families’ incomes.

The last minimum wage bill that was proposed and considered in congress, was H.R. 258, “Raise the Wage Act”. It was passed by the Democratic majority house, then passed on to the Republican majority senate, (where it now lies effectively dead).
Refer to the Congressional Budget office’s, (i.e. CBO’s) minimum wage rate report,
How Increasing the Federal Minimum Wage Could Affect Employment and Family Income | Congressional Budget Office, and follow the link’s instructions to obtain the HR 258 interactive graphs.

Referring to the graph entitled “Average Percentage Change in Real Family Income, by Income Group”: The graph indicates average incomes of families earning less than 3 times the poverty threshold increase. Average incomes of higher income families do not perceivably begin to decrease until those incomes achieve 6 more times the poverty threshold;

(i.e. CBO’s study confirms minimum wage rate’s beneficial effects upon job’s rates are inversely related. Employees within the lowest wage rate brackets most benefit in proportion to their incomes, and those benefits (proportional to incomes) are incrementally lesser as incomes increase. Thus, the wage incomes of most USA’s wage earners would have benefit or would not be detrimentally affected by passage of H.R. 582.

[Six, (6) times a family of three’s income equal or exceeding 6 times the poverty threshold would be $122,000 per year and for a family of four it would well exceed $125,00 per year expressed in 2018 U.S. dollars.]
Respectfully, Supposn
1. doesn't matter how much $$$$ you give stupid people, they will still be poor
2. higher wages = higher prices!!!! SO, they still can't afford things!! DUH
lol. Why abolish slavery then, right wingers. That is what you really want. DUH
slavery and minimum wage---????HAHAHHAHHAHAHA
LOL. Still clueless and Causeless regarding right wing propaganda and rhetoric, right wingers? Y'all want the minimum wage to truly be Zero.
More “Blame the victim” by conservatives.

There are very few conservatives left in America. Very, very few. The closest you'll get to true conservatism in America are those in the electorate whose principles align very strictly to classical liberalism. I, for one, am offended to have to accept an adjective in order to placate confused statists on either side of the party of one, but whatever. Is what it is. Most whom identify as conservative in modern America are just as rabidly statist and just as pro-centralized government as those whom they decry.
Last edited:
Democrats need a working majority not, nothing but repeal from right wingers who love to crony up to the Rich and "hate on the Poor
Democrats need a working majority not, nothing but repeal from leftwingers who love to crony up to the Rich and "hate on the America/whites/cops/law-order/common sense
lol. Right wingers only know how to parrot, not think for themselves.
you don't get it hahahahhahahahaha
all of your posts are just babble crap
Says a false witness bearing Right Winger who loves to practice the Abomination of Hypocrisy (unto God). How immoral of you all.
“Raise the Wage Act”, (H.R. 582) would have increased most USA’s wage-earning families’ incomes.

The last minimum wage bill that was proposed and considered in congress, was H.R. 258, “Raise the Wage Act”. It was passed by the Democratic majority house, then passed on to the Republican majority senate, (where it now lies effectively dead).
Refer to the Congressional Budget office’s, (i.e. CBO’s) minimum wage rate report,
How Increasing the Federal Minimum Wage Could Affect Employment and Family Income | Congressional Budget Office, and follow the link’s instructions to obtain the HR 258 interactive graphs.

Referring to the graph entitled “Average Percentage Change in Real Family Income, by Income Group”: The graph indicates average incomes of families earning less than 3 times the poverty threshold increase. Average incomes of higher income families do not perceivably begin to decrease until those incomes achieve 6 more times the poverty threshold;

(i.e. CBO’s study confirms minimum wage rate’s beneficial effects upon job’s rates are inversely related. Employees within the lowest wage rate brackets most benefit in proportion to their incomes, and those benefits (proportional to incomes) are incrementally lesser as incomes increase. Thus, the wage incomes of most USA’s wage earners would have benefit or would not be detrimentally affected by passage of H.R. 582.

[Six, (6) times a family of three’s income equal or exceeding 6 times the poverty threshold would be $122,000 per year and for a family of four it would well exceed $125,00 per year expressed in 2018 U.S. dollars.]
Respectfully, Supposn
1. doesn't matter how much $$$$ you give stupid people, they will still be poor
2. higher wages = higher prices!!!! SO, they still can't afford things!! DUH
lol. Why abolish slavery then, right wingers. That is what you really want. DUH
slavery and minimum wage---????HAHAHHAHHAHAHA
LOL. Still clueless and Causeless regarding right wing propaganda and rhetoric, right wingers? Y'all want the minimum wage to truly be Zero.
raise minimum wage = raising prices = worthless
What is moral about forcing people to depend on government for their existence?

What is immoral about government helping those who need help?
/——/ Ahhh geeeze, there is a difference in helping people in need and confiscating others money to create a permanent underclass. Hurricane relief good- 7th generation welfare bad.
Raise the minimum wage enough so the Poor also pay their share of the tax burden.
/—-/ So force companies to pay more so the Gubmint can grab more of the poor employees paychecks. Geee you’re a freaking genius. Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha
Force companies to pay more because they will not do it on their own
/——/ When I was in salaried sales, the companies gave me regular raises. No Gubmint agency forced them to. And in commission sales, I gave myself raises. You sound like a bitter loser.
Good for you
Low wage and low skilled workers lack the bargaining power.
Doesn’t excuse employers exploiting them.
/——/ My first three jobs were low wage because of my low skills, but I focused on improving myself and getting better paying jobs. It’s a simple concept.
As with most workers in minimum wage jobs. They move on and someone else comes in to be exploited.

Doesn’t excuse the practice
/——/ Why don’t you open a business so we can see what you pay, no skills, entry level employees. Something easy like an ice cream franchise. Go ahead and keep us posted.
Knowing how to expense wages is what matters
/——/ Mindless cliches from the libtard who couldn’t manage a Kool Aide stand without adult supervision.
What is moral about forcing people to depend on government for their existence?

What is immoral about government helping those who need help?
/——/ Ahhh geeeze, there is a difference in helping people in need and confiscating others money to create a permanent underclass. Hurricane relief good- 7th generation welfare bad.
Raise the minimum wage enough so the Poor also pay their share of the tax burden.
/—-/ So force companies to pay more so the Gubmint can grab more of the poor employees paychecks. Geee you’re a freaking genius. Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha
Force companies to pay more because they will not do it on their own
/——/ When I was in salaried sales, the companies gave me regular raises. No Gubmint agency forced them to. And in commission sales, I gave myself raises. You sound like a bitter loser.
Good for you
Low wage and low skilled workers lack the bargaining power.
Doesn’t excuse employers exploiting them.
/——/ My first three jobs were low wage because of my low skills, but I focused on improving myself and getting better paying jobs. It’s a simple concept.
You are still missing the point. If the minimum wage had kept up with inflation, it would be around eighteen dollars an hour. Minimum wage Workers should not need social services as much as they do now. Right wingers merely prefer to subsidize the Richest at the Expense of the Poor.
/—-/ You’re either too stupid or brainwashed to understand what has been painfully explained to you.
What is moral about forcing people to depend on government for their existence?

What is immoral about government helping those who need help?
/——/ Ahhh geeeze, there is a difference in helping people in need and confiscating others money to create a permanent underclass. Hurricane relief good- 7th generation welfare bad.
Raise the minimum wage enough so the Poor also pay their share of the tax burden.
/—-/ So force companies to pay more so the Gubmint can grab more of the poor employees paychecks. Geee you’re a freaking genius. Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha
lol. Massive deficits is all Right Wingers understand not potentially balancing the budget.
/——/ Since democRATs run Congress, where is their balanced budget for 2020, or any other year for that matter?

Trump is running a $3 trillion deficit
Largest in history
/—-/ Still waiting for the democRATs balanced budget... waiting... waiting...waiting...
Democrats merely need a working majority in Congress. Raising the minimum wage to fifteen dollars an hour can generate around five times the federal income tax revenue compared to the current federal minimum wage.
/—-/ Another tax the poor scheme by democRATs. Disgusting
What is moral about forcing people to depend on government for their existence?

What is immoral about government helping those who need help?
/——/ Ahhh geeeze, there is a difference in helping people in need and confiscating others money to create a permanent underclass. Hurricane relief good- 7th generation welfare bad.
Raise the minimum wage enough so the Poor also pay their share of the tax burden.
/—-/ So force companies to pay more so the Gubmint can grab more of the poor employees paychecks. Geee you’re a freaking genius. Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha
Force companies to pay more because they will not do it on their own
/——/ When I was in salaried sales, the companies gave me regular raises. No Gubmint agency forced them to. And in commission sales, I gave myself raises. You sound like a bitter loser.
Good for you
Low wage and low skilled workers lack the bargaining power.
Doesn’t excuse employers exploiting them.
/——/ My first three jobs were low wage because of my low skills, but I focused on improving myself and getting better paying jobs. It’s a simple concept.
As with most workers in minimum wage jobs. They move on and someone else comes in to be exploited.

Doesn’t excuse the practice
/——/ Why don’t you open a business so we can see what you pay, no skills, entry level employees. Something easy like an ice cream franchise. Go ahead and keep us posted.
Not a solution is it?

With 30 million workers needing government assistance to survive, there are not 30 million ice cream franchises or small businesses to fill the void.
/—-/ I’m telling you to open one so we can see how you pay unskilled labor. Are you really that stupid to think I meant for 30 million to do so?

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