rally to save the American dream

American dream? You meant nightmare huh?

That kind of depends on whether you own anything of any value. If you don't, it's a dream. If you do, it's a nightmare.

Indeed. I stand corrected

Well, times have changed. It used to be that each American defined their own 'dream', these days, apparently we cannot be trusted to do that, so the left think it's best that they define a standard 'dream' for us all to have. That's my nightmare. I suspect it is yours too.
I got to believe two things here, most of you have never worked for a living wage or your from families that have it made and want to make sure you keep everything you have.

Ps what should a Wisc teacher get paid? Not to mention all the rest of the state employees.
I got to believe two things here, most of you have never worked for a living wage or your from families that have it made and want to make sure you keep everything you have.

Ps what should a Wisc teacher get paid? Not to mention all the rest of the state employees.

I'm thinking you are one of the trolls we were discussing earlier. :lol:
Oh this is a right wing tea party site where everyone thinks they are with GOD, and everyone who thinks differnt is with the DEVIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
But the truth is, can't you answer the question I posed to you, HOW MUCH SHOULD THEY BE PAID?
Are they going to be paid to rally in Wisconsin like in New Jersey? It's nice to be paid to rally. :razz::razz:

N.J. labor unions expected to rally in Trenton in support of Wisconsin public workers | NJ.com

There appears to be efforts from unions to get more members to beat the drum today in Trenton. According to an e-mail obtained by The Star-Ledger, CWA Local 1038 is preparing for the rally with boxed lunches, leaflets and ponchos because of the expected rain.

The union is also offering to reimburse wages for anyone who takes a half-day off to participate in the rally.

"You must use your own time, either vacation or AL (administrative leave), and give the local a photocopy of your pay stub. Please note that the payment for lost-time wages will be mailed to you; it will not be paid tomorrow," the e-mail states.
If taxes on the Rich are what's breaking the backs of Corporations and the Economy, I'd like to know how come CEO's make exponentially more than ever and have sucked up more money compared to an average worker than God would know what to do with. Those poor things, always having to pay them some taxes and holding them back from..................from.....
Well it's either got to be one of two things here with these people.

#1 I have it made and I don't like the idea that I have to pay what your asking for.
#2 I have never made anything of myself and I don't see why I should help you do better then I am doing.

I once had a guy tell me that a loaf of bread cost the same for you as it does me, and we both put our pants on the same way one leg at a time. He told me we should all get the same raise, and if you were being paid 5.00 and He was getting 4.00, that's one dollar difference, so when we got to 20.00 he figured he should get 19.00.
Hey, $90K/year to maybe do your job, and maybe not do your job is a pretty sweet deal if you can get it.

That's not a dream - it's an Orwellian Fantasy.
I got to believe two things here, most of you have never worked for a living wage or your from families that have it made and want to make sure you keep everything you have.

Ps what should a Wisc teacher get paid? Not to mention all the rest of the state employees.

What's a living wage?

As to the rest of what you posted.... piss off and peddle your ignorant class warfare rhetoric somewhere else.
I got to believe two things here, most of you have never worked for a living wage or your from families that have it made and want to make sure you keep everything you have.

Ps what should a Wisc teacher get paid? Not to mention all the rest of the state employees.

What's a living wage?

As to the rest of what you posted.... piss off and peddle your ignorant class warfare rhetoric somewhere else.

There is a class warfare going on, indeed.

The share of total income going to the top 1 percent of earners, which stood at 8.9 percent in 1976, rose to 23.5 percent by 2007, but during the same period, the average inflation-adjusted hourly wage declined by more than 7 percent.

Long as you're alright though, don't worry about the shrinking middle class which is horrendous for the Country. Long as you're cool, the top 1% can have as much of the pot as they desire.
typical right wingnut, never have the guts to discuss what you believe unless it's with people who agree with you.

And you guys seem to think you know what people are worth so tell us what's a living wage? Is it what you need to live or is it what someone figures they can/want to pay?
I got to believe two things here, most of you have never worked for a living wage or your from families that have it made and want to make sure you keep everything you have.

Ps what should a Wisc teacher get paid? Not to mention all the rest of the state employees.

What's a living wage?

As to the rest of what you posted.... piss off and peddle your ignorant class warfare rhetoric somewhere else.

There is a class warfare going on, indeed.

The share of total income going to the top 1 percent of earners, which stood at 8.9 percent in 1976, rose to 23.5 percent by 2007, but during the same period, the average inflation-adjusted hourly wage declined by more than 7 percent.

Long as you're alright though, don't worry about the shrinking middle class which is horrendous for the Country. Long as you're cool, the top 1% can have as much of the pot as they desire.

A. I haven't worked for an hourly wage since 1986
B. See A. Many more people today don't work for hourly wages
C. Yep, I work hard, continue to hone my profession and make more money. I don't give a fuck how much George Soros has.
Oh if they get draged down to where you think Teachers, firefighters, Cops, Snow plow drivers, ect(state paid employees) should be, will they still be lazy worthless scum as most of you think they are now?

Say how do you stand on paying wisc state house members, they are cost you a lot of money and they don't have to even have a HS education if their elected. Can we afford them?
typical right wingnut, never have the guts to discuss what you believe unless it's with people who agree with you.

And you guys seem to think you know what people are worth so tell us what's a living wage? Is it what you need to live or is it what someone figures they can/want to pay?

A living wage is whatever you deem it to be, that's why it is a laughable concept.

Nobody with an ounce of ambition and drive is worried about such absurd shit as living wages.
Oh if they get draged down to where you think Teachers, firefighters, Cops, Snow plow drivers, ect(state paid employees) should be, will they still be lazy worthless scum as most of you think they are now?

Say how do you stand on paying wisc state house members, they are cost you a lot of money and they don't have to even have a HS education if their elected. Can we afford them?

You need to go take a few Xanbars and calm the fuck down... nobody here has said anything remotely close to what you are saying. Not to mention your grammar is slipping badly and, I don't live in WI so they aren't costing me a red cent.
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Did you just get to this board? Haven't you been watching for your talking points on FOX news or listening Rush. These are your people I'm taking it and yes this has been said by many from your side on this site and on TV/Ratio.
The 'American Dream' of the idiots at moveon.org is not 'The American Dream'.

Apparently totalitarianism is the American dream.

I prefer the old one: Freedom.

Apparently the American Dream According to Moveon is Rewarding a Tiny Minority of Workers with the Tax Dollars of everyone else. Fuck the Deficit we want our Free Health Care, even if it means laying off 12,000 of our own.

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