Ralph Northam Got Nearly $2 Million in Donations from Planned Parenthood

Why are my taxes going to a political organization?
Why is a tax exempt nonprofit giving millions to political stooges?

Governor Who Endorsed Infanticide Received $2 Million From Planned Parenthood

Yup, wouldn't be surprised to hear he got $1 Million from the KKK....this guy is slime.
So you will join progressives in a call to get money out of politics and you also agree that Citizens United was one of the worst Supreme Court decisions in the past 30 years?
Why are my taxes going to a political organization?
Why is a tax exempt nonprofit giving millions to political stooges?

Governor Who Endorsed Infanticide Received $2 Million From Planned Parenthood

Yup, wouldn't be surprised to hear he got $1 Million from the KKK....this guy is slime.
So you will join progressives in a call to get money out of politics and you also agree that Citizens United was one of the worst Supreme Court decisions in the past 30 years?

I wish someone would explain how money influences campaigns. It just doesn't fly anymore. Trump was outspent by Hillary and still kicked her ass!
Why are my taxes going to a political organization?
Why is a tax exempt nonprofit giving millions to political stooges?

Governor Who Endorsed Infanticide Received $2 Million From Planned Parenthood

Yup, wouldn't be surprised to hear he got $1 Million from the KKK....this guy is slime.
So you will join progressives in a call to get money out of politics and you also agree that Citizens United was one of the worst Supreme Court decisions in the past 30 years?

I wish someone would explain how money influences campaigns. It just doesn't fly anymore. Trump was outspent by Hillary and still kicked her ass!
So this whole pearl clutching exercise over planned parenthood and campaign donations is just bullshit then? Cool!
Why are my taxes going to a political organization?
Why is a tax exempt nonprofit giving millions to political stooges?

Governor Who Endorsed Infanticide Received $2 Million From Planned Parenthood

Yup, wouldn't be surprised to hear he got $1 Million from the KKK....this guy is slime.
So you will join progressives in a call to get money out of politics and you also agree that Citizens United was one of the worst Supreme Court decisions in the past 30 years?

I wish someone would explain how money influences campaigns. It just doesn't fly anymore. Trump was outspent by Hillary and still kicked her ass!
He won the electoral college....lost the popular vote by millions...

Kicking ass would be what Obama did the past couple of elections....
Why are my taxes going to a political organization?
Why is a tax exempt nonprofit giving millions to political stooges?

Governor Who Endorsed Infanticide Received $2 Million From Planned Parenthood

Yup, wouldn't be surprised to hear he got $1 Million from the KKK....this guy is slime.
So you will join progressives in a call to get money out of politics and you also agree that Citizens United was one of the worst Supreme Court decisions in the past 30 years?

I wish someone would explain how money influences campaigns. It just doesn't fly anymore. Trump was outspent by Hillary and still kicked her ass!
So this whole pearl clutching exercise over planned parenthood and campaign donations is just bullshit then? Cool!

No. Planned Parenthood should not be giving campaign donations while receiving taxpayer funding. Neither should any organization that receives taxpayer funding, period!
Why are my taxes going to a political organization?
Why is a tax exempt nonprofit giving millions to political stooges?

Governor Who Endorsed Infanticide Received $2 Million From Planned Parenthood

Yup, wouldn't be surprised to hear he got $1 Million from the KKK....this guy is slime.
So you will join progressives in a call to get money out of politics and you also agree that Citizens United was one of the worst Supreme Court decisions in the past 30 years?

I wish someone would explain how money influences campaigns. It just doesn't fly anymore. Trump was outspent by Hillary and still kicked her ass!
He won the electoral college....lost the popular vote by millions...

Kicking ass would be what Obama did the past couple of elections....

No, he lost the popular vote by California. Be honest. That is why we have an Electoral College. One or a few states should not decide an election. That is also why the President and Vice President are barred from receiving electoral votes if they are from the same state.
Why are my taxes going to a political organization?
Why is a tax exempt nonprofit giving millions to political stooges?

Governor Who Endorsed Infanticide Received $2 Million From Planned Parenthood

Yup, wouldn't be surprised to hear he got $1 Million from the KKK....this guy is slime.
So you will join progressives in a call to get money out of politics and you also agree that Citizens United was one of the worst Supreme Court decisions in the past 30 years?

I wish someone would explain how money influences campaigns. It just doesn't fly anymore. Trump was outspent by Hillary and still kicked her ass!
He won the electoral college....lost the popular vote by millions...

Kicking ass would be what Obama did the past couple of elections....

No, he lost the popular vote by California. Be honest. That is why we have an Electoral College. One or a few states should not decide an election. That is also why the President and Vice President are barred from receiving electoral votes if they are from the same state.
Why do you Trump sycophants never care what bullshit your cult leader pulls out his ass from minute to the next?

When Trump was talking about how he wants to ditch the electoral college, did you agree with him because that is what Daddy wanted?

Trump pushes to swap Electoral College for popular vote
Yup, wouldn't be surprised to hear he got $1 Million from the KKK....this guy is slime.
So you will join progressives in a call to get money out of politics and you also agree that Citizens United was one of the worst Supreme Court decisions in the past 30 years?

I wish someone would explain how money influences campaigns. It just doesn't fly anymore. Trump was outspent by Hillary and still kicked her ass!
He won the electoral college....lost the popular vote by millions...

Kicking ass would be what Obama did the past couple of elections....

No, he lost the popular vote by California. Be honest. That is why we have an Electoral College. One or a few states should not decide an election. That is also why the President and Vice President are barred from receiving electoral votes if they are from the same state.
Why do you Trump sycophants never care what bullshit your cult leader pulls out his ass from minute to the next?

When Trump was talking about how he wants to ditch the electoral college, did you agree with him because that is what Daddy wanted?

Trump pushes to swap Electoral College for popular vote

On that point, he is dead wrong. Liberal infestation of places like Californication and New Chork make them unattainable to conservative candidates.

Now, would you like me to list everything that Obama or Hillary said that was wrong? Got a few years with nothing else to do? I don't!
What a psycho to say a third trimester infant is not a human being.

NO one has an abortion in the third trimester without a really good medical reason.
Just ask the thousands of women who went to Gosnell.

“Once in Gosnell’s absence, Cross saw a large baby delivered into the toilet. She saw his little arms and legs moving in a swimming motion as he struggled to get out of the toilet bowl. Cross held her hands 12-16 inches apart to demonstrate to the jury how big the baby was. Adrienne Moton, who was the first worker to testify for the prosecution, snipped the baby’s neck in front of the mother while she sat bleeding into the toilet. Moton then took the body away and put it into a container.”
What a psycho to say a third trimester infant is not a human being.

NO one has an abortion in the third trimester without a really good medical reason.

Your Northam categorically stated that in Va a baby can be born, kept comfy and warm, and the Dr. and the Mother can then decide if it lives or dies. You're not a bright guy.

Joe , like his fellow Democrat fashion victims, is a sick pos.


Partial-Birth Abortion Illustrations | National Right to Life

Ah, now we can't post images, which is strange since so many think abortions are just great stuff, it's only pics of 'spooge', right?
Your Northam categorically stated that in Va a baby can be born, kept comfy and warm, and the Dr. and the Mother can then decide if it lives or dies. You're not a bright guy.

Not what he said. He said they can make a decision about whether a deformed baby which is dying should be resuscitated or not. How much of that is worth the effort to extend a dying babies' life by a few minutes or hours? sorry this confused you, with your magical religous thinking.

Hospitals have an internal code for cases like this. They call it CTF for "Cletus the Fetus". They go through the motions to humor the parents, but they know it's hopeless.

8 Medical Terms Your Doctor Uses to Insult You | Cracked.com

What It Means:
Cletus the Fetus. Used to describe infants born at 23 weeks or earlier, where their survival rate is less than 1%. There are no confirmed cases of babies surviving at 22 weeks or earlier, which means that children born then are less likely to live than someone who just jumped off the Empire State Building.

When It's Used:
New parents have a tendency to not hear anything that doesn't fit the "Our child will survive because he is special, we are special, and we love him" paradigm. No. Little Cletus will make it no matter what those mean old overpaid white coats tell Mommy and Daddy. Because life works like Lifetime home movies.
Just ask the thousands of women who went to Gosnell.

“Once in Gosnell’s absence, Cross saw a large baby delivered into the toilet. She saw his little arms and legs moving in a swimming motion as he struggled to get out of the toilet bowl. Cross held her hands 12-16 inches apart to demonstrate to the jury how big the baby was. Adrienne Moton, who was the first worker to testify for the prosecution, snipped the baby’s neck in front of the mother while she sat bleeding into the toilet. Moton then took the body away and put it into a container.”

Okay... so Gosnell wasn't there and someone who wasn't a doctor killed a fetus that had dropped into a toilet... this has what do with anything?
Your Northam categorically stated that in Va a baby can be born, kept comfy and warm, and the Dr. and the Mother can then decide if it lives or dies. You're not a bright guy.

Not what he said. He said they can make a decision about whether a deformed baby which is dying should be resuscitated or not. How much of that is worth the effort to extend a dying babies' life by a few minutes or hours? sorry this confused you, with your magical religous thinking.

Hospitals have an internal code for cases like this. They call it CTF for "Cletus the Fetus". They go through the motions to humor the parents, but they know it's hopeless.

8 Medical Terms Your Doctor Uses to Insult You | Cracked.com

What It Means:
Cletus the Fetus. Used to describe infants born at 23 weeks or earlier, where their survival rate is less than 1%. There are no confirmed cases of babies surviving at 22 weeks or earlier, which means that children born then are less likely to live than someone who just jumped off the Empire State Building.

When It's Used:
New parents have a tendency to not hear anything that doesn't fit the "Our child will survive because he is special, we are special, and we love him" paradigm. No. Little Cletus will make it no matter what those mean old overpaid white coats tell Mommy and Daddy. Because life works like Lifetime home movies.

Its exactly what he said. You peeps are abhorrent

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