Ralph Northam Got Nearly $2 Million in Donations from Planned Parenthood

I'm amazed that even smart conservative college professors like Larry Sabato were flim flammed by the democrat propaganda machine. Democrats threw Northam to the wolves rather than engage in a dialog about killing the unborn and Sabato spent ten minutes on Fox talking about blackface photos
Fetuses aren't babies.
No Civil Rights for Spooge.
Liberals want to kill babies up to the very minute they are born, some even want to murder babies who survive abortions.

Those same sick snowflakes claim a baby is not a baby until the baby is out of the mother... And even then, as mentioned, some snowflakes want to be able to kill babies outside of the mother after a failed abortion...

It seems they don't want babies to have rights at any point.

How long does a baby have to be out of the womb after being born now before libs will allow them to have / will acknowledge their rights?
It's amazing that the organization that butchers viable babies, sells their body parts, and bribes politicians with MILLIONS of dollars has not been / can't be stripped if receiving tax dollars yet...
Deep State likes butchering black babies.

Otherwise, there might would be more black Americans ready to whoop their ass!
Otherwise blacks might still outnumber the Democrats' new favorite minorities - illegal Latinos.
He may have that money. His job? I predict he'll be gone by Wednesday.

He gave away the leftists' plans.

They're done with him. I watched MTP today, they are ready to hang him. Not for the killing infants thing, though.
He gone now!


Absolutely gone, the Blacks in Virginia get to make this decision and they have said Be Gone Coonman.

I hope he stays long enough for the Blacks to get to feeling "disrespected". Be time for some popcorn then. I say he's gone by Tuesday.

I would pay to see him Moonwalk out of there.

He's Exhibit "A for:

Democrats are nothing if not Hypocrites. Coonman is a liar too and not a good one in spite of what now looks like a lot of practice.
It's amazing that the organization that butchers viable babies, sells their body parts, and bribes politicians with MILLIONS of dollars has not been / can't be stripped if receiving tax dollars yet...

Well, you have all the logical fallacies in that statement.

First, PP doesn't perform late abortions... you need a specialist for that.

No one was selling body parts. They were donated.

Politicians aren't bribed. They are rewarded for holding positions.

Since we need PP to provide female health screenings, contraception, etc. in poor neighborhoods corporate medicine can't be bothered with, PP will keep getting money. Deal with it.
It's amazing that the organization that butchers viable babies, sells their body parts, and bribes politicians with MILLIONS of dollars has not been / can't be stripped if receiving tax dollars yet...

Well, you have all the logical fallacies in that statement.

First, PP doesn't perform late abortions... you need a specialist for that.

No one was selling body parts. They were donated.

Politicians aren't bribed. They are rewarded for holding positions.

Since we need PP to provide female health screenings, contraception, etc. in poor neighborhoods corporate medicine can't be bothered with, PP will keep getting money. Deal with it.
A fetus at 24 weeks becomes a baby, Nazi boy.

less than 1% of abortions are performed after week 24, and always for valid medical reasons.

So can we get you guys to stop fucking with women who want to end their unwanted pregnancies before 24 weeks?
Then why the fucking need to pass abortion laws that include killing it a moment before it’s born?
A fetus at 24 weeks becomes a baby, Nazi boy.

less than 1% of abortions are performed after week 24, and always for valid medical reasons.

So can we get you guys to stop fucking with women who want to end their unwanted pregnancies before 24 weeks?
Because until last week it was against the law, you stupid ass nazi dumbass.
Fetuses aren't babies.
No Civil Rights for Spooge.
Liberals want to kill babies up to the very minute they are born, some even want to murder babies who survive abortions.

Those same sick snowflakes claim a baby is not a baby until the baby is out of the mother... And even then, as mentioned, some snowflakes want to be able to kill babies outside of the mother after a failed abortion...

It seems they don't want babies to have rights at any point.

How long does a baby have to be out of the womb after being born now before libs will allow them to have / will acknowledge their rights?

I think that now Dems would up that age to graduation from college. Any time before then, the mother would have the right to abort them.
I voted for Northam. If you want to know why, take a long look at his opponent Gillespie, a known anti-LGBTQ, anti-woman, right-wing sex freak. Am I mortified at this news of Northam: yes. But he is not the filth that is Gillespie.The republicans had some damned nerve in running the likes of Gillespie.

It is way over time that republicans start taking some responsibility for the candidates who they run. At least Northam is not running the state the same way as Gillespie would have done.I am not happy with what has been revealed about Northam, but at least he is not Gillespie or someone like Greg Abbot in Texas. When you only have two choices, Northam definitely was it.
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