Ramaswamy Was Right

I posted the Oxford definition of "government", which did not include the use of the word "family". You're a liar.
OMG shut up! You conjure this image -
When he said that "the nuclear family is the greatest form of government known to mankind." That was a powerful moment during the debate.

Do any democrats here agree with him?
Uh...it still is. The nuclear family didn't really go anywhere. But it did evolve to include other definitions.
Viv didn't say anything earth shattering here. What he didn't have the courage to say was to define his version of nuclear as one man and one woman. :)
The village can kiss my ass, and had better be wearing a helmet and padding if they suggest they have anything to say about raising my children.

If you beat your children, the village will stop you
If you struggle to feed your children, the village will help you
The village will chip in to educate your children
If you children are lost or run away, the village will help find them
When he said that "the nuclear family is the greatest form of government known to mankind." That was a powerful moment during the debate.

Do any democrats here agree with him?
Is that the one with the husband, seven wives, and forty nine kids?🤪
If you beat your children, the village will stop you
If you struggle to feed your children, the village will help you
The village will chip in to educate your children
If you children are lost or run away, the village will help find them
If the village wants input into how I raise my children, the village will wake up in a pool of their own dried blood on the front lawn (if they're lucky).
So far this thread has proven Ramaswamy right. The democrats can't hide their true colors.
If the village wants input into how I raise my children, the village will wake up in a pool of their own dried blood on the front lawn (if they're lucky).

Your village will stop you if you are abusive or your children are in danger……That is what villages do
When he said that "the nuclear family is the greatest form of government known to mankind." That was a powerful moment during the debate.

Do any democrats here agree with him?

Nice try but Trump or nothing. Ramsy can be VP. Those giving clicks to the MSM are part of the problem. It was rigged from start to after talks on FOX just like 2020.
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But….but….he supports Trump

A destroyer of the nuclear family
Progs destroyed the nuclear family. And many people are more miserable than ever. I type this not for what I stand on a soap box for. It's just common sense. Real common sense. Civilization saving common sense. Where a good percentage of the people living on the planet are not reduced in huge numbers. Endless wars.
Progs destroyed the nuclear family. And many people are more miserable than ever. I type this not for what I stand on a soap box for. It's just common sense. Real common sense. Civilization saving common sense. Where a good percentage of the people living on the planet are not reduced in huge numbers. Endless wars.

To be fair....many families of the 50s' and 60s' self destructed using booze, cigarettes or even drugs later on.
Your village will stop you if you are abusive or your children are in danger……That is what villages do
The village didn’t do shit when Biden was showering with his little girl and don’t care that it happened. That village?
To be fair....many families of the 50s' and 60s' self destructed using booze, cigarettes or even drugs later on.
The post WW 2 generation was the most affluent in American history. the children at a high percentage living with comforts and the holidays were great. However, compared to what the legislation pushed us to, living was cheaper. I get it. It is just that we waste so much in resources to correct issues while promoting more issues. Adn the taxes keep rising.
If you beat your children, the village will stop you
If you struggle to feed your children, the village will help you
The village will chip in to educate your children
If you children are lost or run away, the village will help find them
Exactly…and for some reason, the idea of “it takes a village” is misrepresented and has become toxic to the right.

The nuclear family is a modern construct and if you look closely it is a very isolating concept. The entire burden of child raising is on just two parents. There is no extended family or neighborhood in place to offer help either physical, financial or knowledge.

Why is a nuclear family so important when we are a species that thrives on systems of cooperative support and nurturing?

”It takes a village” means…

Extended family, friends, neighbors, clergy, teachers, coaches, mentors all playing a role in the nurturing of a child.

What is wrong with that?
Why is a nuclear family so important when we are a species that thrives on systems of cooperative support and nurturing?

”It takes a village” means…

The more people who care about the well being of your child, the better off you are.

My kids had grandparents, aunts and uncles, teachers, coaches, scout leaders…..all who cared about my children

A village

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