Rand Educates Whoopi: 'Automatic Weapons ARE Banned'!

FYI, I think guns should be legal however regulated. large magazines, automatic weapons, silencers should be banned, improved background checks I'm for. I'd also like to see gun owners have to pass a basic safety course,
FYI, I think guns should be legal however regulated. large magazines, automatic weapons, silencers should be banned, improved background checks I'm for. I'd also like to see gun owners have to pass a basic safety course,

You should join and support the NRA.

"From beginner to developing competitor, the NRA Training Department develops safe, ethical, responsible shooters through a network of more than 97,000instructorsandrange safety officers, more than 5,700coaches, and more than 1,800training counselors.

NRA Training Counselors recruit and train instructors to teachNRA's basic firearm courses. NRA Coaches, in turn, developcompetitorsat the club, high school, collegiate and national levels."

Education and Training|Firearm Training
FYI, I think guns should be legal however regulated. large magazines, automatic weapons, silencers should be banned, improved background checks I'm for. I'd also like to see gun owners have to pass a basic safety course,

You should join and support the NRA.

"From beginner to developing competitor, the NRA Training Department develops safe, ethical, responsible shooters through a network of more than 97,000instructorsandrange safety officers, more than 5,700coaches, and more than 1,800training counselors.

NRA Training Counselors recruit and train instructors to teachNRA's basic firearm courses. NRA Coaches, in turn, developcompetitorsat the club, high school, collegiate and national levels."

Education and Training|Firearm Training

Does the NRA support mandatory training in order to legally own a gun? Or is responsibility optional?
FYI, I think guns should be legal however regulated. large magazines, automatic weapons, silencers should be banned, improved background checks I'm for. I'd also like to see gun owners have to pass a basic safety course,

You should join and support the NRA.

"From beginner to developing competitor, the NRA Training Department develops safe, ethical, responsible shooters through a network of more than 97,000instructorsandrange safety officers, more than 5,700coaches, and more than 1,800training counselors.

NRA Training Counselors recruit and train instructors to teachNRA's basic firearm courses. NRA Coaches, in turn, developcompetitorsat the club, high school, collegiate and national levels."

Education and Training|Firearm Training

Does the NRA support mandatory training in order to legally own a gun? Or is responsibility optional?

Why would a veteran who was issued an automatic weapon when they served need a law that would require training? How about a farm boy who has hunted with his dad since he was 16? The NRA offers gun safety training to anyone interested.
FYI, I think guns should be legal however regulated. large magazines, automatic weapons, silencers should be banned, improved background checks I'm for. I'd also like to see gun owners have to pass a basic safety course,

You should join and support the NRA.

"From beginner to developing competitor, the NRA Training Department develops safe, ethical, responsible shooters through a network of more than 97,000instructorsandrange safety officers, more than 5,700coaches, and more than 1,800training counselors.

NRA Training Counselors recruit and train instructors to teachNRA's basic firearm courses. NRA Coaches, in turn, developcompetitorsat the club, high school, collegiate and national levels."

Education and Training|Firearm Training

Does the NRA support mandatory training in order to legally own a gun? Or is responsibility optional?

Why would a veteran who was issued an automatic weapon when they served need a law that would require training? How about a farm boy who has hunted with his dad since he was 16? The NRA offers gun safety training to anyone interested.

I've driven a car all my life, I still have to take a test every now and again. Police retake tests, pilots have reviews, specialists have to continually re qualify. It's not a big deal.

A one time test. Read a pamphlet, I'm sure farm boy and John Wayne will do just fine.
Fact Check: Romney says it's illegal to have automatic weapons

Purchasing one requires submitting fingerprints and photographs to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, going through an FBI criminal background check, and paying a $200 tax, among other requirements. Only automatic weapons manufactured and registered with the federal government before 1986 can be bought, owned and sold.

Obama administration officials have called for a renewal of the Federal Assault Weapons Ban, which was signed into law by President Bill Clinton in 1994 and expired in 2004.

GOP dipshits. All they had to do was use Google. Lazy asses.
So whoopi is a republican now?
Why? Because she's packing? A lot of Democrats are.

Quit being a shithead. You think you are clever when you don't even know what you are talking about.
Whoopi Goldberg Says She Wants Automatic Weapons Banned — Watch When Rand Tells Her They Already Are

Whoopi Goldberg seems to be under the impression that automatic weapons are available to the general public.

"During Wednesday’s episode of “The View,” Goldberg pleaded with Republican presidential candidate Rand Paul on gun control and said that she couldn’t understand why “anyone objects to getting rid of automatic weapons.” “Automatic weapons, they’re not for hunting. They do nothing — they’re only there to kill. And you’ll notice that a lot of things that happened are with automatic weapons,” she claimed to Paul. “When we see that why don’t we say, ‘Who really needs to have one other than people that are at war?’”

The crowd erupted in applause before Paul could explain that the very weapons Goldberg was referring to are already unavailable to the general public.

(FACE-PALM!) Stupid Liberal, stupid audience..... 'Nuff said...

You have to understand, these regressives ALWAYS want more restrictions on weapons... till the last butter knife has been taken away from you. It's always a slippery slope with them.
What the fuck do you want? A fucking bazooka?

Do right wingers feel anything when their children shoot each other? One wonders.
The title of this thread is:

Rand Educates Whoopi: 'Automatic Weapons ARE Banned'!

And just so you nitwits know, they aren't banned. Not since 2004.
Mostly because the type of person who would spend the time to get one isn't a criminal, its more of a hobby.

And before you go with "See!!! if we regulate guns more gun crime will go down!!!" I give you Washington DC and Chicago as examples of rampant gun control and little results.

So, what you are saying is if you make guns more difficult to get like automatic weapons they would be used less in crime.

Correlation is not causation. Most criminals are perfectly happy using any gun they can get their hands on.

Great, so keeping their hands off of the really dangerous ones appears to be a good idea. What do they call that? Oh, yeah....gun control.

Your attempted gotcha moment is fizzling out. The real question is how does making it harder for me to get a firearm, any firearm, even a revolver stop criminals from getting them or using them.

Answer that one, dippy.

It's not a gotcha' question. I am a gun owner. I'm asking why spree killers, mass shooters, etc. don't opt for the gun that has the ability to kill more people. If mass shooters...say in San Bernardino had automatic weapons, how much worse would the carnage be?

They don't need one, because they choose areas that are declared "gun free zones" and they know they have free reign for at least 10 minutes.

The idiot and Sandy hook could have used a musket as a bludgeon and gotten at least 1/2 the body count he got.

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