Rand Paul blames Hillary for refugee crisis


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
Here is the clip:

Rand Paul: Hillary Clinton bears responsibility for Syrian refugee crisis

Here is the statement from Clinton:
Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton on Sunday called for a drastic increase in the number of refugees the U.S. plans to take in.

"You know, look, we're facing the worst refugee crisis since the end of World War II and I think the United States has to do more and I would like to see us move from what is a good start with 10,000 to 65,000 and begin immediately to put into place the mechanisms for vetting the people we would take in, looking to really emphasis some of those who are most vulnerable," Clinton said on CBS's Face the Nation.
Hillary Clinton Calls for U.S. to Take 65,000 Refugees

That is how it's done.
Then she should help set up refugee camps....

somewhere else.

Some of those WWII refugees were war criminals, living here unseen, unnoticed, for decades.

I see no reason to invite soldiers of a foreign army to live among us.

We have enough problems with people crossing the border without permission on an individual basis.

Bringing them in by the thousands is idiocy.
So far, he is the only one that has managed to nail it.

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