Rand Paul, enemy of socialized medicine, will go to Canada for surgery

Communications director Kelsey Cooper called Shouldice Hernia Hospital “a private, world renowned hospital separate from any system and people come from around the world to pay cash for their services.”

Nothing to see here.
From the original article tpm stole it from, but didn’t report this-
Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul is going to Canada for surgery
Kelsey Cooper, a spokeswoman for Paul, said the hospital is privately owned and people come from around the globe for their services.

“This is more fake news on a story that has been terribly reported from day one — this is a private, world renowned hospital separate from any system and people come from around the world to pay cash for their services,” Cooper said in an email to the Courier Journal.

And this is the clinic that actually invented the non-mesh hernia repair.
This is a private clinic that pioneered non-mesh hernia repair.

No hypocrisy. The facility is private and Paul is paying cash.
But if America has the best healthcare in the world, why is he going to Canada? Have we no top-of-the-line facilities that can handle a hernia? There must be more to this than is publicly known.

Apparently it's one of our few healthcare for profit facilities. So, he's probably getting it cheaper, even better now that the Canadian dollar is monopoly money again.

Hell, if you guys find out when he's coming let me know, I wouldn't mind getting an autograph and offering him a handshake. Maybe I could convince him to come to Canada, run for office, and fix our shytehole.

No hypocrisy. The facility is private and Paul is paying cash.
But if America has the best healthcare in the world, why is he going to Canada? Have we no top-of-the-line facilities that can handle a hernia? There must be more to this than is publicly known.
when you figure out what it is let us know
How can there be a private clinic in a country that has socialized healthcare?

Didn't the government burn down all private medical facilities back during the socialist-fascist-communist uprising??
Rand Paul: Canadian-style government-sponsored socialized medicine is “slavery”
is Rand going to pay out-of-pocket for the procedure at this hospital or we, the US taxpayers, going to pay for it through his Congressional health insurance? We all know the answer to that.

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