Rand Paul exemplifies what a representative should be


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
He never acts like an obedient little soldier for the party. Instead, he does what is in the best interest of his constituents and America. It is unacceptable that our representatives vote on legislation without reading it.
Paul said his resolution stemmed from what he considered the GOP leadership’s secrecy about the Senate’s bill to repeal and replace Obamacare before it was released on Thursday.
I love the fact that Rand Paul is calling out his own party. If only all representatives did that. We wouldn't have ended up with the catastrophic disaster known as Obamacare. He would make an exceptional president. I hope we see a President Paul someday soon.

Fed up with GOP secrecy on Obamacare repeal, Rand Paul introduces ‘Read the Bills’ resolution
Shame on the Republican Party for how they've handled the Obamacare repeal and kudos to Rand Paul for not only calling them out, but introducing legislation to correct the problem.
He's a fucking genius. First he says repeal all the Obamacare taxes. then he says pass a law giving back all the Obamacare benefits and blame somebody else for adding the deficit. A real profile in courage moment there. LOL
Shame on the Republican Party for how they've handled the Obamacare repeal and kudos to Rand Paul for not only calling them out, but introducing legislation to correct the problem.
where is his legislation? why the fk is this dip wad holding his package? get it?
He never acts like an obedient little soldier for the party. Instead, he does what is in the best interest of his constituents and America. It is unacceptable that our representatives vote on legislation without reading it.
Paul said his resolution stemmed from what he considered the GOP leadership’s secrecy about the Senate’s bill to repeal and replace Obamacare before it was released on Thursday.
I love the fact that Rand Paul is calling out his own party. If only all representatives did that. We wouldn't have ended up with the catastrophic disaster known as Obamacare. He would make an exceptional president. I hope we see a President Paul someday soon.

Fed up with GOP secrecy on Obamacare repeal, Rand Paul introduces ‘Read the Bills’ resolution
An extremist little clown who doesn't care if people die because they can't afford health care? Meh. At least he is so far outside the mainstream he never gets anywhere. Time to push ALL extremists from both parties to the outside....leave it to SANE moderates to deal with health care.
An extremist little clown who doesn't care if people die because they can't afford health care?
Awe...listen to the little junior high drama queen. Have you started wearing your training bra yet, sweetie?

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An extremist little clown who doesn't care if people die because they can't afford health care?
An extremist little clown who doesn't care if people die because they can't afford health care?
Does our little Drama Queen need someone to "care" about her? Does she need someone to "care" for her?

Here's the thing my fragile little snowflake - government doesn't exist to "care". That's not their function. I promise you, Barack Insane Obama had no clue your pathetic ass even existed. None. Literally.
where is his legislation? why the fk is this dip wad holding his package? get it?
Um...no. No, I don't "get it" at all. Do you care to share it with the class or are you under the impression that making cryptic posts causes everyone to view you as "wise"? :dunno:
An extremist little clown who doesn't care if people die because they can't afford health care?
Awe...listen to the little junior high drama queen. Have you started wearing your training bra yet, sweetie?

I am so glad you butt buddy Rand is an EXTREME minority in Congress :) What he wants goes NO WHERE, go ahead and just repeal Obamacare...Watch the GOP get destroyed in 2018 and watch that extremist clown get his ass stomped in his next election.
Time to push ALL extremists from both parties to the outside....leave it to SANE moderates to deal with health care.
The problem is - the truly sane moderates are the people that your radicalized ass calls "extremists".

Rand Paul here is an extremely educated man (far more than your dumb ass). He's a PhD. Dr. Rand Paul. It's safe to say he's forgotten more about healthcare than you, Pocahontas, and Nancy Pelosi combined. It's also safe to say he's no "extremist". He didn't grow up as part of a militia - he was a physician. Yet you paint him as an "extremist" because you're a bat-shit crazy radical who goes around screaming "but...but....but...people will die if the government doesn't provide for us like we were small, helpless children".
Watch the GOP get destroyed in 2018 and watch that extremist clown get his ass stomped in his next election.
Bwahahahahaha!!! That's what you snowflakes said about 2016. :lmao:

(Psst...remind us again what Hitlery Clinton is doing these days?)
go ahead and just repeal Obamacare...
Well, that is why the American people handed the entire nation over to the Republicans. The American people made it painfully clear they didn't want the federal government dictating healthcare. You fascists didn't listen (instead - you decided to listen to the extremist marxist Barack Insane Obama) and you've lost over 1,000 seats nationwide ever since.
I am so glad...Rand is an EXTREME minority in Congress
"Extreme minority"? :uhh:

(Psst....his party holds the majority, stupid :laugh:)
Psstt moron HE is in the EXTREME MINORITY within his own party. Him,Cruz,Lee....that's about it! 3 Amigo's who can get NOTHING done because even the SANE members of their party don't believe in their bullshit ideas. Go ahead and strip millions of people insurance from them by JUST repealing Obamacare and see what happens to the GOP in 2018 and 2020.
He never acts like an obedient little soldier for the party. Instead, he does what is in the best interest of his constituents and America. It is unacceptable that our representatives vote on legislation without reading it.
Paul said his resolution stemmed from what he considered the GOP leadership’s secrecy about the Senate’s bill to repeal and replace Obamacare before it was released on Thursday.
I love the fact that Rand Paul is calling out his own party. If only all representatives did that. We wouldn't have ended up with the catastrophic disaster known as Obamacare. He would make an exceptional president. I hope we see a President Paul someday soon.

Fed up with GOP secrecy on Obamacare repeal, Rand Paul introduces ‘Read the Bills’ resolution

Yes he would've, too bad we're falling into a massive sinkhole, of which people are going to look for someone VS ideas to solve our problems. Which is why we have trump, and which is why we'll run to socialism, even though Illinois (as well as 1000's of other examples), show us that you can't pay for things with money you do not have, and you can't make the later generations pay for it either.
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Go ahead and strip millions of people insurance from them by JUST repealing Obamacare and see what happens to the GOP in 2018 and 2020.
Snowflake.....repealing Obamacare is why the American people handed the House, the Senate, the White House, and 33 of the 50 states over to the Republican Party.
Rand "Aqua Buddha" Paul is a flake just like his daddy.
Oh look....more left-wing propaganda from Lakhota. Here is what actually occurred:
Nearly 30 years later, the woman is still trying to make sense of that afternoon. "They never hurt me, they never did anything wrong, but the whole thing was kind of sadistic. They were messing with my mind. It was some kind of joke."
One can always count on Lakhota for disinformation. It was a childish Secret Society prank. Do I approve of it? Hell no. Would I have done it? Hell no. But don't lie about the incident.

GQ Exclusive: Rand Paul's Kooky College Days (Hint: There's a Secret Society Involved)

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