Rand Paul Fights for Conservative Principles — And Wins

Rand is fighting for something alright but its sure as hell not principles of any kind.

He's running for president. We can expect a whole lot more of this empty grandstanding in the next 4 years.

Luckily, not many are willing to vote for a lying idiot. We saw that with the last election when not one of the Clown Car Candidates even got close to winning.
Rand is fighting for something alright but its sure as hell not principles of any kind.

He's running for president. We can expect a whole lot more of this empty grandstanding in the next 4 years.

Luckily, not many are willing to vote for a lying idiot. We saw that with the last election when not one of the Clown Car Candidates even got close to winning.

Progressives for expansions of the Patriot act and endless war! Lead the charge Lubbly!

I find it funny how much you fear Rand due to his positions being backed up by a voting record and push for policy VS Obama who let down an entire generation of new young voters. Did you hear Dems lost 4 million voters last election, biggest drop in... well that's a record even losing 1 voter for Dems. Another Obama accomplishment!
Rand like Ron shows the hypocrisy of the war mongering left, that's why progressives hate Ron and Rand.

Reasons for mindless progressive Obama-bot # 2 million to not like Rand taking a stand against the NDAA and expansion of the Patriot act: BECAUSE HE'S RUNNING FOR PRESIDENT!!!! OOooooo, I can see why you hate him.... Because he represents the values you claimed to once have.
If he was fighting for conservative principles, then why did the old school conservatives attack him?
Because "old school conservatives" like Juan McQuisling are big gubmint loving establishment neocon dickheads, who stand more for their power than any principle.
Rand is fighting for something alright but its sure as hell not principles of any kind.

He's running for president. We can expect a whole lot more of this empty grandstanding in the next 4 years.

Luckily, not many are willing to vote for a lying idiot. We saw that with the last election when not one of the Clown Car Candidates even got close to winning.

I like it when Obama voted against the war on terror only to expand it.
I like it when Obama voted against raising the debt ceiling only to claim anyone who does it to him is "holding the country hostage."

Yep, no grandstanding and selling out of principles there.
Rand Paul stands for European-style austerity-only measures. Cut everything, and when a couple million people are put out of work and spending goes down, revenues go down and things like unemployment insurance and food stamps go up, which serve to raise the yearly deficits.

That's not a conservative principle, that's just stupid.
Rand Paul stands for European-style austerity-only measures. Cut everything, and when a couple million people are put out of work and spending goes down, revenues go down and things like unemployment insurance and food stamps go up, which serve to raise the yearly deficits.

That's not a conservative principle, that's just stupid.
According to Nancy Pigloski, that's a stimulus program!
Rand Paul stands for European-style austerity-only measures. Cut everything, and when a couple million people are put out of work and spending goes down, revenues go down and things like unemployment insurance and food stamps go up, which serve to raise the yearly deficits.

That's not a conservative principle, that's just stupid.
According to Nancy Pigloski, that's a stimulus program!

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KoE1R-xH5To]Pelosi: we have to pass the health care bill so that you can find out what is in it - YouTube[/ame]

She's a fvcking progressive/lunatic...
You know.................Europe has been practicing austerity measures for the past couple of years, and their economy is shrinking.

We haven't gone as far as they have, yet our economy grew by 2 percent last year.
shrinking the US government until its weak enough to drown outright in the bath tub.


Don't forget to clean up after yo-self...​

Rand Paul’s Big Fight

Paul says McCain is “too personal,” and America is ready to come home.

By Robert Costa
March 12, 2013


Paul has no problem with McCain engaging in debate, “but I think if you’re going to debate, it’s better to leave names out,” he says. “I spoke for 13 hours and never mentioned his name or Lindsey Graham’s name. They spoke for about 20 minutes and decided to use my name quite a bit, including some synonyms I wasn’t aware of, like different types of animals.”

Paul thinks his more senior colleagues miss the point of his efforts. He doesn’t see his filibuster as grandstanding, or his politics as out of the mainstream. Rather, he says, he speaks for a growing coalition of conservatives and independents who have grown weary of war and an increasingly powerful executive branch.

It is nothing less than a fight for the soul of the GOP on foreign policy. Beyond his mild distaste for how some Republicans are countering his arguments, the Kentucky senator thinks the broader discussion is both healthy and necessary. Paul doesn’t want his filibuster of John Brennan’s nomination for director of the Central Intelligence Agency to be remembered as a random moment, but as the beginning of his push to shift the party.

To Paul, now is the right time to push within the GOP for less foreign intervention. “When you saw the debate between President Obama and Romney on foreign policy, they sounded pretty similar. In the vice-presidential debate, Biden was more assertive, but Ryan didn’t disagree with most of his positions,” Paul observes. “It was sort of like, ‘We’ll either come a little bit slower out of Afghanistan, or we’ll do this.’ But Biden had a good response, ‘We’re coming home.’ And I think that’s what people want; I think that’s what people are ready for, that we’re coming home.”


Paul says foreign policy is an instrumental way to expand the GOP, but it’s not the only way. Social issues are another area where he thinks Republicans can make a better argument to independents and centrists without departing from their principles. Gay marriage, for instance, is one issue on which Paul would like to shake up the Republican position. “I’m an old-fashioned traditionalist. I believe in the historic and religious definition of marriage,” he says. “That being said, I’m not for eliminating contracts between adults. I think there are ways to make the tax code more neutral, so it doesn’t mention marriage. Then we don’t have to redefine what marriage is; we just don’t have marriage in the tax code.”


Paul’s filibuster has also stirred talk of a White House run in 2016. He says he’s open to the possibility. But for now, his campaign is within the marble halls of the Capitol, not in the Iowa cornfields. “You know, I just went to the floor,” he says, recalling how his famous filibuster started. “All of sudden, it just sort of happened.” You can say the same about the rapid ascent of Rand Paul.

Rand Paul?s Big Fight - Robert Costa - National Review Online
Liberals will try to do to Rand Paul what they did to Sarah Palin, Mitt Romney and anyone else who threatens them. Dr. Paul is a somewhat different person than the go along to get along and might prove to be a dog that bites.
Liberals will try to do to Rand Paul what they did to Sarah Palin, Mitt Romney and anyone else who threatens them. Dr. Paul is a somewhat different person than the go along to get along and might prove to be a dog that bites.

Stupidity doesn't really threaten me.

However.....................advertising the stupidity of those who claim they're smarter than everyone else? Lots of fun.
Liberals will try to do to Rand Paul what they did to Sarah Palin, Mitt Romney and anyone else who threatens them. Dr. Paul is a somewhat different person than the go along to get along and might prove to be a dog that bites.

You mean former doctor Paul.

And there are differences between Paul and Palin. She is much better looking and more appealing to voters.

Rand Paul Fights for Conservative Principles — And Wins

March 8, 2013
By Arnold Ahlert


Paul began his marathon session at 11:47 a.m. Wednesday and continued until 12:39 a.m. Thursday morning. At various times he was joined by fellow Republican Senators Ted Cruz (R-TX), Marco Rubio (R-FL), Saxby Chambliss (R-GA), Mitch McConnell (R-KY), and Mike Lee (R-UT). Yet a key moment occurred in the fifth hour after the filibuster began, when Democratic Senator Ron Wyden (D-OR) announced on Twitter that he was headed to the Senate floor to join his Republican colleague. When he got there, Wyden admitted that he intended to “vote for Mr. Brennan on the floor,” but he also concluded that “the executive branch should not be allowed to conduct such a serious and far-reaching program by themselves without any scrutiny, because that’s not how American democracy works. That’s not what our system is about.”

At 4:45 p.m. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) asked if Paul knew when he would end his filibuster so Brennan’s nomination could be brought to a vote. Paul responded that he would stop “if the president or the attorney general will clarify that they will not kill Americans on American soil.” Just after 7 p.m. Paul asked for Democrats’ consent to vote on a non-binding resolution opposing the killing of U.S. citizens on American soil. When Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL) proposed a committee hearing in lieu of a vote, Paul continued talking, reminding his listeners that he voted to approve the nominations of Secretary of State John Kerry and Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel. “But I will not sit quietly and let [the president] shred the Constitution…I would be here if it were a Republican president doing this,” he contended. “Really the great irony of this is that President Obama’s opinion on this is an extension of George Bush’s opinion.”

The greater insult to the American people was arguably the indifference expressed by some Democrats. Sen. Chris Murphy (D-CT) referred to the filibuster as “background noise.” Nancy Pelosi refused to watch Paul, contending that ”there are certain things that fall into the category of ‘life is too short,’” even as she expressed the hope that “Democrats will use the filibuster sometime as well in that way.” Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) called Democrats out. “I agree that one of the saddest things we’ve seen during the eight hours that Rand Paul has been filibustering is the crickets chirping from the other side of the aisle, with the exception of Ron Wyden, and I appreciate his coming down,” Cruz said Wednesday on Mark Levin’s radio show. “But with that exception, where were the Democrats? How can they not be every bit as outraged as all of the rest of us are?”


Rand Paul deserves a great deal of praise for bringing together Americans of all political stripes. He gets additional points for wresting critical information from an Obama administration that has made a regular practice of stonewalling questions it does not wish to answer, which it attempted to do in this case. Paul’s bold effort provides the model of the future of the conservative movement and what can be accomplished when those on the right forcefully and engagingly champion the cause.

Rand Paul Fights for Conservative Principles ? And Wins

Funny thing is, you frequently defend Bush and the Iraq war. Do you realize Rand represents the exact opposite of that mindset?
Liberals will try to do to Rand Paul what they did to Sarah Palin, Mitt Romney and anyone else who threatens them. Dr. Paul is a somewhat different person than the go along to get along and might prove to be a dog that bites.

You mean former doctor Paul.

And there are differences between Paul and Palin. She is much better looking and more appealing to voters.
She's also a ditz.

Rand, thankfully, doesn't have such a negative characteristic.
Liberals will try to do to Rand Paul what they did to Sarah Palin, Mitt Romney and anyone else who threatens them. Dr. Paul is a somewhat different person than the go along to get along and might prove to be a dog that bites.

You mean former doctor Paul.

And there are differences between Paul and Palin. She is much better looking and more appealing to voters.

Being good looking and being good at thinking aren't always wrapped up in the same package. Palin is a very good example.

Nice to see that the GOP still values looks over brains.

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