Rand Paul: I was against earmarks before I was for them....

"deunked"? In his own words he seemed to imply he would accept funding for projects in his state. That's the rub, an earmark is something which goes to another, the same project in ones' own state is a need.
Earmarks are simply one more canard used to obfuscate real debate.

No, no, no. Rand Paul is now calling them "opportunities". Not earmarks. Do try to keep up.

Mea culpa. Often the spin makes me dizzy, and I err.
(is Rand Paul the guy whose medical practice derives its income from medicare payments?)

Well, by calling them "opportunitees", the GOP and especially a Tea Party backed candidate like Rand Paul, can say they have followed through on their promise to eliminate those pesky "earmarks". And if you continue to second guess Paul's sincereity by bringing up facts about where his medical practice gets the bulk of it's income from, you will be accused of deflecting....
A man who hasn't even been sworn in yet is being viciously attacked by the Left Wing loons? Gee go figure? Par for the course for these loons i guess. At least wait till he's actually sworn in as a Senator before attacking him for things he hasn't done. lol! We'll see how he votes once he becomes a Senator. Attacking him for his votes is certainly valid. Till then,these attacks are just stupid & petty.
Good to see the Republicans addressing the Earmark issue. I think we can all agree on that no? I'm sure Rand Paul will do the right thing when or if presented with Earmark Legislation.

Didn't Pelosi pledge to reform earmarks back in 06? Shouldn't this be a bipartisan issue then with agreement on both sides?

lol! Naw that was only when DA BOOOOOOOSH was in there. Don't count on Bi-Partisanship. Pelosi is a heinous mutant. Nuff said.
....And, "conservatives" appear equally as confused as you, on the issue.​

"Sen. Jim Inhofe (R-OK) — whom National Journal ranked as the most conservative senator in 2009 — has gone even further, declaring “an all-out war within the Senate GOP conference next week to defeat an earmark moratorium.” Inhofe has said he will take to the Senate floor Monday to deliver a “pretty strong statement” against the ban, and to call out DeMint for supporting earmarks before he was against them. DeMint “was really pro-earmark. … He ran as a pro-earmarker” as a House Member in 2004, Inhofe told Roll Call."

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His campaign has said about half of Paul’s medical income in Bowling Green has come from Medicare and Medicaid payments — which it says is in line with the average for eye doctors around the country.
Since 2005, Paul has received slightly more than $130,000 in Medicaid funds, about one-third of the amount he billed the program, according to the Kentucky cabinet that administers the state-federal health insurance program for the poor and disabled.


Yes. MediCare, MediCaid and other government run programs are BAD for private business....
A man who hasn't even been sworn in yet is being viciously attacked by the Left Wing loons? Gee go figure? Par for the course for these loons i guess. At least wait till he's actually sworn in as a Senator before attacking him for things he hasn't done. lol! We'll see how he votes once he becomes a Senator. Attacking him for his votes is certainly valid. Till then,these attacks are just stupid & petty.

Uh, I don't recall if you personally attacked Hillary Clinton when it appeared she might get the nomination, or that immediately upon getting the nomination you switched your attack to Nominee Obama, but many RWers did. As a card carrying RWer I suspect you did too.
Hypocrisy seems to be a traditional value of conservatives.
Rand Paul has never cast a single vote in Congress. Once he does,it will be absolutely fair to attack him. The guy hasn't even been sworn in yet for God's sake. The Left loons are just stuck in Smear-Mode. He won and they lost. They just can't seem to get over that i guess. Pretty sad & pathetic in my opinion. I'll wait and see on Rand Paul. You should too.
Rand Paul has never cast a single vote in Congress. Once he does,it will be absolutely fair to attack him. The guy hasn't even been sworn in yet for God's sake. The Left loons are just stuck in Smear-Mode. He won and they lost. They just can't seem to get over that i guess. Pretty sad & pathetic in my opinion. I'll wait and see on Rand Paul. You should too.

How about the the 'left' attack Rand Paul, before he's sworn in as Senator, only in an amount proportionate to how much the 'right' attacked Barack Obama, before he was sworn in as President?

Rand Paul has never cast a single vote in Congress. Once he does,it will be absolutely fair to attack him. The guy hasn't even been sworn in yet for God's sake. The Left loons are just stuck in Smear-Mode. He won and they lost. They just can't seem to get over that i guess. Pretty sad & pathetic in my opinion. I'll wait and see on Rand Paul. You should too.

How he votes will be political, isn't that the way of them all? Of course what he said regarding civil rights was said before his handlers told him not to be so candid, like all racists he needed to learn to speak in code.
Isn't just amazing how the oathers/teabaggers/birthers/neocons/libertarians will bend over backwards and shove their own heads up their butts before acknowledging a painfully obvious flip-flop by one of their newly elected darlings?

Isn't it just amazing how some people will simply ignore the fact that the alleged flip-flop was debunked?

"deunked"? In his own words he seemed to imply he would accept funding for projects in his state. That's the rub, an earmark is something which goes to another, the same project in ones' own state is a need.
Earmarks are simply one more canard used to obfuscate real debate.

Yes, debunked. Rand's position hasn't changed on earmarks as I have shown in this thread, and this is much ado about nothing.
"deunked"? In his own words he seemed to imply he would accept funding for projects in his state. That's the rub, an earmark is something which goes to another, the same project in ones' own state is a need.
Earmarks are simply one more canard used to obfuscate real debate.

No, no, no. Rand Paul is now calling them "opportunities". Not earmarks. Do try to keep up.

Mea culpa. Often the spin makes me dizzy, and I err.
(is Rand Paul the guy whose medical practice derives its income from medicare payments?)

And if he didn't accept patients on Medicare you'd cast him as an evil person who doesn't care about the elderly.
No, no, no. Rand Paul is now calling them "opportunities". Not earmarks. Do try to keep up.

Mea culpa. Often the spin makes me dizzy, and I err.
(is Rand Paul the guy whose medical practice derives its income from medicare payments?)

And if he didn't accept patients on Medicare you'd cast him as an evil person who doesn't care about the elderly.

Staw man alert!!! Kevin, please, you're better than this.
Now, taking Rand Paul at his word, which if I'm not mistaken includes his statement that he believes the civil rights act went too far, and that a private business should have the right to exclude anyone based on any factor the owner decides. Hence, one might infer Dr. Paul might very well have excluded the aged, based solely on their age or skin color, gender or religion; or at the very least supported another Dr. in such an action.
Mea culpa. Often the spin makes me dizzy, and I err.
(is Rand Paul the guy whose medical practice derives its income from medicare payments?)

And if he didn't accept patients on Medicare you'd cast him as an evil person who doesn't care about the elderly.

Staw man alert!!! Kevin, please, you're better than this.
Now, taking Rand Paul at his word, which if I'm not mistaken includes his statement that he believes the civil rights act went too far, and that a private business should have the right to exclude anyone based on any factor the owner decides. Hence, one might infer Dr. Paul might very well have excluded the aged, based solely on their age or skin color, gender or religion; or at the very least supported another Dr. in such an action.

Now why would he do that? He has successfully made hundreds of thousands of dollars off of our "entitlement" programs, while at the same time tricking weak minded individuals into voitng him into power, which in the end will only add to his wealth. Sounds like a pretty sweet deal to me!
Rand Paul has never cast a single vote in Congress. Once he does,it will be absolutely fair to attack him. The guy hasn't even been sworn in yet for God's sake. The Left loons are just stuck in Smear-Mode. He won and they lost. They just can't seem to get over that i guess. Pretty sad & pathetic in my opinion. I'll wait and see on Rand Paul. You should too.

How about the the 'left' attack Rand Paul, before he's sworn in as Senator, only in an amount proportionate to how much the 'right' attacked Barack Obama, before he was sworn in as President?


Apparently, you don't support Affirmative Action?

Clearly, Rand is white, and deserves to be attacked at least twice as much as Barack Hussein.

Reperations, etc., and so-forth.
And if he didn't accept patients on Medicare you'd cast him as an evil person who doesn't care about the elderly.

Staw man alert!!! Kevin, please, you're better than this.
Now, taking Rand Paul at his word, which if I'm not mistaken includes his statement that he believes the civil rights act went too far, and that a private business should have the right to exclude anyone based on any factor the owner decides. Hence, one might infer Dr. Paul might very well have excluded the aged, based solely on their age or skin color, gender or religion; or at the very least supported another Dr. in such an action.

Now why would he do that? He has successfully made hundreds of thousands of dollars off of our "entitlement" programs, while at the same time tricking weak minded individuals into voitng him into power, which in the end will only add to his wealth. Sounds like a pretty sweet deal to me!

Well, I suppose some bigots (not that I know or even suspect he is a bigot) likely set aside their 'values' when it benefits them. Dr. Paul sets aside his libertarian values for profit, it's reasonable to infer money is more valuable to him than his principles.
It's being a cry baby to say you can't discuss and analyze someone's comments before they're actually in office. Both sides have done it. Get the fuck over it, LibApoc. For someone that tries to act like they use common sense, you're being 'tardish or intellectually dishonest.

As for RP, he's basically said he's going to bring money home to his state. That's what they all do. Every dollar brought "home" is at the cost of a) some other politician taking it to his state or b) all of us getting it back (lower taxes, reduced debt).

And when you're sa

Is it realistic to say you're not going to bring any money home to your state? No.
Is it hypocritical to bring home money when those dollars cost the tax payer? It is when you run on the platform of reducing the debt.

Hypocritical's a bit strong...since everyone's doing it. Let's say inconsistent. How about using that word?
It's being a cry baby to say you can't discuss and analyze someone's comments before they're actually in office. Both sides have done it. Get the fuck over it, LibApoc. For someone that tries to act like they use common sense, you're being 'tardish or intellectually dishonest.

As for RP, he's basically said he's going to bring money home to his state. That's what they all do. Every dollar brought "home" is at the cost of a) some other politician taking it to his state or b) all of us getting it back (lower taxes, reduced debt).

And when you're sa

Is it realistic to say you're not going to bring any money home to your state? No.
Is it hypocritical to bring home money when those dollars cost the tax payer? It is when you run on the platform of reducing the debt.

Hypocritical's a bit strong...since everyone's doing it. Let's say inconsistent. How about using that word?

I disagree somewhat. I believe hypocritical is quite fitting.

hyp·o·crite   /ˈhɪpəkrɪt/ Show Spelled
[hip-uh-krit] Show IPA

1. a person who pretends to have virtues, moral or religious beliefs, principles, etc., that he or she does not actually possess, esp. a person whose actions belie stated beliefs.
2. a person who feigns some desirable or publicly approved attitude, esp. one whose private life, opinions, or statements belie his or her public statements.
Rand Paul has never cast a single vote in Congress. Once he does,it will be absolutely fair to attack him. The guy hasn't even been sworn in yet for God's sake. The Left loons are just stuck in Smear-Mode. He won and they lost. They just can't seem to get over that i guess. Pretty sad & pathetic in my opinion. I'll wait and see on Rand Paul. You should too.

How about the the 'left' attack Rand Paul, before he's sworn in as Senator, only in an amount proportionate to how much the 'right' attacked Barack Obama, before he was sworn in as President?


Apparently, you don't support Affirmative Action?

Clearly, Rand is white, and deserves to be attacked at least twice as much as Barack Hussein.

Reperations, etc., and so-forth.

Rand Paul is as phoney as that hairpiece he's wearing.
Rand Paul has never cast a single vote in Congress. Once he does,it will be absolutely fair to attack him. The guy hasn't even been sworn in yet for God's sake. The Left loons are just stuck in Smear-Mode. He won and they lost. They just can't seem to get over that i guess. Pretty sad & pathetic in my opinion. I'll wait and see on Rand Paul. You should too.

Translation: give the teabagging, libertarian douchebag a past for displaying a dishonest attitude.

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