Rand Paul is Filibustering John Brennan


What if enough monkeys flew out your butt to blot out the sun?
Nobody is questioning an actual exigent circumstance, they do question the veracity of the information provided to justify what the clowns in power do.

And again. We have the remedy of impeachment.

Come on, we impeached a president over lying about a BLOW JOB, I think heniously killing innocent American citizens would go far beyond that.

in bold...

You have been spending way too much time on leftg wing blogs. How do I know? Becuase that was the scenario left wing blogs were using.

The problem?

The left wing bloggers neglected to inform you that such a scenario was pre addressed by Paul when he made it clear that he was referring to "NON IMMEDIATE threats" to American lives.

See how those bloggers dont care if they make you look like an ass?

The last guy I want making determination on what constitutes an immediate threat is batshit crazy Rand Paul and his buddies on Hate Radio.

Incidently, I don't spend ANY time on Left WIng blogs... the Sears Tower came to mind because... JESUS.... I live in Chicago.

And I refuse to call it the "Willis Tower".
You do realize don't you that due process is complied with when federal (or state or local) cops shoot someone dead while in the commission of a felony ... without any warrant or hearing?

That is not due process. In fact, it might even be murder if the perpetrator is not committing a violent felony at the time the police shooting him.
Ruby Ridge comes to mind..

You mean where a bunch of Nazi Assholes shot federal agents?
This discussion is going in circles now. I've demonstrated why we don't feel the administration has adequately answered the question. You can either accept that we at the very least have some ground to stand on, or that we're just showing off.

So you don't believe all the past Presidents have the same policy on such issues of being COC? If the British attacked after the government was formed, do you think they would be using due process for loyalist citizens?
And you are comparing this thought to whom or what maybe (America or Americans), as in comparison to ? Do you feel war will be eminent in this nation someday again, and so is Obama and his crowd maybe preparing for a possible future uncivil war to someday come, as is thought about with these introduced potential drone policies and/or his flirtings with such ideas as these, otherwise in which he may have within himself a futuristic vision or notion of such things to come maybe ?

Paranoid, delusional, partisan nonsense.
That is not due process. In fact, it might even be murder if the perpetrator is not committing a violent felony at the time the police shooting him.
Ruby Ridge comes to mind..

That's really brilliant! Let's glorify fools who shoot it out with federal law enforcement and have their families with them. I guess facing a weapons charge is worth putting your family's lives in danger, right? In the case of Ruby Ridge, the guy made an illegal shotgun by cutting off the barrel. Would he have received anything more than a fine for that?

Factually inaccurate. The barrel was 18" long and thus legal...but the STOCK was ~1/2" too short. (Note: it's a toss-up as to who actually shortened it.) The attack opened with the stormtroopers shooting his teenage son in the back.

What if enough monkeys flew out your butt to blot out the sun?
Nobody is questioning an actual exigent circumstance, they do question the veracity of the information provided to justify what the clowns in power do.

And again. We have the remedy of impeachment.

Come on, we impeached a president over lying about a BLOW JOB, I think heniously killing innocent American citizens would go far beyond that.

We all know that Obama could nuke Houston and the drones like you would line up to defend him. He'll never be impeached. He should be (Fast & Furious alone justifies it), but he will not.
I often wonder how serious Obama Derangement Syndrome has gotten on the right, until I read statements like this, bewailing the fact an Al Qaeda terrorist in a Terror training camp was killed by Obama, and therefore becomes a Martyr to those who live in mortal fear that their health care might be government run.

Yes, we're assured he was an evil bad person by the administration. Yet he was still an American citizen, and as such was most certainly entitled to due process if anybody was.
Disagree on this one, as he was an enemy combatant, who had left this nation to forsake it for another, and had done this in order to kill Americans by his teaching of killing Americans to others, and by his training recieved in this darkness as well. He got what he deserved and that is that.

The topic of drones over America is a totally different beast in which is being set to battle. It is one that is as far removed from the war over the seas as it can be. I disagree with drones over our skies, unless used and controlled strictly by local law enforcment in some areas whom may desire such a surveilence vehicle, type weapon and it's program in order to add to their tactics or crime fighting arsenal used, but the feds should absolutely have no part in any drone program on American soil period.

Otherwise it would be run and paid for by say a state or state agency, who would have it for their rangers on patrol (i.e. maybe to be used for surveilence, and possible defensive measures against violent criminals who seek to kill American law officers or border patrol agents and/or to assist or help innocent citizens who are placed in harms way), so yes this might be great if NO FEDS are ALLOWED anywhere near it.

We must never have another WACO, Ruby Ridge and/or etc. type situation to occur, in which was totally botched by an idiotic arrogant style of leadership in which was found in our government at the time. These cases should set the precident for No Federal drone program over American soil, except that it be purchased and fully operated by an individual state law enforcement agency only.

The problem with the term "enemy combatant" is that it essentially means nothing. The President can declare that somebody is an enemy combatant and then kill them with no oversight or accountability. So if Awlaki was an enemy combatant prove it by granting him the due process that he is guaranteed in the United States Constitution, because all we have no is the administration's assurance that he was. That's not good enough.
I often wonder how serious Obama Derangement Syndrome has gotten on the right, until I read statements like this, bewailing the fact an Al Qaeda terrorist in a Terror training camp was killed by Obama, and therefore becomes a Martyr to those who live in mortal fear that their health care might be government run.

Yes, we're assured he was an evil bad person by the administration. Yet he was still an American citizen, and as such was most certainly entitled to due process if anybody was.

I think when you are planting your ass in a middle eastern country in the middle of a Jihadist camp, you pretty much forfeit the whole "Due Process" thingee.

Well there's a terrible argument. Did the "Manson Family" forfeit their due process when they planted their asses in the middle of a psychopath camp? No. If you argue that by allegedly doing something bad you forfeit your due process rights then you've essentially said that nobody ever has due process rights. They can be taken away for anything.

What if enough monkeys flew out your butt to blot out the sun?
Nobody is questioning an actual exigent circumstance, they do question the veracity of the information provided to justify what the clowns in power do.

And again. We have the remedy of impeachment.

Come on, we impeached a president over lying about a BLOW JOB, I think heniously killing innocent American citizens would go far beyond that.

We all know that Obama could nuke Houston and the drones like you would line up to defend him. He'll never be impeached. He should be (Fast & Furious alone justifies it), but he will not.

Wow...that must be frustrating for you. Oh well, get used to it beeotch.

What if enough monkeys flew out your butt to blot out the sun?
Nobody is questioning an actual exigent circumstance, they do question the veracity of the information provided to justify what the clowns in power do.

And again. We have the remedy of impeachment.

Come on, we impeached a president over lying about a BLOW JOB, I think heniously killing innocent American citizens would go far beyond that.

We all know that Obama could nuke Houston and the drones like you would line up to defend him. He'll never be impeached. He should be (Fast & Furious alone justifies it), but he will not.

Even though there’s no evidence of wrong-doing by the president.

For partisan rightists impeachment of Obama is ‘justified’ because the president is a democrat, and no other reason.
Although I support Rand Paul's concerns in the overall, I find him annoying to watch and listen to.

His father is so charming and charismatic. And funny. But Rand Paul is this squeaky, oily, bird-like man with Tom Hanks hair from Bonfire of the Vanities, and just when he starts to make sense he just goes off the rails and all of a sudden you just find yourself tuning out when he starts to go on and on about Hitler and evil and dictators and all this other crap.

Plus, he oversimplifies the issue. I mean you've got to think we're stupid if we're going to believe that Obama thinks he can kill Americans whenever he wants and just for the fun of it.

You can have your qualms with a policy position, but when you start saying that Obama is Hitler and that Obama thinks he has the right to kill an unarmed American sitting in a coffee shop, that's the sign that you're a fucking idiot who gets bad information and regards it as the truth.

These are common sense rational points to be made in analogy there of about Mr. Paul's style maybe, but the drone questions over the skies of America is a very serious one, because we really don't need any program like that, unless it is purchased and operated by the local police who would use it as just another tool in their crime fighting arsenal. The feds need not have any such program at all in America, as the feds are to politicized. The government needs no way of projecting war onto the American citizens in which are the feds boss, and not the other way around. I mean look at how the citizens and this nation goes bonkers about the military wanting to put troops on the streets of America when certain situations have arisen or had occurred in the past, where as they (the military) were told that it won't happen by the local leadership in a state, and it is not needed by the Americans who don't want this except maybe in an extreme situation where they are there to help and not to solve a dispute remember?
Kent State is yet another messed up deal that involved the power of the federal government being loosed on the streets of America to stop a situation. Like I said the feds are far to politicized, and what we saw in that situation was the killing by the feds for political ideologies and purposes used on American citizens. Then there is Ruby Ridge, Waco and others where they have been wrong on, or just wrong in their approach on such issues. The government using it's power to kill American citizens for political reasoning or being led by others for political ideologies and their reasoning, who trick them into doing so is a very bad thing.

You see what I mean, and so there is merit in questioning the intent of the federal government on such matters, because someday this same government could use such technologies or other technologies as lethal weapons against it's own for political reasons, and that is unacceptable period. The feds should only assist a state run by their locals at their request, and if the states local government is somehow corrupt and wrong, the feds should bring charges against them and them only, but never to drop down to a level of becoming their political hit men who are called in to kill after they have been duped by the local governments in doing so or where as the feds have become masters of their own authority, not answerable to the American people any longer therefore making them a dictatorship, and this against those who have been wronged by the feds or local government within a state, where by maybe the citizens had begun rising up against the dictatorship or local government all due their wrong doing as such, in which may be the case in either way.
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What if enough monkeys flew out your butt to blot out the sun?
Nobody is questioning an actual exigent circumstance, they do question the veracity of the information provided to justify what the clowns in power do.

And again. We have the remedy of impeachment.

Come on, we impeached a president over lying about a BLOW JOB, I think heniously killing innocent American citizens would go far beyond that.

We all know that Obama could nuke Houston and the drones like you would line up to defend him. He'll never be impeached. He should be (Fast & Furious alone justifies it), but he will not.

Right, guy, because I could really defend him nuking Huston.

(Now Salt Lake City, that would be understandable. They probably mistook the Mormons for Zombies.)

And no, no, really, Fast and Furious is a real scandal. It's a scandal that guns are so easy to buy in Arizona. Loughner was able to buy a gun. What isn't a scandal is that their attempts to track guns met with failure, because every attempt to do so has.
Ruby Ridge comes to mind..

You mean where a bunch of Nazi Assholes shot federal agents?
Slow down now.... B )

Ya might want to go back and read a bit about Ruby Ridge and Waco, then get back to me... Thanks

I have.

You see, here's the thing.

Dead Nazis don't bother me. Dead religous fanatics are downright fucking hilarious.

Those people were too stupid to live. Darwinism in action, baby.
Yes, we're assured he was an evil bad person by the administration. Yet he was still an American citizen, and as such was most certainly entitled to due process if anybody was.

I think when you are planting your ass in a middle eastern country in the middle of a Jihadist camp, you pretty much forfeit the whole "Due Process" thingee.

Well there's a terrible argument. Did the "Manson Family" forfeit their due process when they planted their asses in the middle of a psychopath camp? No. If you argue that by allegedly doing something bad you forfeit your due process rights then you've essentially said that nobody ever has due process rights. They can be taken away for anything.

Again- we have a remedy for that- it's called "Impeachment".

Not that I think a missile strike on the Manson family would have been a bad thing.

Weren't you "conservatives" the ones who used to complain that the problem with Clinton war on Al Qaeda was that they issued arrest warrants and treated acts of war like a criminal problem.

At least that's what you did when Bush was randomly attacking countries that had nothing to do with 9/11.

But now the black guy is doing EXACTLY what you said we should do. Except he's actually killing the right people.
And again. We have the remedy of impeachment.

Come on, we impeached a president over lying about a BLOW JOB, I think heniously killing innocent American citizens would go far beyond that.

We all know that Obama could nuke Houston and the drones like you would line up to defend him. He'll never be impeached. He should be (Fast & Furious alone justifies it), but he will not.

Even though there’s no evidence of wrong-doing by the president.

For partisan rightists impeachment of Obama is ‘justified’ because the president is a democrat, and no other reason.

And black, which is what angers them more.
You mean where a bunch of Nazi Assholes shot federal agents?
Slow down now.... B )

Ya might want to go back and read a bit about Ruby Ridge and Waco, then get back to me... Thanks

I have.

You see, here's the thing.

Dead Nazis don't bother me. Dead religous fanatics are downright fucking hilarious.

Those people were too stupid to live. Darwinism in action, baby.
Easy to label them and take away their being American isn't it, so is this what you will support the feds doing in the future maybe ?
We all know that Obama could nuke Houston and the drones like you would line up to defend him. He'll never be impeached. He should be (Fast & Furious alone justifies it), but he will not.

Even though there’s no evidence of wrong-doing by the president.

For partisan rightists impeachment of Obama is ‘justified’ because the president is a democrat, and no other reason.

And black, which is what angers them more.
Had to pull out the old race card didn't you as a last resort? It is the old stand by when the heat gets to hot on an issue, especially if a black person is involved in which you just used him for... Your sliding down a slope, so grab hold before you begin slobbering all over yourself with that early morning drink your having.
Slow down now.... B )

Ya might want to go back and read a bit about Ruby Ridge and Waco, then get back to me... Thanks

I have.

You see, here's the thing.

Dead Nazis don't bother me. Dead religous fanatics are downright fucking hilarious.

Those people were too stupid to live. Darwinism in action, baby.
Easy to label them and take away their being American isn't it, so is this what you will support the feds doing in the future maybe ?

Weaver and Koresh were given ample oppurtunities to turn themselves in and face the legal music.

They chose to commit suicide by cop instead. It's too bad they took a few innocent people down with them.

Fuck them.

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