Rand Paul is Filibustering John Brennan

I think Genes point would be at least Rand picked something real to discuss as apposed to his factions usual tact which is to pull something out of their lowest oraface to go all bat shit about

First of all, I definitely wouldn't put Rand Paul and Sarah Palin in the same sentence. She's not in his intellectual zip code, county, state or hemisphere.

From what I gather, Paul wanted to "humiliate" the President into providing answers to his questions. Was it a political act? Hell, of course, our politics have devolved into professional wrestling status. But his general point was relatively valid. Hell, he could have been filibustering to shut down half a dozen governmental agencies, at least he arguing a point with which both sides could agree.

I like the fact that he did something that both silly ends could respect, even if just slightly.

The sad thing is the GOP is so starved for leadership that they are all flocking around Crazy Rand right now...

Rand isnt as smart as his Dad.

He is going to CRASH big time.

Hes not smart enough for the game hes trying to play
I give him credit for filibustering in the first place. I give him credit for shining a light on tyranny. Who knew it was such a hard question to answer?
You people are so gullible. Do you really think this little wuss is trying to do something good for his country?? He's not. He is motivated by his hate for the president and nothing else.

Wuss? Is this high school?

For that man it is a perfect word. He's such a punk. Take your pick. :rolleyes:

Except you're only basing this childish name calling on the fact that you happen to disagree with him politically, which is pathetic.
Anwar al-Awlaki, an American citizen

I often wonder how serious Obama Derangement Syndrome has gotten on the right, until I read statements like this, bewailing the fact an Al Qaeda terrorist in a Terror training camp was killed by Obama, and therefore becomes a Martyr to those who live in mortal fear that their health care might be government run.
I give him credit for filibustering in the first place. I give him credit for shining a light on tyranny. Who knew it was such a hard question to answer?

Are you saying it's an easy question?

What if an airliner was headed for the Sears Tower, and the only way to save thousands of lives was to shoot it down?

"Oh, wait, I think the pilot might be an American citizen!"

Again, the problem here is not the policy. We have a remedy for executive abuses, it's called "impeachment".

It's a question of whether the GOP has become so deranged in its hate for Obama that it will embrace anyone who opposses him for whatever whacky reasons.
I give him credit for filibustering in the first place. I give him credit for shining a light on tyranny. Who knew it was such a hard question to answer?

Are you saying it's an easy question?

What if an airliner was headed for the Sears Tower, and the only way to save thousands of lives was to shoot it down?

"Oh, wait, I think the pilot might be an American citizen!"

Again, the problem here is not the policy. We have a remedy for executive abuses, it's called "impeachment".

It's a question of whether the GOP has become so deranged in its hate for Obama that it will embrace anyone who opposses him for whatever whacky reasons.

What if enough monkeys flew out your butt to blot out the sun?
Nobody is questioning an actual exigent circumstance, they do question the veracity of the information provided to justify what the clowns in power do.
Anwar al-Awlaki, an American citizen

I often wonder how serious Obama Derangement Syndrome has gotten on the right, until I read statements like this, bewailing the fact an Al Qaeda terrorist in a Terror training camp was killed by Obama, and therefore becomes a Martyr to those who live in mortal fear that their health care might be government run.

Yes, we're assured he was an evil bad person by the administration. Yet he was still an American citizen, and as such was most certainly entitled to due process if anybody was.
I give him credit for filibustering in the first place. I give him credit for shining a light on tyranny. Who knew it was such a hard question to answer?

Are you saying it's an easy question?

What if an airliner was headed for the Sears Tower, and the only way to save thousands of lives was to shoot it down?

"Oh, wait, I think the pilot might be an American citizen!"

Again, the problem here is not the policy. We have a remedy for executive abuses, it's called "impeachment".

It's a question of whether the GOP has become so deranged in its hate for Obama that it will embrace anyone who opposses him for whatever whacky reasons.

Not relevant given that the pilot in your example is an immediate threat. Nobody's arguing that the President can't act to deflect an immediate military or terrorist threat, regardless of the person's citizenship.
Anwar al-Awlaki, an American citizen

I often wonder how serious Obama Derangement Syndrome has gotten on the right, until I read statements like this, bewailing the fact an Al Qaeda terrorist in a Terror training camp was killed by Obama, and therefore becomes a Martyr to those who live in mortal fear that their health care might be government run.

In bold...

How do you know? Who told you? The same people that ordered his killing? How do you know if he was there on his own free will? How do you know that he was not mentally challanged? Brainwashed?

You decided he did not deserve due process becuase someone else told you he diddnt?

Would you want someone making that decision for you?
I give him credit for filibustering in the first place. I give him credit for shining a light on tyranny. Who knew it was such a hard question to answer?

Are you saying it's an easy question?

What if an airliner was headed for the Sears Tower, and the only way to save thousands of lives was to shoot it down?

"Oh, wait, I think the pilot might be an American citizen!"

Again, the problem here is not the policy. We have a remedy for executive abuses, it's called "impeachment".

It's a question of whether the GOP has become so deranged in its hate for Obama that it will embrace anyone who opposses him for whatever whacky reasons.

in bold...

You have been spending way too much time on leftg wing blogs. How do I know? Becuase that was the scenario left wing blogs were using.

The problem?

The left wing bloggers neglected to inform you that such a scenario was pre addressed by Paul when he made it clear that he was referring to "NON IMMEDIATE threats" to American lives.

See how those bloggers dont care if they make you look like an ass?
Wuss? Is this high school?

For that man it is a perfect word. He's such a punk. Take your pick. :rolleyes:

Except you're only basing this childish name calling on the fact that you happen to disagree with him politically, which is pathetic.

Do you think I invented all of the negative names people use on this board??? So I must ask this question. Why did you single me out?? I think it's because you disagree with me politically. Looks like you are the one that's childish and pathetic.
Wuss? Is this high school?

For that man it is a perfect word. He's such a punk. Take your pick. :rolleyes:

Except you're only basing this childish name calling on the fact that you happen to disagree with him politically, which is pathetic.

I don't think politics has much to do with our assessement. Rand Paul is lacking. There are hard core conservatives that I disagree more with that aren't lacking.
Who gives a shit what McCain and Graham says? Nobody appointed them the Kings of the Republican party...

People need to contact these two and tell them to Represent the people they were hired to Represent..

That is really dumb, Steph.

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