Rand Paul is Filibustering John Brennan

Obama is drone bombing innocent civilians in the Middle East because it's a battlefield.

Obama signed the NDAA declaring the United States to be a battlefield. That means he thinks he can drone strike Americans in America because we're a battlefield just like the Middle East.

Progressives do NOT understand this. They are ignorant of policy in the books.

If Christopher Dorner had been part of a terrorist group instead of an insane former cop would anybody have cared if he had been killed with a drone instead of an incendiary device?

Wouldn't a terrorist firing on Americans and refusing to give up be killed even if he was an American? What about a group of American born terrorists reeking havoc on civilians?

I think that this what AG Holder had in mind when he said that hypothetically he could see a possibility of drone use in America.
Why did it take a 12 to 13 hour filibuster for Rand Paul to finally get the simple yes or no answer he was looking for?

He was treated like a fly on the White House windshield.

All the White House did was make themselves look foolish by dancing around a question they could have to put to rest in two seconds that really does not help the most transparent administration in history claim.

Obama is drone bombing innocent civilians in the Middle East because it's a battlefield. Obama signed the NDAA declaring the United States to be a battlefield. That means hethinks he can drone strike Americans in America because we're a battlefield just like the Middle East.
Progressives do NOT understand this. They are ignorant of policy in the books. .

Too silly, GeoLaureate8 is a reactionary loony. One, the ME is a battle ground because the enemies of America have made it so. Two, enemies who will not surrender give up the shield defense and must suffer the consequence. Three, some reactionaries think they are enemies of the USA here in the states. Four, if they act like the ME enemies, they will find out.
Why did it take a 12 to 13 hour filibuster for Rand Paul to finally get the simple yes or no answer he was looking for?

He was treated like a fly on the White House windshield.

All the White House did was make themselves look foolish by dancing around a question they could have to put to rest in two seconds that really does not help the most transparent administration in history claim.


The White House got their nominee confirmed by the Senate. Check.
Rand Paul's impotent filibuster failed. Check.
The move lead to turmoil within the Republican party. Check.
Boehner and McConnell (sp?) look more marginalized than ever. Check.
Rubio, a strong contender for the 2016 nomination, sounded like a high school freshman during his part of the failed filibuster, was attached to the moronic, poorly planned and ill-advised tactic, and was probably fatally wounded politically. Check, Check, Check.

Your President is getting a repetitive motion injury from kicking GOP ass.​
So I guess killing an American on American soil with a drone while he is not engaging in combat with any other American is just fine with you. Obama has already killed an American in Yemen along with his teenage son and the son's classmate. Al three killed by a hellfire missile. I can see taking out the father but I draw the line at killing his son and his neighbors son. The father and Both minors were American born citizens. Just what does Obama have to do to get your goat? do you support him no matter what? What Rand Paul did was long over due. He spoke truth to power and won. Something the left use to admire but now you refer to it as self serving. You sir are whats wrong with America.
Good for you, and now I will add something more if I may.

If the drone program was directed as a program that would be used only by the coast gaurd or by local law enforcement agencies as a part of their arsenal against criime, and this in order to battle the drug warlords and their minions (or) to collect intel on bad people by surveilence of their hide outs (or) to be used as a tactical weapon in order to help stop say a boat speeding away in the night, wherefore it is trying to avade our coast gaurd or athorities because it is filled with drugs and bandits, yet only after being warned by say lighted codes in the distance that would tell the boat to shut down and surrender immediately or it will be stopped by this method possibly by application of if needed, and as would also be proven (or) to search for a killer on the loose who has taken refuge in the yellowstone park or other such rough terain, then I think such a program would be much better accepted and understood as to be something good to add to the many great police held technologies in which we have now in America today, but controlled and used only by the police or state agencies for fighting crime would it be accepted by the citizens of this nation in acceptance of, otherwsie if it were for this purpose only.

The problem with all of this, is that it is something that the federal government controls, and would control as a program in country, and the feds need nothing like this in America at all, especially not to be controlled or used by them in America as a program ever. WHY you might ask? It's because they are to politicized to be trusted in my opinion, and their power would be lifted to tyranical levels, where as the temptations would be to great for them to have at their disposal. They may want to use this to harm political foes with in the future, and that is totally unacceptabe, and totally unconstitutional, so what is Obama and company thinking is what people had best begin to seriously ask themselves now, because his " we are going to totally transform America" statement, may just come at the end of a drone instead of at the end of a barrel, otherwise if his motives are somewhat seeded in this thought or type of futuristic thinking in which he might have.

The federal government having any thoughts or attempts to seize control of this nation be it state by state, should be seen only as tyranical in nature, so America beware of everything these days, because we are seeing some wild stuff going on now.

First paragraph, great. Second and third paragraph, you went off the rails.

The legislation for domestic drones is exactly as you described in the first paragraph, not the second. Drones would be used by local level law enforcement exactly the same way helicopters are.
Ok, so why did Holder stumble so badly when asked the questions he was asked? Ya know, by all that I have seen read and have heard, I just don't trust the Obama administration at all anymore (to many inconsistancies and variables/distracting/deceptive speakings that are implemented against the peoples will in all types of policies or suggestions that are seemingly going on anymore, and this with these CYB's -(cover their butt's crowd) that we are seeing in power today.
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If Christopher Dorner had been part of a terrorist group instead of an insane former cop would anybody have cared if he had been killed with a drone instead of an incendiary device?

Wouldn't a terrorist firing on Americans and refusing to give up be killed even if he was an American? What about a group of American born terrorists reeking havoc on civilians?

I think that this what AG Holder had in mind when he said that hypothetically he could see a possibility of drone use in America.
Ok, so if Holder is seeing this, then why is he seeing this ? Why won't he come out and say what he base's his theory upon totally, and who is influencing him to think in these ways ? Please explain why we have an administration that is seeing war and is seeing terrorism or terrorist in the near or distant future of the United States ? Otherwise as would be conducted upon U.S. soil, and also who are these terrorist in which they seek to watch or kill in an emergency? Are they Americans gone rogue maybe? If such is the case in which you claim about Holder, will the USA become unstable because of the current administration and their actions here and in the world ? What is driving this fear and vision they have of the future to come ?
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It wasn't a drone filibuster. It was a presidential nominee filibuster.

The idea that Paul was expressing is one that real liberals can find merit in. Too bad nutters have a need to condemn and accuse the duly elected President with every issue. They make real discussion toxic and poison the process.

Maybe the duly elected President shouldn't be issuing statements and doing things that contradict his oath of office creating questions for the people and honest representatives.

Honest Representatives? Which ones? As if you could be counted on to know what honesty looks like.
He was treated like a fly on the White House windshield.

All the White House did was make themselves look foolish by dancing around a question they could have to put to rest in two seconds that really does not help the most transparent administration in history claim.


The White House got their nominee confirmed by the Senate. Check.
Rand Paul's impotent filibuster failed. Check.
The move lead to turmoil within the Republican party. Check.
Boehner and McConnell (sp?) look more marginalized than ever. Check.
Rubio, a strong contender for the 2016 nomination, sounded like a high school freshman during his part of the failed filibuster, was attached to the moronic, poorly planned and ill-advised tactic, and was probably fatally wounded politically. Check, Check, Check.

Your President is getting a repetitive motion injury from kicking GOP ass.​

Boy you could not have possibly missed the point of the filibuster anymore first it was never about keeping John Brennan confirmed that was always going to happen. The point of Rand Paul's filibuster was to get the administration on the record yes or no if the President had the authority to order a drone strike against a American citizen on U.S. soil since Paul got Eric Holder to put in writing in a letter to him the President does not have this Authority that sounds like success not a fail. Your opinion about the Republican party is irrelevant as far as Obama's kicking ass goes is that why is approval rating is now under 50%
He was treated like a fly on the White House windshield.

All the White House did was make themselves look foolish by dancing around a question they could have to put to rest in two seconds that really does not help the most transparent administration in history claim.


The White House got their nominee confirmed by the Senate. Check.
Rand Paul's impotent filibuster failed. Check.
The move lead to turmoil within the Republican party. Check.
Boehner and McConnell (sp?) look more marginalized than ever. Check.
Rubio, a strong contender for the 2016 nomination, sounded like a high school freshman during his part of the failed filibuster, was attached to the moronic, poorly planned and ill-advised tactic, and was probably fatally wounded politically. Check, Check, Check.

Your President is getting a repetitive motion injury from kicking GOP ass.​

What we are witnessing is the revealing of true Conservatives from the leftists. It is no longer about Republicans and Democrats. It is about the separation of right and wrong. Is this a government of the people, by the people, and for the people? OR is this now a government over the people, inspite of the people, for the sake of government?
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All the White House did was make themselves look foolish by dancing around a question they could have to put to rest in two seconds that really does not help the most transparent administration in history claim.


The White House got their nominee confirmed by the Senate. Check.
Rand Paul's impotent filibuster failed. Check.
The move lead to turmoil within the Republican party. Check.
Boehner and McConnell (sp?) look more marginalized than ever. Check.
Rubio, a strong contender for the 2016 nomination, sounded like a high school freshman during his part of the failed filibuster, was attached to the moronic, poorly planned and ill-advised tactic, and was probably fatally wounded politically. Check, Check, Check.

Your President is getting a repetitive motion injury from kicking GOP ass.​

What we are witnessing is the revealing of true Conservatives from the leftists. It is no longer about Republicans and Democrats. It is about the separation of right and wrong. Is this a government of the people, by the people, and for the people? OR is this now a government over the people, inspite of the people, for the sake of government?

Oh the faux outrage.
If Christopher Dorner had been part of a terrorist group instead of an insane former cop would anybody have cared if he had been killed with a drone instead of an incendiary device?

Guessing as to his death cause are we ? If he would have been either of the two you mentioned, in which he was only one, and the drone program was operated by the local police (NOT BY THE FEDS), and he was killed by the drone when seen running in a remote area that was two dangerous for the police to travel safely upon, (feared to escape and harm other innocent people) and also most importantly he could be positively identified as theeee killer Dorner who is still armed and dangerous, then I say the drone strike as would be ordered or called by the sherriff in the situation, very well could be justified and implemented in such a situation. This could save the attempt at a helicopter having to fly dangerously low enough to get the shot off, if this cat was dangerous enough to cause the helicopter damage or it's crew by shooting at it in such an attempt.

Wouldn't a terrorist firing on Americans and refusing to give up be killed even if he was an American? What about a group of American born terrorists reeking havoc on civilians?

Who might be this percieved GROUP of American born so called terrorist (reeking havoc on citizens) next in this country in which you and Holder are envisioning in these types of hypertheticals being thought up or thought of here ? Enquiring minds sure wants to know.

I think that this is what AG Holder had in mind when he said that hypothetically he could see a possibility of drone use in America.
Amazing when think about it, that this is a fear of this administration. wow!

The White House got their nominee confirmed by the Senate. Check.
Rand Paul's impotent filibuster failed. Check.
The move lead to turmoil within the Republican party. Check.
Boehner and McConnell (sp?) look more marginalized than ever. Check.
Rubio, a strong contender for the 2016 nomination, sounded like a high school freshman during his part of the failed filibuster, was attached to the moronic, poorly planned and ill-advised tactic, and was probably fatally wounded politically. Check, Check, Check.

Your President is getting a repetitive motion injury from kicking GOP ass.​

What we are witnessing is the revealing of true Conservatives from the leftists. It is no longer about Republicans and Democrats. It is about the separation of right and wrong. Is this a government of the people, by the people, and for the people? OR is this now a government over the people, inspite of the people, for the sake of government?

Oh the faux outrage.
Oh the idiocy of ones comedic rage when someone speaks out in dis-belief of the things in which they are seeing now, in which are things that have never been seen before in this nation, yet people like you are so willing to follow like good little kool aid drinkers right on down onto the mat.
What we are witnessing is the revealing of true Conservatives from the leftists. It is no longer about Republicans and Democrats. It is about the separation of right and wrong. Is this a government of the people, by the people, and for the people? OR is this now a government over the people, inspite of the people, for the sake of government?

Oh the faux outrage.
Oh the idiocy of ones comedic rage when someone speaks out in dis-belief of the things in which they are seeing now, in which are things that have never been seen before in this nation, yet people like you are so willing to follow like good little kool aid drinkers right on down onto the mat.

Indeed. You're quite comedic.
All the White House did was make themselves look foolish by dancing around a question they could have to put to rest in two seconds that really does not help the most transparent administration in history claim.


The White House got their nominee confirmed by the Senate. Check.
Rand Paul's impotent filibuster failed. Check.
The move lead to turmoil within the Republican party. Check.
Boehner and McConnell (sp?) look more marginalized than ever. Check.
Rubio, a strong contender for the 2016 nomination, sounded like a high school freshman during his part of the failed filibuster, was attached to the moronic, poorly planned and ill-advised tactic, and was probably fatally wounded politically. Check, Check, Check.

Your President is getting a repetitive motion injury from kicking GOP ass.​

What we are witnessing is the revealing of true Conservatives from the leftists. It is no longer about Republicans and Democrats. It is about the separation of right and wrong. Is this a government of the people, by the people, and for the people? OR is this now a government over the people, inspite of the people, for the sake of government?

The snag is: who gets to decide what is ‘right’ and what is ‘wrong,’ and by what authority.

The White House got their nominee confirmed by the Senate. Check.
Rand Paul's impotent filibuster failed. Check.
The move lead to turmoil within the Republican party. Check.
Boehner and McConnell (sp?) look more marginalized than ever. Check.
Rubio, a strong contender for the 2016 nomination, sounded like a high school freshman during his part of the failed filibuster, was attached to the moronic, poorly planned and ill-advised tactic, and was probably fatally wounded politically. Check, Check, Check.

Your President is getting a repetitive motion injury from kicking GOP ass.​

What we are witnessing is the revealing of true Conservatives from the leftists. It is no longer about Republicans and Democrats. It is about the separation of right and wrong. Is this a government of the people, by the people, and for the people? OR is this now a government over the people, inspite of the people, for the sake of government?

Oh the faux outrage.
It’s partisan faux outrage…

If Obama were a republican doing the exact same thing the right would give him their undying support.
What we are witnessing is the revealing of true Conservatives from the leftists. It is no longer about Republicans and Democrats. It is about the separation of right and wrong. Is this a government of the people, by the people, and for the people? OR is this now a government over the people, inspite of the people, for the sake of government?

Oh the faux outrage.
It’s partisan faux outrage…

If Obama were a republican doing the exact same thing the right would give him their undying support.

Of course.
What we are witnessing is the revealing of true Conservatives from the leftists. It is no longer about Republicans and Democrats. It is about the separation of right and wrong. Is this a government of the people, by the people, and for the people? OR is this now a government over the people, inspite of the people, for the sake of government?

Oh the faux outrage.
It’s partisan faux outrage…

If Obama were a republican doing the exact same thing the right would give him their undying support.

Ehhh not quite....if Obama were a republican he'd truly be Bush 2.0 which would mean he'd be as reviled by true conservatives as Bush already is currently.
Even the Democrats are trying to turn Rand Paul's babbling into something coherent.

Rand was asking if the president had the power to kill Americans who were non-combatants on American soil, yes or no. What does that mean? He is asking if the president has the right to kill anyone, anywhere just because he "feels like it". And the White House didn't answer. Why? Because it's "stupid". Even John McCain and Lindsey Grahame both thought it was "stupid". Lindsey asked if Democrats ever asked Bush if were OK if he went around killing people? Then pointed out that's a stupid question.

Worse, Rand comes out and says he only did it to "humiliate" the president. That's the word he used, "Humiliate". And all he humiliated was "reason".

Now you have Gene Robinson and other prominent Democrats saying Rand has a point. What are the limits of using this technology in the US? Hello! That wasn't Rand's point. Of course that's a good discussion to have. Just like discussing the limits of science. Just because you can make a two headed baby, should you? Of course not. That's how many Republicans see stem cell research. So they do have a valid point, whether you disagree or not.

But Rand wasn't asking a "deeper" question. He told us he wanted to humiliate the president. He was asking a dumb question. The president should have just said "no" instead of ignoring a LooneyToon.

Now, any deeper discussion will be attributed to Rand Paul. It's like Sarah Palin saying, "I can see Russia from my house" and then giving her credit for any Russian negotiations past that stupid comment.

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