Rand Paul is Filibustering John Brennan

Your analogy maybe, even though wrong, because many saw it differently, and so looking back now even strengthens their positions on the wrongful approach in which the feds took in these cases... Waco was secluded and surrounded, they could have easily waited them out, but the feds reputation for not solving an issue fast was at stake, because when you call them in or they come in with their mightiness and arrogance, then bad things begin to happen quickly as a result of.

Right. Let's leave all those kids in the building with the pedophile preacher who thinks the end of the world is coming. It's not like he's going to have them commit mass suicide.

Oh. Wait. They did commit Mass suicide.

To many cases to look back on and see this now, especially when dealing with the American people over political and personal ideologies in which they might have, wherefore these events could be solved peacefully in most all cases, where as the waiting game just needs to be used in order to do so every time, and not this push to kill due to the arrogant power of the feds or even local governments to put down people who challenge the system over what they feel is just wrong, and this for what may have come over a serious grievance in which they might have, and could easily be solved peacefully if taken that approach. The other thing at stake, is if the feds or locals have something to hide, then it's destroy the evidence, and if this means people also to be destroyed just as well then look out, because it has been done in the past, and this is why more power and technology against the citizens of this nation is a big issue for many.

Yawn, only if you are a paranoid loon upset the black guy is in office... He might want to date your sister next.

Just look at how a few on the left are trying to play the Dorner case, where as they are suggesting now that the police used an incendiary device to rid the world of this guy, even though they probably didn't, but the people don't trust the government or the local authorities, so it is understandable why the left is in agreement with the right on such an issue. This agreeing with is placing the President out of sync with the American people on such an issue, wherefore Rand Paul was all of their spokesman on that day.

I don't know anyone who is making a hero out of Dorner, or really are sad that he's dead. Maybe you need to stop watching Faux News.
No heroe, their just trying to suggest that his death was by an incendiary device, instead of by his own hand..
Huh? Obama is still arguing for Gitmo closed and trials in NY for 'suspected terrorists' some caught in acts of actual terrorism. Same folks arguing for drones firing missiles on Americans on American soil, 'suspected' of terrorist ties.

Thankfully the left is always consistent.

Really? Who's making that argument?

The GOP has lost the popular vote in 5 of the last 6 presidential elections. Damn right consistent
Ride the wave while you can, because soon the people will wake back up to supporting someone who does not take advantage of or let a good crisis go to waste, especially for personal agenda filled reasons in which such a crisis was used for just to boost this President into power.
Yeah. Next thing you know, we may have a president who witnesses an attack (he was warned about) by a group based in a country...oh lets call it Afghanistan just to give it a name...but uses the attack to invade a different country...lets just call it Iraq...for no good reason at all. And perhaps we may even have a president in the future who had a predecessor...maybe even his father...who failed at toppling the dictator of the country he later invades. Couldn't happen, right?

It was only by him and his handlers playing upon the confusion found in it all, and their slick way of speaking did he take advantage of the situations that had taken place or was created by players on all sides of the isle before him, and so it was that he was like a snake in the grass watching the action until he could finally pounce.
Yeah..and this fictional future president could possibly have his CIA director call the baked intelligence used to justify the war in Iraq a "slam dunk" and trot out his national security advisor to say incendiary things like, "We don't want the smoking gun to be a mushroom cloud". Hell, the president may even lie about Iraq's capabilities when addressing Congress too. Couldn't possibly happen...

Most of it couldn't be understood by the average Joe, except for how he or she was being affected by it all, and Obama knew this when made his moves to ensnare them with his silver tongue. Now the people are realizing what happend, and they realize what has stepped in to fill the power vacum created by some underhanded players who set the whole thing a blaze back in the day.

How many more loose lipped slips or scandals must the people endure or be exposed to in print, before they realize what we have as a government once again?

Not sure what any of that gobblity guck means but there are certainly a lot of words and very few punctuation marks. Do try to explain yourself.
Really? Who's making that argument?

The GOP has lost the popular vote in 5 of the last 6 presidential elections. Damn right consistent
Ride the wave while you can, because soon the people will wake back up to supporting someone who does not take advantage of or let a good crisis go to waste, especially for personal agenda filled reasons in which such a crisis was used for just to boost this President into power.
Yeah. Next thing you know, we may have a president who witnesses an attack (he was warned about) by a group based in a country...oh lets call it Afghanistan just to give it a name...but uses the attack to invade a different country...lets just call it Iraq...for no good reason at all. And perhaps we may even have a president in the future who had a predecessor...maybe even his father...who failed at toppling the dictator of the country he later invades. Couldn't happen, right?

It was only by him and his handlers playing upon the confusion found in it all, and their slick way of speaking did he take advantage of the situations that had taken place or was created by players on all sides of the isle before him, and so it was that he was like a snake in the grass watching the action until he could finally pounce.
Yeah..and this fictional future president could possibly have his CIA director call the baked intelligence used to justify the war in Iraq a "slam dunk" and trot out his national security advisor to say incendiary things like, "We don't want the smoking gun to be a mushroom cloud". Hell, the president may even lie about Iraq's capabilities when addressing Congress too. Couldn't possibly happen...

Most of it couldn't be understood by the average Joe, except for how he or she was being affected by it all, and Obama knew this when made his moves to ensnare them with his silver tongue. Now the people are realizing what happend, and they realize what has stepped in to fill the power vacum created by some underhanded players who set the whole thing a blaze back in the day.

How many more loose lipped slips or scandals must the people endure or be exposed to in print, before they realize what we have as a government once again?

Not sure what any of that gobblity guck means but there are certainly a lot of words and very few punctuation marks. Do try to explain yourself.
Still blaming Bush forever & ever eh ? How about two, three or even many wrongs afterwards still don't make a right ? Live in the past all you want, but America needs to move forward in the right direction soon, and Obama is not the right direction for America. His failed Presidency soon will show in all that he has allowed his handlers to do with him. They have used this President to exact pain and suffering upon this nation, in order for their agenda to change this nation into a nation that wildly goes against the majority and their ideology of what this nation is and always will be to those who are Americans, and not for what it is to all these anti-Americans instead. It's sad that their are so many who are unsure as to who they are, want to be or where it is that they truly want to be/live in their life, so in the mean time they trash this nation all that they can.
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And again. We have the remedy of impeachment.

Come on, we impeached a president over lying about a BLOW JOB, I think heniously killing innocent American citizens would go far beyond that.

We all know that Obama could nuke Houston and the drones like you would line up to defend him. He'll never be impeached. He should be (Fast & Furious alone justifies it), but he will not.

Wow...that must be frustrating for you. Oh well, get used to it beeotch.

Do you get your Kool-Aid by the drum or in bulk from the tanker? Can you buy it with your EBT card? If you get it from the tanker...is the truck a hybrid?
You mean where a bunch of Nazi Assholes shot federal agents?
Slow down now.... B )

Ya might want to go back and read a bit about Ruby Ridge and Waco, then get back to me... Thanks

I have.

You see, here's the thing.

Dead Nazis don't bother me. Dead religous fanatics are downright fucking hilarious.

Those people were too stupid to live. Darwinism in action, baby.

Well...nice to see the closet psycho is finally out of the closet.
I have.

You see, here's the thing.

Dead Nazis don't bother me. Dead religous fanatics are downright fucking hilarious.

Those people were too stupid to live. Darwinism in action, baby.
Easy to label them and take away their being American isn't it, so is this what you will support the feds doing in the future maybe ?

Weaver and Koresh were given ample oppurtunities to turn themselves in and face the legal music.

They chose to commit suicide by cop instead. It's too bad they took a few innocent people down with them.

Fuck them.

No, another lie.

And note: Randy Weaver is alive and well. He faced ten charges...he was cleared on seven, the judge flat-out broomed two. He got probation for one. He did not appear to face charges because he was sent a notice with the wrong date on it. (Hearing was scheduled for 2/19/91; it was bumped to 2/20/91, but the notice sent was for 3/20/91.) He planned to turn himself in to US Marshals, but the US Attorney refused (he was grandstanding). The deputy director of the Marshals suggested simply dismissing, refiling, and arresting Weaver later...again, the US Attorney refused. SO, as per usual, you are totally wrong.
90% of the anger against Obama is racial. You'd have to be stupid not to see this. Or in denial.
This is what might be seen coming from a racist himself, so are you a closet racist maybe ?

It's always fun to watch you guys get wrapped around the axle when someone points out your animus against this president is largely based on his race.

No, bat-blind and stupid, it is based ENTIRELY on his politics.
another bullshit Rand Paul stunt?

oh well, reality bites

Brennan Sworn in -- Right Wing Attacks US Constitution and Bible

]By Siobhan Gorman

WASHINGTON–John Brennan took the helm of the Central Intelligence Agency on Friday after being sworn in on an original draft of the Constitution that dates back to 1787.

Mr. Brennan chose to take the oath on the Constitution, “symbolizing that the CIA is committed to the rule of law,” the agency said in a statement.


Brennan's unconventional oath of office: New trend in the making?
Slow down now.... B )

Ya might want to go back and read a bit about Ruby Ridge and Waco, then get back to me... Thanks

I have.

You see, here's the thing.

Dead Nazis don't bother me. Dead religous fanatics are downright fucking hilarious.

Those people were too stupid to live. Darwinism in action, baby.

Well...nice to see the closet psycho is finally out of the closet.
Wonder how broad his brush is on what he deems as religious fanatics in this nation ?
another bullshit Rand Paul stunt?

oh well, reality bites

Brennan Sworn in -- Right Wing Attacks US Constitution and Bible

]By Siobhan Gorman

WASHINGTON–John Brennan took the helm of the Central Intelligence Agency on Friday after being sworn in on an original draft of the Constitution that dates back to 1787.

Mr. Brennan chose to take the oath on the Constitution, “symbolizing that the CIA is committed to the rule of law,” the agency said in a statement.


Brennan's unconventional oath of office: New trend in the making?
Could have easily been a stunt or cover for him (Brennan) to take the oath on the constitution, I mean hey if you can accuse then why can't we ?
This is what might be seen coming from a racist himself, so are you a closet racist maybe ?

It's always fun to watch you guys get wrapped around the axle when someone points out your animus against this president is largely based on his race.

No, bat-blind and stupid, it is based ENTIRELY on his politics.

:eusa_silenced: They don't wanta hear that, you are violating their quest to turn everything into race, as this is all they have trying to defend Obama against the opposition on his policies or thoughts on policy. :eusa_shhh:
I have.

You see, here's the thing.

Dead Nazis don't bother me. Dead religous fanatics are downright fucking hilarious.

Those people were too stupid to live. Darwinism in action, baby.

Well...nice to see the closet psycho is finally out of the closet.
Wonder how broad his brush is on what he deems as religious fanatics in this nation ?

Probably defined as "anyone that disagrees with him".
And black, which is what angers them more.
Had to pull out the old race card didn't you as a last resort? It is the old stand by when the heat gets to hot on an issue, especially if a black person is involved in which you just used him for... Your sliding down a slope, so grab hold before you begin slobbering all over yourself with that early morning drink your having.

I'd like to note the hypocrisy of somebody whining about supposed racism after they've claimed it's ok to kill some people based only on their religious beliefs.

Where did I say that?

First, the Davidians killed themselves.

Secondly, they were in that shootout (where, once again, they killed themselves) with federal agents executing legal arrest warrants..
Easy to label them and take away their being American isn't it, so is this what you will support the feds doing in the future maybe ?

Weaver and Koresh were given ample oppurtunities to turn themselves in and face the legal music.

They chose to commit suicide by cop instead. It's too bad they took a few innocent people down with them.

Fuck them.

No, another lie.

And note: Randy Weaver is alive and well. He faced ten charges...he was cleared on seven, the judge flat-out broomed two. He got probation for one. He did not appear to face charges because he was sent a notice with the wrong date on it. (Hearing was scheduled for 2/19/91; it was bumped to 2/20/91, but the notice sent was for 3/20/91.) He planned to turn himself in to US Marshals, but the US Attorney refused (he was grandstanding). The deputy director of the Marshals suggested simply dismissing, refiling, and arresting Weaver later...again, the US Attorney refused. SO, as per usual, you are totally wrong.

Well, Gee, I'm glad Nazi Weaver survived. I'm sorry he took his son and his wife down in the process of being a Nazi asshole.

Point is, he and his inbred brood shot at federal agents. All the hand stands you do to try to make what he did okay won't fly with me.

So child molesting cultists and Nazi fanatics... and you guys on the right wonder why you lose to Obama and his sort.
And just because you're naive doesn't mean the rest of us have to be. How are we going to find out about it when everything is kept top secret on the basis of it being a threat to national security?

Yeah, um... it's not like the government has a great record on keeping secrets. All it takes is one transgender kid in the Army and secrets are all out there.

Well I'm glad you don't worry about it, good for you. Some of us do. It doesn't make us whacks to worry that the President, Obama or a future President, may abuse the power to kill people that they don't even constitutionally have in the first place.

Actually, he has the authority as commander in chief of the armed forces. Unless you jokers want to go back to treating terrorism as crime and not war.

Yes, as a matter of fact I do. I think many people would defend the President, as evidenced by the fact that there are people who defend him when he blows up innocent civilians overseas. It's just collateral damage, after all.

Americans have never cared about Innocent foreign civilians and never will.

Kill an American on American soil, and there would probably be hell to pay if it isn't the right guy.
Slow down now.... B )

Ya might want to go back and read a bit about Ruby Ridge and Waco, then get back to me... Thanks

I have.

You see, here's the thing.

Dead Nazis don't bother me. Dead religous fanatics are downright fucking hilarious.

Those people were too stupid to live. Darwinism in action, baby.

Well...nice to see the closet psycho is finally out of the closet.

No, the psychos are the ones who arm themselves and take up weapons against the government because they don't like colored or they thing God wants them to screw children.

And you clowns on the right are making heroes out of them.
And just because you're naive doesn't mean the rest of us have to be. How are we going to find out about it when everything is kept top secret on the basis of it being a threat to national security?

Yeah, um... it's not like the government has a great record on keeping secrets. All it takes is one transgender kid in the Army and secrets are all out there.

Well I'm glad you don't worry about it, good for you. Some of us do. It doesn't make us whacks to worry that the President, Obama or a future President, may abuse the power to kill people that they don't even constitutionally have in the first place.

Actually, he has the authority as commander in chief of the armed forces. Unless you jokers want to go back to treating terrorism as crime and not war.

Yes, as a matter of fact I do. I think many people would defend the President, as evidenced by the fact that there are people who defend him when he blows up innocent civilians overseas. It's just collateral damage, after all.

Americans have never cared about Innocent foreign civilians and never will.

Kill an American on American soil, and there would probably be hell to pay if it isn't the right guy.

A few leaks of low-level information doesn't speak to the government's record. I wouldn't be surprised if they've got many secrets that would leave even the most jaded among us speechless.

Being Commander-in-Chief doesn't mean the President can do whatever he wants.

The government will propagandize the masses until they're under the impression it's the "right guy," whether it is or not.

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