Rand Paul just called for the arrest of Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg, calling Trump indictment a "disgusting abuse of power"

Trump got Cohen to pay off Stormy Daniel because of his one night stand.

Then Trump paid Cohen back.

I’ve seen the checks.

Is that a lie?
Why are you even defending such an obvious political dirty trick? Fascist.
At least two other prosecutors have seen the "evidence" and saw nothing to move forward with...And you're still a fucking buffoon.

from GP:
Bannon said “there is something deeply sick about it” (these efforts to get President Trump). They are after him like “a pack of jackals”. Davis responded:

We’ve seen this since before he was elected, Russia, Russia, Russia. They’ve impeached him twice. It’s constant, constant bogus investigations. They ignore the Biden family being clearly on the Chinese payroll. That’s indisputable now that there were payments to the CCP to the Biden family, over a million dollars…
This is not our parents or grandparents Democrat party. These are not liberals who love America and just disagree with conservatives on the best way to get there. These are leftists. These are Marxists. They hate America. They hate due process… They hate equality, they believe in equity. They hate free speech, they believe in censorship.
Do you know what’s really disgusting? The fact that Republicans like Paul haven’t seen all of the evidence, and have no idea what the charges will be, yet already they are calling for the prosecutor to be put in prison. In other words, Republicans seek to incarcerate the Manhattan prosecutor, not for any wrongdoing on their part but for legally indicting Trump. Talk about being politically motivated!

Paul gets crazier by the day. No wonder his neighbor beat the shit outta him
Do you know what’s really disgusting? The fact that Republicans like Paul haven’t seen all of the evidence, and have no idea what the charges will be, yet already they are calling for the prosecutor to be put in prison. In other words, Republicans seek to incarcerate the Manhattan prosecutor, not for any wrongdoing on their part but for legally indicting Trump. Talk about being politically motivated!

Rand Paul is a piece of shit!
Yes Trump has not been formally indicted, however the NYT along with mainstream media claim “any time now”. According to mainstream media Trump is politically washed up, so what do they fear? Why has the President been permitted to weaponize the DOJ for political reasons and mainstream media turn a blind eye? Nixon should find comfort in knowing the Dimbo’s learned how to do it right!
And what do you actually base this silly comment on? Show where it actually happens, as you claim. Or is this just in your imagination, opinion?
It already happened when the FBI coordinated with Twitter and the other oligarchs to cover up Hunter's laptop.
Proof of his crimes vs Trump's...?
...how about Ashley's diary...
Mueller was a Republican, appointed by deputy attorney general Rosenstein, who also was a Republican, after Comey the fbi director, another Republican, was fired, for investigating Russia and the Trump campaign by Trump., and replaced by Deputy FBI directir McCabe, also a registered Republican, who was politically fired before full retirement, which he got reversed, who was replaced by Christopher Wray, another Republican.
I said the Mueller Investigation team, not FBI RINOs.
Mueller had no clue who Fusion GPS was.
How can you investigate Russian interference without investigating the Steele Dossier?
Another sham "get Trump" investigation.
Here are some. Not sure how you couldn't know this unless you are in an echo chamber...unless you thought...no, you couldn't have but...did you actually think that the prosecuting attorneys were unaware of statute of limitations rule or that the judge wouldn't think of it? Lol. Please tell me you don't think that.

"Most felonies in New York state have a five-year statute of limitations, which normally would protect Trump from being prosecuted in connection with the payment to Daniels, as it occurred more than six years ago.

But under state law, the clock on the statute can be suspended an extra five years if a defendant is “continuously outside this state.”

"But that’s not always how the law works. In New York, the clock can stop on the statute of limitations when a potential defendant is continuously outside the state. Trump visited New York rarely over the four years of his presidency and now lives mostly in Florida and New Jersey."

"The charge usually has a five-year statute of limitations for prosecution as a felony, but that restriction can be extended if the defendant repeatedly moves in and out of the state within the time period, as Trump did during his presidency, the Times said."

So you have no objective sources, just tabloid stuff put out by your Party. Thought so.
So you have no objective sources, just tabloid stuff put out by your Party. Thought so.
So you won't accept any source that contradicts you under the excuse of "objective" sources.

So that means you think all these sources are lying when they are quoting new York's statute of limitations exception's.

The judge doesn't know about new York's statute of limitations exception's.

The layers for both the defense and prosecution don't know about new York's York's statute and limitations exception's.

You think think this process will play all the way through and right after the verdict is rendered, someone will say, hey! This violated the statute of limitations! And everyone involved will be like, man, I had no idea. Oops.

You are funny.

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