Rand Paul Must Think Blacks Have Amnesia

Actually we allowed 100 years to pass before the government stepped in to stop the horror of segregation. The free market not only allowed the horrible treatment of black Americans.....it encouraged it

Bullshit. The only place segregation was holding on was in government. The few idiots that owned a retail establishment that precluded some people were minimal and on their way out. The market was making them obsolete. It took a good law to stop the government's racism. It's just too bad that good law went one step too far...as you'll find out when that same law forces businesses to accept people you'd like to exclude.


Woolworth's wasn't on it's way out.

Smithsonian Press--Legacies--1Treasure House--Woolworth's lunch counter, Greensboro, North Carolina, site of a 1960 civil rights sit-in

The main point of the Civil Right's law, was that the private industry that disburses goods and services, was racist. And that tax paying American citizens should not be subject to that.

Man..you folks need to pick up some books.

Bullshit. Woolworths ENDED segregated counters in 1961, well BEFORE the law was even contemplated. Geez, thanks for making my point for me!!!

Further, are own government's stats show segregation on the decline in the 1950s and early 60s, BEFORE they jumped on the bandwagon. The politicians, in an effort to win over folks like you, rode the coat tails of what was happening among free people anyway...so THEY could look like heroes. They effectively misdirected their own shameful segregation in the public space by getting the less observant among us to focus on Woolworths.

In any case, I still support allowing you to say whatever you like, no matter how stupid it may be. Similarly, I support allowing you to manager your own property however you like, no matter how offensive it may be. We didn't need the government and it's slippery slope of dictating private property use. The rest of the law that deals with public space and public issues was desperately needed.

At least we know we can count on you to not say a damn word when this same law is used to require store owners to allow guns on their property. Sorry, it's the law.

Woolworth's wasn't on it's way out.

Smithsonian Press--Legacies--1Treasure House--Woolworth's lunch counter, Greensboro, North Carolina, site of a 1960 civil rights sit-in

The main point of the Civil Right's law, was that the private industry that disburses goods and services, was racist. And that tax paying American citizens should not be subject to that.

Man..you folks need to pick up some books.

What amazes me is that Rand Paul, a leading contender for the GOP nomination does not support that

First of all he's not a leading contender for the GOP nomination. Stop being a tool.

Ha! Tell him that! He thinks he is. LOL
You are entitled to your own opinion....but not your own facts

Cute...Bullshit, but cute.

They were on the decline. Fact. The public opinion was turning against them and they were in decline, while government segregation remained in full swing.

Yes, we all remember history. That does not change the fact that segregating private property was a concept that was loosing support from the public. We didn't need a law to end it. The government, in a pathetic attempt to misdirect away from it's own shameful segregation, made lunch counters the focus. You fell for it.

The free market embraced segregation and fought to the end for their "peculiar institution" of enforced segregation

No, the government embraced it.

As reprehensible as it was for a guy to segregate his retail establishment, it's still his property. I'd be the FIRST to help organize a boycott, to protest against such businesses, and to do what I could to help them change or fail. You'd rather have someone else do the important work, that is clear.

The good people of this country were ending commercial segregation without the central planners. We didn't need the slippery slope of dictating how one uses their own property.

Not a word from you...not a peep, when this same law forces retail business owners to remove their "no guns" signs and allow those that carry to enter their store.

I love revisionist history

I do not. So please stop.

I also love the "Segregation was going to end on its own" bullshit

Segregation stood for 100 years. It was embedded in Southern culture. Left to its own devices, segregation existed as the souths "peculiar institution" and the operative word was.....Don't make waves

Yes it "stood", but that doesn't mean it wasn't on the decline, because it was. Again, are own government's stats show that. The people, outside of a few angry southern Democrats, were turning away from the idea.

How did "the people" react to black protesters sitting at whites only lunch counters? They spit on them, beat them up, shouted obscenities. How did the businesses react to this treatment of black customers? They encouraged it

Actually, there were plenty of whites at those counters too. Now what were you saying about revising history?

Either way, the despicable actions by some business owners does not change the fact that segregated facilities were on the decline and would have disappeared without the law, because of actions taken by those of us that stand against segregation...and are willing to do something about it on our own.

Your arguments are beside the point and entirely emotional. Typical.

Your claim that segregation was set to coincidentally end on its own is total bullshit

Not coincidentally, but due to the pressure and economic tactics of free people.

Meanwhile, you praise the very government that instituted and perpetuated the worst kind of segregation of all, which was NOT in decline and which took an law to end. Amazing...and typically hypocritical.
Rand Paul at Howard University: Senator Hopes Blacks Forget GOP's Past

"So now we know the basis of Kentucky's libertarian Sen. Rand Paul's strategy for expanding the Republican Party's appeal to African Americans: amnesia.

That's the only conclusion I can reach after watching the C-SPAN broadcast of Paul's 52-minute appearance today at Howard University. He deserves credit for appearing before a potentially hostile audience to make the case for conservative policies with which most black voters utterly disagree. But he also deserves strong criticism -- even derision -- for pretending that there's any mystery about why most black folks are so skeptical about the GOP. He wants us to forget the party's recent history -- and his own.......He (Paul) left out the part (in his speech) that Republicans almost always leave out when they lament their lack of support from African Americans: the racial realignment that occurred during the 1960s, when Democratic politicians like President Lyndon B. Johnson and Robert F. Kennedy became champions for equal rights, and Republicans reinvented their party as a harbor for segregationists.........The simple truth is that the present-day Republican Party has virtually no resemblance to the Republican Party of, say, 1960, when Richard Nixon got 32 percent of the black vote in his race against John F. Kennedy. Four years later, the Republicans nominated right-wing Arizona Sen. Barry Goldwater, who based his campaign on opposition to the Civil Rights Act of 1964. By 1968, Nixon had wholeheartedly accepted Goldwater's advice to "go hunting where the ducks are" by adopting a so-called Southern strategy dedicated to wooing segregationists like Strom Thurmond.

They consolidated their approach in 1980 when Ronald Reagan delivered the first major speech of his campaign in Philadelphia, Miss., where three civil rights workers were murdered in one of the 1960s' ugliest cases of racist violence. Reagan gave a ringing declaration of his support for "states' rights" -- code words for resistance to black advances clearly understood by white Southerners. Ever since then, the GOP has been the party of white privilege."
- Jack White (Jack White, a former columnist for Time magazine, is a freelance writer in Richmond, Va., and a contributing editor for The Root.)

What I've been saying all the long...but some forum members want to deny that the parties switched ideologies, as the author states in the period of the 60's thru the 80's, and that white privilege not only exists, but "thrives". What was Rand Paul doing at Howard University in the first place? It's a wonder they didn't put his ass on a pyre and burn him at the stake.

you're brainwashed.......:rolleyes:

the media owns you lock stock and barrel and you didn't even get the mules or the acreage....:doubt:

and your comment as to burning him at the stake is perfect:eusa_whistle:. so you and those like you bitch that the gop ignores or 'denies blacks' not that you can point to one piece of legislation that that supposed southern strategy produced, and if you had a brain you'd explode that realignment myth yourself, by checking what states voted for who and when going back to the early 1900's.....but I have a feeling you couldn't handle the truth if it smacked you in the face anyway. to bad.

so to close, you bitch when a rep does come to speak.....:lol: burn him at the stake....unreal, self fulfilling prophecy of aan angry guy who cannot even articulate his anger other than to take garbage like that article and smack up here like its gospel to feed your victimization and anger....

Right. I'm brainwashed and you're supposed to be Trajan. LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL
The media? You have life fucked up. No one owns me, except the IRS (who owns you and everybody else) and death. I read the media....it doesn't own me. Who the fuck do you think you are? A Roman Emperor?
The proof is in the goddamn pudding. When is the last time you reviewed the Republican platform and what it stands for? Don't come for me. Truth? Whose truth? Even Colin Powell and Lawrence Wilkerson, bona fide Republicans, in their own right, denounced the party as "racist-filled". You deny their authority?
And fuck you, royally. Victimization? A friggin victim would remain silent, in a corner somewhere. I'm outspoken, speaking truth to power, and "mooning you", as I go. Truth is, you can't handle it. Hello?

colin who? Oh right... lazy equals shiftless...thats a gem....:rolleyes: you're not starting out well.

here, I have one for you:eusa_whistle:

"There are simply limits to what can be achieved by large hierarchical government organizations."

so examples of this racist platform if you please, and that piece of legislation that the supposed southern strategy produced.

Oh, and try to keep your coprolalia in check.
What amazes me is that in 2013, the man considered the frontrunner for the GOP nomination in 2016 is willing to allow businesses to tell black customers.....We don't serve ******* here

Oh Poet, is rightwinger a racist?

Are you stupid? Does he resemble one? Go fuck yourself.

damn, that doesn't sound very bright clean and articulate , you're not speaking in Negro dialect are you? :eusa_eh:

you're avatar certainly portrays you as light skinned, lucky for you of course:eusa_whistle:
you're brainwashed.......:rolleyes:

the media owns you lock stock and barrel and you didn't even get the mules or the acreage....:doubt:

and your comment as to burning him at the stake is perfect:eusa_whistle:. so you and those like you bitch that the gop ignores or 'denies blacks' not that you can point to one piece of legislation that that supposed southern strategy produced, and if you had a brain you'd explode that realignment myth yourself, by checking what states voted for who and when going back to the early 1900's.....but I have a feeling you couldn't handle the truth if it smacked you in the face anyway. to bad.

so to close, you bitch when a rep does come to speak.....:lol: burn him at the stake....unreal, self fulfilling prophecy of aan angry guy who cannot even articulate his anger other than to take garbage like that article and smack up here like its gospel to feed your victimization and anger....

Right. I'm brainwashed and you're supposed to be Trajan. LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL
The media? You have life fucked up. No one owns me, except the IRS (who owns you and everybody else) and death. I read the media....it doesn't own me. Who the fuck do you think you are? A Roman Emperor?
The proof is in the goddamn pudding. When is the last time you reviewed the Republican platform and what it stands for? Don't come for me. Truth? Whose truth? Even Colin Powell and Lawrence Wilkerson, bona fide Republicans, in their own right, denounced the party as "racist-filled". You deny their authority?
And fuck you, royally. Victimization? A friggin victim would remain silent, in a corner somewhere. I'm outspoken, speaking truth to power, and "mooning you", as I go. Truth is, you can't handle it. Hello?

colin who? Oh right... lazy equals shiftless...thats a gem....:rolleyes: you're not starting out well.
And you're not ending well. Rambling and such.

here, I have one for you:eusa_whistle:

"There are simply limits to what can be achieved by large hierarchical government organizations."

Related to what? Meaning what? Are you drinking so early?

so examples of this racist platform if you please, and that piece of legislation that the supposed southern strategy produced.

Please. Didn't you get the memo....Lincoln freed the slaves. And you're no Trajan. I'll not do your legwork for you. The internet is at your fingertips.

Oh, and try to keep your coprolalia in check.

Fuck you. I'm not going to engage some egomaniac, who thinks he bears some resemblance to a long dead "minor" Roman Emperor. LOL. And my coprolalia is under my jurisdiction. Keep your diarrhea in check...and elevate your discourse into some relevance.
Oh Poet, is rightwinger a racist?

Are you stupid? Does he resemble one? Go fuck yourself.

damn, that doesn't sound very bright clean and articulate , you're not speaking in Negro dialect are you? :eusa_eh:

you're avatar certainly portrays you as light skinned, lucky for you of course:eusa_whistle:

Negro dialect? I'm sorry, but due to my upbringing, and class set, I was denied that form of verbiage. I grew up speaking the Queen's English. Studied Latin and German.
And the drawing of me, in my avatar, is devoid of any color, so how you arrived at the conclusion from it, that I am "light-skinned" (which has no bearing, one way or another) is beyond me. I am of medium-brown complexion.....no doubt, due to my mixed heritage.
Right. I'm brainwashed and you're supposed to be Trajan. LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL
The media? You have life fucked up. No one owns me, except the IRS (who owns you and everybody else) and death. I read the media....it doesn't own me. Who the fuck do you think you are? A Roman Emperor?
The proof is in the goddamn pudding. When is the last time you reviewed the Republican platform and what it stands for? Don't come for me. Truth? Whose truth? Even Colin Powell and Lawrence Wilkerson, bona fide Republicans, in their own right, denounced the party as "racist-filled". You deny their authority?
And fuck you, royally. Victimization? A friggin victim would remain silent, in a corner somewhere. I'm outspoken, speaking truth to power, and "mooning you", as I go. Truth is, you can't handle it. Hello?

colin who? Oh right... lazy equals shiftless...thats a gem....:rolleyes: you're not starting out well.
And you're not ending well. Rambling and such.

here, I have one for you:eusa_whistle:

"There are simply limits to what can be achieved by large hierarchical government organizations."

Related to what? Meaning what? Are you drinking so early?

so examples of this racist platform if you please, and that piece of legislation that the supposed southern strategy produced.

Please. Didn't you get the memo....Lincoln freed the slaves. And you're no Trajan. I'll not do your legwork for you. The internet is at your fingertips.

Oh, and try to keep your coprolalia in check.

Fuck you. I'm not going to engage some egomaniac, who thinks he bears some resemblance to a long dead "minor" Roman Emperor. LOL. And my coprolalia is under my jurisdiction. Keep your diarrhea in check...and elevate your discourse into some relevance.

:lol: I thought so.

jump sheep, jump...
Are you stupid? Does he resemble one? Go fuck yourself.

damn, that doesn't sound very bright clean and articulate , you're not speaking in Negro dialect are you? :eusa_eh:

you're avatar certainly portrays you as light skinned, lucky for you of course:eusa_whistle:

Negro dialect? I'm sorry, but due to my upbringing, and class set, I was denied that form of verbiage. I grew up speaking the Queen's English. Studied Latin and German.
And the drawing of me, in my avatar, is devoid of any color, so how you arrived at the conclusion from it, that I am "light-skinned" (which has no bearing, one way or another) is beyond me. I am of medium-brown complexion.....no doubt, due to my mixed heritage.

you studied Latin and Trajan was a minor Emperor? :lol: whatever....

apparently it has bearing for some in the democratic party that put stock in a light skinned black who doesn't have 'the' dialect, well unless he wants to, ( wayyyys yo dolluhs? :rolleyes: )

whats sad is, you're so brainwashed you don't even know when you're being insultingly patronized....:doubt:
but but but...some of poet's 5,000 very best Facebook Game Friends are White!

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