Rand Paul Must Think Blacks Have Amnesia

And welcome back to the plantation. :lol:

LBJ was raised in West Texas in 1910.......they called them ******* back then and continued using the term till the late 1960s

Doesn't negate passing the most important civil rights legislation in history. A bill that Rand Paul says he disagrees with

LBJ signed the bill.......Rand Paul wouldn't
Translation: He gets a pass for his bigotry because of the (D) by his name.

Now, see to it that the boys bail that cotton and fetch a nice mint julep for Mammy Pelosi. :lol:

He gets a pass from revisionist history 50 years after the fact. Different times, different viewpoints

He also gets a pass for pushing through the most sweeping Civil rights legislation in history......something that TeaTard darling Rand Paul opposes to this day
Civil rights "hero", LBJ...


“I'll have those ******* voting Democratic for the next 200 years.”

Right. Who is the villain here? LBJ, who, despite his racist upbringing, transcended his beliefs, and wound up doing the right thing...or you, who chooses to write out the n-word, as if it were nothing, knowing full well, that there are black forum members who would be offended? Col. Klink, indeed. You racist Nazi.

Poor, poor plantation-dwelling Uncle Tom....:lmao:

Another gem, from civil rights "hero", LBJ....


"When I appoint a ****** to the bench (speaking about Thurgood Marshall), I want everyone to know he's a ******."

At least he appointed a Black guy, I'm sure that the conservatives had a shit fit over that one.
What amazes me is that in 2013, the man considered the frontrunner for the GOP nomination in 2016 is willing to allow businesses to tell black customers.....We don't serve ******* here
I wonder if our race hustling little boy knows how many brothas were killed in that "white man's war" in Vietnam, started by his big hero LBJ. :eusa_whistle:

"No Viet Cong ever called me ******" Mohammad Ali
Yet LBJ sent lots of Ali's brothas to die in his white man's war....And somehow LBJ is still the big civil rights "hero" to churlish little race baiting children like poet.

The irony in this thread knows no bounds.

and no VC called me cracker, honky or pigs ears
Rand Paul at Howard University: Senator Hopes Blacks Forget GOP's Past

"So now we know the basis of Kentucky's libertarian Sen. Rand Paul's strategy for expanding the Republican Party's appeal to African Americans: amnesia.

That's the only conclusion I can reach after watching the C-SPAN broadcast of Paul's 52-minute appearance today at Howard University. He deserves credit for appearing before a potentially hostile audience to make the case for conservative policies with which most black voters utterly disagree. But he also deserves strong criticism -- even derision -- for pretending that there's any mystery about why most black folks are so skeptical about the GOP. He wants us to forget the party's recent history -- and his own.......He (Paul) left out the part (in his speech) that Republicans almost always leave out when they lament their lack of support from African Americans: the racial realignment that occurred during the 1960s, when Democratic politicians like President Lyndon B. Johnson and Robert F. Kennedy became champions for equal rights, and Republicans reinvented their party as a harbor for segregationists.........The simple truth is that the present-day Republican Party has virtually no resemblance to the Republican Party of, say, 1960, when Richard Nixon got 32 percent of the black vote in his race against John F. Kennedy. Four years later, the Republicans nominated right-wing Arizona Sen. Barry Goldwater, who based his campaign on opposition to the Civil Rights Act of 1964. By 1968, Nixon had wholeheartedly accepted Goldwater's advice to "go hunting where the ducks are" by adopting a so-called Southern strategy dedicated to wooing segregationists like Strom Thurmond.

They consolidated their approach in 1980 when Ronald Reagan delivered the first major speech of his campaign in Philadelphia, Miss., where three civil rights workers were murdered in one of the 1960s' ugliest cases of racist violence. Reagan gave a ringing declaration of his support for "states' rights" -- code words for resistance to black advances clearly understood by white Southerners. Ever since then, the GOP has been the party of white privilege."
- Jack White (Jack White, a former columnist for Time magazine, is a freelance writer in Richmond, Va., and a contributing editor for The Root.)

What I've been saying all the long...but some forum members want to deny that the parties switched ideologies, as the author states in the period of the 60's thru the 80's, and that white privilege not only exists, but "thrives". What was Rand Paul doing at Howard University in the first place? It's a wonder they didn't put his ass on a pyre and burn him at the stake.

you're brainwashed.......:rolleyes:

the media owns you lock stock and barrel and you didn't even get the mules or the acreage....:doubt:

and your comment as to burning him at the stake is perfect:eusa_whistle:. so you and those like you bitch that the gop ignores or 'denies blacks' not that you can point to one piece of legislation that that supposed southern strategy produced, and if you had a brain you'd explode that realignment myth yourself, by checking what states voted for who and when going back to the early 1900's.....but I have a feeling you couldn't handle the truth if it smacked you in the face anyway. to bad.

so to close, you bitch when a rep does come to speak.....:lol: burn him at the stake....unreal, self fulfilling prophecy of aan angry guy who cannot even articulate his anger other than to take garbage like that article and smack up here like its gospel to feed your victimization and anger....
What amazes me is that in 2013, the man considered the frontrunner for the GOP nomination in 2016 is willing to allow businesses to tell black customers.....We don't serve ******* here

where are the businesses?

Where white people are targeted by gangs of roving " TEENS" ?
What amazes me is that in 2013, the man considered the frontrunner for the GOP nomination in 2016 is willing to allow businesses to tell black customers.....We don't serve ******* here

Oh Poet, is rightwinger a racist?
How the hell do they cash their welfare check? Hell you should know you can't even get on welfare without an ID.
You people are so full of shit I can smell you from here!
Ahahahaha....Maybe you are confused because welfare doesnt have welfare checks. I hope that helps....
...you think up another reason why jumping thru hoops isn't jumping thru hoops
Welfare checks are payments distributed to people through many different programs. These programs include Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), child support child care programs, energy assistance programs, medical assistance programs and food stamps.

Tired of getting your ass kicked yet?

UH yeah, where's the part where these people have to cash those checks? People need IDs to cash these checks you said. What gives? Can't find it?
It seems that the radicals within the Black culture actually do have amnesia. It was the democrat party who tried to prevent the civil rights bill from becoming law. Liberal whities giggled at the racist cartoons designed to humiliate Dr. Condie Rice. I'll wager if you polled every member of the KKK back in the 60's you might find that they were all card carrying democrats. Democrat senator Robert Byrd often used the "N" word in public and democrats "forgot" that he was a former member of the KKK. Al Gore's father was a segregationist. Oh yeah, the argument promoted by the modern lock step Blacks who support every democrat politician is that the so-called southern segregationist democrats were really republicans. The argument is laughable. Segregationist democrats were ....democrats. Blacks have been used and abused by democrats since LBJ's "great society" expanded the plantation.

the black racists in the Dem party are treated with reverence
Rand Paul at Howard University: Senator Hopes Blacks Forget GOP's Past

"So now we know the basis of Kentucky's libertarian Sen. Rand Paul's strategy for expanding the Republican Party's appeal to African Americans: amnesia.

That's the only conclusion I can reach after watching the C-SPAN broadcast of Paul's 52-minute appearance today at Howard University. He deserves credit for appearing before a potentially hostile audience to make the case for conservative policies with which most black voters utterly disagree. But he also deserves strong criticism -- even derision -- for pretending that there's any mystery about why most black folks are so skeptical about the GOP. He wants us to forget the party's recent history -- and his own.......He (Paul) left out the part (in his speech) that Republicans almost always leave out when they lament their lack of support from African Americans: the racial realignment that occurred during the 1960s, when Democratic politicians like President Lyndon B. Johnson and Robert F. Kennedy became champions for equal rights, and Republicans reinvented their party as a harbor for segregationists.........The simple truth is that the present-day Republican Party has virtually no resemblance to the Republican Party of, say, 1960, when Richard Nixon got 32 percent of the black vote in his race against John F. Kennedy. Four years later, the Republicans nominated right-wing Arizona Sen. Barry Goldwater, who based his campaign on opposition to the Civil Rights Act of 1964. By 1968, Nixon had wholeheartedly accepted Goldwater's advice to "go hunting where the ducks are" by adopting a so-called Southern strategy dedicated to wooing segregationists like Strom Thurmond.

They consolidated their approach in 1980 when Ronald Reagan delivered the first major speech of his campaign in Philadelphia, Miss., where three civil rights workers were murdered in one of the 1960s' ugliest cases of racist violence. Reagan gave a ringing declaration of his support for "states' rights" -- code words for resistance to black advances clearly understood by white Southerners. Ever since then, the GOP has been the party of white privilege."
- Jack White (Jack White, a former columnist for Time magazine, is a freelance writer in Richmond, Va., and a contributing editor for The Root.)

What I've been saying all the long...but some forum members want to deny that the parties switched ideologies, as the author states in the period of the 60's thru the 80's, and that white privilege not only exists, but "thrives". What was Rand Paul doing at Howard University in the first place? It's a wonder they didn't put his ass on a pyre and burn him at the stake.

you're brainwashed.......:rolleyes:

the media owns you lock stock and barrel and you didn't even get the mules or the acreage....:doubt:

and your comment as to burning him at the stake is perfect:eusa_whistle:. so you and those like you bitch that the gop ignores or 'denies blacks' not that you can point to one piece of legislation that that supposed southern strategy produced, and if you had a brain you'd explode that realignment myth yourself, by checking what states voted for who and when going back to the early 1900's.....but I have a feeling you couldn't handle the truth if it smacked you in the face anyway. to bad.

so to close, you bitch when a rep does come to speak.....:lol: burn him at the stake....unreal, self fulfilling prophecy of aan angry guy who cannot even articulate his anger other than to take garbage like that article and smack up here like its gospel to feed your victimization and anger....

Right. I'm brainwashed and you're supposed to be Trajan. LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL
The media? You have life fucked up. No one owns me, except the IRS (who owns you and everybody else) and death. I read the media....it doesn't own me. Who the fuck do you think you are? A Roman Emperor?
The proof is in the goddamn pudding. When is the last time you reviewed the Republican platform and what it stands for? Don't come for me. Truth? Whose truth? Even Colin Powell and Lawrence Wilkerson, bona fide Republicans, in their own right, denounced the party as "racist-filled". You deny their authority?
And fuck you, royally. Victimization? A friggin victim would remain silent, in a corner somewhere. I'm outspoken, speaking truth to power, and "mooning you", as I go. Truth is, you can't handle it. Hello?
I surly do understand the point that Paul is making. So do millions of American blacks. He is telling them that if a business in the United States of America wants to force you to sit in the back, segregate you from more desirable customers or outright refuse you service because he considers you to be an animal that he would do nothing about it

Rand Paul is despicable

Ah, but there would be PLENTY we could do about it. Some of us just don't look to government to solve all our problems. Those that do, we call sheeple.

You tell us how despicable it is when private property owners are forced to allow guns on their property. Bet you'll sing another tune then.

Actually we allowed 100 years to pass before the government stepped in to stop the horror of segregation. The free market not only allowed the horrible treatment of black Americans.....it encouraged it

the the next time I see a black person
I should apologize , lick their shoe and give them money?

What are your suggestions if not this?
I surly do understand the point that Paul is making. So do millions of American blacks. He is telling them that if a business in the United States of America wants to force you to sit in the back, segregate you from more desirable customers or outright refuse you service because he considers you to be an animal that he would do nothing about it

Rand Paul is despicable

Ah, but there would be PLENTY we could do about it. Some of us just don't look to government to solve all our problems. Those that do, we call sheeple.

You tell us how despicable it is when private property owners are forced to allow guns on their property. Bet you'll sing another tune then.

Actually we allowed 100 years to pass before the government stepped in to stop the horror of segregation. The free market not only allowed the horrible treatment of black Americans.....it encouraged it

Bullshit. The only place segregation was holding on was in government. The few idiots that owned a retail establishment that precluded some people were minimal and on their way out. The market was making them obsolete. It took a good law to stop the government's racism. It's just too bad that good law went one step too far...as you'll find out when that same law forces businesses to accept people you'd like to exclude.
What amazes me is that in 2013, the man considered the frontrunner for the GOP nomination in 2016 is willing to allow businesses to tell black customers.....We don't serve ******* here

Oh Poet, is rightwinger a racist?

Are you stupid? Does he resemble one? Go fuck yourself.

Don't you get it Rocko? Only a Dem is forgiven for daring to write "******".

Their hypocracy is epic.
Ah, but there would be PLENTY we could do about it. Some of us just don't look to government to solve all our problems. Those that do, we call sheeple.

You tell us how despicable it is when private property owners are forced to allow guns on their property. Bet you'll sing another tune then.

Actually we allowed 100 years to pass before the government stepped in to stop the horror of segregation. The free market not only allowed the horrible treatment of black Americans.....it encouraged it

the the next time I see a black person
I should apologize , lick their shoe and give them money?

What are your suggestions if not this?

Damn squeeze.....

I don't know about you......but Rand Paul sure should
Ah, but there would be PLENTY we could do about it. Some of us just don't look to government to solve all our problems. Those that do, we call sheeple.

You tell us how despicable it is when private property owners are forced to allow guns on their property. Bet you'll sing another tune then.

Actually we allowed 100 years to pass before the government stepped in to stop the horror of segregation. The free market not only allowed the horrible treatment of black Americans.....it encouraged it

Bullshit. The only place segregation was holding on was in government. The few idiots that owned a retail establishment that precluded some people were minimal and on their way out. The market was making them obsolete. It took a good law to stop the government's racism. It's just too bad that good law went one step too far...as you'll find out when that same law forces businesses to accept people you'd like to exclude.

You are entitled to your own opinion....but not your own facts

What happened at those "free market" lunch counters ?

The so called "free market" desegregation took place with armed federal agents. They did not go out with a whimper like you seem to claim but went out with lynching, fire bombings and riots

The free market embraced segregation and fought to the end for their "peculiar institution" of enforced segregation
"No Viet Cong ever called me ******" Mohammad Ali
Yet LBJ sent lots of Ali's brothas to die in his white man's war....And somehow LBJ is still the big civil rights "hero" to churlish little race baiting children like poet.

The irony in this thread knows no bounds.

and no VC called me cracker, honky or pigs ears

Maybe you just didn't understand and maybe it's because you didn't call them a "******" in one way shape or form like you may do to some Black people.
Ah, but there would be PLENTY we could do about it. Some of us just don't look to government to solve all our problems. Those that do, we call sheeple.

You tell us how despicable it is when private property owners are forced to allow guns on their property. Bet you'll sing another tune then.

Actually we allowed 100 years to pass before the government stepped in to stop the horror of segregation. The free market not only allowed the horrible treatment of black Americans.....it encouraged it

Bullshit. The only place segregation was holding on was in government. The few idiots that owned a retail establishment that precluded some people were minimal and on their way out. The market was making them obsolete. It took a good law to stop the government's racism. It's just too bad that good law went one step too far...as you'll find out when that same law forces businesses to accept people you'd like to exclude.

Really? How did the "Free Market Forces" help these people out when they decided to try that route with a boycott?
[URL="http://mlk-kpp01.stanford.edu/index.php/encyclopedia/encyclopedia/enc_montgomery_bus_boycott_1955_1956/"]"The demands were not met, and Montgomery’s black residents stayed off the buses through 1956, despite efforts by city officials and white citizens to defeat the boycott. After the city began to penalize black taxi drivers for aiding the boycotters, the MIA organized a carpool. Following the advice of T. J. Jemison, who had organized a carpool during a 1953 bus boycott in Baton Rouge, the MIA developed an intricate carpool system of about 300 cars. Robert Hughes and others from the Alabama Council for Human Relations organized meetings between the MIA and city officials, but no agreements were reached.

In early 1956, the homes of King and E. D. Nixon were bombed. King was able to calm the crowd that gathered at his home by declaring: ‘‘Be calm as I and my family are. We are not hurt and remember that if anything happens to me, there will be others to take my place’’ (Papers 3:115). City officials obtained injunctions against the boycott in February 1956, and indicted over 80 boycott leaders under a 1921 law prohibiting conspiracies that interfered with lawful business. King was tried and convicted on the charge and ordered to pay $500 or serve 386 days in jail in the case State of Alabama v. Martin Luther King, Jr. Despite this resistance, the boycott continued."

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