Rand Paul Must Think Blacks Have Amnesia

A bill that Rand Paul says he disagrees with

Incorrect. Paul disagrees with one section of the CRA, not the entire bill, which he has stated in no uncertain terms that he enthusiastically supports. Government telling private property owners who can and who cannot have access to that property is a slippery slope worthy of consideration, as folks like you will realize when the courts eventually force private property owners to not exclude conceal carry holders. I suspect you'll understand at that point what Paul was referring to.
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Not interested.
A bill that Rand Paul says he disagrees with

Incorrect. Paul disagrees with one section of the CRA, not the entire bill, which he has stated in no uncertain terms that he enthusiastically supports. Government telling private property owners who can and who cannot have access to that property is a slippery slope worthy of consideration, as folks like you will realize when the courts eventually force private property owners to not exclude conceal carry holders. I suspect you'll understand at that point what Paul was referring to.

I surly do understand the point that Paul is making. So do millions of American blacks. He is telling them that if a business in the United States of America wants to force you to sit in the back, segregate you from more desirable customers or outright refuse you service because he considers you to be an animal that he would do nothing about it

Rand Paul is despicable
A bill that Rand Paul says he disagrees with

Incorrect. Paul disagrees with one section of the CRA, not the entire bill, which he has stated in no uncertain terms that he enthusiastically supports. Government telling private property owners who can and who cannot have access to that property is a slippery slope worthy of consideration, as folks like you will realize when the courts eventually force private property owners to not exclude conceal carry holders. I suspect you'll understand at that point what Paul was referring to.

I surly do understand the point that Paul is making. So do millions of American blacks. He is telling them that if a business in the United States of America wants to force you to sit in the back, segregate you from more desirable customers or outright refuse you service because he considers you to be an animal that he would do nothing about it

Rand Paul is despicable

RW, I negged you "in error"...forgive me.
Civil rights "hero", LBJ...


“I'll have those ******* voting Democratic for the next 200 years.”

Right. Who is the villain here? LBJ, who, despite his racist upbringing, transcended his beliefs, and wound up doing the right thing...or you, who chooses to write out the n-word, as if it were nothing, knowing full well, that there are black forum members who would be offended? Col. Klink, indeed. You racist Nazi.

So context doesn't make a difference? Get real, dude.
A bill that Rand Paul says he disagrees with

Incorrect. Paul disagrees with one section of the CRA, not the entire bill, which he has stated in no uncertain terms that he enthusiastically supports. Government telling private property owners who can and who cannot have access to that property is a slippery slope worthy of consideration, as folks like you will realize when the courts eventually force private property owners to not exclude conceal carry holders. I suspect you'll understand at that point what Paul was referring to.

I surly do understand the point that Paul is making. So do millions of American blacks. He is telling them that if a business in the United States of America wants to force you to sit in the back, segregate you from more desirable customers or outright refuse you service because he considers you to be an animal that he would do nothing about it

Rand Paul is despicable

Right, because rightwinger is so in tune to how millions of blacks think. :cuckoo:
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Civil rights "hero", LBJ...


“I'll have those ******* voting Democratic for the next 200 years.”

Right. Who is the villain here? LBJ, who, despite his racist upbringing, transcended his beliefs, and wound up doing the right thing...or you, who chooses to write out the n-word, as if it were nothing, knowing full well, that there are black forum members who would be offended? Col. Klink, indeed. You racist Nazi.

So context doesn't make a difference? Get real, dude.

Context? Dude?

About Rocko

They asked you where you were, and you answered a pro ball team. LOL.
Incorrect. Paul disagrees with one section of the CRA, not the entire bill, which he has stated in no uncertain terms that he enthusiastically supports. Government telling private property owners who can and who cannot have access to that property is a slippery slope worthy of consideration, as folks like you will realize when the courts eventually force private property owners to not exclude conceal carry holders. I suspect you'll understand at that point what Paul was referring to.

I surly do understand the point that Paul is making. So do millions of American blacks. He is telling them that if a business in the United States of America wants to force you to sit in the back, segregate you from more desirable customers or outright refuse you service because he considers you to be an animal that he would do nothing about it

Rand Paul is despicable

Right, because rightwinger is so intune to how millions of blacks think. :cuckoo:
Evidently, moreso than you.
This message is hidden because eflatminor is on your ignore list.

Not interested.

Yes, we understand your cowardice. But the funny part? You taking the time to tell us you're not interested! :lol:
A bill that Rand Paul says he disagrees with

Incorrect. Paul disagrees with one section of the CRA, not the entire bill, which he has stated in no uncertain terms that he enthusiastically supports. Government telling private property owners who can and who cannot have access to that property is a slippery slope worthy of consideration, as folks like you will realize when the courts eventually force private property owners to not exclude conceal carry holders. I suspect you'll understand at that point what Paul was referring to.

I surly do understand the point that Paul is making. So do millions of American blacks. He is telling them that if a business in the United States of America wants to force you to sit in the back, segregate you from more desirable customers or outright refuse you service because he considers you to be an animal that he would do nothing about it

Rand Paul is despicable

Ah, but there would be PLENTY we could do about it. Some of us just don't look to government to solve all our problems. Those that do, we call sheeple.

You tell us how despicable it is when private property owners are forced to allow guns on their property. Bet you'll sing another tune then.
And welcome back to the plantation. :lol:

LBJ was raised in West Texas in 1910.......they called them ******* back then and continued using the term till the late 1960s

Doesn't negate passing the most important civil rights legislation in history. A bill that Rand Paul says he disagrees with

LBJ signed the bill.......Rand Paul wouldn't
Translation: He gets a pass for his bigotry because of the (D) by his name.

Now, see to it that the boys bail that cotton and fetch a nice mint julep for Mammy Pelosi. :lol:
Girls, girls, girls....I'm not going to engage you. Get it through your recalcitrant heads. Enough is enough. I've played the game long enough. None of you are worthy.
This must be poet with the bullhorn...​

black panther kill some crackers.flv - YouTube
You "negged" me with the following comment:
Fucking racist DICK HEAD. Go soak your fucking RACIST, WHITEY HATING head ya fucking SHIT STAIN.

Proof positive, that you are projecting your racism and bigotry onto me.
I don't hate white people. I hate you. And yet, I refuse to lower myself to your level and call you "whitey'. That's not me. I'm up here, on Mount Olympus...and you're at the bottom of the sewer. Enjoy.
This must be poet with the bullhorn...​

black panther kill some crackers.flv - YouTube
You "negged" me

Aw...did someone get his whittle feewings hurt?

with the following comment:
Fucking racist DICK HEAD.

That's a true statment.

Go soak your fucking RACIST, WHITEY HATING head

A reasonable request of a racist like yourself.

ya fucking SHIT STAIN

Now that's an insult to shit stains...

Proof positive, that you are projecting your racism and bigotry onto me.

No, no proof. Just more of your racist rantings.

I don't hate white people.

Just all white people that don't vote Democrat.

I hate you.

We get it. You're FULL of hate.

And yet, I refuse to lower myself to your level and call you "whitey'.

Nor has anyone called you...oh sorry, can't offend your sensitive self...the "n" word.

That's not me. I'm up here, on Mount Olympus.

Then we'll have to go with a lack of oxygen that's causing you to sound like an idiot. Can't account for the racist bullshit you spew though. That's on you.
It seems that the radicals within the Black culture actually do have amnesia. It was the democrat party who tried to prevent the civil rights bill from becoming law. Liberal whities giggled at the racist cartoons designed to humiliate Dr. Condie Rice. I'll wager if you polled every member of the KKK back in the 60's you might find that they were all card carrying democrats. Democrat senator Robert Byrd often used the "N" word in public and democrats "forgot" that he was a former member of the KKK. Al Gore's father was a segregationist. Oh yeah, the argument promoted by the modern lock step Blacks who support every democrat politician is that the so-called southern segregationist democrats were really republicans. The argument is laughable. Segregationist democrats were ....democrats. Blacks have been used and abused by democrats since LBJ's "great society" expanded the plantation.
The Root is a hate whitey rag.

No surprise they would bash any and all white people and surely the OP loves to hate whitey

And where is the evidence for that? I'll wait...but we know you have none.

Is there a transcript of his speech? I have some trepidation about him but i do give him credit for expanding his horizons and putting forth his ideas. I'll try to find his speech and give an intelligent analysis and opinion of it.
It seems that the radicals within the Black culture actually do have amnesia. It was the democrat party who tried to prevent the civil rights bill from becoming law. Liberal whities giggled at the racist cartoons designed to humiliate Dr. Condie Rice. I'll wager if you polled every member of the KKK back in the 60's you might find that they were all card carrying democrats. Democrat senator Robert Byrd often used the "N" word in public and democrats "forgot" that he was a former member of the KKK. Al Gore's father was a segregationist. Oh yeah, the argument promoted by the modern lock step Blacks who support every democrat politician is that the so-called southern segregationist democrats were really republicans. The argument is laughable. Segregationist democrats were ....democrats. Blacks have been used and abused by democrats since LBJ's "great society" expanded the plantation.

yawn. same ol tune...second verse. Blah, blah, blah.
Incorrect. Paul disagrees with one section of the CRA, not the entire bill, which he has stated in no uncertain terms that he enthusiastically supports. Government telling private property owners who can and who cannot have access to that property is a slippery slope worthy of consideration, as folks like you will realize when the courts eventually force private property owners to not exclude conceal carry holders. I suspect you'll understand at that point what Paul was referring to.

I surly do understand the point that Paul is making. So do millions of American blacks. He is telling them that if a business in the United States of America wants to force you to sit in the back, segregate you from more desirable customers or outright refuse you service because he considers you to be an animal that he would do nothing about it

Rand Paul is despicable

Ah, but there would be PLENTY we could do about it. Some of us just don't look to government to solve all our problems. Those that do, we call sheeple.

You tell us how despicable it is when private property owners are forced to allow guns on their property. Bet you'll sing another tune then.

Actually we allowed 100 years to pass before the government stepped in to stop the horror of segregation. The free market not only allowed the horrible treatment of black Americans.....it encouraged it

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