Rand Paul Must Think Blacks Have Amnesia

Rand Paul always has his strong civil rights record to fall back on
Civil rights "hero", LBJ...


“I'll have those ******* voting Democratic for the next 200 years.”

Right. Who is the villain here? LBJ, who, despite his racist upbringing, transcended his beliefs, and wound up doing the right thing...or you, who chooses to write out the n-word, as if it were nothing, knowing full well, that there are black forum members who would be offended? Col. Klink, indeed. You racist Nazi.

What they never taught you in history class is that Ike first proposed the Civil Rights Bill and LBJ and Al Gore Sr kept it bottled up in the Senate for 7 years. When LBJ became President he passed Ike Bill under his own name.

Richard Nixon got Ike first bill passed, so he has a better Civil Rights record than your "These Negroes, they're getting pretty uppity" LBJ
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If any political party has a 'history' problem, it's the democrats.
I wonder if our race hustling little boy knows how many brothas were killed in that "white man's war" in Vietnam, started by his big hero LBJ. :eusa_whistle:

"No Viet Cong ever called me ******" Mohammad Ali
Ask Paul, he has concerns with the GOP not being able to attract minorities. Maybe it's the message or maybe its everyone else. Ask Paul

'We don't seem to attract blacks to the GOP' to paraphrase. That is racist?

Please get out your Funk and Wagnalls and look up hypocrisy.

No that is not racist but the GOP cant attract Minorities for some reason Paul says. You figure it out or ask Paul what he thinks it is....

and the dem party has trouble attracting white males for some reason.

Got any ideas why?
I wonder if our race hustling little boy knows how many brothas were killed in that "white man's war" in Vietnam, started by his big hero LBJ. :eusa_whistle:

"No Viet Cong ever called me ******" Mohammad Ali
Yet LBJ sent lots of Ali's brothas to die in his white man's war....And somehow LBJ is still the big civil rights "hero" to churlish little race baiting children like poet.

The irony in this thread knows no bounds.
No that is not racist but the GOP cant attract Minorities for some reason Paul says. You figure it out or ask Paul what he thinks it is....

Group 1 says, We don't think you can make it on your own, so we'll give you special consideration when it comes to hiring and university admissions.
Don't worry about it. You didn't have a husband before you had 7 kids. We know how hard that can be. We'll pay for your food, housing, utilities, telephone, health care and day care, plus hand you a wad of bills you can buy some crack with.

Group 2 says, We think you can make it on your own. We'll help you over the rough spots, but we expect you to take advantage of the programs offered to get you into a job and on your path to financial independence.

If you had no intention of getting off your ass and wanted other, productive citizens to pay your way, who would YOU vote for?

Is this a real question? One that pretends that the unproductive individual who does crack has no job and 7 kids are reviewing the policy differences of republicans and democrats?

Could it be the GOP's message? Or is it because every minority including white women all want free stuff so they vote that way?

It's you against the world...or maybe it's just you.

I gave you the GOP message. Pay your own way goddammit!
Group 1 says, We don't think you can make it on your own, so we'll give you special consideration when it comes to hiring and university admissions.
Don't worry about it. You didn't have a husband before you had 7 kids. We know how hard that can be. We'll pay for your food, housing, utilities, telephone, health care and day care, plus hand you a wad of bills you can buy some crack with.

Group 2 says, We think you can make it on your own. We'll help you over the rough spots, but we expect you to take advantage of the programs offered to get you into a job and on your path to financial independence.

If you had no intention of getting off your ass and wanted other, productive citizens to pay your way, who would YOU vote for?

Is this a real question? One that pretends that the unproductive individual who does crack has no job and 7 kids are reviewing the policy differences of republicans and democrats?

Could it be the GOP's message? Or is it because every minority including white women all want free stuff so they vote that way?

It's you against the world...or maybe it's just you.

I gave you the GOP message. Pay your own way goddammit!

Actually you gave me a fairy tale that once asked for clarity not even you can make heads or tails of it. But if you want to believe that do nothings with a crack habit and 7 kids finds the time to evaluate both Parties message then decides to go with Dems then you make a perfect GOP member.
LBJ is dead...So why is the GOP not attracting ANY Minority?

Because their message is "anti-minority".

Suppose you tell us just what about the GOP message is anti-minority. Be specific with links to quotes.

Are you really that stupid, or pretending to be stupid? Instituting new strict voter ID laws, last election, which directly and specifically affected minority voters voting Democratic, for starters. I really don't have to defend myself or my stance for the likes of you. You make outlandish claims, all the times, and feel no need to back them up with evidence or links. Go to Hell.
Instituting new strict voter ID laws, last election, which directly and specifically affected minority voters voting Democratic

Now why would requiring an ID to vote be something that specifically targets minorities and Dems? Clearly these groups are not prevented from obtaining said ID, so you seem to be implying they're less capable or somehow unable to figure out how to obtain an ID. You have implied Democrats and minorities are stupid! Sorry, I just won't stand for that kind of blanket bigotry. Shame on you.
Civil rights "hero", LBJ...


“I'll have those ******* voting Democratic for the next 200 years.”

Right. Who is the villain here? LBJ, who, despite his racist upbringing, transcended his beliefs, and wound up doing the right thing...or you, who chooses to write out the n-word, as if it were nothing, knowing full well, that there are black forum members who would be offended? Col. Klink, indeed. You racist Nazi.

What they never taught you in history class is that Ike first proposed the Civil Rights Bill and LBJ and Al Gore Sr kept it bottled up in the Senate for 7 years. When LBJ became President he passed Ike Bill under his own name.

Richard Nixon got Ike first bill passed, so he has a better Civil Rights record than your "These Negroes, they're getting pretty uppity" LBJ

Uh, I never did "cotton" to Tricky Dicky...but I long admired LBJ, following JFK's assassination. People evolve. Neanderthals don't.

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