Rand Paul Must Think Blacks Have Amnesia

We know what the effect of white GOP racism on minorities

Please point to an example of racism in the GOP platform. Or is one of those things that can't be identified specifically...but you're just sure it exists?

I'd stop short of calling you a racist...more a 'race activist', preaching despair and poisoning the minds of a younger generation which in fact displays far less racial consciousness and bigotry than any other in American history. Does it really pay to perpetuate black dependency? What do you gain from such nonsense?
The Root is a hate whitey rag.

No surprise they would bash any and all white people and surely the OP loves to hate whitey

And where is the evidence for that? I'll wait...but we know you have none.

I just visited there for the first time. I didn't see one single article with out racial overtones. The 3 or 4 articles I scanned ALL painted whitey as racist Except maybe Roger Ebert Even then, one gets the impression that Mr Ebert would have been a failure without his black wife, Chaz.

Were you shocked when you went to Redstate and it had conservative overtones?
The Root is a hate whitey rag.

No surprise they would bash any and all white people and surely the OP loves to hate whitey

And where is the evidence for that? I'll wait...but we know you have none.

I just visited there for the first time. I didn't see one single article with out racial overtones. The 3 or 4 articles I scanned ALL painted whitey as racist Except maybe Roger Ebert Even then, one gets the impression that Mr Ebert would have been a failure without his black wife, Chaz.

BS, of course. And why do you insist on labeling yourself as "whitey", because there is no one I know of who is black that does that? You are, decidedly "racist" and biased, to begin with, so why would I think that you have a shred of credibility as it relates to an online publication which often points out racism coming from whites? Roger Ebert is revered as a critic, columnist, pundit and author, independent of his black wife. Thank you. But notice how you made it about race, all the while "pointing fingers". Such hypocrisy.
"So now we know the basis of Kentucky's libertarian Sen. Rand Paul's strategy for expanding the Republican Party's appeal to African Americans: amnesia.

So tell me... where did you receive this seemingly COMPLETE BRAIN WASHING? You sir, are one IGNORANT, LYING, sons a bitchin' RACIST asshole, and I do believe that your attempts to LIE about the republican party won't work here. Most people here have heard your flavor of GARBAGE before, but are FULLY aware of the HISTORY of the parties and WHO YOU BLACKS SHOULD BE THANKING FOR YOUR FREEDOM. Now do some MOTHER FUCKING READING you pathetic, JACKASS of a RACIST SHIT FOR BRAINS...

RACIST History of the Democrat Party
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Democrats have made sure that blacks (and everyone else too) is as ignorant as possible.

If the students at Howard is any indication of how democrats feel, it's that they want to be infantilized by a paternalistic govenment. Howard Student To Rand Paul: "I Want A Government That Is Going To Help Me" | RealClearPolitics

This is why Romney lost the election. He was talking about jobs. He made a mistake in thinking that people wanted to be independent. They don't. They want a government that takes care of them and relieves the individual of the responsibility of taking care of himself.

Opinion, and not fact. Real Clear Politics? Really? A decidedly "right wing rag". Infantilized by a paternalistic government???? Really? Some believe that government plays a role in helping those who encounter obstacles in their quest of the American Dream. Even George W. Bush pushed the notion of "compassionate conservatism", which, now, you seem to want to dismiss.
No one takes serious the notion that Democrats want to tie minorities to anybody's plantation, when it's the Republicans, which cater to their core base...."conservative white males", as opposed to any other group or constituency, and have, in place, a racist, bigoted, and misogynistic platform, which seeks to empower its' base, at the expediency and expense of women, gays, minorities, veterans, children, the elderly, and the poor.
The reason Romney lost the election was myriad. And people want a government that is less intrusive, and attentive to their needs as citizens....the bottom line of any democracy.
Get off the mantra of people not desiring to be responsible, not willing to work, or not being able to take care of themselves. Those are Fox News talking points, and having no basis in reality. Of course there are individuals who fit your characterizations, but not in the numbers you suggest. And certainly not "whole groups" defined by race, color, creed, or politics.

Really? And you can write that after linking an article from The Root?

The level of hypocrisy you rise to is epic.
Right. Who is the villain here? LBJ, who, despite his racist upbringing, transcended his beliefs, and wound up doing the right thing...or you, who chooses to write out the n-word, as if it were nothing, knowing full well, that there are black forum members who would be offended? Col. Klink, indeed. You racist Nazi.

Poor, poor plantation-dwelling Uncle Tom....:lmao:

Another gem, from civil rights "hero", LBJ....


"When I appoint a ****** to the bench, I want everyone to know he's a ******."

Really? But you have no links supporting those quotes, do you? And I suggest you look up "Uncle Tom", as you have no idea of the meaning.
Plantation-dwelling? I'm sorry, but that would be the likes of Clarence Thomas, Herman Cain, and Allen West.
And there is nothing that you can post that will change my opinion of LBJ.
Placing you on ignore. Bye.

LBJ: Architect of American Ambition - Randall Bennett Woods - Google Books
LBJ is dead...So why is the GOP not attracting ANY Minority?

Because their message is "anti-minority".

Suppose you tell us just what about the GOP message is anti-minority. Be specific with links to quotes.

This fucker is a brain washed fucking racist supreme Ernie. He has nothing to say that has any sort of credibility. He's pushing his hate whitey crap is all, and is WOEFULLY confused about what party he should support, unfortunately, as are many other blacks as well. Maybe when they wake up and begin to admit the truth, their perceived troubles will be over.
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[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F0sk4yGaEk8"]I strongly suggest Poet watches this video, and everything else produced by 5723michael. He doesn't any (and I mean any) punches.[/ame]
We know what the effect of white GOP racism on minorities

Please point to an example of racism in the GOP platform. Or is one of those things that can't be identified specifically...but you're just sure it exists?

I'd stop short of calling you a racist...more a 'race activist', preaching despair and poisoning the minds of a younger generation which in fact displays far less racial consciousness and bigotry than any other in American history. Does it really pay to perpetuate black dependency? What do you gain from such nonsense?

The Rotting Racist Underbelly of the Tea Party Protests - Jack & Jill Politics

The ?Liberals Are Racists and Consevatives Are Anti-Racists? Lie | Beyond Highbrow - Robert Lindsay


4 racial controversies at the GOP convention - The Week

How many more examples do you need?
You can call me whatever you like, except the n-word. I am not preaching anything....what I am doing is identifying and pointing out the realities, and my rhetoric is not directed, specifically, to "a younger generation".
Nor am I promoting or perpetuating "black dependency". Black dependency is a "myth", perpetuated by those on the right, who seek to demonize the black community. In case you didn't know the largest group benefiting from welfare, would be "whites". Let's talk, instead, about "white dependency". Good luck with that happening.
And don't ask me stupid questions, if you don't want stupid answers.
Really? But you have no links supporting those quotes, do you? And I suggest you look up "Uncle Tom", as you have no idea of the meaning.
Plantation-dwelling? I'm sorry, but that would be the likes of Clarence Thomas, Herman Cain, and Allen West.
And there is nothing that you can post that will change my opinion of LBJ.
Placing you on ignore. Bye.
I know what Uncle Tom means and you are a total Tom, Tom. :rofl:

more like Aunt Jemimah

And where is the evidence for that? I'll wait...but we know you have none.

I just visited there for the first time. I didn't see one single article with out racial overtones. The 3 or 4 articles I scanned ALL painted whitey as racist Except maybe Roger Ebert Even then, one gets the impression that Mr Ebert would have been a failure without his black wife, Chaz.

Were you shocked when you went to Redstate and it had conservative overtones?

But not racist... I have no problem with sites that overtly preach ideology. There are many on both sides of the spectrum. My bitch is with sites that push racism in either direction.
  • Thanks
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This must be poet with the bullhorn...​

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hVcfymOvoUo]black panther kill some crackers.flv - YouTube[/ame]
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This whole bullshit of "white" makes me crazy.

And it's absolutely racist and bigoted. Caucasians come from many cultures. We are not just one big "whitey blob".

If anything the Republicans are comprised of the same number of ethnic groups as the Democrats.

Just different shades of skin.
And where is the evidence for that? I'll wait...but we know you have none.

I just visited there for the first time. I didn't see one single article with out racial overtones. The 3 or 4 articles I scanned ALL painted whitey as racist Except maybe Roger Ebert Even then, one gets the impression that Mr Ebert would have been a failure without his black wife, Chaz.

BS, of course. And why do you insist on labeling yourself as "whitey", because there is no one I know of who is black that does that? You are, decidedly "racist" and biased, to begin with, so why would I think that you have a shred of credibility as it relates to an online publication which often points out racism coming from whites? Roger Ebert is revered as a critic, columnist, pundit and author, independent of his black wife. Thank you. But notice how you made it about race, all the while "pointing fingers". Such hypocrisy.
Where did I label myself as "whitey"? If having zero respect for you, a black man, makes me racist, so be it.

Climb down off that pedestal you have built for yourself, little man. I rarely see a post from you that is not racist, but you fail to point out an example of my supposed racism, my party's racism or your credibility.
Very telling is the rapid decline in the way you are regarded here lately. Is this a sign that you are about to take the coward's way out and opt out of the rep system before the red splats accumulate?
"So now we know the basis of Kentucky's libertarian Sen. Rand Paul's strategy for expanding the Republican Party's appeal to African Americans: amnesia.

So tell me... where did you receive this seemingly COMPLETE BRAIN WASHING? You sir, are one IGNORANT, LYING, sons a bitchin' RACIST asshole, and I do believe that your attempts to LIE about the republican party won't work here. Most people here have heard your flavor of GARBAGE before, but are FULLY aware of the HISTORY of the parties and WHO YOU BLACKS SHOULD BE THANKING FOR YOUR FREEDOM. Now do some MOTHER FUCKING READING you pathetic, JACKASS of a RACIST SHIT FOR BRAINS...

RACIST History of the Democrat Party

Repped! :clap2::clap2::clap2:

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