Rand Paul Must Think Blacks Have Amnesia

Because their message is "anti-minority".

Suppose you tell us just what about the GOP message is anti-minority. Be specific with links to quotes.

This fucker is a brain washed fucking racist supreme Ernie. He has nothing to say that has any sort of credibility. He's pushing his hate whitey crap is all, and is WOEFULLY confused about what party he should support, unfortunately, as are many other blacks as well. Maybe when they wake up and begin to admit the truth, their perceived troubles will be over.

His rep has been cut in half and continues on an epic slide. He's another Jake or JoeB that sees himself as an intellectual and all others are below him. If you are Conservative, believe in God and white, you are a reactionary religious wacko, racist. Simple as that.
We know what the effect of white GOP racism on minorities

Please point to an example of racism in the GOP platform. Or is one of those things that can't be identified specifically...but you're just sure it exists?

I'd stop short of calling you a racist...more a 'race activist', preaching despair and poisoning the minds of a younger generation which in fact displays far less racial consciousness and bigotry than any other in American history. Does it really pay to perpetuate black dependency? What do you gain from such nonsense?

The Rotting Racist Underbelly of the Tea Party Protests - Jack & Jill Politics

The ?Liberals Are Racists and Consevatives Are Anti-Racists? Lie | Beyond Highbrow - Robert Lindsay

Racism Is A Vital Piece Of The 2012 Republican Platform

4 racial controversies at the GOP convention - The Week

How many more examples do you need?
You can call me whatever you like, except the n-word. I am not preaching anything....what I am doing is identifying and pointing out the realities, and my rhetoric is not directed, specifically, to "a younger generation".
Nor am I promoting or perpetuating "black dependency". Black dependency is a "myth", perpetuated by those on the right, who seek to demonize the black community. In case you didn't know the largest group benefiting from welfare, would be "whites". Let's talk, instead, about "white dependency". Good luck with that happening.
And don't ask me stupid questions, if you don't want stupid answers.

Jack and Jill Politics is another hate whitey rag
The GOP kind of reminds me of Hillary, when she first arrived at the White House with Bill, and tried to railroad through health care reform, in spite of the fact that she had no legal authority. She was definately trying to find hereself, and her role in the world, which manifested itself by changing her hair style about every 2 weeks. What the GOP does not understand is that, talking nicely to blacks and hispanics is not going to get them anywhere. They want to see concrete actions on their issues, like immigration reform and jobs that have disappeared overseas. Transparantly frivalous changes in rhetoric is not going to do the job.

Speaking of which, while the GOP is busy telling everyone that "it is all about jobs', the Pentagon just announced that they expect to lay off 50,000 contractors due to mandated budget cuts.
I just visited there for the first time. I didn't see one single article with out racial overtones. The 3 or 4 articles I scanned ALL painted whitey as racist Except maybe Roger Ebert Even then, one gets the impression that Mr Ebert would have been a failure without his black wife, Chaz.

Were you shocked when you went to Redstate and it had conservative overtones?

But not racist... I have no problem with sites that overtly preach ideology. There are many on both sides of the spectrum. My bitch is with sites that push racism in either direction.

First it was racial overtones now racial overtones means racism?
Were you shocked when you went to Redstate and it had conservative overtones?

But not racist... I have no problem with sites that overtly preach ideology. There are many on both sides of the spectrum. My bitch is with sites that push racism in either direction.

First it was racial overtones now racial overtones means racism?

When "racial overtones" is the sole purpose of your website and the purpose of all of your material is pitting blacks against whites, yes. That means racism.

Look at poet. His sole purpose at USMB is to label whites as racist, sometimes with "homophobic" tossed in. Any white poster here who was all consumed by posting articles critical of blacks certainly would get the "racist" label pinned to his chest by the Left. What makes poet special?
We know what the effect of white GOP racism on minorities

Please point to an example of racism in the GOP platform. Or is one of those things that can't be identified specifically...but you're just sure it exists?

I'd stop short of calling you a racist...more a 'race activist', preaching despair and poisoning the minds of a younger generation which in fact displays far less racial consciousness and bigotry than any other in American history. Does it really pay to perpetuate black dependency? What do you gain from such nonsense?

The Rotting Racist Underbelly of the Tea Party Protests - Jack & Jill Politics

The ?Liberals Are Racists and Consevatives Are Anti-Racists? Lie | Beyond Highbrow - Robert Lindsay

Racism Is A Vital Piece Of The 2012 Republican Platform

4 racial controversies at the GOP convention - The Week

How many more examples do you need?

How about just ONE that is actually part of the GOP platform, which none of your links demonstrate. Fail there pal...but feel free to have another crack at it.

You can call me whatever you like, except the n-word.

Wanna bet?

I am not preaching anything....

Riiight...you go with that...:cuckoo:

Massive fail...again.
But not racist... I have no problem with sites that overtly preach ideology. There are many on both sides of the spectrum. My bitch is with sites that push racism in either direction.

First it was racial overtones now racial overtones means racism?

When "racial overtones" is the sole purpose of your website and the purpose of all of your material is pitting blacks against whites, yes. That means racism.

Look at poet. His sole purpose at USMB is to label whites as racist, sometimes with "homophobic" tossed in. Any white poster here who was all consumed by posting articles critical of blacks certainly would get the "racist" label pinned to his chest by the Left. What makes poet special?

Its not the sole purpose, now you are just changing a square to make it fit a round hole. I'm not talking about Poet, I'm talking about why you think racial overtones morphed into racism.

Why white ppls history which is negative to blacks should be broadcasted in a positive light if its not positive? It's like John Gotti saying that the news is pitting him against the law.

Reality makes white history bad, it doesn't become bad only when blacks talk about it.
First it was racial overtones now racial overtones means racism?

When "racial overtones" is the sole purpose of your website and the purpose of all of your material is pitting blacks against whites, yes. That means racism.

Look at poet. His sole purpose at USMB is to label whites as racist, sometimes with "homophobic" tossed in. Any white poster here who was all consumed by posting articles critical of blacks certainly would get the "racist" label pinned to his chest by the Left. What makes poet special?

Its not the sole purpose, now you are just changing a square to make it fit a round hole. I'm not talking about Poet, I'm talking about why you think racial overtones morphed into racism.

Why white ppls history which is negative to blacks should be broadcasted in a positive light if its not positive? It's like John Gotti saying that the news is pitting him against the law.

Reality makes white history bad, it doesn't become bad only when blacks talk about it.
Perhaps not sole purpose, but I scanned several articles and looked at the titles of a dozen others and saw nothing that was not tied to race in some way.
What specifically was racist?

Ask Paul, he has concerns with the GOP not being able to attract minorities. Maybe it's the message or maybe its everyone else. Ask Paul

'We don't seem to attract blacks to the GOP' to paraphrase. That is racist?

Please get out your Funk and Wagnalls and look up hypocrisy.

No that is not racist but the GOP cant attract Minorities for some reason Paul says. You figure it out or ask Paul what he thinks it is....
When "racial overtones" is the sole purpose of your website and the purpose of all of your material is pitting blacks against whites, yes. That means racism.

Look at poet. His sole purpose at USMB is to label whites as racist, sometimes with "homophobic" tossed in. Any white poster here who was all consumed by posting articles critical of blacks certainly would get the "racist" label pinned to his chest by the Left. What makes poet special?

Its not the sole purpose, now you are just changing a square to make it fit a round hole. I'm not talking about Poet, I'm talking about why you think racial overtones morphed into racism.

Why white ppls history which is negative to blacks should be broadcasted in a positive light if its not positive? It's like John Gotti saying that the news is pitting him against the law.

Reality makes white history bad, it doesn't become bad only when blacks talk about it.
Perhaps not sole purpose, but I scanned several articles and looked at the titles of a dozen others and saw nothing that was not tied to race in some way.

Ok, do you just say things just to say things?

First it was racial overtones, then racism, then racism because sole purpose, now its not sole purpose...
Ask Paul, he has concerns with the GOP not being able to attract minorities. Maybe it's the message or maybe its everyone else. Ask Paul

'We don't seem to attract blacks to the GOP' to paraphrase. That is racist?

Please get out your Funk and Wagnalls and look up hypocrisy.

No that is not racist but the GOP cant attract Minorities for some reason Paul says. You figure it out or ask Paul what he thinks it is....

Group 1 says, We don't think you can make it on your own, so we'll give you special consideration when it comes to hiring and university admissions.
Don't worry about it. You didn't have a husband before you had 7 kids. We know how hard that can be. We'll pay for your food, housing, utilities, telephone, health care and day care, plus hand you a wad of bills you can buy some crack with.

Group 2 says, We think you can make it on your own. We'll help you over the rough spots, but we expect you to take advantage of the programs offered to get you into a job and on your path to financial independence.

If you had no intention of getting off your ass and wanted other, productive citizens to pay your way, who would YOU vote for?
'We don't seem to attract blacks to the GOP' to paraphrase. That is racist?

Please get out your Funk and Wagnalls and look up hypocrisy.

No that is not racist but the GOP cant attract Minorities for some reason Paul says. You figure it out or ask Paul what he thinks it is....

Group 1 says, We don't think you can make it on your own, so we'll give you special consideration when it comes to hiring and university admissions.
Don't worry about it. You didn't have a husband before you had 7 kids. We know how hard that can be. We'll pay for your food, housing, utilities, telephone, health care and day care, plus hand you a wad of bills you can buy some crack with.

Group 2 says, We think you can make it on your own. We'll help you over the rough spots, but we expect you to take advantage of the programs offered to get you into a job and on your path to financial independence.

If you had no intention of getting off your ass and wanted other, productive citizens to pay your way, who would YOU vote for?

Is this a real question? One that pretends that the unproductive individual who does crack has no job and 7 kids are reviewing the policy differences of republicans and democrats?

Could it be the GOP's message? Or is it because every minority including white women all want free stuff so they vote that way?

It's you against the world...or maybe it's just you.

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