Rand Paul Must Think Blacks Have Amnesia

Rather, not willing to listen to racist and nonsensical ramblings, from miscreants.
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Democrats have made sure that blacks (and everyone else too) is as ignorant as possible.

If the students at Howard is any indication of how democrats feel, it's that they want to be infantilized by a paternalistic govenment. Howard Student To Rand Paul: "I Want A Government That Is Going To Help Me" | RealClearPolitics

This is why Romney lost the election. He was talking about jobs. He made a mistake in thinking that people wanted to be independent. They don't. They want a government that takes care of them and relieves the individual of the responsibility of taking care of himself.

Opinion, and not fact. Real Clear Politics? Really? A decidedly "right wing rag". Infantilized by a paternalistic government???? Really? Some believe that government plays a role in helping those who encounter obstacles in their quest of the American Dream. Even George W. Bush pushed the notion of "compassionate conservatism", which, now, you seem to want to dismiss.
No one takes serious the notion that Democrats want to tie minorities to anybody's plantation, when it's the Republicans, which cater to their core base...."conservative white males", as opposed to any other group or constituency, and have, in place, a racist, bigoted, and misogynistic platform, which seeks to empower its' base, at the expediency and expense of women, gays, minorities, veterans, children, the elderly, and the poor.
The reason Romney lost the election was myriad. And people want a government that is less intrusive, and attentive to their needs as citizens....the bottom line of any democracy.
Get off the mantra of people not desiring to be responsible, not willing to work, or not being able to take care of themselves. Those are Fox News talking points, and having no basis in reality. Of course there are individuals who fit your characterizations, but not in the numbers you suggest. And certainly not "whole groups" defined by race, color, creed, or politics.

the "The Root" isn't biased and opinionated?

lol what a racist POS
LBJ is dead...So why is the GOP not attracting ANY Minority?
Ted Cruz
Herman Cain
Clarence Thomas
J.C. Watts
Michael Steele
Mike Curb
Bill Flores
Larry Elder
Niger Innis
Ken Hamblin
Ileana Ros-Lehtinen
Marco Rubio
Alan Keyes
Condoleeza Rice
Bob Martinez
Mel Martinez
Susana Martinez
Allen West
Walter E Williams

Now, what was it you were blabbering about again?
Really? But you have no links supporting those quotes, do you? And I suggest you look up "Uncle Tom", as you have no idea of the meaning.
Plantation-dwelling? I'm sorry, but that would be the likes of Clarence Thomas, Herman Cain, and Allen West.
And there is nothing that you can post that will change my opinion of LBJ.
Placing you on ignore. Bye.
I know what Uncle Tom means and you are a total Tom, Tom. :rofl:
LBJ is dead...So why is the GOP not attracting ANY Minority?
Ted Cruz
Herman Cain
Clarence Thomas
J.C. Watts
Michael Steele
Mike Curb
Bill Flores
Larry Elder
Niger Innis
Ken Hamblin
Ileana Ros-Lehtinen
Marco Rubio
Alan Keyes
Condoleeza Rice
Bob Martinez
Mel Martinez
Susana Martinez
Allen West
Walter E Williams

Now, what was it you were blabbering about again?

I dunno ask Ron Paul what was he talking about? From your list it looks like you have enough Minorities already, I guess.
Really? But you have no links supporting those quotes, do you? And I suggest you look up "Uncle Tom", as you have no idea of the meaning.
Plantation-dwelling? I'm sorry, but that would be the likes of Clarence Thomas, Herman Cain, and Allen West.
And there is nothing that you can post that will change my opinion of LBJ.
Placing you on ignore. Bye.
I know what Uncle Tom means and you are a total Tom, Tom. :rofl:

more like Aunt Jemimah
The Root is a hate whitey rag.

No surprise they would bash any and all white people and surely the OP loves to hate whitey

And where is the evidence for that? I'll wait...but we know you have none.

I just visited there for the first time. I didn't see one single article with out racial overtones. The 3 or 4 articles I scanned ALL painted whitey as racist Except maybe Roger Ebert Even then, one gets the impression that Mr Ebert would have been a failure without his black wife, Chaz.

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