Rand Paul: Right-to-work laws 'would be great for the country'...will introduce legislation on that this week!

Buy imports, stick it to them greedy unions. You are delusional.
It may be a waste of time but I’m trying to tell you that unions CAN be as bad as corporations

We need good unions that do not poop in their own nest

as for imports that can represent healthy competition among equals - meaning counties with comparable working conditions and wages

but that excludes countries like china
yeah its bad for the working class people but great for the fat cat owners and stock holders,,,
It’ll “trickle down” eventually.
<pats head>
nice deflection there,,
Not a deflection. Just a demonstration of how intellectually bankrupt and morally schizophrenic the right has become.
your mistake is thinking republicans are right wing,,,

I'm talking about the real world why youre still stuck in partisan politics,,,
Curse them good union wages.
By the 1970’s unions had become their own worst enemy

lazy and incompetent workers were driving big corporations crazy

so the unions boasted high wages till the factory closed and moved to china
Yes the republican war on unions helped push lots of jobs to China.
no, unions, by artificially exploding the cost of labor drove jobs overseas
Buy imports, stick it to them greedy unions. You are delusional.
It may be a waste of time but I’m trying to tell you that unions CAN be as bad as corporations

We need good unions that do not poop in their own nest

as for imports that can represent healthy competition among equals - meaning counties with comparable working conditions and wages

but that excludes countries like china
I understand they can be bad, but better than the alternative. They gave us a strong middle class and best economy in the world. Their decline has not been good.
Curse them good union wages.
By the 1970’s unions had become their own worst enemy

lazy and incompetent workers were driving big corporations crazy

so the unions boasted high wages till the factory closed and moved to china
Yes the republican war on unions helped push lots of jobs to China.
no, unions, by artificially exploding the cost of labor drove jobs overseas
Not really..

there's something called DEMOCRACY. someone remind Rand!

This isn't about "democracy" but about the basic human right to work.

The Late Great Sen. Jesse Helms was a sponsor for decades trying to get this through. I hope Paul is able to do it now.
Curse them good union wages.
By the 1970’s unions had become their own worst enemy

lazy and incompetent workers were driving big corporations crazy

so the unions boasted high wages till the factory closed and moved to china
Yes the republican war on unions helped push lots of jobs to China.
no, unions, by artificially exploding the cost of labor drove jobs overseas
Not really..
The war on unions made it acceptable to buy foreign.
Curse them good union wages.
By the 1970’s unions had become their own worst enemy

lazy and incompetent workers were driving big corporations crazy

so the unions boasted high wages till the factory closed and moved to china
Yes the republican war on unions helped push lots of jobs to China.
no, unions, by artificially exploding the cost of labor drove jobs overseas
Not really..
The war on unions made it acceptable to buy foreign.

Big Labor is by no means faultless at all, listen to how the union bosses earn a tremendous living off the backs of the working men on the docks.

Curse them good union wages.
By the 1970’s unions had become their own worst enemy

lazy and incompetent workers were driving big corporations crazy

so the unions boasted high wages till the factory closed and moved to china
Yes the republican war on unions helped push lots of jobs to China.
no, unions, by artificially exploding the cost of labor drove jobs overseas
Not really..
The war on unions made it acceptable to buy foreign.

Big Labor is by no means faultless at all, listen to how the union bosses earn a tremendous living off the backs of the working men on the docks.

While also increasing wages for many. Where is the promised prosperity when unions were gone? Repubs don’t talk about that anymore.
Curse them good union wages.
By the 1970’s unions had become their own worst enemy

lazy and incompetent workers were driving big corporations crazy

so the unions boasted high wages till the factory closed and moved to china
Yes the republican war on unions helped push lots of jobs to China.
no, unions, by artificially exploding the cost of labor drove jobs overseas
Not really..
The war on unions made it acceptable to buy foreign.
not really....they just made a more affordable product. Nobody is going to buy a car for 10000, when you can get one for 5000, simply because they support Unions.
Curse them good union wages.
By the 1970’s unions had become their own worst enemy

lazy and incompetent workers were driving big corporations crazy

so the unions boasted high wages till the factory closed and moved to china
Yes the republican war on unions helped push lots of jobs to China.
no, unions, by artificially exploding the cost of labor drove jobs overseas
Not really..
The war on unions made it acceptable to buy foreign.

Big Labor is by no means faultless at all, listen to how the union bosses earn a tremendous living off the backs of the working men on the docks.

While also increasing wages for many. Where is the promised prosperity when unions were gone? Repubs don’t talk about that anymore.

The Republicans didn't "get rid of unions" or promise a damned thing in that regards. The God Given Right to Work merely insures that people won't be denied jobs because they don't want to pay tribute to Big Labor bosses.

I have no problem with unions, just compulsory membership enforced by the State. If business agents hanging at the Italian Club want to pressure someone to pay up dues, that's one thing that you can't do much about. But giving these goombas the actual Legal authority to extort the workers, that's a bridge too far.
Curse them good union wages.
By the 1970’s unions had become their own worst enemy

lazy and incompetent workers were driving big corporations crazy

so the unions boasted high wages till the factory closed and moved to china
Yes the republican war on unions helped push lots of jobs to China.
no, unions, by artificially exploding the cost of labor drove jobs overseas
Not really..
The war on unions made it acceptable to buy foreign.

Big Labor is by no means faultless at all, listen to how the union bosses earn a tremendous living off the backs of the working men on the docks.

While also increasing wages for many. Where is the promised prosperity when unions were gone? Repubs don’t talk about that anymore.

Unions increase wages for the few, their members, while driving non-members out. That's the entire point of a Union.

As far as your second comment/question....what do you mean? When have Unions been "gone" they aren't....they still exist. Maybe give me a time frame...there are, admittedly, a lot less, but mainly because people don't need them much anymore
Curse them good union wages.
By the 1970’s unions had become their own worst enemy

lazy and incompetent workers were driving big corporations crazy

so the unions boasted high wages till the factory closed and moved to china
Yes the republican war on unions helped push lots of jobs to China.
no, unions, by artificially exploding the cost of labor drove jobs overseas
Not really..
The war on unions made it acceptable to buy foreign.
not really....they just made a more affordable product. Nobody is going to buy a car for 10000, when you can get one for 5000, simply because they support Unions.
Not when repubs are telling everyone unions are lazy and overpaid.

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