Rand Paul wants to increase defense spending now that he's running for President


Defend Liberty
Aug 27, 2008
Well there should have been no question that Rand was going to become more and more hawkish and flip flop on past positions as he gets closer to announcing his run for President, and he's lived up to that expectation.

In an olive branch to defense hawks hell-bent on curtailing his White House ambitions, the libertarian Senator introduced a budget amendment late Wednesday calling for a nearly $190 billion infusion to the defense budget over the next two years—a roughly 16 percent increase.

Sen. Rand Paul Offers Amendment to Boost Defense Spending

After signing the Cotton letter to derail diplomacy with Iran and now wanting to increase wasteful Defense spending, it's hard to see what anybody interested in a rational foreign policy could possibly support in Rand Paul.
They're all going to start flipping and flopping inside the clown car. Enjoy!
Hey, now Walker changed his mind on immigration......no surprise since the GOP is willing to piss off it's base and try for illegals to vote for them...
He certainly is unlike his Daddy...unfortunately.

However I do not think he is flip flopping. He likely always supported military spending.
They're all going to start flipping and flopping inside the clown car. Enjoy!

True, but one has to remember that spending is a moving target. For example, increasing spending by less than was anticipated is often disingenuously described as a "cut." In the case of military spending, previous wartime spending and program authorizations make a spending benchmark difficult to establish. Perhaps a percentage of GDP or the federal budget should be used as a minimum baseline from which to determine what, if any, additional spending is necessary.
He certainly is unlike his Daddy...unfortunately.

However I do not think he is flip flopping. He likely always supported military spending.
Except he proposed a budget a few years ago which actually cut useless war spending.
Why not spend the money on the American people and bettering our own country? better infrastructure and rebuild our ability to compete in science.
Rand Paul wants to increase defense spending now that he's running for President

It makes him a fraud.

So? The left lies their ass off during elections, blatant lies, big whopper lies like "if you like your plan and doctor you can keep them, period". Turn about is fair play don't you think? I'm for using all the lefts slimy gutter tactics, level the playing field.
He certainly is unlike his Daddy...unfortunately.

However I do not think he is flip flopping. He likely always supported military spending.
Except he proposed a budget a few years ago which actually cut useless war spending.
Is there a politician who would advocate for useless war spending? I think not.

However, what pols think are useless war spending and what IS useless war spending, are two very different things.

It is all about garnering campaign contributions from the HUGE and extremely wealthy military industrial complex, but also about not angering them.
Well there should have been no question that Rand was going to become more and more hawkish and flip flop on past positions as he gets closer to announcing his run for President, and he's lived up to that expectation.

In an olive branch to defense hawks hell-bent on curtailing his White House ambitions, the libertarian Senator introduced a budget amendment late Wednesday calling for a nearly $190 billion infusion to the defense budget over the next two years—a roughly 16 percent increase.

Sen. Rand Paul Offers Amendment to Boost Defense Spending

After signing the Cotton letter to derail diplomacy with Iran and now wanting to increase wasteful Defense spending, it's hard to see what anybody interested in a rational foreign policy could possibly support in Rand Paul.

The GOP and the Neocons are an item again.
While you traitorous Liberals were laughing, I was reading:
The boost would be offset by a two-year combined $212 billion cut to funding for aid to foreign governments,
That's something both Democrats and Republicans can agree on!
Why not spend the money on the American people

This is an oxymoron with this

and bettering our own country? better infrastructure and rebuild our ability to compete in science.

You want to better the American people, what about NOT spending it? Leave it in our hands instead of confiscating it and flushing it down the toilet as if that helps us. Leftists, wow
Well there should have been no question that Rand was going to become more and more hawkish and flip flop on past positions as he gets closer to announcing his run for President, and he's lived up to that expectation.

In an olive branch to defense hawks hell-bent on curtailing his White House ambitions, the libertarian Senator introduced a budget amendment late Wednesday calling for a nearly $190 billion infusion to the defense budget over the next two years—a roughly 16 percent increase.

Sen. Rand Paul Offers Amendment to Boost Defense Spending

After signing the Cotton letter to derail diplomacy with Iran and now wanting to increase wasteful Defense spending, it's hard to see what anybody interested in a rational foreign policy could possibly support in Rand Paul.

He'd probably be marginally better than most Republicans and all the Democrats. But he's done nothing to convince me he wants to radically transform government which government badly needs. To your point, this doesn't help
He certainly is unlike his Daddy...unfortunately.

However I do not think he is flip flopping. He likely always supported military spending.
Except he proposed a budget a few years ago which actually cut useless war spending.
Is there a politician who would advocate for useless war spending? I think not.

However, what pols think are useless war spending and what IS useless war spending, are two very different things.

It is all about garnering campaign contributions from the HUGE and extremely wealthy military industrial complex, but also about not angering them.
Truer words could not have been said Gipper. And that's a sad situation for those of us on the Right and the Left.
Who takes this guy seriously? This is the same guy who said he was against drones and then said he'd happily use one to take out someone robbing a liquor store. He is a fraud.
Well there should have been no question that Rand was going to become more and more hawkish and flip flop on past positions as he gets closer to announcing his run for President, and he's lived up to that expectation.

In an olive branch to defense hawks hell-bent on curtailing his White House ambitions, the libertarian Senator introduced a budget amendment late Wednesday calling for a nearly $190 billion infusion to the defense budget over the next two years—a roughly 16 percent increase.

Sen. Rand Paul Offers Amendment to Boost Defense Spending

After signing the Cotton letter to derail diplomacy with Iran and now wanting to increase wasteful Defense spending, it's hard to see what anybody interested in a rational foreign policy could possibly support in Rand Paul.

He'd probably be marginally better than most Republicans and all the Democrats. But he's done nothing to convince me he wants to radically transform government which government badly needs. To your point, this doesn't help

NO ONE elected President is going to 'radically transform' government. You're naïve to vote for someone thinking that's going to happen.
I take it you are unaware that Rand Paul's amendment would not increase the deficit because it would pay for the additional defense spending with offsetting cuts in other areas of the budget.

And speaking of "derailing" the negotiations with Iran, what do you have to say about the very recent high-ranking Iranian defector who is warning us that Obama's negotiating team is acting as an Iran proxy in the negotiations? Does that report bother you at all?

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