Ranting: ungrateful "pro choicers"


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Gold Supporting Member
Feb 22, 2004
Im in a really ticked off mood today. First, i was hanging out at one my boards and there was some guy trying to justify an affair. He was whining that he hadnt had any attention for 8 years because his wife is seriously ill. and honestly that kinda pissed me off. Cause i mean his wife is seriously ill and he is too busy with his sex drive? holy crap stop being selfish. What ever happened to a mans word of honor to fulfill the covenants he made with his wife.

Anyway that got my thinking how ungrateful people like that are. they dont know what they have. They have someone to love. I havent found my someone to love yet. Then it had me thinking of how there are girls aborting their children and dads abandoning their children and it just irritates me how ungrateful they are. Id give anything to have someone and have children.

so that had me naturally alittle frustrated with ungrateful people and then i was reading another thread were some 19 year old was complaining how she hated condoms and just wanted to use BC without condoms. You know thats fine. I understand people are going to have sex. i may encourage people not to but you know what they do is what they do. but then she goes on about how 1% chance of pregnancy doesnt bother her because she is "pro choice" And that just set me off. You know. i can handle people being pro choice. but we arent talking pro choice here. We are talking about Pro abortion. Why cant they just admit it. Why do they have to hide behind the "pro choice" mantra when they are anything but pro choice when it comes to any other issue. it freakin ticks me off! If they are so freaking pro choice then lets overturn Roe v Wade and let the people actually decide their own laws on abortion state by state! Stop trying to prevent the people from choosing! Stop trying to pretend as if you had no choice. If you sleeping with a steady boyfriend of several years you have to face the consequences. you dont want kids, dont have sex. Grow up people. AGHH Ungrateful and lazy. Annoys me. But you guys get that now.
Avatar4321 said:
If they are so freaking pro choice then lets overturn Roe v Wade and let the people actually decide their own laws on abortion state by state!

I know you're having a bad day and all, but I gotta ask. Why can't it be overturn Roe vs Wade and let people actually decide on their own, period? If you want to choose to have an abortion you can, if you want to choose not to, you can. Why isn't that the essence of choice?
MissileMan said:
I know you're having a bad day and all, but I gotta ask. Why can't it be overturn Roe vs Wade and let people actually decide on their own, period? If you want to choose to have an abortion you can, if you want to choose not to, you can. Why isn't that the essence of choice?

Thats what he said. Overturn Roe vs Wade and make abortion a decision by the people. Not by 9 lawyers in black robes.
insein said:
Thats what he said. Overturn Roe vs Wade and make abortion a decision by the people. Not by 9 lawyers in black robes.

He's saying make it an individual state decision, I'm saying make it an individual personal decision. With some restrictions of course.
MissileMan said:
He's saying make it an individual state decision, I'm saying make it an individual personal decision. With some restrictions of course.

Which is what each state would decide. It has to be decided by the state if it would be legalized by that state or not. I'd imagine California and Mass types would say yes but Utah might say no.
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I wonder how liberal pro choicers must feel to know that if they hadnt killed off so many of their offspring that George Bush might not be President.
Avatar4321 said:
I wonder how liberal pro choicers must feel to know that if they hadnt killed off so many of their offspring that George Bush might not be President.

The ACLU is probably burning a US flag on your front lawn for posting that ..... :laugh:
It should be noted that in a study conducted by the Fuller Theological Seminary in 2004, the rate of abortions, which reached its lowest point under the Clinton Administration, has begun to increase. This despite the policies of the Bush aministrion in this arena.

According to Jim Wallis of <a href=http://www.religioustolerance.org/abo_fact1.htm><i>Sojourner's Magazine</i></a>,

<blockquote>We have seen once again in this campaign the issue of abortion used as a partisan wedge rather than having a serious discussion on how to act to reduce the number of abortions. If we are to be truly pro-life, we must focus on real people and the conditions that lead women to seek abortions. Jobs, healthcare, and a living income must be part of a pro-life agenda.</blockquote>

Of the several reasons for elective abortions, lack of adequate finances was the leading reason for terminating a pregnancy. Others include being unready to accept the responsibility of having a child; an unplanned pregnancy would adversely affect a woman's career and life choices and, a woman has already had all of the children she wishes to have. All valid and rational choices for terminating an unplanned pregnancy.

And there are also issues facing women and families who are on welfare. Since many states have "family caps", women who are faced with an unplanned pregnancy is faced with the choice of carrying the pregnancy to term and having her standard of living compromised even further than it already is, or having an elective abortion. Such are the unintended consequences of goverment policy.

Among the reasons for unplanned pregnancy are the inproper use or, failure to use contraception. (<b>1.</b>) This could be much alleviated by adequate sex-education programs in our schools which present valid, up to date and medically sound information.

While I do not oppose abortion, I would rather there be fewer of them. But until we stop using abortion as a political wedge issue and start addressing the real issues leading to abortion, as outlined by Jim Wallis, the problem will not be addressed in any meaningful way. And overturning 'Roe v. Wade' would result in a slew of unintended consequences which would affect the choices of every American regarding marital privacy, contraception use, medical privacy, unwanted medical treatment, the right to marry and much, much more.(<b>2.</b>) Abortions should be safe, legal and rare. But until they become the exception, they must remain safe and legal.


(1.) <a href=http://www.guttmacher.org/presentations/abort_slides.pdf>An Overview of Abortion in the United States</a>

(2.)<a href=http://judiciary.senate.gov/testimony.cfm?id=1553&wit_id=4398>The Consequences of Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton</a>
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You know, I can't imagine why there would be more abortions in a growing population. Can anyone else?

Nor can I imagine why after 8 years of Clinton as an example to the youth of American why there would be more abortions. Seriously, can anyone else understand why the generation who grew up with Clinton would possibly be having abortions now that they are all grown up? I mean didn't Clinton offer the best example possible?
Avatar, heaven forbid that anyone should voice an opinion that you disagree with. Reading some of your posts, I occasionally wonder if your mother didn't change her mind in the middle.
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Gabriella84 said:
Avatar, heaven forbid that anyone should voice an opinion that you disagree with. Reading some of your posts, I occasionally wonder if your mother didn't change her mind in the middle.

I was under the impression you were supposed to be getting married this weekend. Why on earth would you be on this board?

And btw thanks for validating my points. you cant counter them so you have to attack me. Typical lib:)
I got married Saturday. Today is Sunday. Life does go on. :321:
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Gabriella84 said:
I got married Saturday. Today is Sunday. Life does go on. :321:

Well if you want to spend your Honeymoon here thats fine. But seriously when I get married you wont see me for a month or two atleast.
You are such a typical male who believes the world revolves around your sexual pleasure.
I have known my husband for almost six years. There is no need to lock ourselves away for a week. Besides, he has to go to work on Monday.
Our honeymoon will be the last two weeks of December, when it is summer in Australia. :cheers2:
Avatar4321 said:
I wonder how liberal pro choicers must feel to know that if they hadnt killed off so many of their offspring that George Bush might not be President.
I think that the Conservative pro choicers like myself would balance it out.
MissileMan said:
I know you're having a bad day and all, but I gotta ask. Why can't it be overturn Roe vs Wade and let people actually decide on their own, period? If you want to choose to have an abortion you can, if you want to choose not to, you can. Why isn't that the essence of choice?

I guess I'll decide today to eliminate someone who is an inconvenience in my life. Perhaps the neighbor who plays vile and vulgar rap music until 4:00 AM every night; or perhaps the lady who parks in my favorite spot at the supermarket; or the guy who keeps letting his dog crap on my yard; and so on and so on. Wouldn't that be the essense of choice also? I mean, after all, they are inconveniencing my life.
Bullypulpit said:
While I do not oppose abortion, I would rather there be fewer of them. But until we stop using abortion as a political wedge issue and start addressing the real issues leading to abortion, as outlined by Jim Wallis, the problem will not be addressed in any meaningful way.

No matter how much money is spent on programs such as you are advocating to educate people on alternative birth control methods, or educate them to a level where they can afford children, etc., etc., it will all be meaningless until we can get all types of media (music, movies, tv, radio, etc.) to engage in the endeavor as well.

People today are bombarded in all their sensory capacities to be self indulgent. How do you expect the government to be responsible for combating such a powerful influence?
Avatar4321 said:
You know, I can't imagine why there would be more abortions in a growing population. Can anyone else?

Nor can I imagine why after 8 years of Clinton as an example to the youth of American why there would be more abortions. Seriously, can anyone else understand why the generation who grew up with Clinton would possibly be having abortions now that they are all grown up? I mean didn't Clinton offer the best example possible?

Trying to use a little logic and common sense, are you? You must be forgetting the thought process of your target audience. You know .... the ones that spend their honeymoons on USMB.

There should be some kind of award for THAT!!! :laugh:
kurtsprincess said:
No matter how much money is spent on programs such as you are advocating to educate people on alternative birth control methods, or educate them to a level where they can afford children, etc., etc., it will all be meaningless until we can get all types of media (music, movies, tv, radio, etc.) to engage in the endeavor as well.

People today are bombarded in all their sensory capacities to be self indulgent. How do you expect the government to be responsible for combating such a powerful influence?

By providing fact-based sex education courses in junior-high and high school and mandatory courses in critical thinking skills starting in elementary school. I doubt very seriously that this will happen though. God forbid that America should have a well educated population capable of understanding the consequences of their actions.
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Bullypulpit said:
By providing fact-based sex education courses in junior-high and high school and mandatory courses in critical thinking skills starting in elementary school. I doubt very seriously that this will happen though. God forbid that America should have a well educated population capable of understanding the consequences of their actions.

Well considering you want students to somehow think that condoms will protect them from any consequences of sex, you are one to talk about an educated population.

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