Rape Jihad comes to Europe: Muslim Hordes Drag Women off to be gang-raped

Merkel needs to be OUT. Why is she being allowed to let her country be destroyed?
What happened in Cologne is certainly disturbing. But destruction of a country? Your hyperbole is unbecoming.
Their culture does not mix with any other culture any more than oil will mix with water. Just ain't gonna happen. They need to stay in their shitholes and not come here or be allowed her. AT ALL. Period. End of story.
Happens all the time. There are millions of Muslims here in America living at peace. Your fear is dangerous.
I don't fear them. I fear for the innocents who may run into such people. They come around me, I will blow their fucking heads off and gladly go to jail if it came to that.
Your fear is dangerous. Please tell me you didn't just say you're going to blow the fucking head off any Muslim who "comes around" you. That is sick.
Go fuck yourself. Another idiot on ignore.
I'm on ignore for calling you out on your overreaction and excessive fear. Your fear is dangerous.
Their culture does not mix with any other culture any more than oil will mix with water. Just ain't gonna happen. They need to stay in their shitholes and not come here or be allowed her. AT ALL. Period. End of story.
Happens all the time. There are millions of Muslims here in America living at peace. Your fear is dangerous.
I don't fear them. I fear for the innocents who may run into such people. They come around me, I will blow their fucking heads off and gladly go to jail if it came to that.

Get ready girl. We have a problem on our doorstep it seems.
Oh, I am ready. Think most of the USA is ready. Shit is gonna hit the fan when they try that here. Mark it. Book it. Know it.

I'm with you girl.

I have a couple of issues I have to hit hard and mean tomorrow. You will not fucking believe this. In my local newspaper is a glowing mother fucking article about a woman just south of me bringing across illegals to help our ARE YOU FUCKING READY a group of individuals in MINNIEAPOLIS from Somalia.

I am going to wake up and contact someone from DHS.

Hells bells I'm in the middle of making my freaking seed orders and I've got this woman just south of me bringing in illegals.

I'm thinking spinach? Oh and tell the DHS this woman is bringing across illegals? Holy shit man and the Carillon is giving her a full page in their newspaper.

I hope this makes sense. I am so tired.

They are bringing across illegals at Emerson. Stupid people think they are doing the Underground railroad.

I don't know who to contact.
I have tried to find the authenticity of this video. I have seen nothing that proves that this event happened in Germany. Is it posted on any German news sites?

The overhead NO SMOKING sign, was in english. could be a clue. Do Middle Eastern countries have no smoking ordinances?
Their culture does not mix with any other culture any more than oil will mix with water. Just ain't gonna happen. They need to stay in their shitholes and not come here or be allowed her. AT ALL. Period. End of story.
Happens all the time. There are millions of Muslims here in America living at peace. Your fear is dangerous.
I don't fear them. I fear for the innocents who may run into such people. They come around me, I will blow their fucking heads off and gladly go to jail if it came to that.

Get ready girl. We have a problem on our doorstep it seems.
Oh, I am ready. Think most of the USA is ready. Shit is gonna hit the fan when they try that here. Mark it. Book it. Know it.

I'm with you girl.

I have a couple of issues I have to hit hard and mean tomorrow. You will not fucking believe this. In my local newspaper is a glowing mother fucking article about a woman just south of me bringing across illegals to help our ARE YOU FUCKING READY a group of individuals in MINNIEAPOLIS from Somalia.

I am going to wake up and contact someone from DHS.

Hells bells I'm in the middle of making my freaking seed orders and I've got this woman just south of me bringing in illegals.

I'm thinking spinach? Oh and tell the DHS this woman is bringing across illegals? Holy shit man and the Carillon is giving her a full page in their newspaper.

I hope this makes sense. I am so tired.

They are bringing across illegals at Emerson. Stupid people think they are doing the Underground railroad.

I don't know who to contact.
Tweet the articile to Trump on Twitter.
I have tried to find the authenticity of this video. I have seen nothing that proves that this event happened in Germany. Is it posted on any German news sites?

also, how many middle eastern countries have Subways? we could narrow down th possibilities that way
Happens all the time. There are millions of Muslims here in America living at peace. Your fear is dangerous.
I don't fear them. I fear for the innocents who may run into such people. They come around me, I will blow their fucking heads off and gladly go to jail if it came to that.

Get ready girl. We have a problem on our doorstep it seems.
Oh, I am ready. Think most of the USA is ready. Shit is gonna hit the fan when they try that here. Mark it. Book it. Know it.

I'm with you girl.

I have a couple of issues I have to hit hard and mean tomorrow. You will not fucking believe this. In my local newspaper is a glowing mother fucking article about a woman just south of me bringing across illegals to help our ARE YOU FUCKING READY a group of individuals in MINNIEAPOLIS from Somalia.

I am going to wake up and contact someone from DHS.

Hells bells I'm in the middle of making my freaking seed orders and I've got this woman just south of me bringing in illegals.

I'm thinking spinach? Oh and tell the DHS this woman is bringing across illegals? Holy shit man and the Carillon is giving her a full page in their newspaper.

I hope this makes sense. I am so tired.

They are bringing across illegals at Emerson. Stupid people think they are doing the Underground railroad.

I don't know who to contact.
Tweet the articile to Trump on Twitter.
That's right. Trump is here for you!

Guys you know me.

Here's the deal.

I have assholes on the border thinking they are underground rail people bringing in anyone and everyone from Somalia and other places out of Minn.

Can someone give me a name a go to guy that I can talk with because these people are fucking idiots thinking they are helping people out across the border.
Give me a link to the newspaper article. I will tweet it to trump too. Maybe others will pass it on.
Also, contact the mayor or whomever is in charge of your town. The more that know, the more it will be passed around.
thats why muslims keep their "women" covered- these pigs cannot control themselves.

also- this reminds me of the news reporter that was raped too.
And no, that is NOT coming to America. They can give it a try, but they will be dealt with. WE are armed and will STAY THAT WAY.

I agree. Many Americans have guns and aren't afraid to use them.

European Governments have disarmed their citizens to keep them safe.

They aren't safe now and have no guns to defend themselves with.

Just think. Douchebag in the WH wants to bring in another 100,000 unvetted Syrian refugees to America so we taxpayers can support them for years. One has to wonder how may terrorists will be among them.
What can one say about this, disturbing at best, THIS is coming to America!

https://video-ord1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hvideo-xla1/v/t42.1790-2/12524925_1725522231001206_188212845_n.mp4 ^
| Jan. 9, 2015 |
This video has appeared on the Internet and will probably be taken down before long. In it, you can see a screaming German woman being dragged into a dark place in the Cologne subway station by a huge mob of Islamic and North African rapists. Not for the squeamish, but this needs to be seen. The MSM wants to hide this so we do not see what the refugees really are. This is our future if Hillary gets in. Obama has already let in nearly a million of this vermin. Watch this video and weep for Germany.

problem isnt come from religious.problem is culture.
for example.

people that always watch this woman FOR ALL LIFE



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