Raped, Tortured, Forced To Watch Beheadings, Then Beaten When They Tried To Kill Themselves: Yazidi

As an aside, I was reading something about the head ISIS guy's father who is involved in Muslim schools and mosques in the Boston area. It happened to mention that one of the mosques' imams radicalized the head of ISIS.
Which mosque? ....... What is his name?

Or did you just make that up?? .... :cool:

Abu Bakr mosque and the imam is called Mohamed ali
I stopped when it was revealed that ISIS was an Israeli Mossad false flag operation. ..... :cool:

You mean when you were fed the means of getting out of the trouble you are in. They are not and never were mossad false flag, they are and will always be ISLAMONAZI SCUM acting as muslims are commanded. Remember what that prominent Turkish leader stated That there is no such thing as moderate islam, there is only islam
Israel has been unusually silent about a raging civil war taking place on it's northern border.

Which is tacit proof that Israel is deeply involved with ISIS and it's fight against Assad. ....... :cool:

And the fact that sunni muslims are flocking to fight on the side of IS proves beyond doubt that you are LYING and that you know I.S. is fighting as commanded by the Koran. If it was even thought that it was engineered by the Jews the IS muslim fighters would all be going home on the next plane out.
As an aside, I was reading something about the head ISIS guy's father who is involved in Muslim schools and mosques in the Boston area. It happened to mention that one of the mosques' imams radicalized the head of ISIS.
Which mosque? ....... What is his name?

Or did you just make that up?? .... :cool:

Not too long ago, Sunni-ISIS man was cheering his beloved ISIS animals with "go team Sunni". Now of course the fifth columner Muslim enemy within is keeping a low profile. I bet he goes to the same filthy ISIS mosque, or one that spews the same vile intolerance and violence.

Islam, where brain cells go to die:

Boston bombers 8217 mosque tied to ISIS New York Post

Boston bombers’ mosque tied to ISIS

When it was revealed that the Boston Marathon bombers attended a Cambridge, Mass., mosque, its leaders were quick to disavow their actions.

Elder brother Tamerlan Tsarnaev’s ideology was not their own, the leaders of the Islamic Society mosque claimed. In fact, he was admonished for an extremist outburst he made during one sermon.

So, one crackpot in a congregation. Who can blame the mosque?

But what about eight — including a prominent member of ISIS?

As it turns out, worshippers at the Islamic Society have included:

  •  Abdurahman Alamoudi, the mosque’s founder and first president, who in 2004 was sentenced to 23 years in prison for plotting terrorism. In 2005, the Treasury Department issued a statement saying Alamoudi raised money for al Qaeda in the US.
  •  Aafia Siddiqui, an MIT scientist-turned-al Qaeda agent, who in 2010 was sentenced to 86 years in prison for planning a New York chemical attack. Known as “Lady al Qaeda,” she is related to 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheik Mohammed. ISIS has tried to trade her release for journalist hostages.
  •  Tarek Mehanna, who in 2012 got 17 years in prison for conspiring to use automatic weapons to murder shoppers in a suburban Boston mall.
  • Yusuf al-Qaradawi, a mosque trustee and Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood leader banned from the US after issuing a fatwa that called for the killing of US soldiers.
  • Jamal Badawi, another former trustee who in 2007 was named an unindicted co-conspirator in a plan to funnel more than $12 million to Palestinian suicide bombers.
Now it can be revealed that another regular worshipper at the Islamic Society mosque was Ahmad Abousamra, who is now the top propagandist for ISIS.

Abousamra’s father, a prominent doctor, even sat on the board of directors of the Muslim organization that runs the mosque. He stepped down after the FBI began questioning his son.

The FBI suspects Abousamra now operates ISIS’s sophisticated media wing promoting the group’s beheadings and other atrocities through slick videos posted on the Internet. The brutally effective English-language propaganda campaign has helped attract thousands of Western jihadists, including at least 300 Americans.

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Steven Sotloff before he was tragically beheadedPhoto: EPA

The FBI says Abousamra, 32, traveled to Pakistan and Yemen to train to kill Americans while enrolled at Boston colleges. He justified murdering civilians because “they paid taxes to support the government and were kufar [nonbelievers],” Boston FBI Agent Andrew Nambu testified in an affidavit.

Another agent, Heidi Williams, says Abousamra, who has a $50,000 bounty on his head, was inspired by the 9/11 attacks and, in fact, “celebrated it.”

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An Islamic State militant about to behead journalist James Foley.Photo: Reuters

A federal indictment says he even plotted to randomly gun down shoppers, then emergency responders, in a Boston mall. But when he couldn’t obtain the automatic weapons for the attack, he abandoned the plan and moved to Syria, where he could enter Iraq and kill US soldiers as part of “violent jihad.”

Where did he learn his views about Islam and jihad?

The Islamic Society insists it’s moderate — that these extremists were fed by online forums. But Charles Jacobs, head of Boston’s Americans for Peace and Tolerance, says the mosque has hosted pro-jihad speakers and has stocked its library with classic jihadi texts — including writings by Osama bin Laden mentor Syed Qutb.

And Islamic Society leaders have openly defended their worshippers convicted of terrorism — including Siddiqui and Mehanna — despite overwhelming evidence against them. At their hearings and trials, officials have sought their release or lenient sentences. They have also held fundraisers and rallies for the terrorists.

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Tamerlan TsarnaevPhoto: AP

Recently, investigators found a mosque prayer card for Mehanna tucked in a Russian dictionary in Tsarnaev’s Cambridge apartment.

Abousamra’s father, Dr. Abdulbadi Abousamra, was president of the Islamic Center of New England mosques until 2007, when he moved to Detroit. The FBI began questioning his son a year earlier. As mosque president, internal documents show, Dr. Abousamra hired Hafiz Masood, brother of a known Pakistani terrorist, to be the imam of a mosque in Sharon, Mass., which his son also attended.

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Aafia Siddiqui

Dr. Abousamra, now chief of endocrinology at Wayne State University in Detroit, did not return emails and phone calls seeking comment.

As for the Islamic Society, it insists it isn’t preaching hate.

But how many terrorists does it take before people are convinced it isn’t a coincidence?

Forked tongued enemy within Sunni ISIS man can't even tell the truth.

How long ago was it that you were braying like a donkey cheering for your beloved ISIS with "go team Sunni" slogans?

Dear Roudy: Thanks for posting these links. On the whole I agree that NO ONE should be cheering on or turning a blind eye to either political or religious abuses/violence covered up by corruption.

On that note, however, I read into the history of Aafia Siddiqui and it appears quite tragic and horrifying.
I am more concerned that she has been abused and separated from her children and family
when she needs that support to recover from whatever mental conditions and grief this whole case has brought on.

Regardless of fault and association, she sounds like she is sick and needs help more than punishment
by keeping her from her family. I am saddened and heartbroken to hear about this.
No wonder people are riled up and do not respect the govt if this case has been dragging out
with no help for this poor woman.

I will ask good friends I trust with Muslim outreach organizations what is the deal with her case.
If it sounds like more is going on, then this needs to be addressed and resolved.
NOT create more animosity, distrust and violence around it.

If the men are pressuring the women to get in trouble this way, that needs to be addressed.
She needs help and I would certainly like to know the truth and make sure there is no corruption and cover up
going on, making her the scapegoat for terrorist activity of men that is easier to torture an easy target for.

She sounds more to me like a victim, while the other men doing the terrorist plotting get away with it.
I don't think her case sounds like the "Jihad Jane" and other people taken advantage of because of their mental predilections.

In her case she sounds like she was made crazy by the death of her young child
and separation from her family while framing her as a sick violent killer who attacked others.
if that is true, she would still need help; but this sounds very bad to me!

Thank you for posting this.
I will try to look into it and see what can be
done to resolve this so the truly guilty dangerous people can be detained and stopped.

And NO credibility is lost over persecuting and prosecuting the wrong people.
Her case sounds different from the other ones we read about in the news.

She is a radicalised muslim terrorists and should face the noose for her crimes against humanity, no amount of defending her actions will alter the fact she is a heartless ISLAMONAZI. Unless you want to extend the same defence and support to Israel for their defence against ISLAMONAZI EXTREMIST TERRORISTS
Where was this "Islamic" respect for women?????

Hi Aris: it depends on the person and their cultural traditions patterns and habits.

the men and women I know who are Muslim are very humble
and naturally charitable; they show better manners and respect than I do as an American who takes
things for granted while they don't.

When I ask about abuses such as cases of honor killings, these are confirmed as coming out of Pakistan
It is a cultural issue with govts and social norms in those countries that are very restrictive.

* Pakistan
One of my students from Pakistan constantly got in trouble for acting too American which is shunned
and considered very bad manners for a young lady to do things we take for granted, like ask
a strange man what time it is.
* Iran
I met a man from Iran who acted very strangely towards me because I was female
and he did not feel comfortable interacting with a single female. again a cultural issue
with that country. he made me feel uncomfortable and I did the same for him.

it's the country and the govt in those countries.
the American Muslims I know don't carry that over here,
but they will tell me it happens in countries like Nigeria where tyrannical groups take over
govt and start imposing their strong armed policies on people.

The Muslims I know respect their mothers and pass that respect on to all women.
My coworker who is Muslim will scold fellow workers for talking in strong language in front of me,
asking them to refrain because of the "lady" present.

He is more respectful of his mother, women and people in general than I am.
He is from Nigeria, from a royal family with strong family traditions of respecting elders,
and I am American born and take a lot for granted. I am not as respectful of my parents' traditions
of honoring elders as they were brought up; it is a cultural thing that can even overrides religious tradition in families.

If you want to see the patterns, look at how people talk about
their relationships with their parents. if they have control issues there, they project them on others.
If they respect their parents and are at peace with their pasts,
they tend to be as respectful with other people.

We get a lot of conditioning from our parents, and the social expectations we were brought up with.
it's not always determined by religion which is only one factor.

the universal pattern is how people are tied to their parents and either repeat good patterns
and strengths or project negative patterns and weaknesses.
this is true of all people's psychology by nature, independent of religion which is an additional factor
along with what country we are born in and what norms we are brought up in that soceity.

While my dealings with muslims in the UK from all parts of the world is completely different. They all act the same and will curse in front of any woman or child in an aggressive intimidating manner, then complain long and loud when they are pulled up short over it. They show no respect for anyone at all be they arab, pakaistani, Somali, british or black African, and use gutter language to anyone they want to lord it over. They are still only semi literate even after receiving the best of educations in some of the finest schools in the country, so much so that the neo Marxist labour government had to reduce the pass mark for the exams so the muslims would not be inferior to the indigenous. They are arrogant, violent, aggressive foul mouthed extremists who look down on the white man and woman as beneath them once they reach 5% of the nations population. All in all islam is not compatible with the west and we should be severing all ties and letting them wipe themselves out until they can prove they are capable of being civilised and prepared to ditch the teachings of the koran
Where was this "Islamic" respect for women?????

the men and women I know who are Muslim are very humble
and naturally charitable; they show better manners and respect than I do as an American who takes
things for granted while they don't.

I know a lot of good muslims in America as well. I've also know a number of militants and terrorist in my life.
Good muslims have a degree of respect, but women are also half a person in their eyes, a possession. Few see women as equals or superiors. They might be beloved and highly skilled, but they are not equals. Mohammed's first wife was near an equal. Mohammed was her employee. A women like a jew speaks and their testimony is worth half that of a muslim male. Worth half the value in any compensation.

Women on a pedestal so they cannot walk around on the ground equal to men. So they cannot speak as equals to every man. So they cannot control their own lives freely.
Where was this "Islamic" respect for women?????

the men and women I know who are Muslim are very humble
and naturally charitable; they show better manners and respect than I do as an American who takes
things for granted while they don't.

I know a lot of good muslims in America as well. I've also know a number of militants and terrorist in my life.
Good muslims have a degree of respect, but women are also half a person in their eyes, a possession. Few see women as equals or superiors. They might be beloved and highly skilled, but they are not equals. Mohammed's first wife was near an equal. Mohammed was her employee. A women like a jew speaks and their testimony is worth half that of a muslim male. Worth half the value in any compensation.

Women on a pedestal so they cannot walk around on the ground equal to men. So they cannot speak as equals to every man. So they cannot control their own lives freely.
You seem not to have any problem with that.
Beaten Woman: "You are secular and democratic."
Islamist Militant: "So you deny our religion?" (Noises can be heard)
Where was this "Islamic" respect for women?????

the men and women I know who are Muslim are very humble
and naturally charitable; they show better manners and respect than I do as an American who takes
things for granted while they don't.

I know a lot of good muslims in America as well. I've also know a number of militants and terrorist in my life.
Good muslims have a degree of respect, but women are also half a person in their eyes, a possession. Few see women as equals or superiors. They might be beloved and highly skilled, but they are not equals. Mohammed's first wife was near an equal. Mohammed was her employee. A women like a jew speaks and their testimony is worth half that of a muslim male. Worth half the value in any compensation.

Women on a pedestal so they cannot walk around on the ground equal to men. So they cannot speak as equals to every man. So they cannot control their own lives freely.

On that note, aris, I realize more and more than even good men, American men, not religious,
see women as having less authority or say than men. My own boyfriend will keep interrupting me in front of other people.

And it's not just men, but women are conditioned to put down other women and not realize they are being sexist.
I noticed this when a women's group complained when Hillary was attacked in the media as a woman,
but then jumped all over Sarah Palin using her gender as the launch pad for attacks.

So this sexism against women is culturally inbred.

Not just men, not just one religion or group more than another.

The social conditioning that women should raise their hands and ask permission to speak.
And people look to men to take charge of groups or ideas before agreeing to follow along.

To some degree we have created corporations, elected office, or party platforms to serve
as a collective authority to "give permission" to others to follow along.

But it is still HIERARCHICAL and that is going to end up being more patriarchal than egalitarian
once men get involved int he pecking order, and both MEN AND WOMEN start looking to the men for leadership
while the women or type B personality types do work behind the scenes and let the patriarchal/male/type A/alpha types
lead the pack.

it can be male or female type A alpha personalities
but the common factor is they aren't afraid to herd right over the B personalities that take a more passive approach.

so there are gender roles going on, male and female energy
even if it isn't perfectly delineated as male/female physically.

the women with that male-dominant personality trait also fall under this.

it's very had to find and keep a balance so we include and treat all people equally,
given the male/female personality traits that are going to silence and censor some people
while the louder overbearing dominant pack leaders are more likely to push ahead with their ideas.

it's prevalent all over, even women will dismiss other women.
not just religious groups but people in general tend to do this, of either gender

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