Rapists, Murderers swarming through the border, Ranchers fear for their safety

"Earlier this week, Vickers took a photo of a man on her front porch. She said the man had a Tango Blast tattoo."

If she doesn't have a will, she should get one soon. She's a dead-woman walking if she keeps that up.
Brooks County Ranchers Worry About Criminal Immigrants | KRGV.com | CHANNEL 5 NEWS | Breaking News Breaking Stories

Our borders are being overrun by gang members, murderers, rapists- We were attacked on Sovereign land- children are being kept in cages in despicable conditions.. This is NOT the America we we all know and love-- this is a third world rat hole being run by Socialists..

What is that saying about don't let the door hit you in your big fat ass, or something like that.

Have you ever lived or visited or worked in a socialist country? I have, several in South America, I've lived in Canada and Mexico. You fucking don't know what you are talking about.
I've been following some blogs today and this country is a MAJOR powder keg right now about to blow sky high.. Several border states have Citizen Patrols now on that border .. Americans are fucking fed up with the LEFTIST REGIME and it's march in to Chaos and taking matters in to their own hands.. Inflation is on the rise.. no jobs--
Have you ever lived or visited or worked in a socialist country? I have, several in South America, I've lived in Canada and Mexico. [/B]
That explains a lot: Your constant lies, ignorance of basic American civics and history, naive beliefs that socialistic systems work, and complete inability to take responsibility for what you've said and done.

Apparently you've been trained by the best in those fields.
Brooks County Ranchers Worry About Criminal Immigrants | KRGV.com | CHANNEL 5 NEWS | Breaking News Breaking Stories

Our borders are being overrun by gang members, murderers, rapists- We were attacked on Sovereign land- children are being kept in cages in despicable conditions.. This is NOT the America we we all know and love-- this is a third world rat hole being run by Socialists..

What is that saying about don't let the door hit you in your big fat ass, or something like that.

Have you ever lived or visited or worked in a socialist country? I have, several in South America, I've lived in Canada and Mexico. You fucking don't know what you are talking about.

My booty is beautiful so you can make all the insults about my body- doesn't phase me at all.. I'm totally secure with my physical appearance old racist lib...Secondly, this is my country.. I'm not going anywhere nor will I roll over while LEFTISTS thugs tear it apart.. NONE OF US will..
Border patrol is being over run by the kids walking into our country...

Yes, there is civil war, gang violence and drug cartels running amok in Central America. Sorry it's not on the news but our news is controlled by large corporations who want us to stay focused on the next text message coming in on our iPhones.

So families in the rural and urban areas of Honduras, San Salvador et al. or literally trying to get their kids to a safe place. They have been told by "Coyotes" that if they pay upwards of $2500 (USD not pesos) they can get their kids out of harm's way. They are doing the only thing they know how.

Even Jeb Bush has said this is happening out of love of family, not a conspiracy by Obama.
Brooks County Ranchers Worry About Criminal Immigrants | KRGV.com | CHANNEL 5 NEWS | Breaking News Breaking Stories

Our borders are being overrun by gang members, murderers, rapists- We were attacked on Sovereign land- children are being kept in cages in despicable conditions.. This is NOT the America we we all know and love-- this is a third world rat hole being run by Socialists..

What is that saying about don't let the door hit you in your big fat ass, or something like that.

Have you ever lived or visited or worked in a socialist country? I have, several in South America, I've lived in Canada and Mexico. You fucking don't know what you are talking about.

My booty is beautiful so you can make all the insults about my body- doesn't phase me at all.. I'm totally secure with my physical appearance old racist lib...Secondly, this is my country.. I'm not going anywhere nor will I roll over while LEFTISTS thugs tear it apart.. NONE OF US will..

That's how you can tell someone isn't. Do you always bait so easily?
Have you ever lived or visited or worked in a socialist country? I have, several in South America, I've lived in Canada and Mexico. [/B]
That explains a lot: Your constant lies, ignorance of basic American civics and history, naive beliefs that socialistic systems work, and complete inability to take responsibility for what you've said and done.

Apparently you've been trained by the best in those fields.

The only thing trained are the seals on here like you. And I was doing the training there, not the reverse. But nice try.
What is that saying about don't let the door hit you in your big fat ass, or something like that.

Have you ever lived or visited or worked in a socialist country? I have, several in South America, I've lived in Canada and Mexico. You fucking don't know what you are talking about.

My booty is beautiful so you can make all the insults about my body- doesn't phase me at all.. I'm totally secure with my physical appearance old racist lib...Secondly, this is my country.. I'm not going anywhere nor will I roll over while LEFTISTS thugs tear it apart.. NONE OF US will..

That's how you can tell someone isn't. Do you always bait so easily?

Says you? < grins > Don't care.. I am arrogantly self assured old racist.. but you believe whatever you want- have fun with that!:D
I've been following some blogs today and this country is a MAJOR powder keg right now about to blow sky high.. Several border states have Citizen Patrols now on that border.

And have had for years.

I've flown regular patrols with the local Minutemen chapter here, and stood watch with them on the border. Your heart goes out to the poor illegals aliens, sometimes they come right into our camps after crossign the desert, risking their lives to get into this country. They're looking for food, water, and/or shelter, some are half dead from the crossing. We give them as much as we can, and try to keep them warm in winter while we call the border patrol.

Things are getting a lot worse now. It can't go on like this.
I've been following some blogs today and this country is a MAJOR powder keg right now about to blow sky high.. Several border states have Citizen Patrols now on that border .. Americans are fucking fed up with the LEFTIST REGIME and it's march in to Chaos and taking matters in to their own hands.. Inflation is on the rise.. no jobs--

And everyone claims the racist Teaper pussies aren't pushing for an armed insurrection. Pathetic, disingenuous hate mongers. Where were you assholes when Bush was President...helping to build a pretend fence while illegals continued to cross the border. Ignorant buffoons...the whole lot of you.
"Earlier this week, Vickers took a photo of a man on her front porch. She said the man had a Tango Blast tattoo."

If she doesn't have a will, she should get one soon. She's a dead-woman walking if she keeps that up.

"FALFURRIAS - Sex offenders, murder suspects and gang members are making their way through the vast rangelands of Brooks County."""

In order for the authorities to know these people where gang members, rapists and murderers, wouldn't the illegals need to have some I.D. on them and then there would have to be some compliance with Mexican authorities in order to verify their criminal status? Just askin'. Personally, I don't think your average Central American illegal alien crossing the Rio Grande has a wallet full of licenses, ATM cards and voter registrations.
I've been following some blogs today and this country is a MAJOR powder keg right now about to blow sky high.. Several border states have Citizen Patrols now on that border .. Americans are fucking fed up with the LEFTIST REGIME and it's march in to Chaos and taking matters in to their own hands.. Inflation is on the rise.. no jobs--

You left out "dispossessing seniors and starving the children". When did conservatives stop doing that... according to liberals? :D
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I've been following some blogs today and this country is a MAJOR powder keg right now about to blow sky high.. Several border states have Citizen Patrols now on that border .. Americans are fucking fed up with the LEFTIST REGIME and it's march in to Chaos and taking matters in to their own hands.. Inflation is on the rise.. no jobs--

And everyone claims the racist Teaper pussies aren't pushing for an armed insurrection. Pathetic, disingenuous hate mongers. Where were you assholes when Bush was President...helping to build a pretend fence while illegals continued to cross the border. Ignorant buffoons...the whole lot of you.

Isn't that typical? The liberal ignores the facts, tells a few lies, calls a few names, and then calls the OTHER side "pathetic, disingenuous hatemongers".

And then spends the rest of his time complaining that the parties are too hate-filled. :cuckoo:
I've been following some blogs today and this country is a MAJOR powder keg right now about to blow sky high.. Several border states have Citizen Patrols now on that border .. Americans are fucking fed up with the LEFTIST REGIME and it's march in to Chaos and taking matters in to their own hands.. Inflation is on the rise.. no jobs--

And everyone claims the racist Teaper pussies aren't pushing for an armed insurrection. Pathetic, disingenuous hate mongers. Where were you assholes when Bush was President...helping to build a pretend fence while illegals continued to cross the border. Ignorant buffoons...the whole lot of you.



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My booty is beautiful so you can make all the insults about my body- doesn't phase me at all.. I'm totally secure with my physical appearance old racist lib...Secondly, this is my country.. I'm not going anywhere nor will I roll over while LEFTISTS thugs tear it apart.. NONE OF US will..

That's how you can tell someone isn't. Do you always bait so easily?

Says you? < grins > Don't care.. I am arrogantly self assured old racist..

Well, I will agree. You are arrogant.
Brooks County Ranchers Worry About Criminal Immigrants | KRGV.com | CHANNEL 5 NEWS | Breaking News Breaking Stories

Our borders are being overrun by gang members, murderers, rapists- We were attacked on Sovereign land- children are being kept in cages in despicable conditions.. This is NOT the America we we all know and love-- this is a third world rat hole being run by Socialists..

the sky is falling... the sky is falling ...the boogie man is crossing the boarder ... what next chopped off head of amedricans ??? oh wait that was last year chant ... look out another 8 year old rapist just crossed the boarder... OMG what shell we do...
Brooks County Ranchers Worry About Criminal Immigrants | KRGV.com | CHANNEL 5 NEWS | Breaking News Breaking Stories

Our borders are being overrun by gang members, murderers, rapists- We were attacked on Sovereign land- children are being kept in cages in despicable conditions.. This is NOT the America we we all know and love-- this is a third world rat hole being run by Socialists..

What is that saying about don't let the door hit you in your big fat ass, or something like that.

Have you ever lived or visited or worked in a socialist country? I have, several in South America, I've lived in Canada and Mexico. You fucking don't know what you are talking about.

Yes, those socialist countries are so fucking great that their citizens are doing everything possible to come here!

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