Rapture anyday now!

After rapture day and you are left behind will you believe then??? Will you remember this post on that day??? Millions of believers will have vanished,what will you think??? What will you say??? What will you do???? Your only chance is to call out to god! Repent and confess your sins,accept jesus as your lord and savior though after the rapture the anti-christ will try to hunt you down and kill you!!! Why not wise up and be saved now????

When the Rapture Comes, can I have your car?

I believe the antichrist will gain power by giving away the Christian's stuff.
Jesus said to the Pharisees:

Matthew 23:13 But a curse is on you, scribes and Pharisees, false ones! because you are shutting the kingdom of heaven against men: for you do not go in yourselves, and those who are going in, you keep back.Matthew 23:1 Then Jesus spoke to the multitudes and to His disciples, 2 saying, "The scribes and the Pharisees have seated themselves in the chair of Moses.
===MATTHEW 16:6=Be careful, "Be on your guard against the yeast of the Pharisees and Sadducees." they said, "No wonder he can cast out demons. He gets his power from Satan, the prince of demons." 25 Jesus knew their thoughts and replied [.] 33 "A tree is identified by its fruit. If a tree is good, its fruit will be good. If a tree is bad, its fruit will be bad. 34 You brood of snakes! How could evil men like you speak what is good and right? For whatever is in your heart determines what you say. 35 A good person produces good things from the treasury of a good heart, and an evil person produces evil things from the treasury of an evil heart.

Jesus said that the Pharisees were evil, and he called them "a brood of snakes" ("an offspring of snakes"). Indeed, Jesus repeatedly described the Pharisees as something inherently wicked. Even John the Baptist castigated them.
the same they have now and had all 2000 years.

where do you get these conspiracy idiocy about forbidding to read the Bible?

Looks like it is YOU who have not read it. as I proved you with the reference to the New Testament.

and you clearly lose the dispute as you reference to the pedophile scandals.
BTW the pedophile priests are in your Protestant churches as well - and absolutely not less than anywhere else. maybe even more as nobody is being defrocked and some denominations are even making openly gay men their priests.

So take a log form your own eye first ;)

What conspiracy? The Bible was considered so sacred that translating it into the vulgate tongues were forbidden. People were put to death for translating the Bible into the common languages of Europe. So yes, people were forbidding the Bible from being read by the average person.

This is hardly a conspiracy theory. It's recorded history.


are you retarded?
or you consider people did not learn Latin or Greek? Or it can not be read?

What does have translation has to do with your claim that Catholics are FORBIDDEN to read the Bible?

William Tyndale's Bible was the very first English language Bible to appear in print. It was first published in the year 1525. It may be difficult for us to imagine today, but during the 1500s the very idea of an English language Bible was shocking and subversive.

A Forbidden Language

Throughout medieval times the English church was governed from Rome by the Pope. All over the Christian world, church services were conducted in Latin. By Tyndale’s day, vernacular Bibles were available in parts of Europe, where they added fuel to the popular and subversive arguments initiated by the monk, Martin Luther – a religious crisis known as the Reformation, which resulted in the splitting of Christianity into Catholic and Protestant Churches. But in England it was still strictly forbidden to translate the Bible into English.

Most people in Europe were unable to speak Latin, and so could not understand the Bible directly. The Church therefore acted as the mediator between God and the people, with Priests interpreting the bible on behalf of their congregations.

But Tyndale believed that ordinary people should be able to read the Bible for themselves, and this spurred him to translate the Bible into English. He wrote that the Church authorities banned translations of the Bible in order 'to keep the world still in darkness, to the intent they might sit in the consciences of the people, through vain superstition and false doctrine... and to exalt their own honour... above God himself.' But his Bible was highly illegal: the book was banned, and Tyndale was eventually executed.

Tyndale's bible

This post comes from the British Library. You don't know what you're talking about.
After rapture day and you are left behind will you believe then??? Will you remember this post on that day??? Millions of believers will have vanished,what will you think??? What will you say??? What will you do???? Your only chance is to call out to god! Repent and confess your sins,accept jesus as your lord and savior though after the rapture the anti-christ will try to hunt you down and kill you!!! Why not wise up and be saved now????

... Millions of believers will have vanished

what is Christianity, does it still exist as the spoken religion used by JC ?

the spoken religion of Jesus simply states there will be in completion either the Triumph of Good over Evil or of Evil over Good and when all remaining are of one belief, will be the day of final judgement that God then will decide the fate of those remaining.

so millions of believers will not vanish, as all those remaining will be the same on the final day.

What conspiracy? The Bible was considered so sacred that translating it into the vulgate tongues were forbidden. People were put to death for translating the Bible into the common languages of Europe. So yes, people were forbidding the Bible from being read by the average person.

This is hardly a conspiracy theory. It's recorded history.


are you retarded?
or you consider people did not learn Latin or Greek? Or it can not be read?

What does have translation has to do with your claim that Catholics are FORBIDDEN to read the Bible?

William Tyndale's Bible was the very first English language Bible to appear in print. It was first published in the year 1525. It may be difficult for us to imagine today, but during the 1500s the very idea of an English language Bible was shocking and subversive.

A Forbidden Language

Throughout medieval times the English church was governed from Rome by the Pope. All over the Christian world, church services were conducted in Latin. By Tyndale’s day, vernacular Bibles were available in parts of Europe, where they added fuel to the popular and subversive arguments initiated by the monk, Martin Luther – a religious crisis known as the Reformation, which resulted in the splitting of Christianity into Catholic and Protestant Churches. But in England it was still strictly forbidden to translate the Bible into English.

Most people in Europe were unable to speak Latin, and so could not understand the Bible directly. The Church therefore acted as the mediator between God and the people, with Priests interpreting the bible on behalf of their congregations.

But Tyndale believed that ordinary people should be able to read the Bible for themselves, and this spurred him to translate the Bible into English. He wrote that the Church authorities banned translations of the Bible in order 'to keep the world still in darkness, to the intent they might sit in the consciences of the people, through vain superstition and false doctrine... and to exalt their own honour... above God himself.' But his Bible was highly illegal: the book was banned, and Tyndale was eventually executed.

Tyndale's bible

This post comes from the British Library. You don't know what you're talking about.

English Biblical Translation Before the King James Bible

At the Council of Oxford convened in 1408, Thomas Arundel, Archbishop of Canterbury, effectively killed all formal efforts to translate and disseminate the Bible in English. Translating, reading, and in some cases even owning English Bibles became illegal and punishable by stiff penalties, ranging from fines and imprisonment, to excommunication and even death. But in spite of Arundel's decree, the desire for vernacular Bibles in England continued to simmer, eventually coming to a boil with William Tyndale's translation project of the mid-1520s. Between 1525 and the publication of the King James Bible in 1611, no fewer than eight major translation and revision projects had been undertaken to meet the growing demand for a Bible that would be accessible to English readers. Featured here are examples of each of these translation efforts.

The King James Bible Virtual Exhibit

This is a quote from the Ohio State University. It means this information is credentialed, not my bias, etc.
Now, about the protestant clergy pedophilia statistics:

But because this country is predominantly Protestant, more children are abused by Protestant ministers than by Catholic priests. In 1990, the Freedom from Religion Foundation issued a study on pedophilia by clergy. At that time, two clergy per week were being arrested in North America for sex crimes against children. Fifty-eight percent of them were Protestant.
Daily Kos: The Protestant Pedophilia/Sex Abuse Pattern

One of the most striking aspects of the Protestant clergy sex abuse pattern is that most people don't realize it is a pattern.

Valerie Tarico: The Protestant Clergy Sex Abuse Pattern

The Other Shoe: Child Molesting by Non-Catholic Clergy | The Bilerico Project

In fact, there is quite a lot of it, judging by the caseload to be found if you start combing the search engines. But you would never know it, judging by the low profile that hedges these non-Catholic cases -- not only in the media but the political arena as well.
Why are major media and non-Catholic church authorities so eager to low-profile these non-Catholic crimes?

Because, by and large, the deed is being done by clergy who are usually married... and therefore supposedly heterosexual.

As far back as the mid-90s, information on non-Catholic child molesting was hiding in plain sight, in low-profile venues on the Web. For instance, when America Online was still fairly new and maintaining its first community forums, one of these included a Christianity Today forum that had a number of message boards devoted to different issues. One board was a open discussion of child molestation by Protestant clergy. I stumbled across it during my original research on the religious right, and used to read the postings with my hair standing on end.

Inevitably the message board disappeared -- suggesting that conservative Protestant leaders suddenly realized that they didn't want to point public fingers at their own clergy -- though they didn't mind pointing at the Church of Rome.

there is PLENTY of child abuse among the Protestant clergy, in fact MOST OF THE CHILD MOLESTERS AMONG THE CLERGY IN THE US ARE PROTESTANTS.

So, Chuck, get the log off your eye FIRST.

However, to make you feel a bit better I will tell you the most hidden secret in this country - the HIGHEST rate of pedophile abuse is in the PUBLIC SCHOOL EDUCATIONAL system, which names 10% of the teachers in the system are child abusers - that is higher than the rate of ALL possible priest denominations COMBINED - check the report of the Department of education exactly on the problem:

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What conspiracy? The Bible was considered so sacred that translating it into the vulgate tongues were forbidden. People were put to death for translating the Bible into the common languages of Europe. So yes, people were forbidding the Bible from being read by the average person.

This is hardly a conspiracy theory. It's recorded history.


are you retarded?
or you consider people did not learn Latin or Greek? Or it can not be read?

What does have translation has to do with your claim that Catholics are FORBIDDEN to read the Bible?

The only people who learned latin or greek were connected to the monestaries because they were the center of learning and they wouldn't permit outsiders knowing the truth and that is why they were burning the Bible.

If the Bible was read then why wasn't it translated?

A war was fought between Protestants and Catholics over control. That is why the Catholics didn't want people to read the Bible. The Bible says that believers are a kingdom of priests and the Catholics would have no control over papal states if we decided our own salvation. The Pope has no more papal states under his control so that is why he had to form the Vatican because he needed control over something.

You don't know history. You don't have any references to prove your points. But you want to call me retarted so anyone can call someone names but you don't have any facts to support it. I 'm sorry you feel so powerless without facts to call me retarted.


you are INCREDIBLY uneducated ( if not really retarded)
To the point that I don't even know where to start :D

Latin and Greek were learned by CHILDREN if they were attending schools - Latin in the area where Roman church was predominantly influential and Greek in the areas where Byzantine Church was predominantly influential.
And Church Slavonic was learned in the schools in the modern Bulgaria, Romania, Moravia, Ukraine, Belarus and Russia.

Septuagint was translated to Greek by the Third century.

New Testament WAS WRITTEN in Greek and translated to Latin by the 4th century completely.
parts of the new Testament were translated to English before the 8th century - way before your claims; same happened in Germany - the Gospel of Matthew was translated in the same 8th century, by the 9th century all New Testament was translated both into Old English and German.
Exactly at the same time the WHOLE Bible was translated to Church Slavonic ( an artificial language created by Cyrill and Methodius).

So your idiotic statement that the Bible was FORBIDDEN ( sic!!!) to read by Catholics and Orthodox is simply a LIE.

Not only wasn't it FORBIDDEN, but it was translated to the languages which people spoke.

However, the school education across Europe was in Latin and Greek and in Latin, Greek and Church Slavonic in Eastern and Southern Europe.

here, read the list of medieval European universities - in ALL of them students studied Latin and Greek.
Medieval university - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Gosh, do you even realize that ALL science, medicine, history and even art was communicating in LATIN for many centuries and ANYBODY who was attending school even on a basic level were studying Latin - because that was the language of communication.

They were not studying math or how to write or read in their own languages, but in Latin - in the West, and in Greek and Church Slavonic - in the East and South.

educate yourself about history of education( and what languages people spoke) at least on the wikipedia level - so you do not look so incredibly narrow minded :rolleyes:

History of education - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The return of this Latin proficiency to the kingdom of the Franks is regarded as an important step in the development of medieval Latin. Charlemagne's chancery made use of a type of script currently known as Carolingian minuscule, providing a common writing style that allowed for communication across most of Europe. After the decline of the Carolingian dynasty, the rise of the Saxon Dynasty in Germany was accompanied by the Ottonian Renaissance.
Cambridge and many other universities were founded at this time.

Cathedral schools and monasteries remained important throughout the Middle Ages; at the Third Lateran Council of 1179 the Church mandated that priests provide the opportunity of a free education to their flocks, and the 12th and 13th century renascence known as the Scholastic Movement was spread through the monasteries. These however ceased to be the sole sources of education in the 11th century when universities, which grew out of the monasticism began to be established in major European cities. Literacy became available to a wider class of people, and there were major advances in art, sculpture, music and architecture.[43]

and here is one of the books just to quickly educate yourself on the history of education and literacy in Europe - maybe THEN you will understand the idiocy of statement that Catholics and Orthodox were forbidden to read the Bible :lol:

East Central Europe in the Middle Ages, 1000-1500 - Jean W Sedlar - Google Books
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What Bible did the Catholics read? There wasn't one because it wasn't translated.

We have Wycliffe's Bible in 1382 and we have the Catholic DOUAY-Rheims Bible in 1582. That is a difference of 200 years and I think the Catholics were forced to print it to compete. If you know your history and if it isn't a lie then show me a Catholic Bible translated for the masses before that because there wasn't one.

The Bible was one of the first textbooks in American schools so that people could read the Bible.


the same you protestants read until you decided to change it to fit your agenda

And what Bible was that? You don't know.

Of course I know. The one which was translated to Greek by 3d century, the one which was translated to Latin by the 4th century and the one which was translated to Church Slavonic by 8th century.

Those three languages were used as EDUCATIONAL basic languages across Europe for at least 1000 years and in some areas - until the end of the last century.

Oh, and BTW, you, Protestants, changed the Bible to fit your agenda, and the first was Luther ( so don't accuse others of your own sins):
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No need to worry about being left behind. There is no rapture as is commonly taught among certain protestants.

Says the guy who thinks he's wearing magic underpants and that he's going to rule a planet when he dies.

When are you going to figure out that magic underpants only exist in your mind?
After rapture day and you are left behind will you believe then??? Will you remember this post on that day??? Millions of believers will have vanished,what will you think??? What will you say??? What will you do???? Your only chance is to call out to god! Repent and confess your sins,accept jesus as your lord and savior though after the rapture the anti-christ will try to hunt you down and kill you!!! Why not wise up and be saved now????

Every generation has convinced itself their's is the generation that'll see the rapture. And so far, every generation has been wrong. Wanna plan for it go ahead, just be aware it's your own ego and ignorance convincing you of it's impending arrival, not anything Scriptural.

Considering that rapture originated in the late 18th century, that isn't at all true.
After rapture day and you are left behind will you believe then??? Will you remember this post on that day??? Millions of believers will have vanished,what will you think??? What will you say??? What will you do???? Your only chance is to call out to god! Repent and confess your sins,accept jesus as your lord and savior though after the rapture the anti-christ will try to hunt you down and kill you!!! Why not wise up and be saved now????

Coming up on a year since this was posted.

... tap ... tap ... tap ...

Says the guy who thinks he's wearing magic underpants and that he's going to rule a planet when he dies.

When are you going to figure out that magic underpants only exist in your mind?

Why do you Mormons try to deny your crazy beliefs when anyone questions them?

Gotta say, this is a real service nutter Mittens did for the country.

His "candidacy" made us all look at just how insane that cult is.

But, I also have to be fair and say that magic tighty whiteys isn't any crazier than magic smoke, magic water, mumbo jumbo muttered into thin air or any of the rest of it.

But still -- Thanks Mitt.

Now get lost and stay there.
Ludly, Christ isn't on your schedule. You can tap tap tap all you want. He's returning to remove those that belong to Him so they won't endure God's wrath. You and the Obomb needn't worry. You just keep trying to get Israel to give away God's land. God has a ccompletely different set of plans for those who will try to take His land from His people.

If you want to live like an American, vote like a Republican. :)
1 Thessalonians 4:16-17
For the Lord himself will come down from heaven, with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will be with the Lord forever.

This is a completely different acton than His second coming on earth. In this event we go to Christ who is in the air. We go up. At the other event there is no shouting before His arrival. He comes down to the elect left here on earth. His foot touches down on the Mt. of Olives and causes the fault line under that mountain to split apart.

The descriptions of these two occurrences are completely different. The latter is to prevent the annihilation of the elect< the Jews. And it happens during the battle of Megido. The former happens to keep His followers from His wrath. The word in Greek is ek and it means out of. One happens prior to His wrath, and the other at the end of it.

If it doesn't occur then we were lied to, because the Bible says we are not appointed to God's wrath. And wrath is coming to those who force Israel to give away even one foot of Israel. We have a president who insists on it. And we chose him.

This country won't be blessed again until we go back to blessing Israel. We are either for them or against them. If we chose to be against them we will be against the God who protects them.
That should be the deciding factor for Americans in our next election.

The harbinger for these events is the forcing of Israel to sign a peace treaty that gives away their land.
When we hear talk of an Israeli peace treaty, look up. It's time.
1 Thessalonians 4:16-17
For the Lord himself will come down from heaven, with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will be with the Lord forever.

This is a completely different acton than His second coming on earth. In this event we go to Christ who is in the air. We go up. At the other event there is no shouting before His arrival. He comes down to the elect left here on earth. His foot touches down on the Mt. of Olives and causes the fault line under that mountain to split apart.

No, Irish, you are wrong.

That is EXACTLY the Second Coming. And the Last Judgement which will follow. You are missing the key point there - "and the dead will arise" - and that can happen ONLY for the Final Judgement.

Only AFTER that we can be "caught in air" or whatever - that does not matter as it is going to be AFTER the Final Judgement.
So your idiotic statement that the Bible was FORBIDDEN ( sic!!!) to read by Catholics and Orthodox is simply a LIE.

You haven't read.

"Canon 14. We prohibit also that the laity should not be permitted to have the books of the Old or New Testament; we most strictly forbid their having any translation of these books."- The Church Council of Toulouse 1229 ADSource: Heresy and Authority in Medieval Europe, Scolar Press, London, England Copyright 1980 by Edward Peters,ISBN 0-85967-621-8, pp. 194-195

The Council of Tarragona of 1234, in its second canon, ruled that:

"No one may possess the books of the Old and New Testaments, and if anyone possesses them he must turn them over to the local bishop within eight days, so that they may be burned..."- The Church Council of Tarragona 1234 AD; 2nd Cannon - Source : D. Lortsch, Historie de la Bible en France, 1910, p.14.

"Opened on Thursday alongside the Inquisition archives was the infamous Index of Forbidden Books, which Roman Catholics were forbidden to read or possess on pain of excommunication. They showed that even "the Bible" was once on the blacklist. Translations of the holy book ended up on the bonfires along with other ``heretical'' works...The Index of Forbidden Books and all excommunications relating to it were officially abolished in 1966. The Inquisition itself was established by Pope Gregory IX in 1233...."-Vatican archives reveal Bible was once banned book By Jude Webber ROME, Jan 22, 1998 (Reuters)
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So your idiotic statement that the Bible was FORBIDDEN ( sic!!!) to read by Catholics and Orthodox is simply a LIE.

You haven't read.

"Canon 14. We prohibit also that the laity should not be permitted to have the books of the Old or New Testament; we most strictly forbid their having any translation of these books."- The Church Council of Toulouse 1229 ADSource: Heresy and Authority in Medieval Europe, Scolar Press, London, England Copyright 1980 by Edward Peters,ISBN 0-85967-621-8, pp. 194-195

The Council of Tarragona of 1234, in its second canon, ruled that:

"No one may possess the books of the Old and New Testaments, and if anyone possesses them he must turn them over to the local bishop within eight days, so that they may be burned..."- The Church Council of Tarragona 1234 AD; 2nd Cannon - Source : D. Lortsch, Historie de la Bible en France, 1910, p.14.

"Opened on Thursday alongside the Inquisition archives was the infamous Index of Forbidden Books, which Roman Catholics were forbidden to read or possess on pain of excommunication. They showed that even "the Bible" was once on the blacklist. Translations of the holy book ended up on the bonfires along with other ``heretical'' works...The Index of Forbidden Books and all excommunications relating to it were officially abolished in 1966. The Inquisition itself was established by Pope Gregory IX in 1233...."-Vatican archives reveal Bible was once banned book By Jude Webber ROME, Jan 22, 1998 (Reuters)


The Council of Toulouse used these words: "We prohibit the permission of the books of the Old and New Testament to laymen, except perhaps they might desire to have the Psalter, or some Breviary for the divine service, or the Hours of the blessed Virgin Mary, for devotion; expressly forbidding their having the other parts of the Bible translated into the vulgar tongue" (Allix, Ecclesiastical History, II, p. 213). The declarations of these Councils held power for centuries thereafter.

Did Rome Forbid Vernacular Versions?

They don't get to take their clothes? Not fair!

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