Rapture anyday now!

ARE YOU READY TO MEET JESUS IN THE CLOUDS?? YES!!! '' THE CATCHING UP"" IS THE RAPTURE!!! For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so God will bring with Him those who have fallen asleep in Jesus. 15 For this we say to you by the word of the Lord, that we who are alive and remain until the coming of the Lord, will not precede those who have fallen asleep. 16 For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. 17 Then we who are alive and remain will be ""CAUGHT UP"" (RAPTURED) together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and so we shall always be with the Lord. 18 Therefore comfort one another with these words. 1 THESSALIOANS 4:14-18
Until the lunatics claiming the rapture is imminent give all their stuff away, we shouldn't dignify their insanity by listening to them. :)
DO YOU TRY TO DENY THE TRUTH OF GOD'S WORD???ARE YOU READY TO MEET JESUS IN THE CLOUDS?? YES!!! '' THE CATCHING UP"" IS THE RAPTURE!!! For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so God will bring with Him those who have fallen asleep in Jesus. 15 For this we say to you by the word of the Lord, that we who are alive and remain until the coming of the Lord, will not precede those who have fallen asleep. 16 For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. 17 Then we who are alive and remain will be ""CAUGHT UP"" (RAPTURED) together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and so we shall always be with the Lord. 18 Therefore comfort one another with these words. 1 THESSALIOANS 4:14-18
In Italy popular knowledge of the Bible in the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries was spread chiefly by the Franciscan and Dominican Friars. A complete version in the vernacular, a manuscript preserved in the National Library at Paris, was made by Nicholas de Nardò, O.P., in 1472. The first printed Bible (Venice, 1471) was due to Nicholas Malermi,

Except he was executed and the Bible was condemned.
There are few copies in existence which means that Bible wasn't read by the people widely.

The Dublin Review - Google Books

You are playing fast and loose with the evidence. You are being abusive by calling people a liar. A liar is someone who knows he lied. I don't know I lied. Asking you for evidence is a little different than professing full knowledge.

Except that is a lie as everything else you have posted.
Nobody was executed and nothing was condemned - quite to the contrary :D

where the heck did you get your idiocy that Malermi was executed?

are you unable to understand modern English? this is from your link :


So let me, with English as my fourth language, explain to you, whose mother tongue is English, - Malermi was NOT executed - you have a reading comprehension disorder, or just a lack of understanding that the combination "was executed" means " was put into work, into order, was DONE" and not "put to death" - in the above context?:cuckoo:
or you consider our President as the head of executive branch to be the chief of the killing squad

here is the only sentence where the word "executed" is used and it clearly has absolutely NOTHING to do with the execution( putting to death of a human being


Catholics and Orthodox were NEVER forbidden to read the Bible and there have been translations of the Bible to many languages contrary to your lying claims and I have provided the proof which you didn't like and just keep putting there more lies.
Even more - your OWN link proves that all your above claims were an ABSOLUTE LIE :D

So stop LYING.
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Until the lunatics claiming the rapture is imminent give all their stuff away, we shouldn't dignify their insanity by listening to them. :)

I feel sorry for their pets.

All those poor scared dogs and cats and goldfish..staring upward..wondering when they will get their next scratch behind the ears...or meal.

Fear not! unbelievers have a solution.

After The Rapture Pet Care | If The Rapture Happened Right Now, What Would Happen To Your Pets?
Until the lunatics claiming the rapture is imminent give all their stuff away, we shouldn't dignify their insanity by listening to them. :)

I feel sorry for their pets.

All those poor scared dogs and cats and goldfish..staring upward..wondering when they will get their next scratch behind the ears...or meal.

Fear not! unbelievers have a solution.

After The Rapture Pet Care | If The Rapture Happened Right Now, What Would Happen To Your Pets?

The reality is that pet care might not save them from the woes coming on the earth.
I feel sorry for their pets.

All those poor scared dogs and cats and goldfish..staring upward..wondering when they will get their next scratch behind the ears...or meal.

Fear not! unbelievers have a solution.

After The Rapture Pet Care | If The Rapture Happened Right Now, What Would Happen To Your Pets?

The reality is that pet care might not save them from the woes coming on the earth.

LOL.......what must a pet do to be saved?

The reality is that pet care might not save them from the woes coming on the earth.

LOL.......what must a pet do to be saved?

If there was a war, what weapons would be used? What cities would be gone? What would happen if you couldn't get something as simple as milk? What would happen to the bread basket in this country? Your Supermarkets would be empty. You might have shortages like there were in World War II.
In Italy popular knowledge of the Bible in the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries was spread chiefly by the Franciscan and Dominican Friars. A complete version in the vernacular, a manuscript preserved in the National Library at Paris, was made by Nicholas de Nardò, O.P., in 1472. The first printed Bible (Venice, 1471) was due to Nicholas Malermi,

Except he was executed and the Bible was condemned.
There are few copies in existence which means that Bible wasn't read by the people widely.

The Dublin Review - Google Books

You are playing fast and loose with the evidence. You are being abusive by calling people a liar. A liar is someone who knows he lied. I don't know I lied. Asking you for evidence is a little different than professing full knowledge.

Except that is a lie as everything else you have posted.
Nobody was executed and nothing was condemned - quite to the contrary :D

where the heck did you get your idiocy that Malermi was executed?

are you unable to understand modern English? this is from your link :


So let me, with English as my fourth language, explain to you, whose mother tongue is English, - Malermi was NOT executed - you have a reading comprehension disorder, or just a lack of understanding that the combination "was executed" means " was put into work, into order, was DONE" and not "put to death" - in the above context?:cuckoo:
or you consider our President as the head of executive branch to be the chief of the killing squad

here is the only sentence where the word "executed" is used and it clearly has absolutely NOTHING to do with the execution( putting to death of a human being


Catholics and Orthodox were NEVER forbidden to read the Bible and there have been translations of the Bible to many languages contrary to your lying claims and I have provided the proof which you didn't like and just keep putting there more lies.
Even more - your OWN link proves that all your above claims were an ABSOLUTE LIE :D

So stop LYING.

You need to read again. They were charged with heresy. If you deviate from the Catholic church and have independent thought, you get charged with heresy which was a crime.
Except he was executed and the Bible was condemned.
There are few copies in existence which means that Bible wasn't read by the people widely.

The Dublin Review - Google Books

You are playing fast and loose with the evidence. You are being abusive by calling people a liar. A liar is someone who knows he lied. I don't know I lied. Asking you for evidence is a little different than professing full knowledge.

Except that is a lie as everything else you have posted.
Nobody was executed and nothing was condemned - quite to the contrary :D

where the heck did you get your idiocy that Malermi was executed?

are you unable to understand modern English? this is from your link :


So let me, with English as my fourth language, explain to you, whose mother tongue is English, - Malermi was NOT executed - you have a reading comprehension disorder, or just a lack of understanding that the combination "was executed" means " was put into work, into order, was DONE" and not "put to death" - in the above context?:cuckoo:
or you consider our President as the head of executive branch to be the chief of the killing squad

here is the only sentence where the word "executed" is used and it clearly has absolutely NOTHING to do with the execution( putting to death of a human being


Catholics and Orthodox were NEVER forbidden to read the Bible and there have been translations of the Bible to many languages contrary to your lying claims and I have provided the proof which you didn't like and just keep putting there more lies.
Even more - your OWN link proves that all your above claims were an ABSOLUTE LIE :D

So stop LYING.

You need to read again. They were charged with heresy. If you deviate from the Catholic church and have independent thought, you get charged with heresy which was a crime.

No, they were not.

I posted what is exactly written in your link ( and others as well) - so everybody can check for themselves.

NOBODY was charged with any heresy and stop LYING and putting into the clear cut text what you WANT there to be,

in short - STOP LYING.
Considering that the Rapture was an invention of an evangelical preacher named Cotton Mather back in the 1600's, I really don't think that it's going to happen.

However......................I DO believe that Jesus will come back (when, I don't know), and He will then whip the rest of the world into shape so that we actually start behaving like brothers and sisters and the greed and sin will be wiped out.

Matter of fact, there is a place in the Bible where it states that evil will no longer be required and it will be wiped out.

Anyone ever consider that all the people that are going to be taken off the planet are actually going to be those who are greedy and sinful, and the rest of us will be left here to live in peace?
Considering that the Rapture was an invention of an evangelical preacher named Cotton Mather back in the 1600's, I really don't think that it's going to happen.

However......................I DO believe that Jesus will come back (when, I don't know), and He will then whip the rest of the world into shape so that we actually start behaving like brothers and sisters and the greed and sin will be wiped out.

Matter of fact, there is a place in the Bible where it states that evil will no longer be required and it will be wiped out.

Anyone ever consider that all the people that are going to be taken off the planet are actually going to be those who are greedy and sinful, and the rest of us will be left here to live in peace?

Not if you believe what the Bible says. Jerome's Latin Vulgate (382AD) addresses the rapture.
Those who favored God were resurrected with Christ, so there is no reason to believe that the next one will be any different. The pure evil that remains will be responsible for the Battle at Megiddo. If all the evil was removed there would be no Armageddon.
Since the opposite of what you consider is going to occur, Nukes will explode like firecrackers on the 4th.

Zechariah 14:12 This is the plague with which the LORD will strike all the nations that fought against Jerusalem: Their flesh will rot while they are still standing on their feet, their eyes will rot in their sockets, and their tongues will rot in their mouths.

We would do well to remember this fate as we try to force God's land from God's people.
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Considering that the Rapture was an invention of an evangelical preacher named Cotton Mather back in the 1600's, I really don't think that it's going to happen.

However......................I DO believe that Jesus will come back (when, I don't know), and He will then whip the rest of the world into shape so that we actually start behaving like brothers and sisters and the greed and sin will be wiped out.

Matter of fact, there is a place in the Bible where it states that evil will no longer be required and it will be wiped out.

Anyone ever consider that all the people that are going to be taken off the planet are actually going to be those who are greedy and sinful, and the rest of us will be left here to live in peace?
look! there go Jerry Falwell's liberty university...wow! and a whole shit load of TV AND INTERNET PREACHERS...THE CREATION MUSEUM is outta here....all the jesus theme parks....poof!
PRAY FOR WISDOM AND UNDERSTANDING!!! only true believers are raptured (caught up) unbelievers are left behind because they love sin and reject GOD!!!! THEY WILL FACE GOD'S JUDGMENT THEIR CHOICE!
n popular culture[edit]

At the height of the Jesus Movement in the late 1960s and early 1970s, the rapture figured prominently in popular songs by secular artists, such as "Are You Ready?" by Pacific Gas & Electric (#14 in August 1970). Also at that time, the song "I Wish We'd All Been Ready" was written and performed by Larry Norman, one of the founders of the nascent "Jesus Rock" movement in the early 1970s. Other examples of apocalyptic themes like the rapture, the Antichrist, Armageddon and the Second coming of Christ in Larry Norman's writing are "U.F.O." from the 1976 album In Another Land, "Six Sixty Six" from the same album and "Messiah" from Stop This Flight.[81]
On August 2, 2001, humorist Elroy Willis posted a Usenet article titled "Mistaken Rapture Kills Arkansas Woman". This fictional, satirical story about a woman who causes a traffic accident and is killed when she believes the rapture has started, circulated widely on the Internet and was believed by many people to be a description of an actual incident. Elements of the story appeared in an episode of the HBO television drama Six Feet Under, and a slightly modified version of the story was reprinted in the US tabloid newspaper Weekly World News. The story continues to circulate by electronic mail as a chain letter.[82]
The Rapture - Its surprising origins
See alsothe Rapture Bible Prophecy
As popular as the concept of the Rapture is, it’s not mentioned in any known Christian writings until after the year 1830 CE.

Lori HensheyReligious & Spiritual Mysteries Examiner
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As popular as the concept of the Rapture is, it’s not mentioned in any known Christian writings until after the year 1830 CE.
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April 4, 2011
Most, if not all, religions include prophecy in their doctrines, especially if the prophecy shows what will happen to worshippers themselves.

We all share a common concern in wanting to know about the participants, the chronology, and the geography of those prophecies. Interest is one thing, but what seems odd is how much believers – especially Christians – look forward to the end-of-the-world prophecies as described in The Book of Revelation in the Bible’s New Testament.

One aspect of intense Christian interest is the Rapture. Essentially, the Rapture is when those Christians still alive during the Tribulation will be caught up into heaven to be with God while the rest of the living suffers the many horrors to be played out on earth. The rapture is Christian belief that forms a major part of the current teaching and expectations of fundamentalist and other evangelical denominations.

The Rapture theory claims that Christians will be gathered together in the air to meet Christ. The primary passage used to support this idea is 1 Thessalonians 4:15-17, in which Paul cites the word of the Lord about the return of Jesus to gather his saints:

...and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be raptured (or caught up) together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air.

It is important to understand that the word Rapture is not found in the King James translation. There is also no single word used by biblical authors to describe the prophetic factors that comprise the doctrine. Whether the early writers were Greek or Latin, Armenian or Coptic, Syrian or Ethiopian, English or German, orthodox or heretic, no one mentioned it before 1830 BC (though a sentence in Pseudo-Dionysius in about 500 CE could be so interpreted).

The concept of the rapture, in connection with pre-millennialism, was expressed by the American Puritan father and son Increase and Cotton Mather. They held to the idea that believers would be caught up in the air, followed by judgments on the earth and then the millennium. The term rapture was used by Philip Doddridge (1738) and John Gill (1748) in their New Testament commentaries, with the idea that believers would be caught up prior to judgment on the earth and Jesus' Second Coming.

There exist at least one 18th Century and two 19th Century Pre-Tribulation references: in an essay published in 1788 in Philadelphia by the Baptist Morgan Edwards which articulated the concept of a pre-tribulation rapture, in the writings of Catholic priest Emmanuel Lacunza in 1812, and by John Nelson Darby in 1827.

The early original Christian churches, as well as the Catholic Church, Eastern Orthodox churches, the Anglican Communion, and most Protestant Calvinist denominations have no tradition of a preliminary return of Christ and reject the doctrine, in part because there is no reference to it among any of the early Church fathers.

During the 1970s, the rapture became popular in wider circles, in part due to the books of Hal Lindsey, including The Late Great Planet Earth, which has reportedly sold between 15 million and 35 million copies, and by the movie A Thief in the Night, which based its title on the scriptural reference 1 Thessalonians 5:2. Lindsey proclaimed – incorrectly – the rapture was imminent, based on world conditions at the time.

Sources in part: Asklm.com and Religious Tolerance.org

Just remember the mockers and scoffers were laughing at old noah until the rain started then the laughing turned to crying,screaming and cursing!!!! Beware!
Until the lunatics claiming the rapture is imminent give all their stuff away, we shouldn't dignify their insanity by listening to them. :)

I feel sorry for their pets.

All those poor scared dogs and cats and goldfish..staring upward..wondering when they will get their next scratch behind the ears...or meal.

Serves them right cuz they don't have souls.

Isn't that right, "christians"?

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