Rapture anyday now!

Does this mean that I can stop paying my mortgage payments? Also, we were all told that the rapture was going to come in 2010, or 2011, I forget which, and the only one who disappeared was Kim Jong II, dictator of North Korea.

I'm confused....
When the Lord Jesus is revealed, coming from heaven with his mighty angels in a blazing fire. 8 He will take revenge on those who refuse to acknowledge God and on those who refuse to respond to the Good News about our Lord Jesus. 9 They will pay the penalty by being destroyed forever, by being separated from the Lord’s presence and from his glorious power. 10 This will happen on that day when he comes to be honored among all his holy people and admired by all who have believed in him. This includes you because you believed the testimony we gave you.

11 With this in mind, we always pray that our God will make you worthy of his call. We also pray that through his power he will help you accomplish every good desire and help you do everything your faith produces. 12 That way the name of our Lord Jesus will be honored among you. Then, because of the good will of Jesus Christ, our God and Lord, you will be honored by him.
Does this mean that I can stop paying my mortgage payments? Also, we were all told that the rapture was going to come in 2010, or 2011, I forget which, and the only one who disappeared was Kim Jong II, dictator of North Korea.

I'm confused....
if you're not a rapture believer or the right kind of Christian or of any other belief system you should keep paying your mortgage..
there will be some benefits to the rapture, shorter lines at theaters, shopping, sporting events.
less traffic.
you won't have to get pass to ride space mountain...
GOD'S Laws are intended for lawbreakers and rebels, for ungodly people and sinners, for those who think nothing is holy or sacred, for those who kill their fathers, their mothers, or other people. 10 Laws are intended for people involved in sexual sins, for homosexuals, for kidnappers, for liars, for those who lie when they take an oath, and for whatever else is against accurate teachings. 1 TIMOTHY 1:9-10
Does this mean that I can stop paying my mortgage payments? Also, we were all told that the rapture was going to come in 2010, or 2011, I forget which, and the only one who disappeared was Kim Jong II, dictator of North Korea.

I'm confused....
if you're not a rapture believer or the right kind of Christian or of any other belief system you should keep paying your mortgage..
there will be some benefits to the rapture, shorter lines at theaters, shopping, sporting events.
less traffic.
you won't have to get pass to ride space mountain...

Definitely pay the mortgage, the bankers won't be going anywhere. Probably the lawyers as well...
At the rapture(catching up of believers) believers are caught up to meet jesus in the clouds,later when jesus returns to earth to set up his kingdom we believers come back with jesus as his foot lands on the mount of olives!!!

You're coming back?

Oh crap.
PAUL SAYS== First of all, I encourage you to make petitions, prayers, intercessions, and prayers of thanks for all people, 2 for rulers, and for everyone who has authority over us. Pray for these people so that we can have a quiet and peaceful life always lived in a godly and reverent way. 3 This is good and pleases God our Savior. 4 He wants all people to be saved and to learn the truth. 5 There is one God. There is also one mediator between God and humans—a human, Christ Jesus. 6 He sacrificed himself for all people to free them from their sins. 1 TIMOTHY 2:1-6
At the rapture(catching up of believers) believers are caught up to meet jesus in the clouds,later when jesus returns to earth to set up his kingdom we believers come back with jesus as his foot lands on the mount of olives!!!

You're coming back?

Oh crap.

Nuddley, I doubt you'll have to worry about it. Only a remnant of those left behiind will make it through the famine, drought, war and radioactivity that is coming at the hand of those who didn't need Christ. Good Luck though. :eusa_angel:
At the rapture(catching up of believers) believers are caught up to meet jesus in the clouds,later when jesus returns to earth to set up his kingdom we believers come back with jesus as his foot lands on the mount of olives!!!

You're coming back?

Oh crap.

Nuddley, I doubt you'll have to worry about it. Only a remnant of those left behiind will make it through the famine, drought, war and radioactivity that is coming at the hand of those who didn't need Christ. Good Luck though. :eusa_angel:
you can always dream!
You're coming back?

Oh crap.

Nuddley, I doubt you'll have to worry about it. Only a remnant of those left behiind will make it through the famine, drought, war and radioactivity that is coming at the hand of those who didn't need Christ. Good Luck though. :eusa_angel:
you can always dream!

What kind of problems are we going to have in heaven? We'll still have a God we cannot prove to some extent.
God said we would know of His existence by the fact that He will control the armies that plan to invade Israel. He has even told us in advance who they will be and how He plans to defeat them. Enormous hail, confusion on their parts, and He will cause them to kill each other.
If that doesn't do it, the return of the Lion of Judah will cement the fact that He lives, He is in control, and He is All Mighty.
There are no problems in Heaven, Chuck. The problem of proving His existence is an earthy conundrum.
Definitely pay the mortgage, the bankers won't be going anywhere. Probably the lawyers as well...
true story.....I had a client that I was drafting a living trust for.......he wanted a clause that said the trust would be held for him so it would still be there when he came back from the rapture......I asked him who he thought would administer such a trust......he asked me if I would be the trustee......I said "sorry.....I won't be here......I'm not one of the ones coming back......once I get there, I'm staying"......
Definitely pay the mortgage, the bankers won't be going anywhere. Probably the lawyers as well...
true story.....I had a client that I was drafting a living trust for.......he wanted a clause that said the trust would be held for him so it would still be there when he came back from the rapture......I asked him who he thought would administer such a trust......he asked me if I would be the trustee......I said "sorry.....I won't be here......I'm not one of the ones coming back......once I get there, I'm staying"......

only believers will be "caught up" unbelievers will be left behind to try to live under anti-christ rule through the years of the great tribulation. ALL BELIEVERS ""WILL"" RETURN WITH JESUS TO RULE WITH JESUS ON EARTH!!! PTL.
Definitely pay the mortgage, the bankers won't be going anywhere. Probably the lawyers as well...
true story.....I had a client that I was drafting a living trust for.......he wanted a clause that said the trust would be held for him so it would still be there when he came back from the rapture......I asked him who he thought would administer such a trust......he asked me if I would be the trustee......I said "sorry.....I won't be here......I'm not one of the ones coming back......once I get there, I'm staying"......

only believers will be "caught up" unbelievers will be left behind to try to live under anti-christ rule through the years of the great tribulation. ALL BELIEVERS ""WILL"" RETURN WITH JESUS TO RULE WITH JESUS ON EARTH!!! PTL.

you seriously misunderstand the "end" of times - everything will already be settled.

Yes!!! All will end well for believers but unbeliveing,god rejectors,sin loving face eternal hell!!! And you?
Yes!!! All will end well for believers but unbeliveing,god rejectors,sin loving face eternal hell!!! And you?

I'm betting that those who do not believe in an edible trinity that diddled a virgin and became a man only to say things that no one understood until he was killed because he loved the world so much will fare much better than believers like you in this life and the next whether God exists or not.
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