Rapture anyday now!

All mankind are sinners in need of jesus as their savior. Being "good"???? No one is good enough to save himself,if man could be good enough there would be no need for jesus to die for our sins!
All mankind are sinners in need of jesus as their savior. Being "good"???? No one is good enough to save himself,if man could be good enough there would be no need for jesus to die for our sins!

That's nonsense Gism. Jesus did not die for any of 'our' sins. You are dead because of your own sins and will remain dead until you stop sinning.

If you are such a fucked up sinner, I suggest you strive to become a better person.

You can begin by ending the pretense that you know something or are saved because you can paste scripture on the internet and have an outlet for all the gibberish some money grubbing TV preacher filled your head with.

Either that or you should start praying that God doesn't exist or wouldn't care about you perjuring yourself in his name on a daily basis.
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22 Who is a liar? Who else but the person who rejects Jesus as the Messiah? The person who rejects the Father and the Son is an antichrist. 23 Everyone who rejects the Son doesn’t have the Father either. The person who acknowledges the Son also has the Father. 24 Make sure that the message you heard from the beginning lives in you. If that message lives in you, you will also live in the Son and in the Father. 25 Christ has given us the promise of eternal life.1 JOHN 2:22-25
All mankind are sinners in need of jesus as their savior. Being "good"???? No one is good enough to save himself,if man could be good enough there would be no need for jesus to die for our sins!

That's nonsense Gism. Jesus did not die for any of 'our' sins. You are dead because of your own sins and will remain dead until you stop sinning.

If you are such a fucked up sinner, I suggest you strive to become a better person.

You can begin by ending the pretense that you know something or are saved because you can paste scripture on the internet and have an outlet for all the gibberish some money grubbing TV preacher filled your head with.

Either that or you should start praying that God doesn't exist or wouldn't care about you perjuring yourself in his name on a daily basis.

A person who isn’t spiritual doesn’t accept the teachings of God’s Spirit. He thinks they’re nonsense. He can’t understand them because a person must be spiritual to evaluate them. 15 Spiritual people evaluate everything but are subject to no one’s evaluation.

“Who has known the mind of the Lord
so that he can teach him?”

However, we have the mind of Christ.
only believers will be "caught up" unbelievers will be left behind to try to live under anti-christ rule through the years of the great tribulation. ALL BELIEVERS ""WILL"" RETURN WITH JESUS TO RULE WITH JESUS ON EARTH!!! PTL.

I'm an a-millenialist......since I'm a believer it really doesn't matter much to me how he returns......
22 Who is a liar? Who else but the person who rejects Jesus as the Messiah? The person who rejects the Father and the Son is an antichrist. 23 Everyone who rejects the Son doesn’t have the Father either. The person who acknowledges the Son also has the Father. 24 Make sure that the message you heard from the beginning lives in you. If that message lives in you, you will also live in the Son and in the Father. 25 Christ has given us the promise of eternal life.1 JOHN 2:22-25

The anti-Christ persecuted Christians... like the Roman emperors.
only believers will be "caught up" unbelievers will be left behind to try to live under anti-christ rule through the years of the great tribulation. ALL BELIEVERS ""WILL"" RETURN WITH JESUS TO RULE WITH JESUS ON EARTH!!! PTL.

I'm an a-millenialist......since I'm a believer it really doesn't matter much to me how he returns......

JESUS tells believers that we "are" to know when his return is near (he is at the door) we are told to be reasdy,looking for his return and telling others!!!
only believers will be "caught up" unbelievers will be left behind to try to live under anti-christ rule through the years of the great tribulation. ALL BELIEVERS ""WILL"" RETURN WITH JESUS TO RULE WITH JESUS ON EARTH!!! PTL.

I'm an a-millenialist......since I'm a believer it really doesn't matter much to me how he returns......

JESUS tells believers that we "are" to know when his return is near (he is at the door) we are told to be reasdy,looking for his return and telling others!!!

So when is it?
only believers will be "caught up" unbelievers will be left behind to try to live under anti-christ rule through the years of the great tribulation. ALL BELIEVERS ""WILL"" RETURN WITH JESUS TO RULE WITH JESUS ON EARTH!!! PTL.

I'm an a-millenialist......since I'm a believer it really doesn't matter much to me how he returns......

JESUS tells believers that we "are" to know when his return is near (he is at the door) we are told to be reasdy,looking for his return and telling others!!!

You don't know jack-shit,

Matthew 24:36 36" No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father."
Yes!!! All will end well for believers but unbeliveing,god rejectors,sin loving face eternal hell!!! And you?

your book did not understand either, is your problem ...

it is hateful for believers to believe anyone at the ends of (our) time would still be alive and suffer a different fate when the Almighty returns to give final Judgement - the Judgement will be for everyone the same for all those remaining as it will be their collective belief that will be Judged.

rapture is only for an individual that becomes sinless but the Judgement will be for the Species.

yes!!! All will end well for believers but unbeliveing,god rejectors,sin loving face eternal hell!!! And you?

your book did not understand either, is your problem ...

It is hateful for believers to believe anyone at the ends of (our) time would still be alive and suffer a different fate when the almighty returns to give final judgement - the judgement will be for everyone the same for all those remaining as it will be their collective belief that will be judged.

Rapture is only for an individual that becomes sinless but the judgement will be for the species.


why not just believe god's word?? God is all truth and love!! If you are not caught up in the rapture it will only be because you reject god and god's love!!! Your choice!
yes!!! All will end well for believers but unbeliveing,god rejectors,sin loving face eternal hell!!! And you?

your book did not understand either, is your problem ...

It is hateful for believers to believe anyone at the ends of (our) time would still be alive and suffer a different fate when the almighty returns to give final judgement - the judgement will be for everyone the same for all those remaining as it will be their collective belief that will be judged.

Rapture is only for an individual that becomes sinless but the judgement will be for the species.


why not just believe god's word?? God is all truth and love!! If you are not caught up in the rapture it will only be because you reject god and god's love!!! Your choice!

The reality is that we don't know when it will happen or if it will be in our lifetimes even though we should live like Jesus can come back tonight.
1 Thessalonians 5
For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night. 3When they are saying, Peace and safety, then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall in no wise escape. 4But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief: 5for ye are all sons of light, and sons of the day: we are not of the night, nor of darkness;

so when the bible says that "No man know the day and time Jesus will return" it means the men that are in darkness, not able to foresee what's coming to them.. but not the believers, Brothers who sons of light will know when he's coming.
1 Thessalonians 5
For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night. 3When they are saying, Peace and safety, then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall in no wise escape. 4But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief: 5for ye are all sons of light, and sons of the day: we are not of the night, nor of darkness;

so when the bible says that "No man know the day and time Jesus will return" it means the men that are in darkness, not able to foresee what's coming to them.. but not the believers, Brothers who sons of light will know when he's coming.

And if you are in darkness and can't see, it is like crying wolf if you get it wrong. After you cry wolf a few times, no one is going to pay attention. If you cry wolf and no one comes, it will be just you and the wolf.
By God’s word, the present heaven and earth are designated to be burned. They are being kept until the day ungodly people will be judged and destroyed.

8 Dear friends, don’t ignore this fact: One day with the Lord is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like one day. 9 The Lord isn’t slow to do what he promised, as some people think. Rather, he is patient for your sake. He doesn’t want to destroy anyone but wants all people to have an opportunity to turn to him and change the way they think and act.

10 The day of the Lord will come like a thief. On that day heaven will pass away with a roaring sound. Everything that makes up the universe will burn and be destroyed. The earth and everything that people have done on it will be exposed.

11 All these things will be destroyed in this way. So think of the kind of holy and godly lives you must live 12 as you look forward to the day of God and eagerly wait for it to come. When that day comes, heaven will be on fire and will be destroyed. Everything that makes up the universe will burn and melt. 13 But we look forward to what God has promised—a new heaven and a new earth—a place where everything that has God’s approval lives.
2 PETER 3:7-13
I AGREE!!!!=====The Holy Spirit's witness tells Christians that Jesus is coming soon for His Church
By Don Koenig

The Holy Spirit operating in true believers has made it known to many that Jesus is coming soon. There never before in history has been huge numbers of Holy Spirit inspired teachings, songs, books, and movies informing us about the soon return of Jesus. The Holy Spirit is not leading all these dedicated teachers, writers, readers and believers astray. God's purpose for this message is to get out the good news to all those with ears to hear that Jesus is about to return for His Church.

Certainly there are major segments in Christianity (even in the evangelical churches) that have been downplaying the soon return of Jesus. We see this trend in the post modern "seeker friendly" and Emergent Church Movement with their watered down gospel and Laodicean attitude. We also see it among the dominionists who believe the Church must fix everything on earth before Jesus can even return. The mocking coming from "Christians" toward those who teach on the Lord's second coming and those that teach that there is a blessed hope of escape (rapture) from God's judgment was also predicted to occur just prior to the coming of Jesus.

In these last days puffed up windbags have come along within Christendom that downplay the Gospel of salvation and Bible prophecy and instead teach contrary to God's word that Bible prophecy about the Lord's soon return is just a distraction. Fulfillment of Bible prophecy obviously does not fit their agenda of making a socialist utopia on the earth before Jesus even returns. Never mind that the Bible teaches just the opposite. That Jesus will come for those offering the gospel of salvation and patiently watching and waiting for His return. The scriptures clearly say that Jesus will come for the Church suddenly like a thief. Of those left behind on earth no flesh would have survived the troubles on earth if Jesus did not come back to save a remnant of Israel.

The pseudo Christian message of humanistic works, social justice philosophies and/or dominionist agenda has replaced the gospel of salvation but it is nowhere found in the Bible. A social agenda gospel has replaced the revealed prophetic truth written in the scriptures about the last days. We should not be surprised because the New Testament writers told us that this would happen in the last days. The scriptures clearly say that there would be those that would not endure sound doctrine and that people with itching ears would follow after them.

The Christianity many have is nothing more than a religious culture. They downplay that Jesus is coming soon because they spiritualize Bible prophecy so they know nothing about it. They are in love with the things of the world and any coming of Jesus just does not fit within their humanist agenda.

The true Church will know the general time of the coming of Jesus

It is written in scripture that true believers will know the general time of His return. "But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that this day should overtake you as a thief"(1Th 5:4).

Some evangelical Christians who downplay the possibility that the Holy Spirit is behind the awareness in some Christians that Jesus is coming soon, say that they know they are saved by the witness of His Spirit, or that God told them to take this job, or move here, or to go to this church or do this ministry. Why is it then so hard for them to accept that God would also tell His own people that He is about to fulfill the prophecies of His second advent? Especially since He made it clear that He would do just that to those that are faithful watching.

It is also important to note that the majority of Christians who claim a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and who are doing works led by His Spirit are also the ones who loudly proclaim His imminent return. While on the other hand, the majority of those who are Christians by tradition, and who think that the Christian life is fulfilled through Sunday ritual, rote observances, mega church entertainment services, mystical feelings or through the humanistic efforts of man are the same ones who are downplaying His return.

Jesus made it clear in scripture that there would be those that would not be watching and waiting and that they would not know the time of His coming. Jesus said He would come as a thief to these people and then weeping and gnashing of teeth will be heard from those He left behind.

So which group today do you think the Spirit of God is really speaking through? The ones who are aware of Bible prophecy and the world conditions and the increasing rebellion against God by mankind, or the ones who are asleep and/or think that the humanistic efforts of man will bring a paradise on earth before Jesus can even come?
I AGREE!!!!=====The Holy Spirit's witness tells Christians that Jesus is coming soon for His Church
By Don Koenig

The Holy Spirit operating in true believers has made it known to many that Jesus is coming soon. There never before in history has been huge numbers of Holy Spirit inspired teachings, songs, books, and movies informing us about the soon return of Jesus. The Holy Spirit is not leading all these dedicated teachers, writers, readers and believers astray. God's purpose for this message is to get out the good news to all those with ears to hear that Jesus is about to return for His Church.

Certainly there are major segments in Christianity (even in the evangelical churches) that have been downplaying the soon return of Jesus. We see this trend in the post modern "seeker friendly" and Emergent Church Movement with their watered down gospel and Laodicean attitude. We also see it among the dominionists who believe the Church must fix everything on earth before Jesus can even return. The mocking coming from "Christians" toward those who teach on the Lord's second coming and those that teach that there is a blessed hope of escape (rapture) from God's judgment was also predicted to occur just prior to the coming of Jesus.

In these last days puffed up windbags have come along within Christendom that downplay the Gospel of salvation and Bible prophecy and instead teach contrary to God's word that Bible prophecy about the Lord's soon return is just a distraction. Fulfillment of Bible prophecy obviously does not fit their agenda of making a socialist utopia on the earth before Jesus even returns. Never mind that the Bible teaches just the opposite. That Jesus will come for those offering the gospel of salvation and patiently watching and waiting for His return. The scriptures clearly say that Jesus will come for the Church suddenly like a thief. Of those left behind on earth no flesh would have survived the troubles on earth if Jesus did not come back to save a remnant of Israel.

The pseudo Christian message of humanistic works, social justice philosophies and/or dominionist agenda has replaced the gospel of salvation but it is nowhere found in the Bible. A social agenda gospel has replaced the revealed prophetic truth written in the scriptures about the last days. We should not be surprised because the New Testament writers told us that this would happen in the last days. The scriptures clearly say that there would be those that would not endure sound doctrine and that people with itching ears would follow after them.

The Christianity many have is nothing more than a religious culture. They downplay that Jesus is coming soon because they spiritualize Bible prophecy so they know nothing about it. They are in love with the things of the world and any coming of Jesus just does not fit within their humanist agenda.

The true Church will know the general time of the coming of Jesus

It is written in scripture that true believers will know the general time of His return. "But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that this day should overtake you as a thief"(1Th 5:4).

Some evangelical Christians who downplay the possibility that the Holy Spirit is behind the awareness in some Christians that Jesus is coming soon, say that they know they are saved by the witness of His Spirit, or that God told them to take this job, or move here, or to go to this church or do this ministry. Why is it then so hard for them to accept that God would also tell His own people that He is about to fulfill the prophecies of His second advent? Especially since He made it clear that He would do just that to those that are faithful watching.

It is also important to note that the majority of Christians who claim a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and who are doing works led by His Spirit are also the ones who loudly proclaim His imminent return. While on the other hand, the majority of those who are Christians by tradition, and who think that the Christian life is fulfilled through Sunday ritual, rote observances, mega church entertainment services, mystical feelings or through the humanistic efforts of man are the same ones who are downplaying His return.

Jesus made it clear in scripture that there would be those that would not be watching and waiting and that they would not know the time of His coming. Jesus said He would come as a thief to these people and then weeping and gnashing of teeth will be heard from those He left behind.

So which group today do you think the Spirit of God is really speaking through? The ones who are aware of Bible prophecy and the world conditions and the increasing rebellion against God by mankind, or the ones who are asleep and/or think that the humanistic efforts of man will bring a paradise on earth before Jesus can even come?

Paul implies the Church would know the times and seasons:

1 Th 5:1 But of the times and the seasons, brethren, ye have no need that I write unto you.
2 For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night.
3 For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.
4 But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief.
5 Ye are all the children of light, and the children of the day: we are not of the night, nor of darkness.
6 Therefore let us not sleep, as do others; but let us watch and be sober.
7 For they that sleep sleep in the night; and they that be drunken are drunken in the night.
8 But let us, who are of the day, be sober, putting on the breastplate of faith and love; and for an helmet, the hope of salvation.
9 For God hath not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ,
Yes!!! All will end well for believers but unbeliveing,god rejectors,sin loving face eternal hell!!! And you?

your book did not understand either, is your problem ...

it is hateful for believers to believe anyone at the ends of (our) time would still be alive and suffer a different fate when the Almighty returns to give final Judgement - the Judgement will be for everyone the same for all those remaining as it will be their collective belief that will be Judged.

rapture is only for an individual that becomes sinless but the Judgement will be for the Species.

have to admit that's a new one for me.....is that sort of a pan-millenialism?.....
I AGREE!!!!==signs that JESUS will return soon are all around us now===The Holy Spirit's witness tells Christians that Jesus is coming soon for His Church
By Don Koenig

The Holy Spirit operating in true believers has made it known to many that Jesus is coming soon. There never before in history has been huge numbers of Holy Spirit inspired teachings, songs, books, and movies informing us about the soon return of Jesus. The Holy Spirit is not leading all these dedicated teachers, writers, readers and believers astray. God's purpose for this message is to get out the good news to all those with ears to hear that Jesus is about to return for His Church.

Certainly there are major segments in Christianity (even in the evangelical churches) that have been downplaying the soon return of Jesus. We see this trend in the post modern "seeker friendly" and Emergent Church Movement with their watered down gospel and Laodicean attitude. We also see it among the dominionists who believe the Church must fix everything on earth before Jesus can even return. The mocking coming from "Christians" toward those who teach on the Lord's second coming and those that teach that there is a blessed hope of escape (rapture) from God's judgment was also predicted to occur just prior to the coming of Jesus.

In these last days puffed up windbags have come along within Christendom that downplay the Gospel of salvation and Bible prophecy and instead teach contrary to God's word that Bible prophecy about the Lord's soon return is just a distraction. Fulfillment of Bible prophecy obviously does not fit their agenda of making a socialist utopia on the earth before Jesus even returns. Never mind that the Bible teaches just the opposite. That Jesus will come for those offering the gospel of salvation and patiently watching and waiting for His return. The scriptures clearly say that Jesus will come for the Church suddenly like a thief. Of those left behind on earth no flesh would have survived the troubles on earth if Jesus did not come back to save a remnant of Israel.

The pseudo Christian message of humanistic works, social justice philosophies and/or dominionist agenda has replaced the gospel of salvation but it is nowhere found in the Bible. A social agenda gospel has replaced the revealed prophetic truth written in the scriptures about the last days. We should not be surprised because the New Testament writers told us that this would happen in the last days. The scriptures clearly say that there would be those that would not endure sound doctrine and that people with itching ears would follow after them.

The Christianity many have is nothing more than a religious culture. They downplay that Jesus is coming soon because they spiritualize Bible prophecy so they know nothing about it. They are in love with the things of the world and any coming of Jesus just does not fit within their humanist agenda.

The true Church will know the general time of the coming of Jesus

It is written in scripture that true believers will know the general time of His return. "But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that this day should overtake you as a thief"(1Th 5:4).

Some evangelical Christians who downplay the possibility that the Holy Spirit is behind the awareness in some Christians that Jesus is coming soon, say that they know they are saved by the witness of His Spirit, or that God told them to take this job, or move here, or to go to this church or do this ministry. Why is it then so hard for them to accept that God would also tell His own people that He is about to fulfill the prophecies of His second advent? Especially since He made it clear that He would do just that to those that are faithful watching.

It is also important to note that the majority of Christians who claim a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and who are doing works led by His Spirit are also the ones who loudly proclaim His imminent return. While on the other hand, the majority of those who are Christians by tradition, and who think that the Christian life is fulfilled through Sunday ritual, rote observances, mega church entertainment services, mystical feelings or through the humanistic efforts of man are the same ones who are downplaying His return.

Jesus made it clear in scripture that there would be those that would not be watching and waiting and that they would not know the time of His coming. Jesus said He would come as a thief to these people and then weeping and gnashing of teeth will be heard from those He left behind.

So which group today do you think the Spirit of God is really speaking through? The ones who are aware of Bible prophecy and the world conditions and the increasing rebellion against God by mankind, or the ones who are asleep and/or think that the humanistic efforts of man will bring a paradise on earth before Jesus can even come?
If you think the Bible is random, let's have a test. I need 40 people to write a chapter about something and when you're done we'll take the chapters and bring them together and see if they meld to make any sense at all. Then we'll see if they are numerically bonded, if they contain the required codes, if they can be used by way of equal distance lettering to produce prophesy. And if they produce the geneology of every human. And if they can be used to find the bodies of dead Israeli soldiers, and predict planes flying into buildings, thousands of years in advance, and the names of those involved in the act.

Why would God 's servants serve anyone but God? Get your own beer.
Abraham served God, but couldn't give one drop of water to quench the tormenting thrist of the rich man in Hades. Drink up while you can. :)

Actually, I hate to tell you, but the only place that those codes work is in the Torah (the first 5 books of the Bible) and it has to be the original version (God's Word), written in Hebrew.

You don't get any kind of sense by using the other books of the Bible, and you don't get those kind of codes by using the books as they are written in English or any language other than Hebrew.

They're actually the Torah codes, not the Bible codes, although some people use those 2 terms interchangeably.

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