Rashida Talib: Palestinians Are People Too

There is no need to defend Israel's actions.

None whatsoever.

This is a declared war for existence.

An existential struggle.

Existential struggles do not require justification.


The Gazans are now paying for their foolishness in electing Hamas.

The Gazans are now paying for their stupidity in blindly following Hamas in its plans to terrorize Israel.

The Gazans are now paying for their cowardice in not overthrowing Hamas when it became dictatorial.

The Gazans are now paying for their silence although knowing Hamas was planning October 7th.

The Gazans are now paying for not evacuating northern Gaza after the Israelis gave them 2-3 weeks advance notice.

The Gazans are now being made to understand what war against Israel means for them.

Ya can't fix stupid... phukk 'em.

Death to Hamas.

Go Team Israel.
So true…

There are no words to express what we are witnessing. In the five weeks of horror this is one of the pinnacles of horror. The indifference of Europe is bad enough. The active complicity by the United States is unfathomable. Nothing justifies this. Nothing. And Joe Biden will go down in history as an accomplice to genocide. May the ghosts of the thousands of children he has participated in murdering haunt him for the rest of his life.
Israel and the United States are sending a chilling message to the rest of the world. International and humanitarian law, including the Geneva Convention, are meaningless pieces of paper. They did not apply in Iraq. They do not apply in Gaza. We will pulverize your neighborhoods and cities with bombs and missiles. We will wantonly murder your women, children, elderly and sick. We will set up blockades to engineer starvation and the spread of infectious diseases. You, the “lesser breeds” of the earth, do not matter. To us you are vermin to be extinguished. We have everything. If you try and take any of it away from us, we will kill you. And we will never be held accountable.
When you drag the beheaded body of a woman through your streets and your people cheer, you get blown the hell up by bombs and artillery.
Naked body with broken legs and they had sex in her before and after death
Sub human is not even vile enough.
Naked body with broken legs and they had sex in her before and after death
Sub human is not even vile enough.
Get informed. This will help.

The US government is so averse to challenging Israel that many believe that there are other unrevealed influences at play, possibly to include the Jeffrey Epstein/Mossad pedophile sex trafficking caper. It has long been true that candidates for high office in the US are approached by agents of the Zionist lobby and coerced into signing a pledge to support Israel. In return, the candidates who accept receive substantial political contributions and positive media. If they say “no” they are frequently targeted fjor defeat and go the way of Cynthia McKinney, Charles Percy, William Fulbright, Pete McCloskey and Paul Findley.

Congressman James Traficant of Ohio was perhaps the most aggressive voice in Congress in the 1980s and 1990s in expressing a critique of Israel’s power. He was inevitably controversial and was eventually imprisoned for seven years on a corruption charge that many subsequently considered to be a government set up. He had argued, among other things, that “Israel has a powerful stranglehold on the American government” explaining how Israel was “controlling much of our foreign policy” and “influencing much of our domestic policy.” He claimed quite plausibly that former Pentagon official Paul Wolfowitz, working for Israel, had “manipulated” President George W. Bush into the disastrous invasion of Iraq.

Traficant maintained in the 1990s that “We’re conducting the expansionist policy of Israel and everybody’s afraid to say it. They control much of the media, they control much of the commerce of the country, and they control powerfully both bodies of the Congress. They own the Congress.” If Traficant were still with us, he would be astonished to see how Jewish influence has actually increased, with 35 states having some rules or legislation punishing advocates of boycotts of Israel and bills currently before congress authorizing automatic war against Iran and even the expulsion of Palestinians from the US. The State Department has an ambassador who monitors so-called antisemitism and the White House has recently declared a war against what it describes as “surging antisemitism.”

Currently, everyone opposing the US engagement with Israel in its extermination of the Arab population in the area it controls is being labeled an anti-semite and speaking up for the Palestinians is becoming a good way to get kicked out of university and unemployed. Israel’s friends are busy compiling lists of students who support the Palestinians and are working on schemes to circulate their names to deny them jobs once they graduate. Rashida Tlaib is only the latest affront to the dignity and common sense of the US Constitution but she is certainly not going to be the last victim of the Jewish lobby, which must be labeled for what it is, made to register as the agent of the Israeli apartheid state, and excluded from unilaterally making the policies that all of us Americans have to pay the price for in the Middle East.

The Israel Exception to Free Speech
So true…

There are no words to express what we are witnessing. In the five weeks of horror this is one of the pinnacles of horror. The indifference of Europe is bad enough. The active complicity by the United States is unfathomable. Nothing justifies this. Nothing. And Joe Biden will go down in history as an accomplice to genocide. May the ghosts of the thousands of children he has participated in murdering haunt him for the rest of his life.
Israel and the United States are sending a chilling message to the rest of the world. International and humanitarian law, including the Geneva Convention, are meaningless pieces of paper. They did not apply in Iraq. They do not apply in Gaza. We will pulverize your neighborhoods and cities with bombs and missiles. We will wantonly murder your women, children, elderly and sick. We will set up blockades to engineer starvation and the spread of infectious diseases. You, the “lesser breeds” of the earth, do not matter. To us you are vermin to be extinguished. We have everything. If you try and take any of it away from us, we will kill you. And we will never be held accountable.
Go suck some Muzzie <bleep>, Fifth Columnist...

What a crock of Islamist-sympathizer bull$hit...

Death to Hamas.

Go Team Israel.
Yes, they are. The problem with them is that they are so toxic that no country wants them within its borders. They are driven by hate and have not tried to change for 75 years. If their enemy were anyone other than Jews, the world would have ignored them totally and they'd have eventually changed their culture to survive or they'd have persihed as a people. The only innocents in Gaza are the babies and small children and Israel has no obligation to watch their own die as a result of trying to save those of their enemies...
Gazans could be ANGELS and it wouldn’t matter.

No country wants two million refugees
You can support Israel AND admit that there are many completely innocent Palestinians who are suffering.

If you can't do something that simple, that obvious, then your ideology has stripped you of your humanity.
They voted for Hamas to lead them. What did they think would happen? Elections have consequences.
They voted for Hamas to lead them. What did they think would happen? Elections have consequences.

Nearly half the population is 15 and under. The last "election" was in 2006. You do the math.

It would be nice to see some original thought around here, instead of nothing but debunked talking points.
They voted for Hamas to lead them. What did they think would happen? Elections have consequences.
They did not. 17 years ago they voted for several Hamas delegates to the Palestinian Authority parliament.

Hamas took over control of Gaza a year later by force .

Half of the population of Gaza wasn’t even born in 2006

They voted for Hamas to lead them. What did they think would happen? Elections have consequences.
Yes, Trumpsters believe elections run by HAMAS, but not by AMERICA.

That doesn't surprise me at all. Theocrats of a feather, and all.

Trumpsters only care about their fellow man if there fellow man is another Trumpster.
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Siding with terrorists does not measure her intelligence but rather her morals. and goals. I abhor her but she and TikTok have millions of youth following them. That's tragic.
Yet you side with a terrorist state. Very tragic and dumb.

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