Rashida Talib: Palestinians Are People Too

There was no Hamas attack.

There are no hostages.

It takes an IQ over 5 to figure that out...

Believing Israel allowed an armada of gliders to land and kidnap and escape requires IQ under 5....
right. and there was no attack on 9-11. It was all made up. believing America allowed planes to be hi jacked and flown into buildings requires an IQ under 5.

Im actually trying to decide if your post is serious, or a joke. Can you confirm if you are joking, or a complete fucking idiot? Thanks in advance.
There was no Hamas attack.

There are no hostages.

It takes an IQ over 5 to figure that out...

Believing Israel allowed an armada of gliders to land and kidnap and escape requires IQ under 5....
We wil never win because 90% of Sheeple are Stupid and about the same number are Gullible .

As Joseph Goebbels remarked ,
"Repeat the lie again and again and even make it bigger and the idiots will accept it all" .
Or , very similar .
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I’m unaware of anyone doing that. Who could they be?
Those showcasing Palestinian casualties and thereby hampering the war fighting efforts of our key ally in the region?

It's OK to reference them, but harping upon them and propagating sympathetic narratives is a Fifth Columnist activity?

Time enough to count the dead once our ally's war objectives have been accomplished, rather than undermining them?


Israel has been attacked time-and-again and The West has yanked their leash time and again and ensured future bloodshed.

Not this time... as can be evidenced by Israel's formal Declaration of War this time, and strong resistance to ceasefire calls.

It's about damned time that the IDF burns Hamas and their infrastructure down to the ground.

That means levelling broad swaths of buildings and neighborhoods and facilities in which Hamas embeds and shields itself.

Hiding behind the skirts of women and children like the chicken$hit cowards that they are, and counting on the IDF blinking.

Again... not
THIS time.

Wiping-out Hamas and its infrastructure is killing Palestinians foolish enough to ignore the IDF's 3-week-advance warning.

Perhaps in their next karmic lifetime the so-called Palestinians will not stupidly elect, support, enable, and submit to such vermin?
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Those showcasing Palestinian casualties and thereby hampering the war fighting efforts of our key ally in the region?

It's OK to reference them, but harping upon them and propagating sympathetic narratives is a Fifth Columnist activity?

Time enough to count the dead once our ally's war objectives have been accomplished, rather than undermining them?


Israel has been attacked time-and-again and The West has yanked their leash time and again and ensured future bloodshed.

Not this time... as can be evidenced by Israel's formal Declaration of War this time, and strong resistance to ceasefire calls.

It's about damned time that the IDF burns Hamas and their infrastructure down to the ground.

That means levelling broad swaths of buildings and neighborhoods and facilities in which Hamas embeds and shields itself.

Hiding behind the skirts of women and children like the chicken$hit cowards that they are, and counting on the IDF blinking.

Again... not
THIS time.

Wiping-out Hamas and its infrastructure is killing Palestinians foolish enough to ignore the IDF's 3-week-advance warning.

Perhaps in their next karmic lifetime the so-called Palestinians will not stupidly elect, support, enable, and submit to such vermin?
Israeli lobby runs our political class.

The Israel Exception to Free Speech
Israel’s stranglehold on American foreign policy must be identified and eliminated
Last Tuesday there took place a disgraceful display of visual malignancy in the United States House of Representatives Chamber in the south wing of the Capitol building. The House, long characterized by its aversion to truth, justice and what was once the American way, has been corrupted by special interests who have effectively bought an overwhelming majority of legislators, to include the leadership of the two major political parties. In the area of foreign policy, as well as a spill-over into many domestic and constitutional issues, there is no more powerful lobby than that of the state of Israel, and its power was on full display on Tuesday afternoon when Representative Rashida Tlaib was censuredfor the crime of being of Palestinian ancestry and speaking up against the ongoing genocide of her people by the Jewish state. Nearly all Republicans voted to condemn her together with a considerable number of her fellow Democrats.
The Israel Exception to Free Speech
You can support Israel AND admit that there are many completely innocent Palestinians who are suffering.

If you can't do something that simple, that obvious, then your ideology has stripped you of your humanity.
Yep totally agree with you !

It is amazing on here even if you totally think Hamas is awful and needs to go, yet say anything about innocent Palestinians suffering you are labeled antiseminite.
Yep totally agree with you !

It is amazing on here even if you totally think Hamas is awful and needs to go, yet say anything about innocent Palestinians suffering you are labeled antiseminite.
They are suffering BECAUSE of Hamas, and their own actions. NOT because of Israel.
But it's clear she doesn't believe the murdered Jews and those kidnapped are human beings.

We are now in "The Time of Jacob's Trouble"

It's Tlaib, moron.

“It’s a shame my colleagues are more focused on silencing me than they are on saving lives, as the death toll in Gaza surpasses 10,000. Many of them have shown me that Palestinian lives simply do not matter to them, but I still do not police their rhetoric or actions. Rather than acknowledge the voice and perspective of the only Palestinian American in Congress, my colleagues have resorted to distorting my positions in resolutions filled with obvious lies. I have repeatedly denounced the horrific targeting and killing of civilians by Hamas and the Israeli government, and have mourned the Israeli and Palestinian lives lost.

“Meanwhile, each day that passes without a ceasefire brings more death and destruction upon innocent civilians, who have nowhere safe to go, drawing outrage and condemnation from the American people and the international community. A majority of Americans support a ceasefire, but this Congress isn’t listening to their voices. I will continue to call for a mutual ceasefire, for the release of hostages and those arbitrarily detained, for the immediate delivery of humanitarian aid, and for every American to be brought home. I will continue to work for a just and lasting peace that upholds the human rights and dignity of all people, centers peaceful coexistence between Israelis and Palestinians, and ensures that no person, no child has to suffer or live in fear of violence.”

Yep totally agree with you !

It is amazing on here even if you totally think Hamas is awful and needs to go, yet say anything about innocent Palestinians suffering you are labeled antiseminite.
Yep. Simplistic, shallow, binary thinking like that is wrecking us, on many issues.

Specifically, all these people see is "Good vs. Evil". They're the "Good", in case you're wondering.

Israeli lobby runs our political class.

The Israel Exception to Free Speech
Israel’s stranglehold on American foreign policy must be identified and eliminated
Last Tuesday there took place a disgraceful display of visual malignancy in the United States House of Representatives Chamber in the south wing of the Capitol building. The House, long characterized by its aversion to truth, justice and what was once the American way, has been corrupted by special interests who have effectively bought an overwhelming majority of legislators, to include the leadership of the two major political parties. In the area of foreign policy, as well as a spill-over into many domestic and constitutional issues, there is no more powerful lobby than that of the state of Israel, and its power was on full display on Tuesday afternoon when Representative Rashida Tlaib was censuredfor the crime of being of Palestinian ancestry and speaking up against the ongoing genocide of her people by the Jewish state. Nearly all Republicans voted to condemn her together with a considerable number of her fellow Democrats.
The Israel Exception to Free Speech
Nonsense. Anti-Semitic Nonsense.
Nonsense. Anti-Semitic Nonsense.
Same old stupid shit from Israeli apologists.
Well that’s right up there with Black Lives Matter as far as groundbreaking, new, educational material
Roach extermination will continue
If human, get out of the way.
That's a bunch of bullshit. She cares about all innocents. Her point was, Palestinian lives are just as important as Jewish lives.
Palestinians who cohort with Hamas are no where near as important as Jews.
By their own choice the people and the Hamas terrorists are so intertwined as to be indistinguishable. Therefore untangle yourselves and live or die with the vermin you harbor.
That's a bunch of bullshit. She cares about all innocents. Her point was, Palestinian lives are just as important as Jewish lives.
Sorry, no.

Can you find a statement from her condemning the Massacre?

For that matter, when have you?
Palestinians who cohort with Hamas are no where near as important as Jews.
By their own choice the people and the Hamas terrorists are so intertwined as to be indistinguishable. Therefore untangle yourselves and live or die with the vermin you harbor.
How very German of you. You need to entertain the possibility that God does not like you!

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