Rashida Tlaib to Abortion Opponents: 'You Shouldn't Even Want to Have Sex With Me'


Diamond Member
Aug 18, 2019
"At the abortion rally on Wednesday, Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.) — one of the members of AOC's Squad — accused pro-life Americans of being "obsessed" with the bodies of women. She appeared to call for a sex strike, emphasizing the "power" that women have over their own bodies to assert their rights. This seems rather ironic since abortion would not be in nearly as much demand if the women who are willing to kill their unborn babies would practice abstinence.

"My my my, are they obsessed with our bodies … this type of policing of our bodies is so interconnected to all the social justice movements all around the country," Tlaib declared. "And let me tell you this obsession with our bodies, you know I in the legislature, the Michigan legislature for six years, used to say to people, 'You know what, you’re so freakin' obsessed with what I decide to do with my body, maybe you shouldn’t even want to have sex with me, or you, or any woman!'"

She encouraged women to harness "the power that we have over our bodies to push back and use that power in saying, 'Enough is enough'" to fight back against movements intended "to make us less than in this country."

Rashida Tlaib to Abortion Opponents: 'You Shouldn't Even Want to Have Sex With Me'

Honey I don't think that that would be a problem.

'You Shouldn't Even Want to Have Sex With Me'

The thought of even the slightest possibility of that almost makes me want to never have sex again.....

She's gross in every way imaginable. Loud, obnoxious, fat, and hideously ugly.

"At the abortion rally on Wednesday, Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.) — one of the members of AOC's Squad — accused pro-life Americans of being "obsessed" with the bodies of women. She appeared to call for a sex strike, emphasizing the "power" that women have over their own bodies to assert their rights. This seems rather ironic since abortion would not be in nearly as much demand if the women who are willing to kill their unborn babies would practice abstinence.

"My my my, are they obsessed with our bodies … this type of policing of our bodies is so interconnected to all the social justice movements all around the country," Tlaib declared. "And let me tell you this obsession with our bodies, you know I in the legislature, the Michigan legislature for six years, used to say to people, 'You know what, you’re so freakin' obsessed with what I decide to do with my body, maybe you shouldn’t even want to have sex with me, or you, or any woman!'"

She encouraged women to harness "the power that we have over our bodies to push back and use that power in saying, 'Enough is enough'" to fight back against movements intended "to make us less than in this country."

Rashida Tlaib to Abortion Opponents: 'You Shouldn't Even Want to Have Sex With Me'

Honey I don't think that that would be a problem.

Filthy Mexicrats will stoop to any level in search of justification for their filth...They twist and spin shit and ignorant degenerates eat it up.

LefTard Logic:
"Should you want to protect and defend an almost born human being you must have a obsession with my body...BUT, you are noble as fuck if you spend your days fighting to protect an eagles egg."

"At the abortion rally on Wednesday, Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.) — one of the members of AOC's Squad — accused pro-life Americans of being "obsessed" with the bodies of women. She appeared to call for a sex strike, emphasizing the "power" that women have over their own bodies to assert their rights. This seems rather ironic since abortion would not be in nearly as much demand if the women who are willing to kill their unborn babies would practice abstinence.

"My my my, are they obsessed with our bodies … this type of policing of our bodies is so interconnected to all the social justice movements all around the country," Tlaib declared. "And let me tell you this obsession with our bodies, you know I in the legislature, the Michigan legislature for six years, used to say to people, 'You know what, you’re so freakin' obsessed with what I decide to do with my body, maybe you shouldn’t even want to have sex with me, or you, or any woman!'"

She encouraged women to harness "the power that we have over our bodies to push back and use that power in saying, 'Enough is enough'" to fight back against movements intended "to make us less than in this country."

Rashida Tlaib to Abortion Opponents: 'You Shouldn't Even Want to Have Sex With Me'

Honey I don't think that that would be a problem.

Filthy Mexicrats will stoop to any level in search of justification for their filth...They twist and spin shit and ignorant degenerates eat it up.

LefTard Logic:
"Should you want to protect and defend an almost born human being you must have a obsession with my body...BUT, you are noble as fuck if you spend your days fighting to protect an eagles egg."


just the normal evidence of the hypocrisy of a fked up dangerous demofk party.
I smell a new Planned Parenthood commercial coming, thanks to Tlaib....and it should be a good one:

'You Shouldn't Even Want to Have Sex With Me'

....but accidents happen, especially at parties where liquor is involved.....which is why we must protect Roe-V-Wade'



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