Rasmeussen: Trump +9

He promised his dying brother - dying from the effects of alcoholism - that he would never touch the stuff. And he hasn’t.

Trump’s challenge will be to not take the bait the mods and Biden will swing at him, and remain calm. Just let Biden try to get through two full minutes of “talking” when answering questions, and let him sink himself.
Trump can always brag about that mental test he took. That test was so simple that bragging about doing good on it is equivalent to a kid bragging because he is now good enough to remove the training wheels on his two-wheeler.
I guess that's why repubs have closed 1633 polling stations in 13 states over the last 6 years.
I found it absolutely amazing when I posted that Decision Desk HQ poll, which is generally regarded as the gold standard, and most accurate. . . even that, which shows Trump still ahead, even after all the shit the establishment has thrown at him. . . now found him as a convicted felon, an adjudicated rapist, in leagues with many many other felons. . . yet?

Decision Deak HQ in the multiple scenarios, has him winning in like. . . 279 to 259 and yet? Through millions of computer simulations. . . .


This is the response I get. . .

These polls are WAY off.


Folks just live in their own bubbles. They assume what is going on in their own voting district, and what people think in their own community, is how everyone nationwide feels . . . even after talking with others here.

So. . . It must be on here, everyone that agrees with them is a real person, and everyone that disagrees? Is a paid agitator by a billionaire foundation, or a bot, and no sane person really feels or thinks contrary to how they do. . . is that it?

Are you that uninformed? Did fox forget to mention he was found responsible for sexual assault and guilty of all those felony charges?
OH of course. If Trump isn't winning by a landslide?

The polls HAVE to be wrong.

Biden Platform

1) Trump is racist!
2) Trump is racist!
3) Trump is racist!
4) Trump is racist!
5) Trump is racist!
Prove my post was absurd.

Listen pal. . .

There is as much evidence that Trump takes stimulants to get through his speeches, as there is that Biden takes drugs to get through his day to day schedule.

In fact, there is probably MORE evidence that Biden is taking performance enhancing drugs.

See. . the thing about drugs that enhance your performance, as anyone that has taken stimulants over the long term will tell you, is that shit will eventually catch up with you.

. . . yes. . EVEN CAFFEINE.

And? They have both show symptoms of using.

What are such symptoms? Mental hiccups. Not acting like they are all there.

And I am not in denial that both of them show this, like most of the folks on here. I have no dog in this fight, I really don't. I give no fucks at all.

. . . but, I'm not going to make a declarative statement on either without proof. And who would the campaigns agree to administer testing, that isn't in the tank for either side?
Listen pal. . .

There is as much evidence that Trump takes stimulants to get through his speeches, as there is that Biden takes drugs to get through his day to day schedule.

In fact, there is probably MORE evidence that Biden is taking performance enhancing drugs.

See. . the thing about drugs that enhance your performance, as anyone that has taken stimulants over the long term will tell you, is that shit will eventually catch up with you.

. . . yes. . EVEN CAFFEINE.

And? They have both show symptoms of using.

What are such symptoms? Mental hiccups. Not acting like they are all there.

And I am not in denial that both of them show this, like most of the folks on here. I have no dog in this fight, I really don't. I give no fucks at all.

. . . but, I'm not going to make a declarative statement on either without proof. And who would the campaigns agree to administer testing, that isn't in the tank for either side?
You understand that court rulings and polls are two different things, don't you?
No idea what the hell you are talking about now.

The people elect the president, so the polls are indictative of where that is heading.. .. .

Courts don't decide who becomes president, courts and juries don't matter.
No idea what the hell you are talking about now.

The people elect the president, so the polls are indictative of where that is heading.. .. .

Courts don't decide who becomes president, courts and juries don't matter.
They matter in the court of public opinion and Trump is taking a bigly L!

They matter in the court of public opinion and Trump is taking a bigly L!

This thread is about polls, and as I have proved, no, you are wrong.

The only thing that really matters in the end, are the battle-ground states. AND? The candidate that is losing in the, "court of public opinion?"

Is clearly Biden. . .

See Post #3

Trump can always brag about that mental test he took. That test was so simple that bragging about doing good on it is equivalent to a kid bragging because he is now good enough to remove the training wheels on his two-wheeler.
If it’s that simple, why is Biden afraid to even take it? He’s so demented that he’s not willing to take a test a 6th grader could pass - and he thinks he can be president?!
Wow. Racist and sexist much?

What if someone had written about Bernie Sanders. . .

"My biggest fear is that they can't keep a Jew out of the oval office. . . . "

I’m pointing out the two qualities that matter most to Democrats, and by which they prioritize whom they pick for roles. They even ADMIT it. THEY are the ones being racist and sexist.

I’d prefer they pick the best candidate regardless of gender or race.
Wow. Racist and sexist much?

What if someone had written about Bernie Sanders. . .

"My biggest fear is that they can't keep a Jew out of the oval office. . . . "

Also, the difference is that nobody is hiring someone because they are Jewish. “The job of Vice President will go to a Jew” said nobody ever.
No links for you. I ask the questions here. Why do you support a convicted felon and adjudicated rapist?!

The felon thing doesn’t work, and Trump was never convicted of being a rapist.

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