Rasmussen: 69% Say It’s Likely Scientists Have Falsified Global Warming Research

Why would I look? I be dead long before global warming does or does not happen. It's a non factor in my life.

That's what the warmist con artists are counting on. However, it won't be a "non-factor" if the government taxes us to the tune of $trillions to pay for this boondoggle.

I pay oil and farm subsidies so what else is new about warming subsidies?

they are based on a non-falsifiable theory
that is not science that is more like a religion
I pay oil and farm subsidies so what else is new about warming subsidies?

  1. You don't pay "oil subsidies." A tax deduction is not a "subsidy."
  2. The warmist con artists are proposing taxes that are at least 100 times the amount of our agricultural subsidies. Perhaps you don't mind living in poverty for the sake of a fraud, but a lot of people do
  3. What makes you think anyone in here supports agriculture subsidies?
Can the 69% point out the falsifications in the research?

Actually, yes they can, as can anyone who chooses to open their eyes and actually look.
I pay oil and farm subsidies so what else is new about warming subsidies?

  1. You don't pay "oil subsidies." A tax deduction is not a "subsidy."
  2. The warmist con artists are proposing taxes that are at least 100 times the amount of our agricultural subsidies. Perhaps you don't mind living in poverty for the sake of a fraud, but a lot of people do
  3. What makes you think anyone in here supports agriculture subsidies?

The bottom line is I don't care about the environment or global warming. I don't recycle, conserve gas or electricity. I plunder the earth the way God intended.
they are based on a non-falsifiable theory
that is not science that is more like a religion

A warmist would think: "If it can't be proven wrong, then it must be true!"

It is almost like that,,,,

First we had global warming then global cooling now climate change.

Indeed, since they have one believe that all bad weather can be blamed on "climate change"
how does one test their theory?

You can't - that is not science; it is more like a religion
Shows why Rassmussen is a rightwing propaganda tool
69% Say It

The debate over global warming has intensified in recent weeks after a new NASA study was interpreted by skeptics to reveal that global warming is not man-made. While a majority of Americans nationwide continue to acknowledge significant disagreement about global warming in the scientific community, most go even further to say some scientists falsify data to support their own beliefs.

The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey of American Adults shows that 69% say it’s at least somewhat likely that some scientists have falsified research data in order to support their own theories and beliefs, including 40% who say this is Very Likely. Twenty-two percent (22%) don’t think it’s likely some scientists have falsified global warming data, including just six percent (6%) say it’s Not At All Likely. Another 10% are undecided. (To see survey question wording, click here .)

The number of adults who say it’s likely scientists have falsified data is up 10 points from December 2009 .

Fifty-seven percent (57%) believe there is significant disagreement within the scientific community on global warming, up five points from late 2009. One in four (25%) believes scientists agree on global warming. Another 18% aren’t sure.

Science by polls.

Only in Conservatopia.:lol::lol::lol::lol:
There is no doubt a huge number are misled by the pub propaganda machine and the cowardly corporate media. Dems also fear the loudmouth a-holes...hell, furriners too. DAMN close to fascists...mental fascists ...
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Of course... I'd take the results of a poll as the God's honest truth over scientific research.

That is the warmist standard of truth, isn't it? What about "the scientific consensus?" that's nothing more than a poll.
I'm surprised the percentage is that low. Americans must be far more gullible than I had thought.
Science by polls.

Only in Conservatopia.:lol::lol::lol::lol:

The so-called "scientific consensus" is nothing more than a poll, but warmist turds like you swear by it.

And you guys swear by a conspiracy theory that hundreds of scientists spread across the globe all made up global warming so they could raise taxes or whatever.

But hey you don't see any difference between the opinions of random people and the opinions of experts who actually study this stuff.

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