Rasmussen poll on a 2020 Trump vs Buttigieg race


Gold Member
Sep 15, 2012
Rasmussen, the republican leaning poll company has just done a poll on a hypothetical race between Trump and Buttigieg, the mayor of South Bend Indiana.

Trump: 44%

Buttigieg: 40%

Surprisingly close given that Buttigieg is Gay, relatively unknown, and less than half of Trumps age. Buttigieg is only 37 years, barely old enough to run for President. Could this be a sign of ANYBODY BUT TRUMP syndrome among the general population of voters?

I wonder what a more accurate and less biased polling company would get on a Trump Vs. Buttigieg race.
Rasmussen, the republican leaning poll company has just done a poll on a hypothetical race between Trump and Buttigieg, the mayor of South Bend Indiana.

Trump: 44%

Buttigieg: 40%

Surprisingly close given that Buttigieg is Gay, relatively unknown, and less than half of Trumps age. Buttigieg is only 37 years, barely old enough to run for President. Could this be a sign of ANYBODY BUT TRUMP syndrome among the general population of voters?

I wonder what a more accurate and less biased polling company would get on a Trump Vs. Buttigieg race.

It's a long way to the debates. Trump would leave Buttgag whimpering like a little puppy.
It's a long way to the debates. Trump would leave Buttgag whimpering like a little puppy.
It's a long way to the debates. Trump would leave Buttgag whimpering like a little puppy.

Your over-confidence and smarmy attitude says nothing to me, except how badly you Democrats are going to lose against Trump in 2020. Given the fact that you have nothing to offer the American people and how President Trump has delivered, he's going to be a very tough act for you to follow.

Remember what I said the day after the 2020 Presidential election: I guaran-fucking-tee you that I'll be here to rub your noses in it. :biggrin:
Rasmussen, the republican leaning poll company has just done a poll on a hypothetical race between Trump and Buttigieg, the mayor of South Bend Indiana.

Trump: 44%

Buttigieg: 40%

Surprisingly close given that Buttigieg is Gay, relatively unknown, and less than half of Trumps age. Buttigieg is only 37 years, barely old enough to run for President. Could this be a sign of ANYBODY BUT TRUMP syndrome among the general population of voters?

I wonder what a more accurate and less biased polling company would get on a Trump Vs. Buttigieg race.

It's a long way to the debates. Trump would leave Buttgag whimpering like a little puppy.

The point of this is to emphasis than even a relative light weight(in terms of being young, new, and tagged with being "GAY") like Buttigieg could potentially beat Trump.

PPP ran a poll back in March where Buttigieg defeated Trump:

Buttigieg: 45%

TRUMP: 41%

EMERSON ran a poll just recently where Trump only beat Buttigieg by 2 points, within the margin of error:

TRUMP: 51%

Buttigieg: 49%

When you average these three polls the results are:

TRUMP: 45.3%

Buttigieg: 44.7%

So right now, a race between Trump and Buttigieg would be a tough horse race.
It's a long way to the debates. Trump would leave Buttgag whimpering like a little puppy.

Your over-confidence and smarmy attitude says nothing to me, except how badly you Democrats are going to lose against Trump in 2020. Given the fact that you have nothing to offer the American people and how President Trump has delivered, he's going to be a very tough act for you to follow.

Remember what I said the day after the 2020 Presidential election: I guaran-fucking-tee you that I'll be here to rub your noses in it. :biggrin:

Yeah I mean AOC is so far the only Dem who has her name associated with a plan and she's not even running. It's a lunatic plan but at least it's a plan.

Rasmussen, the republican leaning poll company has just done a poll on a hypothetical race between Trump and Buttigieg, the mayor of South Bend Indiana.

Trump: 44%

Buttigieg: 40%

Surprisingly close given that Buttigieg is Gay, relatively unknown, and less than half of Trumps age. Buttigieg is only 37 years, barely old enough to run for President. Could this be a sign of ANYBODY BUT TRUMP syndrome among the general population of voters?

I wonder what a more accurate and less biased polling company would get on a Trump Vs. Buttigieg race.

I want to see at least one debate between Mayor Pete & Trump.
Pete would scrub the floor with Trump's giant orange ass in a one on one debate.

AmeriKKKans & Americans all need to understand one thing: When Trump was elected POTUS in 2016 that opened up the flood gates for ANYONE to run, no matter the experience level, or NO experience.

Be careful what you wish for AmeriKKKa.
Rasmussen, the republican leaning poll company has just done a poll on a hypothetical race between Trump and Buttigieg, the mayor of South Bend Indiana.

Trump: 44%

Buttigieg: 40%

Surprisingly close given that Buttigieg is Gay, relatively unknown, and less than half of Trumps age. Buttigieg is only 37 years, barely old enough to run for President. Could this be a sign of ANYBODY BUT TRUMP syndrome among the general population of voters?

I wonder what a more accurate and less biased polling company would get on a Trump Vs. Buttigieg race.

It's a long way to the debates. Trump would leave Buttgag whimpering like a little puppy.

The point of this is to emphasis than even a relative light weight(in terms of being young, new, and tagged with being "GAY") like Buttigieg could potentially beat Trump.

PPP ran a poll back in March where Buttigieg defeated Trump:

Buttigieg: 45%

TRUMP: 41%

EMERSON ran a poll just recently where Trump only beat Buttigieg by 2 points, within the margin of error:

TRUMP: 51%

Buttigieg: 49%

When you average these three polls the results are:

TRUMP: 45.3%

Buttigieg: 44.7%

So right now, a race between Trump and Buttigieg would be a tough horse race.

So was 2016, Trump had no path to 270, Hillary had a 95% probability of winning....remember?

Rasmussen, the republican leaning poll company has just done a poll on a hypothetical race between Trump and Buttigieg, the mayor of South Bend Indiana.

Trump: 44%

Buttigieg: 40%

Surprisingly close given that Buttigieg is Gay, relatively unknown, and less than half of Trumps age. Buttigieg is only 37 years, barely old enough to run for President. Could this be a sign of ANYBODY BUT TRUMP syndrome among the general population of voters?

I wonder what a more accurate and less biased polling company would get on a Trump Vs. Buttigieg race.

I want to see at least one debate between Mayor Pete & Trump.
Pete would scrub the floor with Trump's giant orange ass in a one on one debate.

AmeriKKKans & Americans all need to understand one thing: When Trump was elected POTUS in 2016 that opened up the flood gates for ANYONE to run, no matter the experience level, or NO experience.

Be careful what you wish for AmeriKKKa.

Trump would definitely get his ass kicked by Buttigieg in a debate. Trump cannot compete with a 37 year old Navy veteran who is also a Harvard graduate.
Rasmussen, the republican leaning poll company has just done a poll on a hypothetical race between Trump and Buttigieg, the mayor of South Bend Indiana.

Trump: 44%

Buttigieg: 40%

Surprisingly close given that Buttigieg is Gay, relatively unknown, and less than half of Trumps age. Buttigieg is only 37 years, barely old enough to run for President. Could this be a sign of ANYBODY BUT TRUMP syndrome among the general population of voters?

I wonder what a more accurate and less biased polling company would get on a Trump Vs. Buttigieg race.

It's a long way to the debates. Trump would leave Buttgag whimpering like a little puppy.

The point of this is to emphasis than even a relative light weight(in terms of being young, new, and tagged with being "GAY") like Buttigieg could potentially beat Trump.

PPP ran a poll back in March where Buttigieg defeated Trump:

Buttigieg: 45%

TRUMP: 41%

EMERSON ran a poll just recently where Trump only beat Buttigieg by 2 points, within the margin of error:

TRUMP: 51%

Buttigieg: 49%

When you average these three polls the results are:

TRUMP: 45.3%

Buttigieg: 44.7%

So right now, a race between Trump and Buttigieg would be a tough horse race.

So was 2016, Trump had no path to 270, Hillary had a 95% probability of winning....remember?

Polling has a longer history than what happened in November 2016. To paraphrase John Couger Melloncamp, HOLD ON TO NOVEMBER 2016 AS LONG AS YOU CAN, CHANGES COME AROUND REAL SOON MAKE US WOMEN AND MEN!
Rasmussen, the republican leaning poll company has just done a poll on a hypothetical race between Trump and Buttigieg, the mayor of South Bend Indiana.

Trump: 44%

Buttigieg: 40%

Surprisingly close given that Buttigieg is Gay, relatively unknown, and less than half of Trumps age. Buttigieg is only 37 years, barely old enough to run for President. Could this be a sign of ANYBODY BUT TRUMP syndrome among the general population of voters?

I wonder what a more accurate and less biased polling company would get on a Trump Vs. Buttigieg race.

I want to see at least one debate between Mayor Pete & Trump.
Pete would scrub the floor with Trump's giant orange ass in a one on one debate.

AmeriKKKans & Americans all need to understand one thing: When Trump was elected POTUS in 2016 that opened up the flood gates for ANYONE to run, no matter the experience level, or NO experience.

Be careful what you wish for AmeriKKKa.

Trump would definitely get his ass kicked by Buttigieg in a debate. Trump cannot compete with a 37 year old Navy veteran who is also a Harvard graduate.
Sorry, but little Petie Buttplug doesn't stand a chance against a self made billionaire that's pulled America back from the brink after 8 years of destruction at the hands of an America hating kenyan muslim. Experience tops a Harvard indoctrination every time. No one wants to see that little faggot swapping spit with his HUSBAND either, whether they're willing to openly admit it or not, the vast majority of people are turned off by queers, and I guarantee you, seeing shit like below turns their stomach in disgust. Buttplug doesn't stand a chance against President Trump, period, no matter what some poll says. We learned in 2016 just what polls are really worth... DIDDLY SQUAT.

Rasmussen, the republican leaning poll company has just done a poll on a hypothetical race between Trump and Buttigieg, the mayor of South Bend Indiana.

Trump: 44%

Buttigieg: 40%

Surprisingly close given that Buttigieg is Gay, relatively unknown, and less than half of Trumps age. Buttigieg is only 37 years, barely old enough to run for President. Could this be a sign of ANYBODY BUT TRUMP syndrome among the general population of voters?

I wonder what a more accurate and less biased polling company would get on a Trump Vs. Buttigieg race.

It's a long way to the debates. Trump would leave Buttgag whimpering like a little puppy.

The point of this is to emphasis than even a relative light weight(in terms of being young, new, and tagged with being "GAY") like Buttigieg could potentially beat Trump.

PPP ran a poll back in March where Buttigieg defeated Trump:

Buttigieg: 45%

TRUMP: 41%

EMERSON ran a poll just recently where Trump only beat Buttigieg by 2 points, within the margin of error:

TRUMP: 51%

Buttigieg: 49%

When you average these three polls the results are:

TRUMP: 45.3%

Buttigieg: 44.7%

So right now, a race between Trump and Buttigieg would be a tough horse race.

So was 2016, Trump had no path to 270, Hillary had a 95% probability of winning....remember?

Polls are virtually meaningless nowadays.

Rasmussen, the republican leaning poll company has just done a poll on a hypothetical race between Trump and Buttigieg, the mayor of South Bend Indiana.

Trump: 44%

Buttigieg: 40%

Surprisingly close given that Buttigieg is Gay, relatively unknown, and less than half of Trumps age. Buttigieg is only 37 years, barely old enough to run for President. Could this be a sign of ANYBODY BUT TRUMP syndrome among the general population of voters?

I wonder what a more accurate and less biased polling company would get on a Trump Vs. Buttigieg race.

I want to see at least one debate between Mayor Pete & Trump.
Pete would scrub the floor with Trump's giant orange ass in a one on one debate.

AmeriKKKans & Americans all need to understand one thing: When Trump was elected POTUS in 2016 that opened up the flood gates for ANYONE to run, no matter the experience level, or NO experience.

Be careful what you wish for AmeriKKKa.

Trump would definitely get his ass kicked by Buttigieg in a debate. Trump cannot compete with a 37 year old Navy veteran who is also a Harvard graduate.
Sorry, but little Petie Buttplug doesn't stand a chance against a self made billionaire that's pulled America back from the brink after 8 years of destruction at the hands of an America hating kenyan muslim. Experience tops a Harvard indoctrination every time. No one wants to see that little faggot swapping spit with his HUSBAND either, whether they're willing to openly admit it or not, the vast majority of people are turned off by queers, and I guarantee you, seeing shit like below turns their stomach in disgust. Buttplug doesn't stand a chance against President Trump, period, no matter what some poll says. We learned in 2016 just what polls are really worth... DIDDLY SQUAT.


01. Polls have a longer history than simply November 2016.
02. Trump is not a self made Billionaire. He inherited his fortune from his daddy.
03. Most people who inherit that much money in their 20s would be far richer than Trump today.
04. Trumps Business career is littered with poor performance.
05. The only thing Trump ever did well is being a blowhard on a reality TV show. Good entertainment for many people.
06. Trump is an entertaining speaker for many people. His real calling would be talk radio, or hosting his on TV show.

Unlike Trump, Pete Buttigieg
01. Served his country in the military. Eight years in the Navy.
02. Served in the war in Afghanistan
03. Got into Harvard and graduated
04. Has a Masters Degree
05. Has real government experience having been Mayor for several years now
06. Has never been divorced unlike Trump who has been divorced twice.

I'll take an honorable Christian Veteran any day over a loudmouth, divorced, misogynistic man who is against nearly everything that has helped make the United States the most important country in the world over the past 80 years.
He's the current Beanie Baby. The fad will fade pretty quick.

I'm not suggesting he would win the Democratic Nomination. Despite Buttigieg's youth, and being new to the nation at large, he already is competitive with Trump. That shows you just how weak Trump is.
It's a long way to the debates. Trump would leave Buttgag whimpering like a little puppy.

Your over-confidence and smarmy attitude says nothing to me, except how badly you Democrats are going to lose against Trump in 2020. Given the fact that you have nothing to offer the American people and how President Trump has delivered, he's going to be a very tough act for you to follow.

Remember what I said the day after the 2020 Presidential election: I guaran-fucking-tee you that I'll be here to rub your noses in it. :biggrin:
If his name was "Peter",,,i think he would get 35%,,,,who in any state of mind would want a presidents whos name is "Peter Butt"
Rasmussen, the republican leaning poll company has just done a poll on a hypothetical race between Trump and Buttigieg, the mayor of South Bend Indiana.

Trump: 44%

Buttigieg: 40%

Surprisingly close given that Buttigieg is Gay, relatively unknown, and less than half of Trumps age. Buttigieg is only 37 years, barely old enough to run for President. Could this be a sign of ANYBODY BUT TRUMP syndrome among the general population of voters?

I wonder what a more accurate and less biased polling company would get on a Trump Vs. Buttigieg race.

It's a long way to the debates. Trump would leave Buttgag whimpering like a little puppy.

The point of this is to emphasis than even a relative light weight(in terms of being young, new, and tagged with being "GAY") like Buttigieg could potentially beat Trump.

PPP ran a poll back in March where Buttigieg defeated Trump:

Buttigieg: 45%

TRUMP: 41%

EMERSON ran a poll just recently where Trump only beat Buttigieg by 2 points, within the margin of error:

TRUMP: 51%

Buttigieg: 49%

When you average these three polls the results are:

TRUMP: 45.3%

Buttigieg: 44.7%

So right now, a race between Trump and Buttigieg would be a tough horse race.

Buttplug would win NY, CA, and MN. Every other state would go to Trump because in those states gays are still a minority.
He's the current Beanie Baby. The fad will fade pretty quick.

I'm not suggesting he would win the Democratic Nomination. Despite Buttigieg's youth, and being new to the nation at large, he already is competitive with Trump. That shows you just how weak Trump is.

When are you going to take a college level course in statistics and learn how polls are structured to return the expected result?

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