Rasmussen poll on a 2020 Trump vs Buttigieg race

Rasmussen, the republican leaning poll company has just done a poll on a hypothetical race between Trump and Buttigieg, the mayor of South Bend Indiana.

Trump: 44%

Buttigieg: 40%

Surprisingly close given that Buttigieg is Gay, relatively unknown, and less than half of Trumps age. Buttigieg is only 37 years, barely old enough to run for President. Could this be a sign of ANYBODY BUT TRUMP syndrome among the general population of voters?

I wonder what a more accurate and less biased polling company would get on a Trump Vs. Buttigieg race.

I want to see at least one debate between Mayor Pete & Trump.
Pete would scrub the floor with Trump's giant orange ass in a one on one debate.

AmeriKKKans & Americans all need to understand one thing: When Trump was elected POTUS in 2016 that opened up the flood gates for ANYONE to run, no matter the experience level, or NO experience.

Be careful what you wish for AmeriKKKa.

Trump would definitely get his ass kicked by Buttigieg in a debate. Trump cannot compete with a 37 year old Navy veteran who is also a Harvard graduate.

It doesn’t matter what his background is, or any other faggot liberal. They will all look like fools when they get on stage and tell the American people that border walls don’t work, that we need more third world trash imported into our country, that tariffs don’t work so we should just close our plants and ship jobs overseas, that we would be better off starting unnecessary wars in the ME, that Islam is a religion of peace, that taxpayer funded abortion-on-demand should be the law of the land, and that cross dressing queers should be allowed to use the same bathroom as little girls.
Rasmussen, the republican leaning poll company has just done a poll on a hypothetical race between Trump and Buttigieg, the mayor of South Bend Indiana.

Trump: 44%

Buttigieg: 40%

Surprisingly close given that Buttigieg is Gay, relatively unknown, and less than half of Trumps age. Buttigieg is only 37 years, barely old enough to run for President. Could this be a sign of ANYBODY BUT TRUMP syndrome among the general population of voters?

I wonder what a more accurate and less biased polling company would get on a Trump Vs. Buttigieg race.

I want to see at least one debate between Mayor Pete & Trump.
Pete would scrub the floor with Trump's giant orange ass in a one on one debate.

AmeriKKKans & Americans all need to understand one thing: When Trump was elected POTUS in 2016 that opened up the flood gates for ANYONE to run, no matter the experience level, or NO experience.

Be careful what you wish for AmeriKKKa.

Trump would definitely get his ass kicked by Buttigieg in a debate. Trump cannot compete with a 37 year old Navy veteran who is also a Harvard graduate.

Sample CNN debate question:

Peter Buttplug, do you support saliva as a lubricant, or do you prefer Astroglide or KY?
Rasmussen, the republican leaning poll company has just done a poll on a hypothetical race between Trump and Buttigieg, the mayor of South Bend Indiana.

Trump: 44%

Buttigieg: 40%

Surprisingly close given that Buttigieg is Gay, relatively unknown, and less than half of Trumps age. Buttigieg is only 37 years, barely old enough to run for President. Could this be a sign of ANYBODY BUT TRUMP syndrome among the general population of voters?

I wonder what a more accurate and less biased polling company would get on a Trump Vs. Buttigieg race.

It's a long way to the debates. Trump would leave Buttgag whimpering like a little puppy.
Buttplug would answer every question with "I'm gay. Did you notice that I'm gay. God loves gay. You, not so much. I'm married to a man."
Run the faggot on being a faggot and you'll lose all 50 states. Remember prop 8 passed in California and would pass again today if put to another vote. Not a single state is going to vote for a homo in a presidential election.

Pleas vote for him dems.
Another in what will be a long line of wishful thinking dimocrap circle jerk threads.

Too bad there isn’t, a solid, intelligent, thoughtful, worthwhile alternative to the annoying orange.
Rasmussen, the republican leaning poll company has just done a poll on a hypothetical race between Trump and Buttigieg, the mayor of South Bend Indiana.

Trump: 44%

Buttigieg: 40%

Surprisingly close given that Buttigieg is Gay, relatively unknown, and less than half of Trumps age. Buttigieg is only 37 years, barely old enough to run for President. Could this be a sign of ANYBODY BUT TRUMP syndrome among the general population of voters?

I wonder what a more accurate and less biased polling company would get on a Trump Vs. Buttigieg race.

I want to see at least one debate between Mayor Pete & Trump.
Pete would scrub the floor with Trump's giant orange ass in a one on one debate.

AmeriKKKans & Americans all need to understand one thing: When Trump was elected POTUS in 2016 that opened up the flood gates for ANYONE to run, no matter the experience level, or NO experience.

Be careful what you wish for AmeriKKKa.

Trump would definitely get his ass kicked by Buttigieg in a debate. Trump cannot compete with a 37 year old Navy veteran who is also a Harvard graduate.

Sample CNN debate question:

Peter Buttplug, do you support saliva as a lubricant, or do you prefer Astroglide or KY?

This is gold: So many Trump supporters in this thread afraid of a gay candidate. LOFL
01. Polls have a longer history than simply November 2016.
Polls aren't worth the bandwidth it takes to display. If they were, Hitlery would be president. If you think polls are accurate, you don't have the brains God gave a brick.

02. Trump is not a self made Billionaire. He inherited his fortune from his daddy.
I see you're either not above lying, or you truly are STUPID. President Trump inherited around $400M from his father, along with a good work ethic and keen sense for how to get things done, and he turned that $400M into $10,000,000,000.00. This is common knowledge, but you want to LIE about it.

03. Most people who inherit that much money in their 20s would be far richer than Trump today.
Again, you're talking like a typical, filthy, full of shit, lying liberal ass clown.

04. Trumps Business career is littered with poor performance.
I don't know who you think is going to believe that bull shit, but it isn't me, or any other conservative here. President Trump has shown he excels at business, and his latest example is how well America is doing.

05. The only thing Trump ever did well is being a blowhard on a reality TV show. Good entertainment for many people.
He didn't create the show. The network created the show around him as a character, and it was a total success and they loved it, right up until he became president, and then the left turned on him like they do anyone that disagrees with them. They're fascists.

06. Trump is an entertaining speaker for many people. His real calling would be talk radio, or hosting his on TV show.
His true calling is PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES, but triggering little dumbasses like you is a fantastic bonus.

You make a FOOL out of yourself with that post. Now you look incredibly stupid and people see you're a liar. I guess that's what we can expect from someone that supports a little pixie faced faggot Buttplug for president over a tried and experienced, hardened businessman that already proved he's up to the job and then some.

You're a class A moron.
Rasmussen, the republican leaning poll company has just done a poll on a hypothetical race between Trump and Buttigieg, the mayor of South Bend Indiana.

Trump: 44%

Buttigieg: 40%

Surprisingly close given that Buttigieg is Gay, relatively unknown, and less than half of Trumps age. Buttigieg is only 37 years, barely old enough to run for President. Could this be a sign of ANYBODY BUT TRUMP syndrome among the general population of voters?

I wonder what a more accurate and less biased polling company would get on a Trump Vs. Buttigieg race.

I want to see at least one debate between Mayor Pete & Trump.
Pete would scrub the floor with Trump's giant orange ass in a one on one debate.

AmeriKKKans & Americans all need to understand one thing: When Trump was elected POTUS in 2016 that opened up the flood gates for ANYONE to run, no matter the experience level, or NO experience.

Be careful what you wish for AmeriKKKa.

Trump would definitely get his ass kicked by Buttigieg in a debate. Trump cannot compete with a 37 year old Navy veteran who is also a Harvard graduate.

Sample CNN debate question:

Peter Buttplug, do you support saliva as a lubricant, or do you prefer Astroglide or KY?

This is gold: So many Trump supporters in this thread afraid of a gay candidate. LOFL
Please show me where ANY of the President Trump supporters said they were "AFRAID" of a happy candidate.
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Rasmussen, the republican leaning poll company has just done a poll on a hypothetical race between Trump and Buttigieg, the mayor of South Bend Indiana.

Trump: 44%

Buttigieg: 40%

Surprisingly close given that Buttigieg is Gay, relatively unknown, and less than half of Trumps age. Buttigieg is only 37 years, barely old enough to run for President. Could this be a sign of ANYBODY BUT TRUMP syndrome among the general population of voters?

I wonder what a more accurate and less biased polling company would get on a Trump Vs. Buttigieg race.

I want to see at least one debate between Mayor Pete & Trump.
Pete would scrub the floor with Trump's giant orange ass in a one on one debate.

AmeriKKKans & Americans all need to understand one thing: When Trump was elected POTUS in 2016 that opened up the flood gates for ANYONE to run, no matter the experience level, or NO experience.

Be careful what you wish for AmeriKKKa.

Trump would definitely get his ass kicked by Buttigieg in a debate. Trump cannot compete with a 37 year old Navy veteran who is also a Harvard graduate.

Sample CNN debate question:

Peter Buttplug, do you support saliva as a lubricant, or do you prefer Astroglide or KY?

This is gold: So many Trump supporters in this thread afraid of a gay candidate. LOFL
Please show me where ANY of the President Trump supporters said they were "AFRAID" of a happy candidate.

It's pretty obvious all of you Trump supporters here are afraid of Mayor Pete; otherwise you would not speak so juvenile & condescending of him.
Rasmussen, the republican leaning poll company has just done a poll on a hypothetical race between Trump and Buttigieg, the mayor of South Bend Indiana.

Trump: 44%

Buttigieg: 40%

Surprisingly close given that Buttigieg is Gay, relatively unknown, and less than half of Trumps age. Buttigieg is only 37 years, barely old enough to run for President. Could this be a sign of ANYBODY BUT TRUMP syndrome among the general population of voters?

I wonder what a more accurate and less biased polling company would get on a Trump Vs. Buttigieg race.

The important thing is the people supporting TRUMP are motivated to vote, democrats will need to find someone who can motivate their crazies to show up and vote. Not sure Pete Butt will be able to motivate the black or hispanic vote. I'm sure the DNC knows this and will make sure Pete Butt only goes as far as they need.
I want to see at least one debate between Mayor Pete & Trump.
Pete would scrub the floor with Trump's giant orange ass in a one on one debate.

AmeriKKKans & Americans all need to understand one thing: When Trump was elected POTUS in 2016 that opened up the flood gates for ANYONE to run, no matter the experience level, or NO experience.

Be careful what you wish for AmeriKKKa.

Trump would definitely get his ass kicked by Buttigieg in a debate. Trump cannot compete with a 37 year old Navy veteran who is also a Harvard graduate.

Sample CNN debate question:

Peter Buttplug, do you support saliva as a lubricant, or do you prefer Astroglide or KY?

This is gold: So many Trump supporters in this thread afraid of a gay candidate. LOFL
Please show me where ANY of the President Trump supporters said they were "AFRAID" of a happy candidate.

It's pretty obvious all of you Trump supporters here are afraid of Mayor Pete; otherwise you would not speak so juvenile & condescending of him.
The only thing that's obvious is that you democraps are packing the clown car with whatever garbage you can dip out of the toilet, including a little boy faced faggot that likes to swap spit with his butt hubby on stage.
Trump would definitely get his ass kicked by Buttigieg in a debate. Trump cannot compete with a 37 year old Navy veteran who is also a Harvard graduate.

Sample CNN debate question:

Peter Buttplug, do you support saliva as a lubricant, or do you prefer Astroglide or KY?

This is gold: So many Trump supporters in this thread afraid of a gay candidate. LOFL
Please show me where ANY of the President Trump supporters said they were "AFRAID" of a happy candidate.

It's pretty obvious all of you Trump supporters here are afraid of Mayor Pete; otherwise you would not speak so juvenile & condescending of him.
The only thing that's obvious is that you democraps are packing the clown car with whatever garbage you can dip out of the toilet, including a little boy faced faggot that likes to swap spit with his butt hubby on stage.

In case you weren't paying attention during the 2016 election cycle, there was an 'orange clown' in a pack of at least 16 GOP candidates that won the general election; an 'orange jackass' that had absolutely ZERO political experience.
When the GOP made the CHOICE to run a COMPLETE POLITICAL NOVICE for the 2016 election that opened the door for ANY & ALL future POTUS candidates.
NOW, after the 'giant orange anus' is POTUS, a complete political novice, anyone & everyone can now run for POTUS; there are NO LONGER ANY QUALIFICATIONS, and that is thanks to Trump & the GOP voters, just like U.

So, you don't like having a POTUS candidate that is gay?

Not my problem you 'fake' christian; that is your goddamn problem. Get used to it. Mayor Pete is gonna give you assholes a scare. LOFL
01. Polls have a longer history than simply November 2016.
Polls aren't worth the bandwidth it takes to display. If they were, Hitlery would be president. If you think polls are accurate, you don't have the brains God gave a brick.

02. Trump is not a self made Billionaire. He inherited his fortune from his daddy.
I see you're either not above lying, or you truly are STUPID. President Trump inherited around $400M from his father, along with a good work ethic and keen sense for how to get things done, and he turned that $400M into $10,000,000,000.00. This is common knowledge, but you want to LIE about it.

03. Most people who inherit that much money in their 20s would be far richer than Trump today.
Again, you're talking like a typical, filthy, full of shit, lying liberal ass clown.

04. Trumps Business career is littered with poor performance.
I don't know who you think is going to believe that bull shit, but it isn't me, or any other conservative here. President Trump has shown he excels at business, and his latest example is how well America is doing.

05. The only thing Trump ever did well is being a blowhard on a reality TV show. Good entertainment for many people.
He didn't create the show. The network created the show around him as a character, and it was a total success and they loved it, right up until he became president, and then the left turned on him like they do anyone that disagrees with them. They're fascists.

06. Trump is an entertaining speaker for many people. His real calling would be talk radio, or hosting his on TV show.
His true calling is PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES, but triggering little dumbasses like you is a fantastic bonus.

You make a FOOL out of yourself with that post. Now you look incredibly stupid and people see you're a liar. I guess that's what we can expect from someone that supports a little pixie faced faggot Buttplug for president over a tried and experienced, hardened businessman that already proved he's up to the job and then some.

You're a class A moron.

I wonder how someone like you will deal with the shock and horror of Donny losing on November 3, 2020. Donald Trump will be leaving the White House on January 20, 2021 if not sooner. You probably should start to mentally prepare yourself for that.
Rasmussen, the republican leaning poll company has just done a poll on a hypothetical race between Trump and Buttigieg, the mayor of South Bend Indiana.

Trump: 44%

Buttigieg: 40%

Surprisingly close given that Buttigieg is Gay, relatively unknown, and less than half of Trumps age. Buttigieg is only 37 years, barely old enough to run for President. Could this be a sign of ANYBODY BUT TRUMP syndrome among the general population of voters?

I wonder what a more accurate and less biased polling company would get on a Trump Vs. Buttigieg race.
You think the dems are going to nominate Buttplug?
It's a long way to the debates. Trump would leave Buttgag whimpering like a little puppy.

Your over-confidence and smarmy attitude says nothing to me

You obviously never heard mPete speak and answer questions.

He is a SOLID thinker and communicator, while all Trump has is theatrics that appeal to lowest common denominator.
Rasmussen, the republican leaning poll company has just done a poll on a hypothetical race between Trump and Buttigieg, the mayor of South Bend Indiana.

Trump: 44%

Buttigieg: 40%

Surprisingly close given that Buttigieg is Gay, relatively unknown, and less than half of Trumps age. Buttigieg is only 37 years, barely old enough to run for President. Could this be a sign of ANYBODY BUT TRUMP syndrome among the general population of voters?

I wonder what a more accurate and less biased polling company would get on a Trump Vs. Buttigieg race.

It's a long way to the debates. Trump would leave Buttgag whimpering like a little puppy.

The point of this is to emphasis than even a relative light weight(in terms of being young, new, and tagged with being "GAY") like Buttigieg could potentially beat Trump.

PPP ran a poll back in March where Buttigieg defeated Trump:

Buttigieg: 45%

TRUMP: 41%

EMERSON ran a poll just recently where Trump only beat Buttigieg by 2 points, within the margin of error:

TRUMP: 51%

Buttigieg: 49%

When you average these three polls the results are:

TRUMP: 45.3%

Buttigieg: 44.7%

So right now, a race between Trump and Buttigieg would be a tough horse race.

Buttplug would win NY, CA, and MN. Every other state would go to Trump because in those states gays are still a minority.

Psst, dummy, gays are a tiny minority in every state and strictly on morals most sane people will vote for an honest gay over a charlatan hetero 7 days a week.
01. Polls have a longer history than simply November 2016.
Polls aren't worth the bandwidth it takes to display. If they were, Hitlery would be president. If you think polls are accurate, you don't have the brains God gave a brick.

02. Trump is not a self made Billionaire. He inherited his fortune from his daddy.
I see you're either not above lying, or you truly are STUPID. President Trump inherited around $400M from his father, along with a good work ethic and keen sense for how to get things done, and he turned that $400M into $10,000,000,000.00. This is common knowledge, but you want to LIE about it.

03. Most people who inherit that much money in their 20s would be far richer than Trump today.
Again, you're talking like a typical, filthy, full of shit, lying liberal ass clown.

04. Trumps Business career is littered with poor performance.
I don't know who you think is going to believe that bull shit, but it isn't me, or any other conservative here. President Trump has shown he excels at business, and his latest example is how well America is doing.

05. The only thing Trump ever did well is being a blowhard on a reality TV show. Good entertainment for many people.
He didn't create the show. The network created the show around him as a character, and it was a total success and they loved it, right up until he became president, and then the left turned on him like they do anyone that disagrees with them. They're fascists.

06. Trump is an entertaining speaker for many people. His real calling would be talk radio, or hosting his on TV show.
His true calling is PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES, but triggering little dumbasses like you is a fantastic bonus.

You make a FOOL out of yourself with that post. Now you look incredibly stupid and people see you're a liar. I guess that's what we can expect from someone that supports a little pixie faced faggot Buttplug for president over a tried and experienced, hardened businessman that already proved he's up to the job and then some.

You're a class A moron.

I wonder how someone like you will deal with the shock and horror of Donny losing on November 3, 2020. Donald Trump will be leaving the White House on January 20, 2021 if not sooner. You probably should start to mentally prepare yourself for that.

wouldn't that be glorious?
Your over-confidence and smarmy attitude says nothing to me, except how badly you Democrats are going to lose against Trump in 2020. Given the fact that you have nothing to offer the American people and how President Trump has delivered, he's going to be a very tough act for you to follow.

Remember what I said the day after the 2020 Presidential election: I guaran-fucking-tee you that I'll be here to rub your noses in it. :biggrin:
Unlike you conservacucks, I don't revolve my life around what happens in politics.

My life has more meaning than that and I'll be just fine regardless of who's in office.

So the only thing that'll happen in 2020 is that you'll be rubbing your nose in your own vomit.

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