Rasmussen -- Trump's favorite poll -- now has Biden + 12

NOT ONE rabid Leftist in this thread has critical thinking skills...if they did they wouldn't say so many stupid things so often.

For example, if they could think, they would consider the size of trump rallies vs Biden rallies.....and they would realize that's even with the media fluffing for Biden, they can't make his rallies look impressive. But they lack critical thinking skills obviously.

They cannot think back to 2016 when ALL the polls had Hillary in a landslide.

They reject wholesale that there could be enough Americans to oppose their "insurmountable majority" as the media loves to convince them.

Because they cannot think for themselves, others do it for them and spoon feed them their thoughts and emotions.
These people like Faun and MarkATL are true Zombies.

But because there are significant numbers of them today the threat is real. They are domestic enemies of the Constitution as true as the PLA is abroad.
Rasmussen -- Trump's favorite poll -- now has Biden + 12

Translation: God does place limitations on the scope of man’s intelligence, but not on stupidity
I think the translation is you liberals are too poll dependent instead of seeing what will really take place.
Maybe we are both right. As for me, I could never live with myself voting for a democrat president. Their party has abandoned all Christian morals or concerns about God.
Just like 2016!!


Huge differences.
1. There were more undecided voters or voters flirting with third party or independent candidates. This year more people have made up their minds.

2. Clinton and Trump both had very high negatives. Trump was in the mid 60s and Clinton was around 60.

3. There was a much stronger turnout in the Democrat primaries. Biden won the nomination after Sanders dropped out. In 2016 it went all the way to the convention.

4. Republicans won suburban voters in 2016. In 2020 suburban voters especially women have abandoned the GOP.
Again, I ask, are you ready and willing to BET your standing on this site?

If Trump wins, I leave it forever.
If Biden wins, you leave, forever.

What say you?

I've made the same bet for any of our Trumptards but believe I just have one taker. Remember too, that this WILL be a contested election. Donald could throw it to congress or to SCOTUS and steal the election. What happens then?

Then we bring 3 old FBI Veterans out of retirement.
Trump sinks deeper and deeper into his self-made quagmire....

President Trump’s debate performance followed by his coronavirus diagnosis appear to be digging an even deeper hole for him this week. Democrat Joe Biden now has a 12-point lead over the president in Rasmussen Reports’ weekly White House Watch survey.

Couldn't have happened to a more deserving guy.

Funny how you tout a poll you claim is bogus.

Hypocrite much? :iyfyus.jpg:
NOT ONE rabid Leftist in this thread has critical thinking skills...if they did they wouldn't say so many stupid things so often.

For example, if they could think, they would consider the size of trump rallies vs Biden rallies.....and they would realize that's even with the media fluffing for Biden, they can't make his rallies look impressive. But they lack critical thinking skills obviously.

They cannot think back to 2016 when ALL the polls had Hillary in a landslide.

They reject wholesale that there could be enough Americans to oppose their "insurmountable majority" as the media loves to convince them.

Because they cannot think for themselves, others do it for them and spoon feed them their thoughts and emotions.
These people like Faun and MarkATL are true Zombies.

But because there are significant numbers of them today the threat is real. They are domestic enemies of the Constitution as true as the PLA is abroad.

Trump supporters are the ones who lack critical thinking skills. You people refuse to accept reality.

Biden is not holding rallies. He is trying to ensure that people are safe. Trump has turned into a super spreader of the coro0navirus. The size of rallies matters not. Trump held a massive really in Pennsylvania for a special election in a US House race in Pennsylvania. Republicans still lost.

You insist that 2016 is the same as 2020 when it is not. You ignore 2018 when Democrats took the House. You refuse to recognize the significant differences between 2016 and 2020.

Trump and the Republicans are the threats to the Constitution as well as Republican judges. They refuse to recognize that the Constitution gives Congress certain powers to hold the executive branch accountable and powers reserved for Congress such as the power of oversight and power of the purse. They refuse to recognize that there are checks and balances on the power of the purse.
NOT ONE rabid Leftist in this thread has critical thinking skills...if they did they wouldn't say so many stupid things so often.

For example, if they could think, they would consider the size of trump rallies vs Biden rallies.....and they would realize that's even with the media fluffing for Biden, they can't make his rallies look impressive. But they lack critical thinking skills obviously.

They cannot think back to 2016 when ALL the polls had Hillary in a landslide.

They reject wholesale that there could be enough Americans to oppose their "insurmountable majority" as the media loves to convince them.

Because they cannot think for themselves, others do it for them and spoon feed them their thoughts and emotions.
These people like Faun and MarkATL are true Zombies.

But because there are significant numbers of them today the threat is real. They are domestic enemies of the Constitution as true as the PLA is abroad.

Trump supporters are the ones who lack critical thinking skills. You people refuse to accept reality.

Biden is not holding rallies. He is trying to ensure that people are safe. Trump has turned into a super spreader of the coro0navirus. The size of rallies matters not. Trump held a massive really in Pennsylvania for a special election in a US House race in Pennsylvania. Republicans still lost.

You insist that 2016 is the same as 2020 when it is not. You ignore 2018 when Democrats took the House. You refuse to recognize the significant differences between 2016 and 2020.

Trump and the Republicans are the threats to the Constitution as well as Republican judges. They refuse to recognize that the Constitution gives Congress certain powers to hold the executive branch accountable and powers reserved for Congress such as the power of oversight and power of the purse. They refuse to recognize that there are checks and balances on the power of the purse.

Nobody gives a shit about your China virus narrative, American people want freedoms back and no more of the nonsense.

Biden's three month mask mandate is not going to sell over anyone.
NOT ONE rabid Leftist in this thread has critical thinking skills...if they did they wouldn't say so many stupid things so often.

For example, if they could think, they would consider the size of trump rallies vs Biden rallies.....and they would realize that's even with the media fluffing for Biden, they can't make his rallies look impressive. But they lack critical thinking skills obviously.

They cannot think back to 2016 when ALL the polls had Hillary in a landslide.

They reject wholesale that there could be enough Americans to oppose their "insurmountable majority" as the media loves to convince them.

Because they cannot think for themselves, others do it for them and spoon feed them their thoughts and emotions.
These people like Faun and MarkATL are true Zombies.

But because there are significant numbers of them today the threat is real. They are domestic enemies of the Constitution as true as the PLA is abroad.
"For example, if they could think, they would consider the size of trump rallies vs Biden rallies....."

Impeached Trump had more people than Hillary at his rallies in 2016. Yet more people voted for Hillary than for Impeached Trump.

"They cannot think back to 2016 when ALL the polls had Hillary in a landslide."

Polls close to the election were very accurate and none indicated a Hillary landslide.

"They reject wholesale that there could be enough Americans to oppose their "insurmountable majority" as the media loves to convince them. Because they cannot think for themselves, others do it for them and spoon feed them their thoughts and emotions. These people like Faun and MarkATL are true Zombies."

You're delirious, I've said nothing of the sort. In fact, I've said Biden sucks as a candidate and I don't expect him to win.
"...Among likely voters, Biden takes 52% support in the latest Rasmussen survey, compared to 40% for Trump.

Trump's collapse in the Rasmussen poll is significant because the president has often pointed to the survey as an example of how he was performing stronger than other polls give him credit for. Biden is bolstered in the latest survey by an 18-point advantage among independent voters.

The past three Rasmussen polls have found Biden stretch his lead from 1 point to 8 points to 12 points over the course of a period that included the first presidential debate, Trump’s nomination of Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court, and the president falling ill with the coronavirus....

Trump sinks deeper and deeper into his self-made quagmire....

President Trump’s debate performance followed by his coronavirus diagnosis appear to be digging an even deeper hole for him this week. Democrat Joe Biden now has a 12-point lead over the president in Rasmussen Reports’ weekly White House Watch survey.

Couldn't have happened to a more deserving guy.
Congratulations. The man who said poor kids are just as smart as white kids will be your next President.
NOT ONE rabid Leftist in this thread has critical thinking skills...if they did they wouldn't say so many stupid things so often.

For example, if they could think, they would consider the size of trump rallies vs Biden rallies.....and they would realize that's even with the media fluffing for Biden, they can't make his rallies look impressive. But they lack critical thinking skills obviously.

They cannot think back to 2016 when ALL the polls had Hillary in a landslide.

They reject wholesale that there could be enough Americans to oppose their "insurmountable majority" as the media loves to convince them.

Because they cannot think for themselves, others do it for them and spoon feed them their thoughts and emotions.
These people like Faun and MarkATL are true Zombies.

But because there are significant numbers of them today the threat is real. They are domestic enemies of the Constitution as true as the PLA is abroad.
"For example, if they could think, they would consider the size of trump rallies vs Biden rallies....."

Impeached Trump had more people than Hillary at his rallies in 2016. Yet more people voted for Hillary than for Impeached Trump.

"They cannot think back to 2016 when ALL the polls had Hillary in a landslide."

Polls close to the election were very accurate and none indicated a Hillary landslide.

"They reject wholesale that there could be enough Americans to oppose their "insurmountable majority" as the media loves to convince them. Because they cannot think for themselves, others do it for them and spoon feed them their thoughts and emotions. These people like Faun and MarkATL are true Zombies."

You're delirious, I've said nothing of the sort. In fact, I've said Biden sucks as a candidate and I don't expect him to win.
Total votes do not matter. Not sure how many times I have to explain that to you. The fact that you keep bringing that up repeatedly illustrates that you are indeed a waste of life.
NOT ONE rabid Leftist in this thread has critical thinking skills...if they did they wouldn't say so many stupid things so often.

For example, if they could think, they would consider the size of trump rallies vs Biden rallies.....and they would realize that's even with the media fluffing for Biden, they can't make his rallies look impressive. But they lack critical thinking skills obviously.

They cannot think back to 2016 when ALL the polls had Hillary in a landslide.

They reject wholesale that there could be enough Americans to oppose their "insurmountable majority" as the media loves to convince them.

Because they cannot think for themselves, others do it for them and spoon feed them their thoughts and emotions.
These people like Faun and MarkATL are true Zombies.

But because there are significant numbers of them today the threat is real. They are domestic enemies of the Constitution as true as the PLA is abroad.
"For example, if they could think, they would consider the size of trump rallies vs Biden rallies....."

Impeached Trump had more people than Hillary at his rallies in 2016. Yet more people voted for Hillary than for Impeached Trump.

"They cannot think back to 2016 when ALL the polls had Hillary in a landslide."

Polls close to the election were very accurate and none indicated a Hillary landslide.

"They reject wholesale that there could be enough Americans to oppose their "insurmountable majority" as the media loves to convince them. Because they cannot think for themselves, others do it for them and spoon feed them their thoughts and emotions. These people like Faun and MarkATL are true Zombies."

You're delirious, I've said nothing of the sort. In fact, I've said Biden sucks as a candidate and I don't expect him to win.
Total votes do not matter. Not sure how many times I have to explain that to you. The fact that you keep bringing that up repeatedly illustrates that you are indeed a waste of life.
They don't matter in terms of electing the president. I never said otherwise. You remain as stupid as ever, ShortBus.

NOT ONE rabid Leftist in this thread has critical thinking skills...if they did they wouldn't say so many stupid things so often.

For example, if they could think, they would consider the size of trump rallies vs Biden rallies.....and they would realize that's even with the media fluffing for Biden, they can't make his rallies look impressive. But they lack critical thinking skills obviously.

They cannot think back to 2016 when ALL the polls had Hillary in a landslide.

They reject wholesale that there could be enough Americans to oppose their "insurmountable majority" as the media loves to convince them.

Because they cannot think for themselves, others do it for them and spoon feed them their thoughts and emotions.
These people like Faun and MarkATL are true Zombies.

But because there are significant numbers of them today the threat is real. They are domestic enemies of the Constitution as true as the PLA is abroad.
"For example, if they could think, they would consider the size of trump rallies vs Biden rallies....."

Impeached Trump had more people than Hillary at his rallies in 2016. Yet more people voted for Hillary than for Impeached Trump.

"They cannot think back to 2016 when ALL the polls had Hillary in a landslide."

Polls close to the election were very accurate and none indicated a Hillary landslide.

"They reject wholesale that there could be enough Americans to oppose their "insurmountable majority" as the media loves to convince them. Because they cannot think for themselves, others do it for them and spoon feed them their thoughts and emotions. These people like Faun and MarkATL are true Zombies."

You're delirious, I've said nothing of the sort. In fact, I've said Biden sucks as a candidate and I don't expect him to win.
Total votes do not matter. Not sure how many times I have to explain that to you. The fact that you keep bringing that up repeatedly illustrates that you are indeed a waste of life.
They don't matter in terms of electing the president. I never said otherwise. You remain as stupid as ever, ShortBus.

Then why mention it period? Waste of Life? Do tell.
NOT ONE rabid Leftist in this thread has critical thinking skills...if they did they wouldn't say so many stupid things so often.

For example, if they could think, they would consider the size of trump rallies vs Biden rallies.....and they would realize that's even with the media fluffing for Biden, they can't make his rallies look impressive. But they lack critical thinking skills obviously.

They cannot think back to 2016 when ALL the polls had Hillary in a landslide.

They reject wholesale that there could be enough Americans to oppose their "insurmountable majority" as the media loves to convince them.

Because they cannot think for themselves, others do it for them and spoon feed them their thoughts and emotions.
These people like Faun and MarkATL are true Zombies.

But because there are significant numbers of them today the threat is real. They are domestic enemies of the Constitution as true as the PLA is abroad.
"For example, if they could think, they would consider the size of trump rallies vs Biden rallies....."

Impeached Trump had more people than Hillary at his rallies in 2016. Yet more people voted for Hillary than for Impeached Trump.

"They cannot think back to 2016 when ALL the polls had Hillary in a landslide."

Polls close to the election were very accurate and none indicated a Hillary landslide.

"They reject wholesale that there could be enough Americans to oppose their "insurmountable majority" as the media loves to convince them. Because they cannot think for themselves, others do it for them and spoon feed them their thoughts and emotions. These people like Faun and MarkATL are true Zombies."

You're delirious, I've said nothing of the sort. In fact, I've said Biden sucks as a candidate and I don't expect him to win.
Total votes do not matter. Not sure how many times I have to explain that to you. The fact that you keep bringing that up repeatedly illustrates that you are indeed a waste of life.
They don't matter in terms of electing the president. I never said otherwise. You remain as stupid as ever, ShortBus.

Then why mention it period? Waste of Life? Do tell.
Because someone mentioned how many people attend Impeached Trump's rallies. Well that didn't translate to more people voting for him in 2016 against Hillary.

Seriously, ShortBus, exactly how retarded are you that you needed to have that explained to you? :ack-1:
NOT ONE rabid Leftist in this thread has critical thinking skills...if they did they wouldn't say so many stupid things so often.

For example, if they could think, they would consider the size of trump rallies vs Biden rallies.....and they would realize that's even with the media fluffing for Biden, they can't make his rallies look impressive. But they lack critical thinking skills obviously.

They cannot think back to 2016 when ALL the polls had Hillary in a landslide.

They reject wholesale that there could be enough Americans to oppose their "insurmountable majority" as the media loves to convince them.

Because they cannot think for themselves, others do it for them and spoon feed them their thoughts and emotions.
These people like Faun and MarkATL are true Zombies.

But because there are significant numbers of them today the threat is real. They are domestic enemies of the Constitution as true as the PLA is abroad.
"For example, if they could think, they would consider the size of trump rallies vs Biden rallies....."

Impeached Trump had more people than Hillary at his rallies in 2016. Yet more people voted for Hillary than for Impeached Trump.

"They cannot think back to 2016 when ALL the polls had Hillary in a landslide."

Polls close to the election were very accurate and none indicated a Hillary landslide.

"They reject wholesale that there could be enough Americans to oppose their "insurmountable majority" as the media loves to convince them. Because they cannot think for themselves, others do it for them and spoon feed them their thoughts and emotions. These people like Faun and MarkATL are true Zombies."

You're delirious, I've said nothing of the sort. In fact, I've said Biden sucks as a candidate and I don't expect him to win.
Total votes do not matter. Not sure how many times I have to explain that to you. The fact that you keep bringing that up repeatedly illustrates that you are indeed a waste of life.
They don't matter in terms of electing the president. I never said otherwise. You remain as stupid as ever, ShortBus.

Then why mention it period? Waste of Life? Do tell.
Because someone mentioned how many people attend Impeached Trump's rallies. Well that didn't translate to more people voting for him in 2016 against Hillary.

Seriously, ShortBus, exactly how retarded are you that you needed to have that explained to you? :ack-1:
That is because he had many in swing states so it did. If the election were a popular vote then candidates would compete differently. Duh,.

You knew that and decided to troll anyway. That makes your waste of life nickname once again, appropriate.
Donald continues his death spiral even after the COVID diagnosis.
He's alienated women and the elderly even more.
Guess the pity party and "suburban housewife" fear mongering didn't work.

if the Suburban Women and the Elderly vote for Biden, they get what they deserve. There will be no crying and no sympathy.
NOT ONE rabid Leftist in this thread has critical thinking skills...if they did they wouldn't say so many stupid things so often.

For example, if they could think, they would consider the size of trump rallies vs Biden rallies.....and they would realize that's even with the media fluffing for Biden, they can't make his rallies look impressive. But they lack critical thinking skills obviously.

They cannot think back to 2016 when ALL the polls had Hillary in a landslide.

They reject wholesale that there could be enough Americans to oppose their "insurmountable majority" as the media loves to convince them.

Because they cannot think for themselves, others do it for them and spoon feed them their thoughts and emotions.
These people like Faun and MarkATL are true Zombies.

But because there are significant numbers of them today the threat is real. They are domestic enemies of the Constitution as true as the PLA is abroad.
"For example, if they could think, they would consider the size of trump rallies vs Biden rallies....."

Impeached Trump had more people than Hillary at his rallies in 2016. Yet more people voted for Hillary than for Impeached Trump.

"They cannot think back to 2016 when ALL the polls had Hillary in a landslide."

Polls close to the election were very accurate and none indicated a Hillary landslide.

"They reject wholesale that there could be enough Americans to oppose their "insurmountable majority" as the media loves to convince them. Because they cannot think for themselves, others do it for them and spoon feed them their thoughts and emotions. These people like Faun and MarkATL are true Zombies."

You're delirious, I've said nothing of the sort. In fact, I've said Biden sucks as a candidate and I don't expect him to win.
Total votes do not matter. Not sure how many times I have to explain that to you. The fact that you keep bringing that up repeatedly illustrates that you are indeed a waste of life.
They don't matter in terms of electing the president. I never said otherwise. You remain as stupid as ever, ShortBus.

Then why mention it period? Waste of Life? Do tell.
Because someone mentioned how many people attend Impeached Trump's rallies. Well that didn't translate to more people voting for him in 2016 against Hillary.

Seriously, ShortBus, exactly how retarded are you that you needed to have that explained to you? :ack-1:
That is because he had many in swing states so it did. If the election were a popular vote then candidates would compete differently. Duh,.

You knew that and decided to troll anyway. That makes your waste of life nickname once again, appropriate.
Aww, you poor thing. Despite your best effort, I still never said the popular vote elects presidents.

Nice to see I still get under your skin though. :mm:
NOT ONE rabid Leftist in this thread has critical thinking skills...if they did they wouldn't say so many stupid things so often.

For example, if they could think, they would consider the size of trump rallies vs Biden rallies.....and they would realize that's even with the media fluffing for Biden, they can't make his rallies look impressive. But they lack critical thinking skills obviously.

They cannot think back to 2016 when ALL the polls had Hillary in a landslide.

They reject wholesale that there could be enough Americans to oppose their "insurmountable majority" as the media loves to convince them.

Because they cannot think for themselves, others do it for them and spoon feed them their thoughts and emotions.
These people like Faun and MarkATL are true Zombies.

But because there are significant numbers of them today the threat is real. They are domestic enemies of the Constitution as true as the PLA is abroad.
"For example, if they could think, they would consider the size of trump rallies vs Biden rallies....."

Impeached Trump had more people than Hillary at his rallies in 2016. Yet more people voted for Hillary than for Impeached Trump.

"They cannot think back to 2016 when ALL the polls had Hillary in a landslide."

Polls close to the election were very accurate and none indicated a Hillary landslide.

"They reject wholesale that there could be enough Americans to oppose their "insurmountable majority" as the media loves to convince them. Because they cannot think for themselves, others do it for them and spoon feed them their thoughts and emotions. These people like Faun and MarkATL are true Zombies."

You're delirious, I've said nothing of the sort. In fact, I've said Biden sucks as a candidate and I don't expect him to win.
Total votes do not matter. Not sure how many times I have to explain that to you. The fact that you keep bringing that up repeatedly illustrates that you are indeed a waste of life.
They don't matter in terms of electing the president. I never said otherwise. You remain as stupid as ever, ShortBus.

Then why mention it period? Waste of Life? Do tell.
Because someone mentioned how many people attend Impeached Trump's rallies. Well that didn't translate to more people voting for him in 2016 against Hillary.

Seriously, ShortBus, exactly how retarded are you that you needed to have that explained to you? :ack-1:
That is because he had many in swing states so it did. If the election were a popular vote then candidates would compete differently. Duh,.

You knew that and decided to troll anyway. That makes your waste of life nickname once again, appropriate.
Aww, you poor thing. Despite your best effort, I still never said the popular vote elects presidents.

Nice to see I still get under your skin though. :mm:
But you keep mentioning this. Imagine if I kept mentioning that the Miami Heat put up more shots than the Lakers repeatedly. Why would someone do that other than to prove some useless point? So again, I ask. Why do you repeatedly mention the popular vote when it is absolutely irrelevant?

Is it because you're a waste of life?
Trump sinks deeper and deeper into his self-made quagmire....

President Trump’s debate performance followed by his coronavirus diagnosis appear to be digging an even deeper hole for him this week. Democrat Joe Biden now has a 12-point lead over the president in Rasmussen Reports’ weekly White House Watch survey.

Couldn't have happened to a more deserving guy.
Biden ain’t winning

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