Rat Lies


Sep 23, 2010
Chief Justice Roberts got a pass on the greater evil because he did not rule on the website rollout procedure. To date, Michele Bachmann is the only member of Congress that I’ve heard hint at Roberts’ villainy:

. . . the entire Department of Health and Human Services should go into the exchange,” the former Republican presidential candidate said.

“Every Cabinet member should go into the exchange. The president, the vice president of the United States should go into the exchange. If we have to be subject to this disaster, they should have to be subject to this disaster, as well as every member of the Supreme Court, in particular John Roberts, who wrote the opinion. They should have to go into this exchange,” she said.

Roberts, an appointee of former President George W. Bush, angered many conservatives when he authored a 5-4 court decision in 2012 that upheld a central piece of the Affordable Care Act, the individual insurance mandate, as a tax.

Bachmann: Put chief justice on O-Care
By Russell Berman - 10/30/13 03:41 PM EDT


It isn’t likely the people Michele Bachmann called out will give up their government healthcare.

I hate to agree with Bob Woodward, but rat’s nest is an apt description:

Bob Woodward: ‘Rat’s Nest of Concealment and Lies’ Behind Obamacare Website Disaster, Admin. Scandals
Oct. 27, 2013 9:34pm Dave Urbanski

Bob Woodward: ?Rat?s Nest of Concealment and Lies? Behind Obamacare Website Disaster, Admin. Scandals | Video | TheBlaze.com

I smelled a big fat sewer rat from Chicago before Woodward defined them. It’s not that King Rat and his army of congressional rats got caught lying about keeping your doctor and your healthcare plan. They continue to lie.


Sad to say rat lies about keeping your doctor is obscured by so much focus on the lies about keeping your healthcare plan. To me, exposing both lies is of equal importance.

It’s not even about the website rollout debacle. The lies rats in Congress are telling now is that once the website’s problems are fixed the ACA will be a good thing. Listen to all of the talk and you won’t hear a serious strategy being offered by congressional Republicans for repealing HillaryCare II. Repeal is barely mentioned in passing.

Take this to the bank. After the website is working any mention of repeal will be pooh-poohed away by Democrats. I can just hear them saying: “Republicans couldn’t defund the ACA; they can’t stop implementation now that people are signing up; so they are desperately engaging in a last ditch attempt to repeal a program the American people want.” It goes without saying that the MSM will go along with the lying rats just as they did when they blamed the government shutdown on Ted Cruz rather than on Taqiyya the Liar where it belonged.

Remember that talking heads told the public Ted Cruz did more harm than good. Today, those same talking heads are gloating they were right. They claim the website rollout fiasco along with millions of canceled healthcare insurance policies is proof of their infallibility. In truth, media lies are bigger than the lies the sewer rats are telling. After the dust settles individuals will be forced to buy more expensive policies which is what Wall Street wants; the parasites will get free healthcare which is what the rodents want, and millions of new parasites will get tax dollar jobs in the healthcare industry which is what the top three rats want:


Obama, Pelosi, and Reid​

No matter how it plays out repealing Hillarycare II is fast fading from sight. That brings me back to the SCOTUS. John Roberts forever destroyed the myth of a court that is above politics.

At least three of the five justices that voted to uphold the ACA are liars every bit as political as any politician. Elena Kagan is a known liar put on the court specifically to vote for the ACA. Roberts and Breyer lie about their judicial philosophy then find ways to justify their lies. Ginsburg joins the liars as a political activist who has no use for the US Constitution. Sotomayor is a racist who will always vote for minorities irrespective of what the Constitution says. Should an amnesty for illegals case ever get to the courts there is little doubt as to how she will vote.

Even if conservatives take the Senate in the midterms, the greatest danger hanging over the country is that either Scalia, or Thomas, or Alito, or Kennedy will retire before January of 2017. And I’m not too sure about Kennedy coming down on the side of the Constitution in every instance. One more justice like the five who voted for the constitutionality of the ACA will pretty much set the High Court’s political agenda for years, and possibly decades.

Finally, the biggest lie of all. You can insert any number of leading Democrats, or any one of five Supreme Court justices, in the following cartoon:

Bravo Obamacare, technical issues, been there done that, soon your customers are happy customers, and the ACA does a good thing, how many good things can one think of that come from our representatives and the scotus. Bravo to all who created a good thing.

More praise.

"Speaking to a crowd of Kentucky voters at a fundraising breakfast, Beshear took the opportunity to praise the Affordable Care Act (also known as Obamacare) to the overwhelming support of the audience and take subtle jabs at those who were opposing Obamacare, which include Senators Mitch McConnell and Rand Paul who were also attending." KY Gov Praise of Obamacare Leaves McConnell, Rand Dumbfounded | Crooks and Liars

'Black Pastors Give Praise to Obamacare' "Faith leaders join forces to increase health care coverage enrollment among African-Americans." Black Pastors Give Praise to Obamacare | News | BET

"Rep. Mike Doyle, D-Pa.: “One of my 4 kids is self-employed. He’s 33 years old. He’s paying about $140 a month right now for a Blue Cross plan. He’s eligible for a subsidy. We browsed that site. He’s going to be able to get coverage for about half what he’s paying right now and that’s good news for us, because I think my wife is paying his premiums. So I think we’re going to save the money. But I think it’s important — we had to prod him to go on that site and enroll — and I think for a lot of young people, they’re not going to do it unless it’s easy, so it’s important we get that fixed." VIDEO: Congressman embarrasses son to praise Obamacare | The Daily Caller

"The American Academy of Pediatrics on Thursday praised the U.S. Supreme Court for upholding the Affordable Care Act.

“Today, the Supreme Court upheld a law that invests in children’s health from the ground up,” AAP President Robert W. Block said in a statement emailed to journalists. “The Academy endorsed the Affordable Care Act because it addresses the same ‘A-B-C’ goals that are entrenched in our mission and in our 82 years of child health advocacy: providing all children in this country with Access to health care services, age-appropriate Benefits to meet their unique needs, and high-quality, affordable health care Coverage."" Pediatricians praise Obamacare decision - National Policy & Issues | Examiner.com
Even if conservatives take the Senate in the midterms, the greatest danger hanging over the country is that either Scalia, or Thomas, or Alito, or Kennedy will retire before January of 2017. And I’m not too sure about Kennedy coming down on the side of the Constitution in every instance. One more justice like the five who voted for the constitutionality of the ACA will pretty much set the High Court’s political agenda for years, and possibly decades.

Democrats confirming nominees to the High Court is equivalent to giving the United Nations the deciding vote. Republicans in charge is only slightly better. At best, who the Senate confirms is a crap shoot. The Senate controlled by Republicans slightly lowers the odds against getting a bad one. When Democrats are in control the odds increase dramatically in favor of confirming more anti-Constitution, UN-loving, justices. When Democrats are in control the odds are prohibitive when it comes to blocking potentially great nominees like Robert Bork.

A new danger makes it imperative that Democrats never again control confirmations. I don’t remember the number of liberals who smugly stated that no treaty can override the Constitution. The following says otherwise. Whether or not they win this one they will keep trying until they succeed:

Justice Department attorneys are advancing an argument at the Supreme Court that could allow the government to invoke international treaties as a legal basis for policies such as gun control that conflict with the U.S. Constitution, according to Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas.

DOJ: International treaty can trump Constitution
Could let feds abolish death penalty, inact gun control, ban state abortion laws
Published: 1 day ago
By JOEL GEHRKE | OCTOBER 30, 2013 AT 3:50 PM

DOJ: International treaty can trump Constitution
A new danger makes it imperative that Democrats never again control confirmations. I don’t remember the number of liberals who smugly stated that no treaty can override the Constitution. The following says otherwise. Whether or not they win this one they will keep trying until they succeed:

Justice Department attorneys are advancing an argument at the Supreme Court that could allow the government to invoke international treaties as a legal basis for policies such as gun control that conflict with the U.S. Constitution, according to Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas.

DOJ: International treaty can trump Constitution
Could let feds abolish death penalty, inact gun control, ban state abortion laws
Published: 1 day ago
By JOEL GEHRKE | OCTOBER 30, 2013 AT 3:50 PM

DOJ: International treaty can trump Constitution

The opening sentence from a great commentary should be enough to encourage everyone to read the full article. You’ll be stunned at how far the federal government went in order to implement the Chemical Weapons Treaty:

Can the President and Senate invest the federal government with new powers not enumerated in the U.S. Constitution simply by signing and ratifying a treaty?

November 5, 2013
Treaties Don't Trump the Constitution
By Congressman Steve Stockman

Articles: Treaties Don't Trump the Constitution

Note that signing and ratifying are two different things.

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