Rational Americans vs Democrats (Tax Cut Edition)

When I think about the tax cuts I think about how much it will help my children who are just starting out on their path in life. The child tax credit doubling will help my daughter tremendously. She may have options for paying off some of her student loans or using the extra money to take even more classes.
The 20 to 40 bucks she saves on her taxes each week will fill her gas tank relieving her of that burden or help her reduce her child care costs.

When the left thinks about tax cuts they think about everyone but their family & Friends. They would leave their own out on the street if it ment knocking the rich man down a peg or two.

This is the image YOU give with your constant bitching about the tax cuts.


1.5 trillion dollars in debt to give rich people THOUSANDS of dollars in cuts.

That is what we don't like.

Your kids have temporary cuts that will be wiped out by increased health care costs.
the hc costs went through the roof, obama, illegally, used tax money and paid off the hc companies to keep the costs low.

we told you they would go up and we were right.

now they have to compete again, so they will not rocket.

You are incorrect.
The "National Debt" is suddenly very important to LWNJ's!!!

When Saint Obama charged 8 years of economic stagnation on the "National Credit card" and made the minimum payments......not a peep! While he gave away billions in corporate welfare to crony companies like Solyndra....not a peep!! As he increased the debt by $9 trillion in 8 short years....not a peep!

BUT now, after Trump passes a tax cut that puts more money in the pockets of real Americans, NOW the leftist shitbirds want to have a discussion about "the national debt"......:rofl:

Yep, that is right. And oddly enough for the last 8 years the national debt was all that matters to the partisan hacks like you, and now they don't mean a thing.

You are no better or different than your LWNJ counterpart.
When I think about the tax cuts I think about how much it will help my children who are just starting out on their path in life. The child tax credit doubling will help my daughter tremendously. She may have options for paying off some of her student loans or using the extra money to take even more classes.
The 20 to 40 bucks she saves on her taxes each week will fill her gas tank relieving her of that burden or help her reduce her child care costs.

When the left thinks about tax cuts they think about everyone but their family & Friends. They would leave their own out on the street if it ment knocking the rich man down a peg or two.

This is the image YOU give with your constant bitching about the tax cuts.

lol, why should I have to pay to raise your kids?
You don't. They are already young adults and now getting back some of their own money.

BUT according to Hillary, whom you all championed, IT TAKES A VILLAGE. So do your part and like it!

Let the people with kids do their part too. The Child Tax Credit is one of the main reasons that so many working households pay NO federal income tax. The Trump tax cuts will increase the number of those households.

I remember when conservatives loved to rant against the non-taxpayers.
Conservatives bitch about the leeches who contribute nothing while cashing welfare checks & eating steak off of food stamps.

Those are not the working poor or lower middle class.
When I think about the tax cuts I think about how much it will help my children who are just starting out on their path in life. The child tax credit doubling will help my daughter tremendously. She may have options for paying off some of her student loans or using the extra money to take even more classes.
The 20 to 40 bucks she saves on her taxes each week will fill her gas tank relieving her of that burden or help her reduce her child care costs.

When the left thinks about tax cuts they think about everyone but their family & Friends. They would leave their own out on the street if it ment knocking the rich man down a peg or two.

This is the image YOU give with your constant bitching about the tax cuts.

Do you not give a shit about adding a minimum of 1.5 trillion to the debt that she or her kids will have to deal with?

It’s not adding $1.5 Trillion. The FY18 budget is $4 trillion with $3.6 trillion estimated tax revenue. There is a deficit of $440 billion. Not even close to “$1.5 trillion” being parroted by mindless liberals.

I’m all for cutting spending on the Department of Education and the EPA to help bring that down. Are you?

I am for getting rid of the Dept of Ed totally. I am also for cutting spending on every single part of the government to include the military...are you?

No, the military needs to be revamped and built up after eight years of Hussein decimation.
What's rational about knowingly adding over a trillion to deficits for years to come for the sake of a tax cut that isn't needed?
When did the deficit ever bother Democrats? Try again.

You tell us, genius.

No, you said it and you know it is bullshit.

I suggest you search PAYGO under my username and find out where I stand on deficit spending.

I do not care where you stand on it. Saying the Dems, who you support ,give a shit about it is a lie.
When I think about the tax cuts I think about how much it will help my children who are just starting out on their path in life. The child tax credit doubling will help my daughter tremendously. She may have options for paying off some of her student loans or using the extra money to take even more classes.
The 20 to 40 bucks she saves on her taxes each week will fill her gas tank relieving her of that burden or help her reduce her child care costs.

When the left thinks about tax cuts they think about everyone but their family & Friends. They would leave their own out on the street if it ment knocking the rich man down a peg or two.

This is the image YOU give with your constant bitching about the tax cuts.

Do you not give a shit about adding a minimum of 1.5 trillion to the debt that she or her kids will have to deal with?

It’s not adding $1.5 Trillion. The FY18 budget is $4 trillion with $3.6 trillion estimated tax revenue. There is a deficit of $440 billion. Not even close to “$1.5 trillion” being parroted by mindless liberals.

I’m all for cutting spending on the Department of Education and the EPA to help bring that down. Are you?

I am for getting rid of the Dept of Ed totally. I am also for cutting spending on every single part of the government to include the military...are you?
Ten percent across the board. How about it?

However, it won't be enough, hardly even a good start.

Let's also throw in baseline budgeting. Axe it completely and make every department justify their budget each year.
When I think about the tax cuts I think about how much it will help my children who are just starting out on their path in life. The child tax credit doubling will help my daughter tremendously. She may have options for paying off some of her student loans or using the extra money to take even more classes.
The 20 to 40 bucks she saves on her taxes each week will fill her gas tank relieving her of that burden or help her reduce her child care costs.

When the left thinks about tax cuts they think about everyone but their family & Friends. They would leave their own out on the street if it ment knocking the rich man down a peg or two.

This is the image YOU give with your constant bitching about the tax cuts.


1.5 trillion dollars in debt to give rich people THOUSANDS of dollars in cuts.

That is what we don't like.

Your kids have temporary cuts that will be wiped out by increased health care costs.
the hc costs went through the roof, obama, illegally, used tax money and paid off the hc companies to keep the costs low.

we told you they would go up and we were right.

now they have to compete again, so they will not rocket.

You are incorrect.
that's what you claimed last time, and I was right, everyone on the right was right.
When I think about the tax cuts I think about how much it will help my children who are just starting out on their path in life. The child tax credit doubling will help my daughter tremendously. She may have options for paying off some of her student loans or using the extra money to take even more classes.
The 20 to 40 bucks she saves on her taxes each week will fill her gas tank relieving her of that burden or help her reduce her child care costs.

When the left thinks about tax cuts they think about everyone but their family & Friends. They would leave their own out on the street if it ment knocking the rich man down a peg or two.

This is the image YOU give with your constant bitching about the tax cuts.
Some of the richest in Congress are Democrats.
It's just a line of BS they've been using for 40 years.
It seems to work on the peasants.

Top 20 richest in Congress, seems a pretty even split. Though the top three sort of blow the rest out of the water and are all Repubs


I’m all for cutting spending on the Department of Education and the EPA to help bring that down. Are you?

See? Lower your taxes and pay for that by cutting program you don't like?

How about we freeze the defense budget for 10 years to pay for the revenue lost in your tax cuts?

Yes, please run on that idea. Libs, always want to cut defense first.

lol, as opposed to the GOP running on cutting Medicare and Social Security?

Has anyone here proposed that? Strawman.

Yes. Repeatedly. Conservatives rant about the 'unsustainability' of Medicare, SS, and Medicaid, btw, all the time.
When I think about the tax cuts I think about how much it will help my children who are just starting out on their path in life. The child tax credit doubling will help my daughter tremendously. She may have options for paying off some of her student loans or using the extra money to take even more classes.
The 20 to 40 bucks she saves on her taxes each week will fill her gas tank relieving her of that burden or help her reduce her child care costs.

When the left thinks about tax cuts they think about everyone but their family & Friends. They would leave their own out on the street if it ment knocking the rich man down a peg or two.

This is the image YOU give with your constant bitching about the tax cuts.

Do you not give a shit about adding a minimum of 1.5 trillion to the debt that she or her kids will have to deal with?

It’s not adding $1.5 Trillion. The FY18 budget is $4 trillion with $3.6 trillion estimated tax revenue. There is a deficit of $440 billion. Not even close to “$1.5 trillion” being parroted by mindless liberals.

I’m all for cutting spending on the Department of Education and the EPA to help bring that down. Are you?

I am for getting rid of the Dept of Ed totally. I am also for cutting spending on every single part of the government to include the military...are you?

No, the military needs to be revamped and built up after eight years of Hussein decimation.

Our military is not underfunded, it is mismanaged and misused.
When I think about the tax cuts I think about how much it will help my children who are just starting out on their path in life. The child tax credit doubling will help my daughter tremendously. She may have options for paying off some of her student loans or using the extra money to take even more classes.
The 20 to 40 bucks she saves on her taxes each week will fill her gas tank relieving her of that burden or help her reduce her child care costs.

When the left thinks about tax cuts they think about everyone but their family & Friends. They would leave their own out on the street if it ment knocking the rich man down a peg or two.

This is the image YOU give with your constant bitching about the tax cuts.


1.5 trillion dollars in debt to give rich people THOUSANDS of dollars in cuts.

That is what we don't like.

Your kids have temporary cuts that will be wiped out by increased health care costs.
the hc costs went through the roof, obama, illegally, used tax money and paid off the hc companies to keep the costs low.

we told you they would go up and we were right.

now they have to compete again, so they will not rocket.

You are incorrect.
that's what you claimed last time, and I was right, everyone on the right was right.

Nope. The rate of increase for 95% of Amwricans with insurance was lower than before the ACA. Therefore, it grew in popularity.

Next lie.
The "National Debt" is suddenly very important to LWNJ's!!!

When Saint Obama charged 8 years of economic stagnation on the "National Credit card" and made the minimum payments......not a peep! While he gave away billions in corporate welfare to crony companies like Solyndra....not a peep!! As he increased the debt by $9 trillion in 8 short years....not a peep!

BUT now, after Trump passes a tax cut that puts more money in the pockets of real Americans, NOW the leftist shitbirds want to have a discussion about "the national debt"......:rofl:
Funny....the tax cuts would be paid for right now if Obama were to give back all of the billions he sent to our enemies the last few months he was in office.
When I think about the tax cuts I think about how much it will help my children who are just starting out on their path in life. The child tax credit doubling will help my daughter tremendously. She may have options for paying off some of her student loans or using the extra money to take even more classes.
The 20 to 40 bucks she saves on her taxes each week will fill her gas tank relieving her of that burden or help her reduce her child care costs.

When the left thinks about tax cuts they think about everyone but their family & Friends. They would leave their own out on the street if it ment knocking the rich man down a peg or two.

This is the image YOU give with your constant bitching about the tax cuts.

Do you not give a shit about adding a minimum of 1.5 trillion to the debt that she or her kids will have to deal with?

It’s not adding $1.5 Trillion. The FY18 budget is $4 trillion with $3.6 trillion estimated tax revenue. There is a deficit of $440 billion. Not even close to “$1.5 trillion” being parroted by mindless liberals.

I’m all for cutting spending on the Department of Education and the EPA to help bring that down. Are you?

I am for getting rid of the Dept of Ed totally. I am also for cutting spending on every single part of the government to include the military...are you?
Ten percent across the board. How about it?

However, it won't be enough, hardly even a good start.

Let's also throw in baseline budgeting. Axe it completely and make every department justify their budget each year.
a general 10% is ignorant

some can't absorb that much and other could be cut by FAR more, many could be closed.
When I think about the tax cuts I think about how much it will help my children who are just starting out on their path in life. The child tax credit doubling will help my daughter tremendously. She may have options for paying off some of her student loans or using the extra money to take even more classes.
The 20 to 40 bucks she saves on her taxes each week will fill her gas tank relieving her of that burden or help her reduce her child care costs.

When the left thinks about tax cuts they think about everyone but their family & Friends. They would leave their own out on the street if it ment knocking the rich man down a peg or two.

This is the image YOU give with your constant bitching about the tax cuts.

Do you not give a shit about adding a minimum of 1.5 trillion to the debt that she or her kids will have to deal with?

It’s not adding $1.5 Trillion. The FY18 budget is $4 trillion with $3.6 trillion estimated tax revenue. There is a deficit of $440 billion. Not even close to “$1.5 trillion” being parroted by mindless liberals.

I’m all for cutting spending on the Department of Education and the EPA to help bring that down. Are you?

I am for getting rid of the Dept of Ed totally. I am also for cutting spending on every single part of the government to include the military...are you?

No, the military needs to be revamped and built up after eight years of Hussein decimation.

Our military is not underfunded, it is mismanaged and misused.
There is a case to be made for modernizing our military but a lot of that could be paid for if we stopped policing the world. Our military needs work.
When I think about the tax cuts I think about how much it will help my children who are just starting out on their path in life. The child tax credit doubling will help my daughter tremendously. She may have options for paying off some of her student loans or using the extra money to take even more classes.
The 20 to 40 bucks she saves on her taxes each week will fill her gas tank relieving her of that burden or help her reduce her child care costs.

When the left thinks about tax cuts they think about everyone but their family & Friends. They would leave their own out on the street if it ment knocking the rich man down a peg or two.

This is the image YOU give with your constant bitching about the tax cuts.


1.5 trillion dollars in debt to give rich people THOUSANDS of dollars in cuts.

That is what we don't like.

Your kids have temporary cuts that will be wiped out by increased health care costs.
the hc costs went through the roof, obama, illegally, used tax money and paid off the hc companies to keep the costs low.

we told you they would go up and we were right.

now they have to compete again, so they will not rocket.

You are incorrect.
that's what you claimed last time, and I was right, everyone on the right was right.

Nope. The rate of increase for 95% of Amwricans with insurance was lower than before the ACA. Therefore, it grew in popularity.

Next lie.
like I said, obama used tax money to unconstitutionally keep it low.

you know this, and keep lying.

party before country
When I think about the tax cuts I think about how much it will help my children who are just starting out on their path in life. The child tax credit doubling will help my daughter tremendously. She may have options for paying off some of her student loans or using the extra money to take even more classes.
The 20 to 40 bucks she saves on her taxes each week will fill her gas tank relieving her of that burden or help her reduce her child care costs.

When the left thinks about tax cuts they think about everyone but their family & Friends. They would leave their own out on the street if it ment knocking the rich man down a peg or two.

This is the image YOU give with your constant bitching about the tax cuts.

Do you not give a shit about adding a minimum of 1.5 trillion to the debt that she or her kids will have to deal with?

It’s not adding $1.5 Trillion. The FY18 budget is $4 trillion with $3.6 trillion estimated tax revenue. There is a deficit of $440 billion. Not even close to “$1.5 trillion” being parroted by mindless liberals.

I’m all for cutting spending on the Department of Education and the EPA to help bring that down. Are you?

I am for getting rid of the Dept of Ed totally. I am also for cutting spending on every single part of the government to include the military...are you?
Ten percent across the board. How about it?

However, it won't be enough, hardly even a good start.

Let's also throw in baseline budgeting. Axe it completely and make every department justify their budget each year.
a general 10% is ignorant

some can't absorb that much and other could be cut by FAR more, many could be closed.

Very true. Across the board cuts without thought are counterproductive
What's rational about knowingly adding over a trillion to deficits for years to come for the sake of a tax cut that isn't needed?
When did the deficit ever bother Democrats? Try again.

You tell us, genius.

No, you said it and you know it is bullshit.

I suggest you search PAYGO under my username and find out where I stand on deficit spending.

I do not care where you stand on it. Saying the Dems, who you support ,give a shit about it is a lie.

So you simply want to assign me opinions instead of dealing with those I actually hold.
When I think about the tax cuts I think about how much it will help my children who are just starting out on their path in life. The child tax credit doubling will help my daughter tremendously. She may have options for paying off some of her student loans or using the extra money to take even more classes.
The 20 to 40 bucks she saves on her taxes each week will fill her gas tank relieving her of that burden or help her reduce her child care costs.

When the left thinks about tax cuts they think about everyone but their family & Friends. They would leave their own out on the street if it ment knocking the rich man down a peg or two.

This is the image YOU give with your constant bitching about the tax cuts.
Some of the richest in Congress are Democrats.
It's just a line of BS they've been using for 40 years.
It seems to work on the peasants.

Top 20 richest in Congress, seems a pretty even split. Though the top three sort of blow the rest out of the water and are all Repubs

View attachment 167625
How many of them got rich while in Congress, not before they were elected?
Bet you don't have a statistic for that.

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