
Diamond Member
Jul 26, 2016
DuPage County
No, not messageboard rats.

A family of what appears to be Norway or Tree Rats (really long tails) has taken up residence under one of our Juniper bushes. There's little ones, so they're breeding. They need to go.
I want to kill them without collateral damage to the other critters. Thinking of the smoke bomb nerve gas, but I need to locate the burrow.

No, not messageboard rats.

A family of what appears to be Norway or Tree Rats (really long tails) has taken up residence under one of our Juniper bushes. There's little ones, so they're breeding. They need to go.
I want to kill them without collateral damage to the other critters. Thinking of the smoke bomb nerve gas, but I need to locate the burrow.

Secret if NINH coming back to HBO-Max? If not, call an exterminator and put out some rat bate. The ecology of your yard will recover.
No, not messageboard rats.

A family of what appears to be Norway or Tree Rats (really long tails) has taken up residence under one of our Juniper bushes. There's little ones, so they're breeding. They need to go.
I want to kill them without collateral damage to the other critters. Thinking of the smoke bomb nerve gas, but I need to locate the burrow.


One or two hungry feral cats in the area ought to do it.
Find the burrow. Flood it with a hose and when they start coming out shoot them with a 22 semi automatic....

HAHA! That reminds me...

Years ago, when the kidlins were all still at home, I threatened James' life if he didn't get rid of those garden/lawn destroying moles.

We didn't own a gun at the time.

Yeah... oh oh.

It was our bright idea to have James be the chief of drowning. As the poor lil beast came out of the hole, it was my and the brats job to do something about it, lol!

What a cluster fuck.

I had a shovel to bean it in the head. Somebody had the fishing net. One son had a ball bat. It was like that. Our youngest refused to arm herself but said she'd yell mean names at it.

I'm still not sure why what happened next happened but no one did jack. Some kind of herd panic I guess That thing burbled up out of that hole a coughin and afartin and we collectively leapt into the air, did a pivot while still in the air and took off like we'd been tasered in the ass, and our shrieks were heard 47 miles away.

James asked us what the hell was wrong with us, lol!

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