Raving Englishman tells why Hillary Lost. Most of its true, too..

It's very funny. Everyone on the left is looking for some one else to blame for losing the election, but none of them get it: Trump defeated Clinton, the media, the Democratic and Republican establishments because he addressed the concerns of the people with clear proposals and no one else on the left or right did.
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He also destroyed the twin dynasties of Bush and Clinton -- that was mentioned as well on Meet The Press and on Face The Nation.

A dynamic billionaire.
Trump defeated Clinton, the media, the Democratic and Republican establishments because he address the concerns of the people with clear proposals
Which he contradicted at will and from which he is now running as fast as he can. Everyone can agree that's a winning strategy.
Trump defeated Clinton, the media, the Democratic and Republican establishments because he address the concerns of the people with clear proposals
Which he contradicted at will and from which he is now running as fast as he can. Everyone can agree that's a winning strategy.
Actually, he is not retreating from any of the pledges he made. His critics just make these things up to avoid acknowledging they had nothing to offer to voters.
Hillary lost because she is not liked. She was offensive in every way, nobody could stand listening to her or watching her. She never articulated what she would do as president, all she did throughout the whole campaign was attack Trump personally with smears and false allegations and say stupid shit like "I'll fight for you", and everyone knew she wouldn't. Everyone knew she's a criminal and sold out her country. Terrible candidate, probably the worst ever.
Trump defeated Clinton, the media, the Democratic and Republican establishments because he address the concerns of the people with clear proposals
Which he contradicted at will and from which he is now running as fast as he can. Everyone can agree that's a winning strategy.
Blah, blah... blah, blah, blah... blah... typical dumbass liberal.

It's very funny. Everyone on the left is looking for some one else to blame for losing the election, but none of them get it: Trump defeated Clinton, the media, the Democratic and Republican establishments because he addressed the concerns of the people with clear proposals and no one else on the left or right did.

I agree. He got the message out and the working people liked it and voted for him.

Hillary lost this election all on her own. Her handling of Benghazi and her emails were all her doing and no one elses.

If you want to blame someone then blame that stupid, careless and incompetent idiot.

She cooker her own goose.
Hillary lost because she is not liked. She was offensive in every way, nobody could stand listening to her or watching her. She never articulated what she would do as president, all she did throughout the whole campaign was attack Trump personally with smears and false allegations and say stupid shit like "I'll fight for you", and everyone knew she wouldn't. Everyone knew she's a criminal and sold out her country. Terrible candidate, probably the worst ever.

OMG...you're a fucking idiot. While I agree with quite a bit of what is said in the video, you still don't get it. She absolutely articulated what she would do as president. Trump did not. All he offered were sound bites with no solutions. Now he is in the winning seat he might actually offer something. I'm beginning to believe you're a left wing satirist going by your posts "attack Trump personally with smears and false allegations"? You mean like "LOCK HER UP"? False allegation like "grab her by the pussy"? Your are a fucking moron of the first degree... The worst candidate ever at any level was Palin. Then Trump. Then Dumbya. Then Quayle. Easily verifiable by their lack of IQ...
I agree. He got the message out and the working people liked it and voted for him.

Hillary lost this election all on her own. Her handling of Benghazi and her emails were all her doing and no one elses.

If you want to blame someone then blame that stupid, careless and incompetent idiot.

She cooker her own goose.

Listen to the video. It was the left's talking down to the right. And that is true. That is the main issue. The left wouldn't talk straight to the right. Trump did.

That aside, if you want to yell Benghazi and claim the left own it (four dead). I'll yell at the top of my voice Iraq (4000+ dead) an the right can own that. I know which side of the ledger I'd rather fall on...
I agree. He got the message out and the working people liked it and voted for him.

Hillary lost this election all on her own. Her handling of Benghazi and her emails were all her doing and no one elses.

If you want to blame someone then blame that stupid, careless and incompetent idiot.

She cooker her own goose.

Listen to the video. It was the left's talking down to the right. And that is true. That is the main issue. The left wouldn't talk straight to the right. Trump did.

That aside, if you want to yell Benghazi and claim the left own it (four dead). I'll yell at the top of my voice Iraq (4000+ dead). I know which side of the ledger I'd rather fall on...

How bout Congress who approved those wars??

How bout Hillary and her incompetent State Department that did nothing, a nothing that allowed Benghazi to happen.
Hillary lost because she is not liked. She was offensive in every way, nobody could stand listening to her or watching her. She never articulated what she would do as president, all she did throughout the whole campaign was attack Trump personally with smears and false allegations and say stupid shit like "I'll fight for you", and everyone knew she wouldn't. Everyone knew she's a criminal and sold out her country. Terrible candidate, probably the worst ever.

OMG...you're a fucking idiot. While I agree with quite a bit of what is said in the video, you still don't get it. She absolutely articulated what she would do as president. Trump did not. All he offered were sound bites with no solutions. Now he is in the winning seat he might actually offer something. I'm beginning to believe you're a left wing satirist going by your posts "attack Trump personally with smears and false allegations"? You mean like "LOCK HER UP"? False allegation like "grab her by the pussy"? Your are a fucking moron of the first degree... The worst candidate ever at any level was Palin. Then Trump. Then Dumbya. Then Quayle. Easily verifiable by their lack of IQ...

She absolutely articulated what she would do as president.
Do some homework, look up 'articulated' campaign promises by the last 10 presidents, then let us know how many carried thru on them.

The worst candidate ever at any level was Palin. Then Trump. Then Dumbya. Then Quayle. Easily verifiable by their lack of IQ...

Gee, all Republicans, what a surprise!!

No mention of Joe 'Hi folks, I'm back again' Biden, Joe 'what do you mean I have to run as an independent' Lieberman, Al 'I can't win my home state' Gore, Walter 'I can only win my homestate' Mondale, Hillary 'I can't win anything unless you just give it too me' Clinton, Mike 'Tank commander' Dukacus.

aren't they in your talking points?
How bout Congress who approved those wars??

How bout Hillary and her incompetent State Department that did nothing, a nothing that allowed Benghazi to happen.

I have posted this so many times I can't be bothered any more, but basically 97% of Repubs in the house and senate voted for the war in Iraq. About 50% of dems did. That matters. Dubya and his deferment/chickhawk cabal had the final say and it rests with them. Your argument seems to be "95 percent of my people agree with the decision. 50 per cent of the other guys agreed so it's their fault". uh-ih, not way. Doesn't work like that unless you're simpleton. Are you a simpleton?

As for Benghazi, Stephenson was told NOT to go, and he went anyway, so the responsibility lies with him. And just so you know he died of smoke inhalation not bullets.

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