Raw milk can be dangerous

Here's a little something to think about for those who keep telling us the government should stay out of our business and allow free sale of raw milk.

45 in Utah have campylobacteriosis from raw milk - CNN.com

Human beings over the age of 2 shouldn't be drinking milk in the first place. It's really not healthy; it makes you fat. That aside, if people want to drink raw milk and accept the alleged risk, what right does the government have to stop them? Isn't this supposed to be a free country?
Don't drink raw milk from a dairy that hires illegals.

My mom taught me that.

PS..we never got sick from raw milk.
I imagine this was an undocumented immigrant worker.

They often work in dairies. They also test positive for TB quite frequently.

Cool...let's encourage more undocumented illegals to jump the borders, and put them to work handling our food. Good idea!

45 in Utah have campylobacteriosis from raw milk - CNN.com

You imagine this scenario due to your personal bias and bigotry. Do you have any evidence to back up your claim? No, of course you don't.
I have been drinking raw milk, my daughter and granddaughters drink raw milk. I have herd share customers (only way to legally consume raw milk in this state is from your own animals) who drink my raw milk. None of us have ever gotten sick, or died. Sanitation is the key to healthy milk, or any food. Poorly handled and contaminated processed milk can make people sick, too.
The government should stay out of my food choices. Required labeling, OK, I'll buy that. There is a tremendous market for raw foodstuffs driven by people who are educating themselves and becoming aware of the detrimental affects of government meddling in our food supply.
Fortunately I am allergic to cows milk. I only drink soy milk.
Fortunately I am allergic to cows milk. I only drink soy milk.

Here's a clue, what you drink isn't milk. Soys are not mammals and therefore do not produce milk. You are welcome to your soy product, most likely produced using GMO soy beans.

I am very aware of GMO food.

The soy milk I consume is made with Non GM soy. :)
I imagine this was an undocumented immigrant worker.

They often work in dairies. They also test positive for TB quite frequently.

Cool...let's encourage more undocumented illegals to jump the borders, and put them to work handling our food. Good idea!

45 in Utah have campylobacteriosis from raw milk - CNN.com

You imagine this scenario due to your personal bias and bigotry. Do you have any evidence to back up your claim? No, of course you don't.

Who should get tested for TB?
  • A person who has symptoms of active TB disease
  • A person who has been exposed to someone (a family member, friend, or co-worker) who has active TB disease
  • A person who has HIV infection or certain medical illnesses such as diabetes or chronic kidney failure
  • A person who is taking steroid or other immune suppressing drugs for chronic medical conditions
  • A person who lives or works in a homeless shelter, prison, hospital, nursing home or other similar group setting
  • A person who has recently come to the U.S. from a region with a lot of active TB such as Africa, Asia, the Caribbean, Eastern Europe, and Latin America"
Tuberculosis United Federation of Teachers
Fortunately I am allergic to cows milk. I only drink soy milk.

Here's a clue, what you drink isn't milk. Soys are not mammals and therefore do not produce milk. You are welcome to your soy product, most likely produced using GMO soy beans.

I am very aware of GMO food.

The soy milk I consume is made with Non GM soy. :)

Good. But it is still not milk. Milk: "A whitish liquid containing proteins, fats, lactose, and various vitamins and minerals that is produced by the mammary glands of all mature female mammals after they have given birth and serves as nourishment for their young."
Last time I looked into the subject, soy plants had still not sprouted hair/fur, nor do the bear their young live.
It has become popular as a sales tactic to delude consumers into accepting various plant extracts (soy and almond come to mind) as "milk" because the historical consumption of mammary excretions of various animals has proven nutritious and therefor desirable.
I imagine this was an undocumented immigrant worker.

They often work in dairies. They also test positive for TB quite frequently.

Cool...let's encourage more undocumented illegals to jump the borders, and put them to work handling our food. Good idea!

45 in Utah have campylobacteriosis from raw milk - CNN.com

You imagine this scenario due to your personal bias and bigotry. Do you have any evidence to back up your claim? No, of course you don't.

Who should get tested for TB?
  • A person who has symptoms of active TB disease
  • A person who has been exposed to someone (a family member, friend, or co-worker) who has active TB disease
  • A person who has HIV infection or certain medical illnesses such as diabetes or chronic kidney failure
  • A person who is taking steroid or other immune suppressing drugs for chronic medical conditions
  • A person who lives or works in a homeless shelter, prison, hospital, nursing home or other similar group setting
  • A person who has recently come to the U.S. from a region with a lot of active TB such as Africa, Asia, the Caribbean, Eastern Europe, and Latin America"
Tuberculosis United Federation of Teachers

Which doesn't answer my question, but that was expected because you can't.
Here's a little something to think about for those who keep telling us the government should stay out of our business and allow free sale of raw milk.

45 in Utah have campylobacteriosis from raw milk - CNN.com
To date, 45 cases of diarrhea which may have been Campylobacter infections have been reported in people who indicated that they may have consumed some raw milk or cream in the week before their diarrhea began. Larry Lewis with the Utah Department of Agriculture and Food, speculates that maybe an employee had not been thoroughly cleaning the udders of the cows properly. The dairy has been very cooperative in working with the inspectors, and will resume raw milk sales as soon as the milk consistently passes inspection.

Where's the follow up information? How were they linked? Does the state have any proof these illnesses were caused by raw milk? What milk tested positive? Was it milk or cream? Did it come from the bulk tank or a bottle? Was there any independent tests made? Were all 45 people tested for campylobacter? How many non-raw milk drinkers were sick in the area? Is the dairy back in business? How many negative tests were there during this two and a half month outbreak? How many positives tests were there before the milk was clear? How many raw milk customers does this dairy have? What would be a normal amount of diarrhea for a 2 and 1/2 month period?
Fortunately I am allergic to cows milk. I only drink soy milk.
Raw milk cures food allergies.

Like being lactose intolerant?
Actually the Mayo Clinic calls it milk protein intolerance not lactose intolerance because it has nothing to do with lactose. Most lactose intolerants are not lactose malabsorbers and most lactose malabsorbers are not lactose intolerant. Almost all can drink raw milk with no problem.
""What we've discovered is that an employee had not been thoroughly cleaning the udders of the cows," Larry Lewis with the Utah Department of Agriculture and Food told CNN affiliate KSL. "That is introducing contamination, manure and feces that are in that area into the milk, which is a major problem."

I imagine this was an undocumented immigrant worker.

They often work in dairies. They also test positive for TB quite frequently.

Cool...let's encourage more undocumented illegals to jump the borders, and put them to work handling our food. Good idea!

45 in Utah have campylobacteriosis from raw milk - CNN.com
They seldom if ever work in dairies. They also seldom test positive for TB.

To date, 45 cases of diarrhea which MAY HAVE BEEN Campylobacter infections have been reported in people who indicated that they MAY HAVE CONSUMED some raw milk OR CREAM in the WEEK before their DIARRHEA began. Larry Lewis with the Utah Department of Agriculture and Food, SPECULATES THAT MAYBE an employee had not been thoroughly cleaning the udders of the cows properly.
Here's a little something to think about for those who keep telling us the government should stay out of our business and allow free sale of raw milk.

45 in Utah have campylobacteriosis from raw milk - CNN.com

This shouldn't be news, but it is. Some people are just too stupid to consider cow's milk's great, if you're a baby cow. Not so hot for humans though, and the raw product is even worse.
Yes, and bananas are for monkeys. Pasteurized milk is not food for any species.
Look at the fine print in prescription drugs. You can get T.B. or be inclined to kill yourself or someone else. Fatal events have occurred. Prescription drugs are ten times more dangerous than raw milk.
You have a one in six million chance of getting sick from raw milk. That's a very small chance.
According to U.S. government studies raw milk may actually have a negative risk factor.
1. An estimated 17.3% of raw milk consumers in Minnesota may have acquired an illness caused by 1 of these enteric pathogens during the 10-year study period. (That's 1.7% per year.) or (1 in 59) and (No deaths in the US from fluid raw milk consumption.)
2. About 48 million people (That's 15% per year or 1 in 6 Americans) get sick and 3,000 die each year from foodborne diseases, according new estimates from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
If raw milk is the most dangerous food NOT on the market how is it possible that only 1 in 59 raw milk consumer get sick each year from foodborne diseases while 1 in 6 Americans(78.5% of whom drink pasteurized milk and only 3% of whom drink raw milk.) get sick each year from foodborne diseases? Raw milk may be preventing 1.3 million cases of foodborne disease and 90 deaths every year in the US. Or in other words: People who don't drink raw milk are 9 times more likely to contract a so called foodborne illness than people that do.

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